METALLURGICAL ABSTRACTS (GENERAL AND NON-FERROUS) Volume 4 DECEMBER 1937 Part 12 I —PROPERTIES OF METALS (Continued from pp. 481-493.) *0n the Source of the Copper in Virgin Aluminium. A. Brenner and F. Wechtel (Metallwirtschaft, 1937, 16, (40), 1009-1010).—The alumina contains 0-0007-0-007% copper, the electrodes 0-0001-0-001% copper, and the cryolite 0-0025% copper. The alumina is thus the chief source of the copper.—v. G. *Surface Tensions of Molten Aluminium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium. V. G. Givov (Trudi Vsesoiuznogo Aluminievogo-Magnievo Instituta (“ VAMI") (Trans. Aluminium-Magnesium Inst.), 1937, (14), 99-112).—[In Russian.] The surface tensions of various metals determined by the bubble method in an atmosphere of argon were found to be as follows in ergs/cm.2. : aluminium at 706° C., 494, a t 935° C., 463; magnesium at 681° C., 563, at 894° C., 502; potassium at 79° C., 400-5, at 228° 0., 391-5; sodium a t 110° C., 205-7, a t 263° C., 198-2. In each case the decrease in tension between the two tem­ peratures given is linear.—D. N. S. Physical Constants of Aluminium. Junius D. Edwards (Metals Handbook (Amer. Soc. Metals), 1936, 922-929).—Discusses and gives data for atomio weight, crystal form, density, compressibility, thermal expansion, freezing point, specific heat, latent heat of fusion, boiling point, thermal conductivity, heat of combustion, fluidity, optical properties, electrical resistance, electro­ chemical equivalent, electrolytic solution potential, thermoelectromotive force, magnetic properties, and mechanical properties. A bibliography of 27 refer­ ences is appended.—S. G. Commercially-Pure Wrought Aluminium (2S). P. V. Faragher (Metals Handbook (Amer. Soc. Metals), 1936, 928-929).—Briefly deals with sp. gr., temper designations, mechanical properties, corrosion-resistance, workability, welding characteristics, annealing treatment, and applications and forms produced.—S. G. *An Apparatus for the Measurement of the Total Normal Thermal Emis­ sivity of Sheet Materials in the Temperature Range 140° to 500° F. [Thermal Emissivity of Aluminium Foil, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Tin, and Zinc.] Paul F. McDermott (Rev. Sci. Instruments, 1937, [N.S.], 8, (6), 185-192).— Apparatus is described for measuring the total normal thermal emissivity of sheet materials up to f in. thick at 140°-500° F., with a limit of error of ± 1%, and without contact or damage to the surfaces. Values for aluminium foil and paint, chromium, copper, iron, tin, and zinc at 200° F. are tabulated. The values for bright aluminium foil are lower than those previously found, and are considered to be more accurate than the latter.—J. S. G. T. *Evaporated Aluminium Films for Interferometer Plates for Use in the Ultra-Violet. J. E. Ruedy and G. B. Sabino (Bull. Amer. Phys., 1937, 11, (2), 13-14).—See Met. Abs., 1936, 3, 338.—S. G. *The Expansion Coefficients and Allotropy of Barium and Calcium. P. G. Cath and O. L. v, Steenis (Z. tech. Physik, 1936, 17, (7), 239-241).—The linear expansion coeffs. of barium and calcium were measured (in an argon atmo­ sphere) between 0° and 300° C. The value for barium is very dependent on the previous thermal history of the specimen, and varies from 1-70 to 2-10 X 10-3. * Denotes a papor describing the results of original research, t Denotes a first-class critical review. EE 582 Metallurgical Abstracts V ol. 4 The rate of cooling of barium in high vacuum shows a discontinuity a t 390° C., indicating the existence of two modifications. The coeff. for calcium is fairly constant at c. 2-20 X 10~5, but a specimen heated for 2 lirs. at 400° C. showed an appreciable change in absolute length, which is ascribed to an allotropic change.—0. E. R. *The Magneto-Resistance Effect in Cadmium at Low Temperatures. Chris­ topher John Milner (Abstracts Dissertations Univ. Cambridge, 1936-1937, 139-140).—See Met. Abs., this vol., p. 370.—S. 6 . Physical Constants of Calcium. C. L. Mantell and Charles Hardy (Metals Handbook (Amer. Soc. Metals), 1936, 1015-1017).—A review of the literature, with data, and a bibliography of 17 references.—S. G. Cerium-Group Metals: Manufacture, Properties, Uses. R. Strauss (Metall- wirtschaft, 1937, 16, (39), 973-975).—The recovery from monazite sand, and the properties and uses of cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, praseodymium, and samarium are described.—v. G. ♦Investigations on Cobalt and the System Cohalt-Carbon. (Meyer.) See p. 601. fThe Physical Constants of Copper. Cyril Stanley Smith (Metals Handbook (Amer. Soc. Metals), 1936, 1060-1067).—A review of the literature, with data, and a bibliography of 62 references.—S. G. *The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cold-Worked Copper. A. Krupkowski and M. Balicki (Ann. Acad.Sci. Tech. Varsovie, 1936, 3, 90-122). —(I.—) By experiments on copper wires of uniform diameter subjected to varied amounts of cold-working, it was shown that there is a close analogy between the variation of the physical and the mechanical properties of copper with the degree of cold-working. The curves showing the variation in properties as a function of the degree of cold-working exhibit three charac­ teristic zones with limits at 27 and 65% cold-working. A fourth zone with a limit at 97% appears in the case of certain mechanical properties. Observa­ tion of the variation with temperature of the thermal e.m.f. of a couple consisting of annealed copper and copper cold-worked to different extents showed that the e.m.f. increases with increase in temperature up to the recrystallization point, and then becomes roughly constant at a value depend­ ing on the degree of cold-working. The recrystallization temperature and the thermoelectric power were thus determined as a function of the degree of cold-working. From a comparison between the variations with the degree of cold-working of thermoelectric power and the constants of elasticity, it was concluded that the thermoelectric power is a measure of the internal stress in the rolled metal. This stress has a great influence on the temperature of recrystallization. (II.—) In the second part of the work certain mechanical properties were studied for copper wires cold-worked to varying extent and then re-annealed at different temperatures. Wires corresponding to the fourth zone of cold-working (> 96-97%) showed an intercrystalline weak­ ness, which did not disappear even after annealing at 600° C. Observation of the effect of the duration of the re-anneal on the temperature-e.m.f. curves of couples consisting of annealed and eold-worked copper wires afforded a new physical method for studying the relation between temperature of recrystallization and time of heating. It is shown that the phenomena of recrystallization may be explained by a theory of activation.—P. W. R. ♦Endurance Tests on Electrolytic Tough-Pitch and Oxygen-Free Copper Wire. J. N. Kenyon (Wire and Wire Products, 1936, 11, (10), 576, 593; and (synopsis) Met. Ind. (Lond.), 1936, 49, (21), 510).—A note on research in progress. From fatigue tests in progress on hard-drawn copper-wire speci­ mens 0-080 in. in diameter, it is tentatively concluded that the oxygen-free material has a somewhat higher endurance limit and that the condition of the surface has less effect on the endurance limit of copper than of steel 1937 I.—Properties of Metals 583 wire. A machine has been developed for fatigue tests on very thin wires, from 0-050 to 0-024 in. and less in diameter.—J. C. C. Commercial Copper. H. C. Jennison and Cyril Stanley Smith (Metals Handbook (Amer. Soc. Metals), 1936, 1068-1074).—Discusses the various grades and forms of commercial copper and their mechanical properties, together with the influence of the various impurities or intentional additions that are often encountered, and the effect of such mechanical and heat- treatments as are customarily given. A bibliography of 29 references is appended.—S. G. *Effect of Impurities in Copper. (Arclibutt and Prytherch.) See p. 705. Physical Constants of Lead. James E. Harris (Metals Handbook (Amer. Soc. Metals), 1936, 1162-1167).—A review of the literature, with data, and a bibliography of 48 references.—S. G. Crystallization, Creep, and Age-Hardening of Lead and Antimonial Lead. ------(Metallurgist (Suppt. to Engineer), 1937,11,51-53).—A review of recently published work by N. Greenwood and his collaborators, in Australia, and by the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut fur physikalische Chemie und Electrochcmie, in Berlin.—R. G. Properties of Lithium and Its Alloys. Hans Osborg (Metals Handbook (Amer. Soc. Metals), 1936, 1188-1191).—Discusses the use of lithium as a refining agent and scavenger, and as an alloying element; the properties of lithium; and binary alloys of lithium with calcium, copper, and lead. The intermetallic compounds of lithium are tabulated, with melting points (where known). A bibliography of 4 references is appended.—S. G. Physical Constants of Magnesium. Cyril S. Taylor and Junius D. Edwards (Metals Handbook (Amer. Soc. Metals), 1936, 1205-1209).—A review of the literature, with data, and a bibliography of 35 references.—S. G. ♦Volume Changes During Solidification of Magnesium. E. Pelzcl and E. Sauerwald (MetaHwirtschaft, 1937, 16, (45), 1155).—The density of magnesium at high temperatures in the solid state was measured with a dilatometer, and in the liquid state by displacement. At the melting point, the solid metal has d 1-649 and the liquid metal d 1-585; hence a contraction of 3-97% occurs during solidification.—v. G. *On the Transformations of Manganese. Hiroshi Yoshisaki (Sci. Hep. Tdhoku Imp. Univ., 1937, [ii], 26, (2), 182-189).—[In English.] See abstract from periodical published in Japanese, Met. Abs., this vol., p. 278.—S. G. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Nickel.
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