- THE P AUSTRALIAN NA TIONAL R I F()I()lrIEA\llIL C 12~lCIUll() E ';0._0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_"_0_0_0- _"_0_0_0_,,_,,_,,_"_0_0-' '_.o~ i MATCHES NEXT WEEK-END: i t ------------ i i Saturday, 3rd May, at Erskineville Oval: i i R.A.A.F. v. SYDNEY. i t , Saturday, 3rd May, at Kogarah Oval: i' I ST. GEORGE v. NORTH SHORE I i (Take train to Carlton Station) i i --- i i Sunday, 4th May, at Trumper Park: i i NE\'X7TOWN v. EASTERN SUBURBS i I --- i I SOUTH SYDNEY --a bye. I .:.'_1'_"_11_'1_'1_11_11_'_'1_11_11_11_0-"'_11_"_"-''_"_"_"_11_1'_"-1,1"-&'.:. I • K. G. FERGUSON, Han. Secretary, I"J.S.W. Nat:o~:li ;'JC~'~.:1::Le~::;ua. Sports Club~ 10 Hunter Str~et. 'PI1l')ne5: B\V :',2" F; :::~~~. No. 1.- Vol. 15. TIlE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD .•:.'_"":-'1'_"_"_1'_"_"_(J_"~"_'~11_11_"_"_1I~1'_l1_I,_(,_I,_U_n_I_"_ .;. I I I 'Jhc '"Reason Why I i Ni:ICK SIMMONS LTD. holds the distinction of being i j Australia's Great~st Sports Organisation is: i j :; .' i i \Vhatever the Sport, w.e c~nsupply the 9?ods. Let us quote i j you for your Club's Requirements. W'e are suppliers to j I tbe N.S.\'v. Australian National Football League, and all I i leading Clubs. ~ i ''Inspection Invited. i 1 I ;i t~\IICII\ ~11~\t\\'f.)~~ ILTI[).. i I 712~722 GEORGE STREET, HAYMARKET, SYDNEY. : ":.I_O_II_II_lI_t1_(I_lI_I'-II_()_II_ll_II_II~"'-"~I'_"_II_"_"_"_f1_i ••_u~,.:ti '.:.. N.S.W. AUSTRALIAN BUY A SEASON TICKET NA TIONAL FOOTBALL TO-DAY. LEAGUE. A SURE WAY TO SAVE MONEY The attendance at the Forty-fourth There is no truer saying than the old annual meeting of the League, held on adage "a penny saved is A penny earned." 17-3-47, was the highest on record. Keen Ii you want to save shillings (and who 'competi tion waJ evinced for the various doesn't?) buy your season ticket now. 'offices, result of which is given here- For 500/'1 less than it would cost you 'to ' . 'l.mder:- view the matches in the outer enclosui'e, :Patrcn: Mr. Bryan Rush, you may secure the added comfort of the President: Mr. W. H. Fitt. grandstand and the security against the Senior Vice-President: Mr. J. Curry. inclemency of the weather by medium of Vice-President~: Messrs. F. W. Burriss. H. A season ticket. Ladies' tickets are only Mannering. J. Ross, S, R. Onians and J. 12/6 each for the season and gentlemen's R. Taylor. £1. Hon. Secretary: Mr. K. G. Ferguson. Purchase your season ticket to-day a~d Hon. Asst. SecretuQ': Mr. A. F. Williams. be~ome A r,egular follower of the code. 'Hon. Treasurer: Mr. A. J. Snow. Delegate to A.N.F.C.: Mr. A. J. Snow. ley and W. Hunkin. Fina'nce Committee: Messrs. W. H. Fitt Proterts and Disputes Commission: Mr. J. (Chairman), F. W. Burriss, J. Curry, K. Kealey (Chairman), Messrs. A. S. Gor- G. Ferguson, S. R. Onians and A. J. don and W. Campbell. Snow. State Selectors: Messrs. Leo Harry, F. Permit and Match Committee: Mr. J. Dixon and J. H. Pepper. Curry (Chairman), Messrs. F. W. Bur- Editor, Record: Mr. Aubrey Reed. riss and J. Ross. HOIl. Sc.licitors: Messrs. K. D. Manian & Umpires' Appointment Beard: Mr. H. R. Coy. Conlon (Chairman), Messrs. F. Brad- HOIl. Auditcrs: Mr. G. H. Anderson. THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL TIECORD 3 10 THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FOOTBALL RECORD NEW1TOW'N NOTES. LEAGUE PRESIDENT'S SYDNEY CLUB NOTES. t MESSAGE FOR 1947. Sydney Club is very confident of play- (B~' Les. Blackmore). ing a very strong hand in the fight for We look forward to the opening of the 1947 premiership honours and will field 1947 season with a feeling of consider- To-day we open a new season, in which its strongest team for many years. able optimism. Again I trust it will we anticipate attaining successes never bring about the renewal of old friend- Jack Cracknell has ,been appointed previously attained by any Australian ships and traditions associated with our coach of the side and with the return of Rules Club in Sydney. great winter sport, Australian Football. such fine players as Leo Hillis and Dean Naturally, since writing my last notes We anticipate seeing many new players Trigg, combined with notable gains such for the Grand Final day of 'last season, and supporters at our games this season. as Keith Miller from Victoria, Doug. our teams won the League Premiership, On behalf of my League I exlend to you Edgsworth, J. Thomson and K. Allen from and were runners-up to Eastern Suburbs a very hearty welcome. Easts, the Redlegs have every reason to in the Reserve Grade Competition. Our main interest and activity will, of be enthusiastic about the coming sea- course, be centred in our Premiership To that team we say, unstintingly, well son. • Competition. Reports received from the done, Easts, you were by far too good The Club welcomes the brilliant Test various clubs indicate that there is a for us. cricketer, Keith Miller, to its ranks, and wealth of new talent, some of which are wishes him every success; if Keith does ,To St. George, who are our opponents well known star players from the major not play on Saturday it will be because in the opening match to-day, we say States. All'teams have been strengthened his clearance from St. Kilda has not that we fully enjoyed our League Grand by the inclusion of these players, conse- arrived, but the club is hoping that it Final against you, and naturally we were quently every club in the competition will arrive in time. pleased to have won our second succes- should. be stronger than hitherto. The sivePremiership. standard of play, therefore, should reach The three smart men in their new uni- an all time high, thus enabling followers teams are to be sent to Br:sb:me and forms are Sydney's trainers, H. Derrick, This season, practically all office- of our game to witness very high-class Broken Hill. A schoolboys' ;eam i, to be N. Byrne and Al White; the trio are ex- bearers are the same as last season, football throughout the season. sent to Perth to play in the Carnival cellent workers. which augurs well for the control and Patrons will be interested and pleased games there. It is also proposed to set conduct of the club again. to learn that the R.A.A.F. team is to re- The club has been fortunate to secure aside a day fol' a knock-out competi- It is anticipated that the League team enter the competition, which means, of tion on similar lines to that which was a very energetic new secretary in Roy course, that the competition will com- will be practically as it was last 'sea- held last year and the previous year. and "Shorty" Thomas, who has taken over son, with perhaps a few exceptions, but' prise seven teams. The addition of the which proved to be very succe;sful. R.A.A.F. team will create a bye each the reins from Don Gray, who is the many new faces will probably be seen in From the above p~'op()sec1programme week. 'It is the intention of my League Redlegs' new President. Incidentally, the Reserve Grade team. From time to it will be seen. therefore. that the sea- to send the team with the bye to places Don has rendered yeoman service as sec- time I will.be giving mention to most • son is going to be one of great enter- such as Newcastle, Lithgow, etc. By retary of Sydney for something like 15 of our players, so to-day I intend to give tainment. In fact. it promises to be one doing this it will help to propagate our mention to our stalwart supporters and of broken records. years. game in these districts. Ladies' Committee. To you good people Before concluding my message. I would A great deal of time, energy and A Ladies' Committee meeting will ~ '1.make the admission that your moral like to offer 'all new followers of our thought has been given to the programme held at Mrs. Struve's residence, 21 Don- and financial assistance and support is an game some advice; it is to link up with for this season. Patrons will be pleased caster Avenue. Kensington, on Tuesday inlegral part of our club's success, and one of the clubs. all of whom hold social to learn that arrangements are well in to you all. vice-presidents, honorary functions from time to time. In this way night. 29th April. Any ladies desiring to hand to stage a series of Inte,rstate members and plain honest supporters, I you get to know players and offtcials, J01l1 the committee or desiring to sup- matches. Tentative plans have been made say thank you for past favours, and I which helps to make the game more en- pert the committee are invited to attend for visits by Broken Hill. Queensland, thank you in anticipation of your con- joyable. the meetinf'. tinued associationS with our club. Subiaco and East Fremantle teams. In addition to the New South Wales team WILLIAl\I H. FITT. to play in the Carnival games at Hobart, President. N.S.W.A.N.F.L. AUBREY REED, Hon.
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