National Health Mission, Health Department Z. P. Latur

National Health Mission, Health Department Z. P. Latur

National Health Mission, Health Department Z. P. Latur Name of Post: Co-Ordinator Higher Educational Educational Qualific Qualification (U.G.) Qualification(P.G.)MS ation(P Name of NHM BSW/BA Social science W/MA social science Governm h.D/Mp Applied Program employe Sr. Male/ Categ MS- Taluka/ Bank Amou Date of Ref. Date (DD-MM- Degree Qualificat ent hil etc) Name of the Candidate Full Address Mobile No. Email ID Caste Categor me D D No. e Remarks no. Female ory CIT District Name nt Rs. Birth 28/07/19 YY) Name ion Experien y Applied (Yes/No Total Total ce only for ) Marks Marks Name of Mark Percentag Mark Percent of of Qualific Obtain e Obtain age Final Final ation Year Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 27 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 22 29 Nagnath Typewriting Vaishali Vidyasagar institute ,main Rd [email protected] Sonar- sonar- 25YEARS,2MO 4 Month 8 1 9579177747 Female OBC 70 counsling Kandhar SBI 13829 100 27-May-94 28-Jul-19 yes BA 2500 1763 70.52 MSW 1000 719 71.90 Ratnaparkhe Kandhar,Tq.kandhar m 154 154 NTHS,1DAYS Days Dist.Nanded Nawabvadi po.ghatnandur rajabhaughule387@gm Co- 37YEARS,5MO 5 yr 4mth 2 Rajabhau Munjaji Ghule 9421441012 Male NT-D Open 60 Latur SBI 664843 150 1-Feb-82 28-Jul-19 yes BA 2500 1036 41.44 MSW 2500 1293 51.72 Tq.ambejogai,Dist.Be Ordinator NTHS,27DAYS 15 days ed Om namaha Shivay,kondoba [email protected] 33YEARS,3MO Private Exp.9 yr 7 3 Kolle Mahesh Basweshwar 9673811777 Male OBC OBC OBC RNTCP Latur Dena Bank 376712 100 30-Mar-86 28-Jul-19 No BSW 2800 1652 59.00 MSW 1600 1033 64.56 galli,near Ausa m NTHS,28DAYS mth hanuman,Latur At.Post Dhanora parmeshwarswami1994 Janga RNTCP(RB 25YEARS,6MO Private Exp.1 yr 4 4 Parmeshwar vaijanath swami Tq.Ambajogai.Dist.Be 9545165714 Male OBC OBC 50 SBI 581028 100 1-Jan-94 28-Jul-19 No BA 2400 1624 67.67 MSW 67.09 m SK) NTHS,27DAYS mth ed At.Post Katgaon RNTCP(RB 27YEARS,5MO 4.21CGP 5 Amol Shivaji Zende 9021601415 [email protected] Male OBC Nhavi OBC 68 IDBI 14359 100 1-Feb-92 28-Jul-19 BSW 2600 1789 68.81 MSW Private 4 yr 2 mth Tq.Latur .Dist.Latur SK) NTHS,27DAYS A At Gundalwadi.Post.Jawl baludukare100@gmail. Co- Bank of 31YEARS,3MO 6 Balu shakurao Dukare a panchal 8698400802 Male ST Andh ST 80 District 648378 100 16-Apr-88 28-Jul-19 yes BSW 2600 1642 63.15 MSW 600 363 60.50 Private 2 yr com Ordinator Maharashtra NTHS,12DAYS Tq.Kalmnuri .Dist.Hingoli lokhandi sawargaon Bansode Ratnadeepsingh ratndeepbansode43@r RNTCP(RB Maharashtra 30YEARS,9MO 7 Tq.Ambajogai 9890005148 Male SC SC 54 District 128246 100 17-Oct-88 28-Jul-19 No #DIV/0! MSW 1334 883 63.00 Private 6 yr 3 mth Kalyan SK) Gramin Bank NTHS,11DAYS Dist.Beed At.Post.Pangaon.Tq. kumbhareramesh21@g RNTCP(RB 36YEARS,3MO 4 yr 8 mth 2 8 Ramesh Baliram Kumbhare 7030320623 Male ST ST District SBI 234672 100 12-Apr-83 28-Jul-19 No BSW 2600 1331 51.19 MSW 3400 1981 58.26 Renapur Dist.Latur. SK) NTHS,16DAYS days At.Post.Bhanudas Experience Balkrushma Kashinath Nagar,Chanai balkrishnpanchal17@g RNTCP(RB 30YEARS,5MO 9 9657036780 Male OBC Sutar OBC 74 Latur SBI 833546 100 27-Feb-89 28-Jul-19 yes BA 2400 1278 53.25 MSW 2100 1413 67.29 5 yr 1 mth Certificate not Panchal Tq.Ambejogai.Dist.Be SK) NTHS,1DAYS attached ed At.Post.Dhanora [email protected] Co- 29YEARS,1MO Private Exp.3 yr 2 10 Pande Amol Vyankat Tq.Ambajogai 9860160165 Male SEBC SEBC Latur BOI 959932 100 29-May-90 28-Jul-19 No BA 2400 1621 67.54 MSW 2750 1651 60.04 om Ordinator NTHS,29DAYS mth Dist.Beed 32YEARS,10M Ganesh Kashinathrao At.Post.Sai naka panchalganesh39@gma RNTCP(RB 11 9881881637 Male OBC OBC 74 Latur SBI 334466 100 4-Sep-86 28-Jul-19 ONTHS,24DAY No BA 2400 1073 44.71 MSW 70.20 Private Exp.1 yr Panchal Nandgav Road,Latur SK) S Vikram nagar,bodhie 7350332483 pratima.kamble1987@g 32YEARS,2MO 12 Pratima Vishwanath Kamble Female SC Open RBSK Latur SBI 334470 150 3-May-87 28-Jul-19 No BA 2500 1330 53.20 MA 1600 913 57.06 6 yr 7 mth MA Sociology chouk,Latur /7841853668 NTHS,25DAYS A/p [email protected] RNTCP(RB 31YEARS,1MO Private Exp.4 yr 9 13 Limgave Arjun Jagannath Chinchodi,Tq.Nilanga, 7588611642 Male OBC OBC 66 Latur IDBI Bank 14384 100 20-Jun-88 28-Jul-19 No BA 2400 1402 58.42 MSW 2100 1324 63.05 m SK) NTHS,8DAYS mth Dist.Latur A/P Deolana Sharad Raghunath sonawanesharad789@g RNTCP(RB Bank of 27YEARS,9MO Private Exp.4 yr 2 14 Tq.Kannad 9028916980 Male OBC OBC 62 District 676961 100 21-Oct-91 28-Jul-19 No BA 2400 1679 69.96 MSW 65.02 Sonawane SK) Maharashtra NTHS,7DAYS mth Dist.Aurangabad Caste Cerificate Lad RNTCP(RB 31YEARS,8MO Not Attached and 15 Bhushan Sudhir Dange Hospital,Ayurvedik 8237814141 [email protected] Male OBC OBC 33 Latur SBI 412270 100 11-Nov-87 28-Jul-19 No BSW 1800 906 50.33 MSW 2300 1384 60.17 SK) NTHS,17DAYS Private Exp.12 yr 1 Layout Nagpur mth A/P sandhyashinde592@gm Co- 30YEARS,0MO Private Exp.4 yr 1 16 Shinde Sandhya Dayanand Wadwal(Nagnath) 9970750205 Female OBC OBC District SBI 550571 100 4-Jul-89 28-Jul-19 No B.Com 2500 1744 69.76 MSW 2100 1443 68.71 Ordinator NTHS,24DAYS mth Tq.Chakur Dist.Latur National Health Mission, Health Department Z. P. Latur Name of Post: Co-Ordinator Higher Educational Educational Qualific Qualification (U.G.) Qualification(P.G.)MS ation(P Name of NHM BSW/BA Social science W/MA social science Governm h.D/Mp Applied Program employe Sr. Male/ Categ MS- Taluka/ Bank Amou Date of Ref. Date (DD-MM- Degree Qualificat ent hil etc) Name of the Candidate Full Address Mobile No. Email ID Caste Categor me D D No. e Remarks no. Female ory CIT District Name nt Rs. Birth 28/07/19 YY) Name ion Experien y Applied (Yes/No Total Total ce only for ) Marks Marks Name of Mark Percentag Mark Percent of of Qualific Obtain e Obtain age Final Final ation Year Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 27 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 22 29 Mathura bharatdigital880@gmail RNTCP(RB 33YEARS,1MO Private Exp 4 yr 3 17 Thakar Muktabai Ashok Nivas,Housing 7020729276 Female ST ST Latur SBI 581057 100 20-Jun-86 28-Jul-19 No BA 2400 1557 64.88 MSW 10 7.16 71.60 .com SK) NTHS,8DAYS mth Society,Ambajogai khare niwas sahyog Pandurang Gopalrao [email protected] Co- 32YEARS,7MO 4 yr 8 mth 2 18 nagar,near raj corner 8624946243 Male ST ST 70 Latur ICICI Bank 14020 100 1-Dec-86 28-Jul-19 yes BCA 3000 1827 60.90 MSW 500 344 68.80 Golmalu om Ordinator NTHS,27DAYS days Nanded A/P Andhori Co- 35YEARS,2MO Private Exp.2 yr 3 19 Dhadewad Angad Ramesh Tq.Ahmadpur 8623004071 Male ST ST 60 SBI 454463 100 15-May-84 28-Jul-19 BSW 66.42 MSW 2000 1103 55.15 Ordinator NTHS,13DAYS mth Dist.Latur Bhanje Nivas Bidar Experience Uligade Shamala uligadeshamala@rediff Co- Bank of 35YEARS,4MO 20 Road Tirupati 9881559568 Female ST ST 58 District 106652 100 2-Mar-84 28-Jul-19 No BSW 1518 58.38 MSW 2100 1261 60.05 Certificate not Hanumantrao Ordinator Maharashtra NTHS,26DAYS Society,Udgir attached chitrakala Sandipan RNTCP(RB 28YEARS,5MO Private Exp.3 yr 10 21 A/p Kategaon ,Latur 9096836150 Female OBC OBC Latur ICICI Bank 14017 100 31-Jan-91 28-Jul-19 BA 2400 1809 75.38 MSW 2800 2059 73.54 Bomankar SK) NTHS,27DAYS mth Madne niwas,Ladke flower mill,vikas manisha.hotkar26@gm RNTCP(RB 40YEARS,4MO 22 Hotkar Manisha Madhukar 8856939264 Female SC SC 70 District SBI 773119 100 23-Mar-79 28-Jul-19 No BA 1000 449 44.90 MSW 2000 1042 52.10 11 yr 8 mth nagar,near water tank SK) NTHS,5DAYS ,barshi road,Latur Permeshwar Shriram A/P Digol (deshmukh) permeshwarchavan985 Co- 25YEARS,1MO 23 9405010172 Male OBC OBC 75 Latur SBI 334494 100 1-Jun-94 28-Jul-19 No BA 2500 1626 65.04 MSW 1200 885 73.75 Chavan Tq.Renapur Dist.Latur [email protected] Ordinator NTHS,27DAYS MSW Final A/p Bhatumara [email protected] 29YEARS,11M 24 Hari Uddhao Kale 9764232548 Male OBC OBC 54 NHM Washim Bank of india 95214 100 27-Aug-89 28-Jul-19 Yes BA 500 264 52.80 MSW #DIV/0! 3 yr 2 mth Marksheet not Tq.Dist.Washim m ONTHS,1DAYS attached RM No.18,Rural Experience Hospital ganeshswami28@gmail 38YEARS,5MO 25 swami ganesh Vaijanath 7798428146 Male OBC OBC 68 RBSK District SBI 671350 100 11-Feb-81 28-Jul-19 No BA 900 542 60.22 MSW 2500 1371 54.84 Certificate not Renapur,Tq.Renapur, .com NTHS,17DAYS attached Latur RM No.18,Rural Experience Hospital ganeshswami28@gmail 38YEARS,5MO 26 swami ganesh Vaijanath 7798428146 Male OBC OBC 68 RNTCP District SBI 671351 100 11-Feb-81 28-Jul-19 No BA 900 542 60.22 MSW 2500 1371 54.84 Certificate not Renapur,Tq.Renapur, .com NTHS,17DAYS attached Latur At post Lokahndi Sawargaon RBSK/RNT Bank of 29YEARS,4MO Private Exp.3 yr 3 27 Somnath Suryakant Raut 9503065132 [email protected] Male OBC Teli OBC 69 District 740187 100 28-03-90 28-Jul-19 No MSW 2750 1557 56.62 tq.ambajogai CP Mahrashtra NTHS,0DAYS mth Dist.Beed.

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