Бiологiчний вiсник МДПУ імені Богдана Хмельницького 6 (3), стор. 5-17, 2016 Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 6 (3), pp. 5–17, 2016 ARTICLE UDC 595.44+595.76+595.754+595.772:633.2.032 (477.53) PRELIMINARY SURVEY OF THE GROUND-DWELLING ARTHROPODS OF THE FLOOD- PLAIN MEADOWS IN THE SOUTHEAST OF POLTAVA REGION (UKRAINE) N. Zhuravel, N. Polchaninova, I. Lezhenina, O. Drogvalenko, A. Putchkov V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] A total number of 35 spider species and more than 170 insect species from five orders were recorded from the southeast of Poltava Region through the pitfall-trapping in the floodplain meadows. Six spider species, eight true bug species, and five beetle species are new for Poltava Region; one spider species (Pardosa maisa) and one fly species (Aphanotrigonum brachypterum) are new for Ukraine. For A. brachypterum, it is the first record from the East European Plain. Spider assemblages were the most abundant in the terms of species and individuals in a saline meadow while the beetles preferred mesic non-saline meadows. A checklist of collected species is given, and the geographic distribution of the rare species is discussed. Key words: Aranei, Insecta, species composition, floodplain meadows, Poltava Region Citation: N. Zhuravel, N. Polchaninova, I. Lezhenina, O. Drogvalenko, A. Putchkov (2016). Preliminary survey of the ground-dwelling arthropods of the flood-plain meadows in the southeast of Poltava region (Ukraine). Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 6 (3), 5–17. Поступило в редакцию / Submitted: 12.08.2016 Принято к публикации / Accepted: 21.09.2016 http://dx.doi.org/10.15421/201664 © Zhuravel, Polchaninova, Lezhenina, Drogvalenko, Putchkov, 2016 Users are permitted to copy, use, distribute, transmit, and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. License INTRODUCTION The arthropod fauna of Poltava Region has been quite poorly studied. By the beginning of 2013, a regional checklist of spiders had included 183 species (Polchaninova & Prokopenko, 2013); in 2014, it was enlarged to 197 species (Singaevsky, 2014). For comparison, the araneofauna of the neighbouring Kharkiv Region includes 406 species (Polchaninova & Slutsky, 2013). There are no checklists of beetles, true bugs or dipterans of Poltava Region, and the information about their fauna is scattered in various papers. In particular, the data about the true bugs of the Region is in the common list of Hemiptera in Ukraine (Putshkov V. & Putshkov P., 1996), while the data on beetles are in a number of publications (Angelini & Perkovsky, 1998; Bartenev, 2009; Putchkov, 2008; Trikhleb, 2003; Zhantiev, 1976). Among the dipterans of Poltava region, the species of medical and/or parasitic importance have been studied best of all (Lebedeva & Kovban, 1971; Gritsai, 1973). The aim of this work is to supplement the lists of spiders and insects of Poltava Region, identify rare species and specify their geographic distribution. MATERIALS AND METHODS The material was collected in the vicinity of Nekhvotoshcha Vil. (49°09′N 34°43′E) and Svitlivshchyna Vil. (49°12´N 34°33′E) in Novi Sanzhary District of Poltava Region. A mesic saline meadow (further in the list – saline mead.), mesic non-saline meadow (mesic mead.), and wet non-saline meadow in the relief depression near the former riverbed (wet mead.) were investigated. The arthropods were collected through pitfall-trapping with the help of 250 ml plastic caps. In each studied meadow, the traps were established in one line, eight caps at a distance of 10 m from each other. A 4% solution of formalin was applied as a preserving liquid. The exposition was for 37 days in the spring-summer period (7 May – 13 June 2014) and 36 days in the summer-autumn period (4 August – 9 September 2014). The traps were emptied approximately once a fortnight. A total number of 625 spiders, 39 orthopterans, 51 true bugs, 4174 beetles, more than 2000 hymenopterans, and 120 dipterans were collected. In the annotated checklist, each species is provided with a number of specimens, date, habitat, and a collecting locality. New species for Poltava Region are marked with an exclamation point (!), the new ones PRELIMINARY SURVEY … 5 for Ukraine with two exclamation points (!!). All the collected spiders and insects have been given in the list despite the fact that some of them are not typical ground-dwellers and have fallen in the traps occasionally (marked with an asterisk *). The material was identified by the following authors: Aranei – N. Polchaninova, Hemiptera, Coleoptera (except Carabidae), and Hymenoptera (Mutillidae) – A. Drogvalenko, Carabidae – A. Putchkov, Diptera – I. Lezhenina. The spiders are deposited in N. Polchaninova’ private collection; the insects are in the Museum of Nature of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (curator A.N. Drogvalenko). ANNOTATED CHECKLIST Order ARANEI Family Tetragnathidae 1. Pachygnatha degeeri Sundevall, 1830: 3 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, saline mead.; 1 specimens, 7– 28.05.2014, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 1 specimens, 28.05–13.06.2014, mesic mead.; 3 specimens, 28.05–13.06.2014, wet mead., Svitlivshchyna. 2. Pachygnatha listeri Sundevall, 1830: 14 specimens, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 5 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, wet mead., Svitlivshchyna. Family Lycosidae 3. !Alopecosa aculeata (Clerck, 1757): 6 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, saline mead.; 2 specimens, 7– 28.05.2014, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 6 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead., Svitlivshchyna. 4. Alopecosa kovblyuki Nadolny & Ponomarev, 2012: 3 specimens, 7–28.05.2014; 1 specimen, 28.05–13.06.2014, saline mead., Nekhvoroshcha. 5. Alopecosa pulverulenta (Clerck, 1757): 7 specimens, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead.; 1 specimen, 28.05–13.06, same habitat; 8 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 9 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead.; 7 specimens, 28.05–13.06.2014, same habitat; 2 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, wet mead., Svitlivshchyna. 6. !Arctosa leopardus (Sundevall, 1833): 3 specimens, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 1 specimen, 7–28.05.2014, wet mead.; 3 specimens, 28.05–13.06.2014, same habitat, Svitlivshchyna. 7. Pardosa agrestis (Westring, 1861): 58 specimens, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead.; 7 specimens, 7– 28.05.2014, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha. 8. !!Pardosa maisa Hippa & Mannila, 1982: 3 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, wet mead., Svitlivshchyna. 9. Pardosa palustris (Linnaeus, 1758): 2 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, saline mead.; 9 specimens, 7– 28.05.2014, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha. 10. Pardosa prativaga (L. Koch, 1870): 12 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, saline mead.; 1 specimen, 28.05–13.06, same habitat; 5 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 3 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead.; 2 specimens, 28.05–13.06, same habitat; 26 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, wet mead.; 53 specimens, 28.05–13.06, same habitat, Svitlivshchyna. 11. Pirata piraticus (Clerck, 1757): 3 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, wet mead.; 1 specimen, 28.05–13.06, same habitat, Svitlivshchyna. 12. Trochosa ruricola (De Geer, 1778): 43 specimens, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead.; 5 specimens, 28.05–13.06, same habitat; 2 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 7 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead.; 3 specimens, 28.05–13.06, same habitat; 4 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, wet mead.; 12 specimens, 28.05–13.06, same habitat, Svitlivshchyna. 13. Xerolycosa miniata (C.L. Koch, 1834): 55 specimens, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead.; 25 specimens, 28.05–13.06, same habitat, Nekhvoroshcha; 4 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead.; 7 specimens, 28.05–13.06, same habitat, Svitlivshchyna. Family Pisauridae 14. Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck, 1757): 1 specimen, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead., Nekhvoroshcha Family Miturgidae 15. Zora armillata Simon, 1878: 1 specimen, 7–28. 05.2014, mesic mead., Svitlivshchyna. Family Hahniidae Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 6 (3), 2016 6 N. Zhuravel et al. 16. !Antistea elegans (Blackwall, 1841): 1 specimen (det. E. Prokopenko, Donetsk), 28.05–13.06, wet mead., Svitlivshchyna. Family Eutrichuridae 17. Cheiracanthium virescens (Sundevall, 1832): 2 specimens, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead., Nekhvoroshcha. Family Gnaphosidae 18. Drassodes pubescens (Thorell, 1856): 1 specimen, 28.05–13.06, saline mead., Nekhvoroshcha. 19. Drassyllus lutetianus (L. Koch, 1866): 1 specimen, 7–28.05.2014, saline mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 8 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, wet mead.; 12 specimens, 28.05–13.06, same habitat, Svitlivshchyna. 20. Drassyllus praeficus (L. Koch, 1866): 1 specimen, 28.05–13.06, saline mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 4 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead.; 1 specimen, 28.05–13.06, wet mead., Svitlivshchyna. 21. Drassyllus pusillus (C. L. Koch, 1833): 10 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, saline mead.; 7–28.05.2014, 5 specimens, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 1 specimen, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead.; 2 specimens, 28.05–13.06, same habitat, Svitlivshchyna. 22. Haplodrassus bohemicus Miller & Buchar, 1977: 3 specimens, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead., 15 specimens, 28.05–13.06. 2014, same habitat, Nekhvoroshcha. 23. !Haplodrassus minor (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879): 3 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, saline mead., Nekhvoroshcha. 24. Haplodrassus signifer (C.L.Koch, 1839): 3 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 6 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead.; 1 specimen, 28.05–13.06.2014, same habitat, Svitlivshchyna. 25. Zelotes electus (C. L. Koch, 1839): 3 specimens, 7–28. 05.2014, saline mead.; 1 specimen, 7– 28.05.2014, mesic mead., Nekhvoroshcha; 1 specimen, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead., Svitlivshchyna. 26. !Zelotes latreillei (Simon, 1878): 3 specimens, 7–28.05.2014, mesic mead.
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