London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Notice of Meeting DEVELOPMENT CONTROL BOARD Tuesday, 28 August 2007 - 7:00 pm Council Chamber, Town Hall, Barking Members: Councillor J R Denyer (Chair), Councillor I S Jamu (Deputy Chair); Councillor R W Bailey, Councillor Mrs S J Baillie, Councillor W F L Barns, Councillor S Carroll, Councillor C J Fairbrass, Councillor M A R Fani, Councillor D Hemmett, Councillor J K Jarvis, Councillor S Kallar, Councillor Mrs V M Rush, Councillor L Rustem and Councillor Mrs M M West R. A. Whiteman 21.08.2007 Chief Executive Contact Officer: Margaret Freeman Tel. 020 8227 2134 Fax: 020 8227 2171 Minicom: 020 8227 2685 E-mail: [email protected] Members who are not members of the Development Control Boards may speak at a meeting with the agreement of the Chair. Councillors should sit separately from members of the Development Control Board and they should declare whether they have had any contact with the applicant / objector / property owner or their agents, and whether they are speaking on behalf of a third party and, if so, who (Members’ Code of Conduct for Planning Matters) AGENDA 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declaration of Members' Interests In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting. 3. Minutes - To confirm as correct the minutes of the meeting held on 31 July 2007 (Pages 1 - 4) New Planning Applications Ward 4. Church Elm Public House and Car Park - DC Village 07/00725/FUL (Pages 5 - 33) 5. 61 Grosvenor Road Dagenham - DC/07/00727/FUL Whalebone (Pages 35 - 43) 6. 14 Marston Avenue Dagenham DC/07/00754/FUL Heath (Pages 45 - 57) 7. 4 Tolworth Parade East Road Chadwell Heath Chadwell DC/07/00766/FUL (Pages 59 - 63) Heath 8. 23 Marston Avenue Dagenham DC/07/00662/FUL Heath (Pages 65 - 73) 9. 84c Westminster Gardens Barking DC/07/00769/FUL Thames (Pages 75 - 81) 10. Eastbury Infants School Barking DC/07/00580/REG3 Eastbury (Pages 83 - 87) 11. 1 Woodlands Avenue Chadwell Heath Whalebone DC/07/00746/FUL (Pages 89 - 99) 12. Leys Primary School Dagenham DC/07/00597/REG3 Village (Pages 101 - 113) 13. LB Havering Planning Application Consultation - Plots Gascoigne 10-12 Beam Reach 5, off Consul Ave and Marsh Way, Rainham, Havering (Pages 115 - 120) 14. Town Planning Appeals (Page 121) 15. Delegated Decisions - 9 July to 27 July 2007 (Pages 123 - 143) 16. Any other public items which the Chair decides are urgent 17. To consider whether it would be appropriate to pass a resolution to exclude the public and press from the remainder of the meeting due to the nature of the business to be transacted. Private Business The public and press have a legal right to attend Council meetings such as the Development Control Board, except where business is confidential or certain other sensitive information is to be discussed. The list below shows why items are in the private part of the agenda, with reference to the relevant legislation (the relevant paragraph of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended). There are no such items at the time of preparing this agenda. 18. Any confidential or exempt items which the Chair decides are urgent - oOo - This page is intentionally left blank AGENDA ITEM 3 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL BOARD Tuesday, 31 July 2007 (7:00 - 7:30 pm) Present: Councillor J R Denyer (Chair), Councillor I S Jamu (Deputy Chair), Councillor R W Bailey, Councillor Mrs S J Baillie, Councillor W F L Barns, Councillor S Carroll, Councillor M A R Fani, Councillor D Hemmett, Councillor S Kallar and Councillor L Rustem Apologies: Councillor C J Fairbrass, Councillor Mrs V Rush and Councillor Mrs M M West 43. Declaration of Members' Interests There were no declarations of interest. 44. Minutes (3 July 2007) Agreed. 45. Members' Code of Conduct for Planning Matters Received and noted a report outlining proposed changes to the Members Code of Conduct for Planning Matters, following publication by the Government of the new Model Code of Conduct for Members which was adopted by the Assembly on 25 July 2007. 46. 77 Westfield Road Dagenham (DC0700530/FUL) Agreed to refuse planning permission for the erection of a two-bedroom detached house within side garden for the following reasons: 1. The proposed development by virtue of its siting, location and design would appear bulky and overbearing in appearance resulting in loss of light and visual impact to neighbouring properties and in particular number 79 Westfield Road, contrary to policies DE1 and H13 of the Council's Unitary Development Plan (adopted 1995). 2. The development does not make satisfactory off-street car parking provision and as such would result in additional parking pressures along Westfield Road, contrary to policy H17 and the Interim Car Parking Standards (January 2002) of the Council’s Unitary Development Plan (adopted 1995). 3. The proposed dwelling has not been designed to Lifetime Homes Standards and as such could not be adapted in order to meet any future changing needs of occupiers and as such is contrary to policy 3A.4 of the London Plan. 4. The proposed siting of the new dwelling does not address the street or Page 1 respect the pattern of development in the locality and would set an undesirable precedent for other similar proposals in the area contrary to policy H13 of the Unitary Development Plan (adopted 1995). 47. 1 Park Drive Dagenham (DC0700598/FUL) Agreed to refuse planning permission for the erection of two storey side extension, one and two storey rear extension and rear and side dormer windows in connection with conversion of house into 2 no. one bedroom and 2 no. two bedroom flats for the following reasons: 1. The proposed arrangement of private amenity space results in a poor and cramped layout to the detriment of the amenity of future occupiers contrary to Policy H15 of the Barking and Dagenham Unitary Development Plan. 2. The proposed side dormer window would by reason of its size, scale, design and siting be obtrusive and out of keeping to the detriment of the visual amenities of the surrounding residential occupiers and the appearance of the street scene, contrary to policies H22 DE1, and Appendix 7 of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Unitary Development Plan. 3. The proposed development fails to provide adequate internal habitable floorspace and has a poor arrangement of accommodation failing to provide for convenience of use to the detriment of residential amenity of future occupiers and contrary to policy H16 of the Council’s Unitary Development Plan and policy BP6 of the Local Development Framework. 48. 20 Chadway Dagenham (DC0700457/FUL) Agreed to refuse planning permission for loft conversion involving construction of a side and rear dormer window in connection with converting the property into 2 no two-bedroom flats for the following reasons: 1. The proposed development by reason of the sizing, location and design of the side dormer window will result in an unacceptable form of development that will unbalance this pair of semi-detached dwellings and be out of character with the existing building and surrounding area, contrary to Policy H22 of the Council’s Unitary Development Plan (adopted 1995). 2. The flats do not provide sufficient internal habitable floorspace, and as such would result in sub-standard units of accommodation detrimental to the living standards enjoyed by any future occupiers of the flats, contrary to policies H10 and H16 of the Council’s Unitary Development Plan (adopted 1995). 49. 26 Rosslyn Road Barking (DC0700641/FUL) Agreed to grant planning permission for the conversion of property into 2 on bedroom flats subject to the following conditions: Page 2 1. B1 – Time Limit 2. O1 – Details of Dustbin Enclosures 50. 14 Sterry Road Dagenham (DC0700627/FUL) * Agreed to grant planning permission for the erection of a first floor rear extension and a two storey side extension in connection with converting the property into two flats subject to the following conditions: 1. B.1 Time Limit 2. O.2 Approved Dustbin Enclosures 3. Q.3 Matching Facing Materials 4. 1.6 Completion of Parking Areas 5. The use shall not be commenced until sound insulation measures have been carried out within the premises in accordance with details which have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include additional insulation to the party walls. 51. 49 Canberra Crescent Dagenham (DC0700606/FUL)* Agreed to grant planning permission for the demolition of existing single storey side extension and erection of two storey side extension and part single, part two storey rear extension in connection with converting the property into 1 no. one bedroom flat and 1 no. two bedroom flat subject to the following conditions: 1. BO1 Time Limit 2. QO3 Matching Facing Materials 3. I6 Completion of Parking Areas 4. Approved Dustbin Enclosures 5. The development shall not commence until details and location of all boundary fences and walls have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and no part of the development shall be occupied until the approved fences and walls for that part have been provided. The approved fences and walls shall be retained unless the Local Planning Authority gives prior written approval to their removal. 6. The use shall not be commenced until sound insulation measures have been carried out within the premises in accordance with details which have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
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