April 2010 Editor: RWBro George Tapley Vol. 75, No. 4 Yellowknife Lodge No. 162 has a Special Installation WBro Luke Ootes, WM Yellowknife Lodge No. 162 The second Saturday of January is In the past, our Installation meeting could leave. The Grand Piper finished the annual Installation of Officers at has consisted of an afternoon meet- the evening by piping an entourage to Yellowknife Lodge No. 162 (Northern ing, followed by a banquet, commonly the Black Knight Pub, playing four tunes Lights District), in Yellowknife, North- referred to as Ladies’ Night. This year to a packed pub, having a “dram” or west Territories. This is also the Official our Installation meeting and banquet two and piping them off to the hotel. It Visit of the DDGM and every year we are turned into a weekend event. Tem- was -20° and he was in his kilt walking blessed to have southern guests to enjoy peratures outside were blessedly mild, down the street playing his pipes. It our meeting and banquet. This year was around -15°C, as it is generally -30° or was so interesting the local newspaper different. On the weekend of 8–10 Janu- colder at that time of year. On Friday, a published a short article with an ac- ary, twenty Brethren and twelve wives/ number of the Brethren and their ladies companying photograph. [See “Masonic partners descended upon Yellowknife enjoyed dogsled “races,” local tours music” below.] and our Lodge. Our guests included provided by local Brethren, dinner at Sunday morning included our annual new and old friends and represented Bullock’s Bistro, then practice for the brunch, which was also well-attended. twelve different Lodges, including 70 following day’s Installation ceremony. Impromptu local tours of the city fol- per cent of our sister Lodges in the This was topped off with a nightcap at lowed, including the ice road to Dettah, Northern Lights District. In attendance the Officers Mess at the Department Bush Pilots Monument, etc. were Master Masons, Past Masters, the of National Defence. Saturday morning The Brethren of Yellowknife Lodge Worshipful Master of West Edmonton our visiting Brethren agreed to put on No. 162 helped plan the event, and many Lodge No. 101, five past DDGMs, the a Master Mason Degree for two of our participated over the weekend. This DDGM-Elect, WBro Lawrie Bruton, and Brethren. What a degree! After a quick included convoys of vehicles shuttling our DDGM, RWBro Jack McBride. The lunch we were back to the Installation of people here and there (including guid- group also included a Past Grand Dea- Officers, followed by our regular January ance to the best shops for the ladies), con, the Grand Piper – North, the Grand meeting. One of our members pointed billeting guests, and tours of our city. Standard Bearer, a Grand Steward, the out that our Lodge had not been that full While we were thanked over and over, Senior Grand Warden, and the Grand since Yellowknife Lodge No. 162’s 50th it is we who are thankful. We do not Master, MWBro Brian Shimmons. anniversary. While this was happening receive a lot of visitors and really enjoy the ladies happily spread their money it when we do. We have a vibrant Lodge in what was dubbed “the Yellowknife with a dynamic and growing group of economic stimulus plan.” Brethren, but that weekend was truly Installation was followed by drinks what Freemasonry is all about — friend- and fraternity at our IPM WBro Wayne ship and Brotherly love. Guy’s home, then off to Ladies’ Night, A special thank you to RWBro Ken which was packed with 80 Masons and Cheel for making this happen and thank their spouses and guests. Entertainment you to all the Brethren and their spouses and dancing followed a great dinner, and who joined us. We sure hope this is an they closed the place down before we annual event on your calendar. Masonic music Brethren gather for Northern celebration Daron Letts, Northern News Services, Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Bagpiper Angus Campbell, a Freemason SOMBA K’E/YELLOWKNIFE — Freema- banquet a block away at the officer’s from Fort McMurray, AB, leads a sons made merry at the Black Knight mess in the Department of National procession out of the Black Knight on on Saturday evening, sharing tunes on Defence. The event was open to non- Saturday evening. About 30 Freemasons the bagpipes with fellow pub patrons at member guests. Big Ethyl provided and spouses visited from Alberta on the end of Jim Taylor’s weekly maritime the live entertainment. The fraternity the weekend to take part in the annual kitchen party performance. installed seven new officers over the celebration held by Yellowknife’s Masonic The Freemasons and their spouses weekend, including John Himmelman, Lodge. — Daron Letts/NNSL photo stopped by the bar after their annual who became a Freemason a decade ago in Ontario. He joined the Yellowknife Lodge Alberta. went dog sledding with guides from after moving North five years ago. A few Alberta brethren and their Beck’s Kennels, visited the museum “You have a pre-setup network,” he spouses visit from Alberta to attend and photographed wildlife, such as the said, referring to the benefits of moving the installation banquet each year, ptarmigan at Sissons Court. They filled to a new community with a lodge. “It’s a Himmelman said. Bullock’s Bistro for a meal on Friday great group so you automatically have “They had such a good time last year night. On Sunday they ended their tour an affiliation with people.” that word spread and they wanted to with a visit to the ice road. Known as Masonic Lodge No. 162 take part in the event this year, meet “It was a lot of fun,” said Ken Glazen- on the Grand Registry of Alberta, the some of the other brethren and get a brook, a Freemason who visited from Yellowknife fraternity began in 1946 tour around Yellowknife,” he said. Edmonton. “It was a whole weekend and is part of a district that includes The Freemasons and their families worth of events.” cerns, we are sworn in as Canada Post Dog Sled Mail Run Letter Carriers, punishable by the same WBro Richard Trippel, PM of Jasper Park laws. We have never lost an item — ever. Lodge No. 143, took part in the annual This year a special letter was sent to Gold Rush Dog Sled Mail Run again this every Canadian Athlete at the Olympics year [see also The Alberta Freemason in Vancouver. (I know that I had Sidney June 2009] and sent this report. Crosby’s.) It will be there waiting for For those of you who don’t know, once them on Wednesday. a year we take the mail from Quesnel to My team was a special one on Sunday Cottonwood to Stanley to Barkerville as one of the dogs was blind. He pulled to Wells and then into the Canada Post great — his harness was hooked into system, a three-day trip. This year we the gang line by a tug line and a neck had 31 teams, some from as far as Seattle line and as long as I kept the gang line and Yellowknife. Last year we were the taut, he was guided by its direction. If WBro Richard Trippel (r) hands over his kick-off event for the BC150 celebra- I did my job, he could do his. It was so consignment of mail at the end of his run tions and we had teams from Alaska to special that as long as he is able, he will to Canada Post Superintendent Ron Potter California, all four western provinces, always have a place with me. before heading to the Olympics. all three territories, and as far away as New Zealand and Minnesota. We have shipped letters to 57 differ- And furthermore… ent countries some years. It is the only place in the world that you can mail something, have it carried by dogsled and delivered to any address in the world. For those of you that have con- Further to the article, “How Freemasonry Came to China,” on Zetland Hall in the January issue of The Alberta Freemason, VWBro Murray Pay has pointed out that on 10 November 2008, MWBro John Hart (then Grand Master) led 22 Alberta Masons into Zetland Lodge No. 525 (EC) for a fraternal visit and to witness the conferring of a Third Degree. This was the first fraternal visit from this jurisdic- WBro Trippel with Stevie, the blind tion to a Lodge in Hong Kong. The picture, taken inside the historic Lodge hall, wonder dog. shows Brethren present from both groups. The Committee on the Grand Lodge Bulletin Provided to Freemasons of Alberta and the Northwest Territories west of the 4th Meridian who are members of RWBro George Tapley (Chairman); The Grand Lodge of Alberta, A.F. & A.M. MWBro Robert E. Juthner, Editor emeritus; WBro Garth Cochran; WBro Loren Kline; 330 – 12 Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta T2R 0H2 Bro Trevor Morris; Ex Officio: Grand Master, Tel 403-262-1140 — Fax 403-290-0671 Published each month except July and August by Deputy Grand Master & Grand Secretary www.freemasons.ab.ca Annual subscription rate for non-members of the GLA The Grand Lodge of Alberta, A.F. & A.M. is C$10.00 plus mailing costs. Republication rights are Grand Master MWBro Brian Shimmons Editor: RWBro George Tapley granted to other Masonic Jurisdictions, but acknow- Deputy Grand Master RWBro Gerald Waldern ledgement of the source is requested. The Editor reserves 339 Whitefield Dr NE, Calgary, AB T1Y 5S2 Senior Grand Warden RWBro Peter Dunlop the right to accept, reject and re-write material submitted Junior Grand Warden RWBro David Roth Tel 403-280-6776 — Fax 403-290-0671 for publication.
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