APPENDIX D BORR Northern and Central Sections Vegetation and Flora Assessment (BORR IPT 2019c) – Part 2e (part 6 of 8) LEGEND Road Network BORR Northern and Central Section Environmental Survey Area BORR Northern and Map 1 Central Section Referral Paris Rd Boundary Map sheet Raymond Rd d R n o t f i l C Map 2 est Hwy Forr y Rd Railwa y W Hw i l l rn i e n st g e W e th D u So d r R s s e l d e r R i y W e s u l e P - n i t r a M g n i d r l Map 3 o C G Map 4 Map 5 B o y a n u p - P ic to n R Map 6 d Paper Size ISO A3 Main Roads Western Australia Project No. 61-37041 0 420 840 1,260 1,680 Bunbury Outer Ring Road Revision No. 0 Date 09/05/2019 Metres Map Projection: Transverse Mercator Vegetation Condition and OVERVIEW Horizontal Datum: GDA 1994 o Grid: GDA 1994 Perth Coastal Grid 1994 Significant Weeds FIGURE 10 G:\61\37041\19_0_GIS\Maps\Working\BORR North Flora and Data source: Landgate: Roads - 20180501, Aerial photography - WA Now accessed 20190514; BORR Team: Proposal Area - 20190327, Survey Area - 20190122. Created by: mmikkonen Veg\6137041_010_VegetationConditionAndSigWeedsOverview_rev0.mxd Print date: 22 May 2019 - 09:38 WELLESLEY WELLESLEY LESCHENAULT 1 2 !. 3 4 5 6 LEGEND !. Significant Weeds BRUNSWICK !. * Asparagus asparagoides (Bridal Creeper) !. * Zantedeschia aethiopica (Arum Lily) Major road BORR Northern and Central Section Environmental Survey Area BORR Northern and Central Section Referral Boundary !. Vegetation Condition 2-3 - Excellent - Very Good !. 4 - Good 6 4-6 4-6 - Good - Degraded 2-3 6 - Degraded 6-7 - Degraded - Completely Degraded 7 - Completely Degraded AUSTRALIND Highly modified / Cleared 6-7 4 7 ROELANDS Raymond Rd y w H t s e rr o F WATERLOO WATERLOO Paper Size ISO A3 Main Roads Western Australia Project No. 61-37041 0 100 200 300 400 Bunbury Outer Ring Road Revision No. 0 Date 21 May 2019 Metres Vegetation Condition and Map Projection: Transverse Mercator Page 1 of 6 Horizontal Datum: GDA 1994 o Significant Weeds Grid: GDA 1994 Perth Coastal Grid 1994 FIGURE 10 G:\61\37041\19_0_GIS\Maps\Working\BORR North Flora and Data source: BORR team: North environmental survey area - 20180730, North referral boundary - 20190327, Vegetation condition - 20190219, Significant weeds - 20190215; Landgate: Roads - 201805, Veg\6137041_010_VegetationConditionAndSigWeeds_rev0.mxd Localities - 20180319, Imagery - WA Now accessed - 20190521. Created by: mmikkonen Print date: 21 May 2019 - 15:57 AUSTRALIND Raymond Rd 1 2 3 4 5 ROELANDS 6 6-7 LEGEND Major road 4-6 BORR Northern and Central Section Environmental Survey Area BORR Northern and Central Section Referral Boundary Vegetation Condition 4 - Good 4-6 - Good - Degraded 6 - Degraded 6-7 - Degraded - Completely Degraded 7 - Completely Degraded Highly modified / Cleared WATERLOO 7 wy n H ter es W uth So 6 4 Paper Size ISO A3 Main Roads Western Australia Project No. 61-37041 0 100 200 300 400 Bunbury Outer Ring Road Revision No. 0 Date 21 May 2019 Metres Vegetation Condition and Map Projection: Transverse Mercator Page 2 of 6 Horizontal Datum: GDA 1994 o Significant Weeds Grid: GDA 1994 Perth Coastal Grid 1994 FIGURE 10 G:\61\37041\19_0_GIS\Maps\Working\BORR North Flora and Data source: BORR team: North environmental survey area - 20180730, North referral boundary - 20190327, Vegetation condition - 20190219, Significant weeds - 20190215; Landgate: Roads - 201805, Veg\6137041_010_VegetationConditionAndSigWeeds_rev0.mxd Localities - 20180319, Imagery - WA Now accessed - 20190521. Created by: mmikkonen Print date: 21 May 2019 - 15:57 4 1 wy 2 n H ter es W uth So 3 4 5 6 6-7 LEGEND !. Significant Weeds * Asparagus asparagoides WATERLOO !. (Bridal Creeper) 7 !. * Gomphocarpus fruticosus (Cotton Bush) Major road BORR Northern and Central Section Environmental Survey Area 4-6 BORR Northern and Central Section Referral Boundary Vegetation Condition 4 - Good 4-6 - Good - Degraded 6 - Degraded 6-7 - Degraded - Completely Degraded 7 - Completely Degraded Highly modified / Cleared !. 6 !. !.!. PARADISE Paper Size ISO A3 Main Roads Western Australia Project No. 61-37041 0 100 200 300 400 Bunbury Outer Ring Road Revision No. 0 Date 21 May 2019 Metres Vegetation Condition and Map Projection: Transverse Mercator Page 3 of 6 Horizontal Datum: GDA 1994 o Significant Weeds Grid: GDA 1994 Perth Coastal Grid 1994 FIGURE 10 G:\61\37041\19_0_GIS\Maps\Working\BORR North Flora and Data source: BORR team: North environmental survey area - 20180730, North referral boundary - 20190327, Vegetation condition - 20190219, Significant weeds - 20190215; Landgate: Roads - 201805, Veg\6137041_010_VegetationConditionAndSigWeeds_rev0.mxd Localities - 20180319, Imagery - WA Now accessed - 20190521. Created by: mmikkonen Print date: 21 May 2019 - 15:58 LEGEND Major road BORR Northern and Central Section Environmental y Survey Area w H rn te es BORR Northern and Central W uth Section Referral Boundary So Vegetation Condition 4-6 - Good - Degraded 6 - Degraded 6-7 - Degraded - Completely WATERLOO Degraded 7 - Completely Degraded Highly modified / Cleared PICTON PICTON EAST 7 6 PARADISE d R g in R er ut y O ur nb Bu 4-6 6-7 DARDANUP WEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 Paper Size ISO A3 Main Roads Western Australia Project No. 61-37041 0 100 200 300 400 Bunbury Outer Ring Road Revision No. 0 Date 21 May 2019 Metres Vegetation Condition and Map Projection: Transverse Mercator Page 4 of 6 Horizontal Datum: GDA 1994 o Significant Weeds Grid: GDA 1994 Perth Coastal Grid 1994 FIGURE 10 G:\61\37041\19_0_GIS\Maps\Working\BORR North Flora and Data source: BORR team: North environmental survey area - 20180730, North referral boundary - 20190327, Vegetation condition - 20190219, Significant weeds - 20190215; Landgate: Roads - 201805, Veg\6137041_010_VegetationConditionAndSigWeeds_rev0.mxd Localities - 20180319, Imagery - WA Now accessed - 20190521. Created by: mmikkonen Print date: 21 May 2019 - 16:00 GLEN IRIS LEGEND Significant Weeds PICTON !. * Asparagus asparagoides (Bridal Creeper) !. * Moraea flaccida W i * Zantedeschia aethiopica l l !. i n g (Arum Lily) e D r Major road BORR Northern and Central Section Environmental Survey Area BORR Northern and Central Section Referral Boundary Vegetation Condition 3 - Very Good 4 - Good 4-6 - Good - Degraded PICTON EAST 6 - Degraded 6-7 - Degraded - Completely Degraded y 7 - Completely Degraded w H n r e t Highly modified / Cleared s e W h t u o S !. !.3!. 4 DAVENPORT 6-7 COLLEGE GROVE d R g in R er ut O y ur nb Bu DARDANUP WEST 6 !. !. !. !. !. 7 !. !. NORTH BOYANUP 1 4-6 2 3 4 5 !. 6 Paper Size ISO A3 Main Roads Western Australia Project No. 61-37041 0 100 200 300 400 Bunbury Outer Ring Road Revision No. 0 Date 21 May 2019 Metres Vegetation Condition and Map Projection: Transverse Mercator Page 5 of 6 Horizontal Datum: GDA 1994 o Significant Weeds Grid: GDA 1994 Perth Coastal Grid 1994 FIGURE 10 G:\61\37041\19_0_GIS\Maps\Working\BORR North Flora and Data source: BORR team: North environmental survey area - 20180730, North referral boundary - 20190327, Vegetation condition - 20190219, Significant weeds - 20190215; Landgate: Roads - 201805, Veg\6137041_010_VegetationConditionAndSigWeeds_rev0.mxd Localities - 20180319, Imagery - WA Now accessed - 20190521. Created by: mmikkonen Print date: 21 May 2019 - 16:00 APPENDIX D BORR Northern and Central Sections Vegetation and Flora Assessment (BORR IPT 2019c) – Part 2f (part 7 of 8) d 1 R g in R er ut O y ur nb 2 Bu 3 4 5 6 !. 6 !. DAVENPORT !. LEGEND Significant Weeds !. * Asparagus asparagoides 7 (Bridal Creeper) !. !. * Zantedeschia aethiopica 6-7 (Arum Lily) Major road BORR Northern and Central Section Environmental DARDANUP WEST Survey Area BORR Northern and Central Section Referral Boundary Vegetation Condition 4-6 - Good - Degraded 4-6 6 - Degraded !. 6-7 - Degraded - Completely Degraded 7 - Completely Degraded Highly modified / Cleared NORTH BOYANUP S o u t h W e s t e r n H w y CROOKED BROOK Paper Size ISO A3 Main Roads Western Australia Project No. 61-37041 0 100 200 300 400 Bunbury Outer Ring Road Revision No. 0 Date 21 May 2019 Metres Vegetation Condition and Map Projection: Transverse Mercator Page 6 of 6 Horizontal Datum: GDA 1994 o Significant Weeds Grid: GDA 1994 Perth Coastal Grid 1994 FIGURE 10 G:\61\37041\19_0_GIS\Maps\Working\BORR North Flora and Data source: BORR team: North environmental survey area - 20180730, North referral boundary - 20190327, Vegetation condition - 20190219, Significant weeds - 20190215; Landgate: Roads - 201805, Veg\6137041_010_VegetationConditionAndSigWeeds_rev0.mxd Localities - 20180319, Imagery - WA Now accessed - 20190521. Created by: mmikkonen Print date: 21 May 2019 - 15:58 Site 1 !( Site 1 !( !( !( !( !( !( !( Site 2 !( Site 2 !( S!(ite 3 Site 5 !( Site 4 !( !( !( LEGEND Priority Flora He rb rich s hrubla nd s on cla y pa ns (TEC – Critica lly End a nge re d EPBC !( Acacia semitrullata (P4) Act) !( Caladenia speciosa (P4) Ba nks ia Wood la nd TEC !( Chamaescilla gibsonii (P3) Site 6 Banksia Woodland PEC BO RR Northe rn a nd Ce ntra l Se ction Site 1 Environm e nta l Surve y Are a Site 2 BO RR Northe rn a nd Ce ntra l Se ction !( Re fe rra l Bound a ry Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Pa pe r Size ISO A3 Main Roads Western Australia Proje ct No. 61-37041 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Bunbury Outer Ring Road Re vis ion No. 0 Da te 21 May 2019 Kilom e tre s Ma p Proje ction: Tra ns ve rs e Me rca tor Conservation and Other Significant Horizonta l Da tum : GDA 1994 o Ecological Communities and Flora Grid : GDA 1994 Pe rth Coa s ta l Grid 1994 FIGURE 11 G:\61\37041\19_ 0_ GIS\Ma ps \Working\BO RR North Flora a nd Da ta s ource : BO RR te a m : North e nvironm e nta l surve y a re a - 20180730, North re fe rra l bound a ry - 20190327, Ve ge ta tion cond ition - 20190219, TEC - 20190219; La nd ga te : Roa d s - 201805, Loca litie s - 20180319, Ve g\6137041_ 011_ ConSigEcologica lCom m unitie s And Flora _ re v0.m xd Im a ge ry - WA Now a cce s se d 20190521.
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