March 16, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E669 2,699,232 cubic yards of dredged material; Boards of Saginaw Future, Great Lakes Bay Secretary Kopelousos got her start in public 5.32 percent for planning, engineering and de- Michigan Works, and Saginaw County United service right here in the halls of Congress in sign work; 2.42 percent for construction man- Way. He received the Chamber of Commerce 1993 as a Legislative Assistant to then Con- agement; 12.57 percent in project construction President’s Award for his work. Gary also gresswoman Tillie K. Fowler of Florida’s 4th contingency; and 3.83 percent in project esca- finds time to be a read volunteer and he is a District and Chair of the Transportation Sub- lation. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers con- lifelong member of Second Presbyterian committee on Oversight, Investigations and ducted an Environmental Assessment in ac- Church. Emergency Management. cordance with Engineer Regulation (ER) 200– Gary is the past Chairman of the Saginaw In 2001 she joined the Florida Department 2–2, Procedures for Implementing the National County Democratic Party, a member of the of Transportation as their primary federal liai- Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Michigan Democratic State Central Com- son in Washington, D.C. focusing on transpor- Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Reg- mittee, was elected as a John Kerry delegate tation, emergency management and disaster ulations for Implementing Procedural Provi- to the 2004 Democratic National Convention relief, and housing. She was instrumental in sions of the National Environmental Policy Act and was the 2008 Electoral College Delegate negotiations during the reauthorization of the (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Pts. for the Michigan 4th Congressional District, federal transportation bill. In 2005 she became 1500–1508) resulting in a FINDING OF NO casting his ballot for President Barack Obama. the Department’s Chief of Staff, and in early SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI). Construction He has 3 daughters and 4 grandchildren. 2007 was appointed Interim Secretary. of the authorized turning basin has been eval- Madam Speaker, please join me in con- Secretary Kopelousos carries with her more uated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gratulating Gary Shepherd as he retires from than a decade of professional experience in through the Corps General Reevaluation Re- the UAW and General Motors. I wish him the state and federal public policy, with a par- port (GRR) to alleviate harbor delays and im- best as he starts this next phase of his life ticular emphasis in transportation. As Sec- prove safety conditions, and reflects a benefit- and continued success in his future endeav- retary, she oversees more than 7,000 employ- to-cost ratio of 3.46 to 1. This project is per- ors. ees and an annual budget of $8 billion, always mitted. This request is consistent with the in- f keeping with the agency’s mission of providing tended and authorized purpose of U.S. Army a safe transportation system that fuels eco- RECOGNIZING THE SOUTHAMPTON Corps of Engineers General Construction ac- nomic growth and enhances quality of life for FIRE COMPANY #1 count. The Alabama State Port Authority, the all Floridians. 10th largest port in the U.S., is the federally As we celebrate Women’s History Month, I designated local sponsor for the Port of Mobile HON. PATRICK J. MURPHY ask you to join me in congratulating Secretary Harbor and will provide the 25 percent cost OF PENNSYLVANIA Stephanie C. Kopelousos for her commitment share for the Mobile Harbor Turning Basin IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to ensuring a safe and efficient transportation project. The Alabama State Port Authority’s 25 Monday, March 16, 2009 system in Florida and her invaluable contribu- percent cost share funding is secured. Turning Mr. PATRICK J. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. tions in the field of public service. basin will help serve a new container terminal, Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize the f coal terminal and two raw material terminals. Southampton Fire Company #1 for 100 years HONORING TuCARE f of distinguished service. Since their inception HONORING GARY SHEPHERD in 1909, Southampton Fire Company #1 has remained an all-volunteer fire department. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH On December 10, 1909, the first meeting of OF CALIFORNIA HON. DALE E. KILDEE the Southampton Fire Company was held, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN four years later they were incorporated with 88 Monday, March 16, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES charter members. They utilized a variety of Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Monday, March 16, 2009 firefighting equipment through the years, such today to congratulate the Tuolumne County Al- Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I would like as a horse-drawn button hand pumper in liance for Resources and Environment, incor- the House of Representatives to join me in 1913, a Ford Model T/Hale fire engine in porated upon the celebration of their 20th an- congratulating Gary Shepherd as he retires 1921, and an 85-foot Hi-Ranger Snorkel ele- niversary. The anniversary will be celebrated after 33 years of service from General Motors vated platform truck in 1965, the first of its on Saturday, March 14, 2009 at the ‘‘Annual and the UAW. A retirement party will be held kind in Bucks County. Dinner and Auction’’ in Sonora, California. A major renovation of the firehouse was in his honor on March 27th in Saginaw, Michi- Tuolumne County Alliance for Resources dedicated in May 2000 to the ‘‘past, present, gan. and Environment, Inc, or TuCARE, was first and future members of the Southampton Fire A native of Saginaw County, Gary was hired organized in 1989 when a group of individuals Company #1, in recognition of their unselfish by General Motors in 1976. He worked at the came together to enlighten others in the wise service to the citizens of Upper Southampton Saginaw Steering Gear facility and worked his use of natural resources in Tuolumne County. Township.’’ Now, on the Fire Company’s 100th way from the production line to journeyman The organization has a history of commitment Anniversary, we also extend our greatest status as a machine repairman. In 1985 he to ensuring the long-term viability of all of the thanks and appreciation for their unwavering was elected an Alternate Committeeman at natural resources through an ecosystem man- service. UAW Local 699. From this position he went on agement approach toward the stewardship of Madam Speaker, I ask that you join me in to serve as the District Committeeman on the the public lands. They are firm believers that recognizing the Southampton Fire Company Bargaining Committee, as Chairman of the man must play an active role to protect the #1 for their 100 years of service to our families Bargaining Unit for Local 699, and Top Nego- forests from the destruction of wildfires. The in Bucks County. I am honored to serve as tiator of GM Sub-Council 5. Gary has also multiple-use system that TuCARE promotes their Congressman. served on the CAP and Recreation Committee allows for everyone to benefit from the forest. of the Local. Local 699 was featured in a 1999 f Livestock owners use the pastures in the sum- Industry Week article entitled, ‘‘A Perfect HONORING STEPHANIE C. mer, miners are allowed to extract minerals, Union,’’ outlining the cooperative relationship KOPELOUSOS loggers can help thin the forest and everyone between the UAW and the auto manufacturer. can enjoy the recreation the forest has to Gary continued his career with the UAW and HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART offer. in 1998 he was appointed as a Region 1–D OF FLORIDA The organization ensures that the private and the public sector work together to protect International Representative and as the Skilled IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Trades Representative. He rounded out his property rights and to educate our future gen- career by serving on UAW President Ron Monday, March 16, 2009 erations. TuCARE advocates awareness in Gettelfinger’s staff as Coordinator for Michigan Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida. schools and communities by sponsoring CAP in Region 1–D. Madam Speaker I rise today to honor a great ‘‘Tours for Kids’’ for more than twelve hundred In addition to his work on behalf of UAW leader from the State of Florida, Stephanie C. students each year and a Natural Resources workers, Gary has worked extensively in the Kopelousos. She was appointed Secretary of Tour for invited guests from the State of Cali- community. He is the president of the Saginaw the Florida Department of Transportation in fornia, Congress, local businesses, educators Area Fireworks, served as co-chair of the 2007 and since then has been working to en- and various agencies. TuCARE is connected Saginaw County Vision 20/20, and on the sure our safety on Florida’s roads. to schools in Tuolumne, Calaveras and VerDate Nov 24 2008 01:56 Mar 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16MR8.005 E16MRPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS E670 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 16, 2009 Stanislaus Counties and participates in the As the mission advanced, Major Vujnovich’s ried in Saint Thomas Aquinas Church in Tuolumne County Schools Forestry Institute experience and expertise were indispensable. Springfield. Martin became a member of the for Teachers and presents to civic groups and Major Vujnovich was responsible for selecting John Boyle O’Reilly Club in 1953 and now organizations. They also sponsor various pub- members of the Halyard Mission, and orches- both Martin and Eleanor are life members. lic forums on issues related to natural re- trating the initial parachute drop into the area.
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