International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBIT 2013) Study of the Defensive Tactics of the Bei- jing College High Level Men's Basketball Team Hongwen Xue 1 Yong Yu 2 1 Department of Physical Education, Beijing University of Technology, 100875, Beijing, China, [email protected] 2 College of P.E and Sports, Beijing Normal University, China,[email protected] Abstract : In this paper, expert inter- library retrieval by the Beijing University views, the survey questionnaire, video of Technology, basketball defensive tac- observation, investigation of the Beijing tics carefully read the relevant literature, College high level men's basketball team and refer to the relevant monograph, the defensive tactics status quo, analyze the to understand the basketball defensive pros and cons of points, defensive tactics, tactics Research with dynamic, a lot of defensive training, find out the defensive theoretical basis for the writing of the pa- problems and related recommendations per. for the basketball team, in order to raise 1.2.2 Expert Interviews the level of defensive tactics of the men's basketball team, certain practical signific- Develop good interview outlines six ance of the reform of the national college coaches of the basketball team and do- basketball league. mestic work in basketball expert, Profes- sor accessed through visits or telephone Keywords: Beijing universities; men's interviews with current problems of the basketball team; defensive tactics; com- defensive tactics of the men's basketball pare team, external performance indicators for the preparation of defensive tactics basis. 1. Subjects and Research Methods 1.2.3 Questionnaire 1.1 Subjects According to the needs of the research topic, the basic requirements for access to This article select the 2011 National Col- literature and to follow the design of the legiate Basketball League (Division qua- questionnaire research methods, design a lifiers) teams in the Tsinghua University, "the Beijing University high level men's Beijing Jiao tong University, Beijing basketball team defensive tactics training University, Beijing University, Beijing status questionnaire, expert evaluation of University of Science and Technology, its reliability and validity. high. 80 copies Beijing Union University, six college of the questionnaire, recovery of 76, 95% men's basketball team as the research ob- efficiency. ject. 1.2.4 Video Observation 1.2 Research Methods Systematic observation, statistics through 1.2.1 Literature Study 12 games of the 2011 College Basketball Combined with the needs of the research League game tape (Beijing Division qua- © 2013. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 494 lifiers) video and the top six teams in the 2.2 The use of defensive tactics in Bei- 2011 NCAA 12 game video, get the de- jing college high level men's bas- fense system reflects the high level of ketball team basketball player indicators raw data, and Defensive basketball game is very impor- to provide material for further processing. tant, especially the role of the team with defensive positions in the game is the 2. Results and Analysis most important. The team defensive posi- tions, including man to man defense, 2.1 Beijing college high level men's zone defense, pressure defense, integrated basketball team changing defensive tactics [3-4]. From The goal of the team has the ball right in the observation of the video game, the the basketball game is the offensive scor- Beijing college high level men's basket- ing, defensive aim is to help the team win ball team is mainly the use of defensive the ball and score, on the other hand is to tactics, half-court man-to-man, zone de- minimize the loss of points. The Scores fense and game man-to-man, In this paper, of the team to some extent to reflect the a comparative analysis of the use of three team's defensive tactics implemented. defensive tactics. Tsing hua University men's basketball 2.2.1 The use of half-court defense tactics team averaged the highest score (98.7 points), ranked first; followed Beijing The man to man Half-court defense tac- Jiao tong University (91.3 points), Peking tics, the adjacent areas immediately University (87.6 points), Beijing Univer- guarded by everyone in the attack turn sity of Science and Technology (86.5 defensive or pre-distribution given oppo- points),Beijing University (79.4 points), nent and just stare at the opponent in half Beijing Union University (75.8 points). within the active defense of the individual Six teams average score is relatively high, and team synergy damage the opponent's more than 100 points and the screening of attack, to achieve the purpose of turning the six teams have three games. Score from the defensive to the offensive a very high, he explains the team's offensive aggressive defensive tactical defense [5- ability, but another reflects weak defense, 7]. Video from the competition point of defense lagged behind the offensive. view, the main reason is due to the de- NBA player's offensive ability is unques- fense, the defender can not accurately tionable, but they score less than the na- judge the offensive players offensive in- tional college basketball league, indicat- tent, the offensive players move faster, ing NBA teams defense very seriously. the Beijing college high level men's bas- Through the video: lose points more than ketball athletes in slow moving defense the team's overall defensive ability, De- defensive mistakes such as missing, out fense and attack is not strong, cannot ef- of position, the Beijing college high level fectively restrict their opponents attack, men's basketball team should strengthen not a lot of pressure to the other side of the movement speed of the individual de- the offensive formation. Poor defensive fense and accurate judgment. ability of the team as a whole reason for 2.2.2 The use of Zone united Defense the team's defensive philosophy, the Tactics overall defensive tactics strain and ratio- nality, Defensive Tactics training level. The zone defense is the offensive into the defense team players quickly returned to the field after each responsible for the de- fense of a certain area of the attack oppo- 495 nents, by District division to form a de- is willing to man to man defense, once fensive battle, each defensive area organ- the ball through the midfield, on the ic contact with the ball ,the collabora- double teams, then defense stations, or tive mobile defense a team defensive tac- beating the hybrid defensive marking and tics [5-7]. Table 3 shows that the Beijing defense. College high level men's basketball team in the defensive success rate and the de- 2.3 The defensive training of Beijing fensive side score two indicators, sig college high level men's basketball <0.05, significant differences exist with team the NCAA men's basketball team. This According to the records of the relevant shows the quality of the defensive zone information and interviews with coaches, defense of the the Beijing College high I was informed that the development of level men's basketball team is worse than basketball in China in recent years has the NCAA men's basketball team. This is made great progress, but the pace of mainly due to the use of the zone defense progress is not yet stable, forward speed tactics, the players dispersed, require per- is not fast enough to change this the spe- sonal defense area, moving long distance cies status quo, not only to speed up the and frequent, which requires strong the reform of the management system, and personal defensive technical capabilities need more scientific and effective train- of the defender. ing. 2.2.3 Audience to man defense tactics 2.3.1 The distribution of proportion in The audience man to man defense, also Defensive Training known as "full-court press defense, in- Technical and tactical training arrange- cluding a full-court press man-to-man de- ments should be arranged according to fense and the audience Defensive. Man to the specific circumstances of the team. man tight defensive from the outset on Also comply with the regularity of the their tight defense in the form of their op- team should be explored in order to ponents with the division of labor by achieve the best training effect. Tsinghua people; zone press is quickly separated University men's basketball team defen- from the predetermined area by tapping sive technical and tactical training time to turn defensive in their own area, ex- total training time to do more, 15 percent, pand tight of defensive defense in the ranked first; followed by other Beijing form of an audience [5-7]. Seen from Ta- Jiaotong University (13%), Beijing Uni- ble 4: the Beijing College high level versity of Technology (10%), Peking men's basketball team in the game man- University (8%), Beijing University of to-man defensive tactics scoring, defen- Science and Technology (7%) and Bei- sive success rate on the sig <0.05 indica- jing Union University (5%). Relevant in- tors, the difference was significant, illu- formation, the NBA team's specialized strate the Beijing college high level men's defense training proportion accounted for basketball team in the use of the audience 35%, the CBA team specialized defensive man defense tactics, the defense of poor training proportion is 20%, while only quality, bad effects. Found through the 10% of our national college basketball video observation method of using the league team from training time on the ra- full-court press defense most of the 2-2-1 tio, we can see that, the national college or 1-2-1-1 zone press back to the back- basketball league team ignored defense court to use other forms of defense, in training.
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