Embry-Riddle Fly Paper Newspapers 5-1-1944 Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1944-05-01 Embry-Riddle School of Aviation Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper Scholarly Commons Citation Embry-Riddle School of Aviation, "Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1944-05-01" (1944). Embry-Riddle Fly Paper. 105. https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper/105 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Embry-Riddle Fly Paper by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EMBRY- RIDDLE ··sr/CK TO 1r·· VOL. vm MAY 1, 194·1 NO. 2 IN APPRECIATION OF GENERAL H. H. ARNOLD As the global war courses to an early climax, the And in the archives of Miami Beach the name of roar of the United States Army Air Forces is unmistakably General Arnold should be inscribed on a golden page. heard above the ri:-.ing crescendo of the conflict. Thus far We have only to recall how bereft of tourist business it ha:- liecn the predominant factor in most decisive our city would have been in order to appreciate the engagcmcnb in which our armed forces have participated. cxt<•nt Lo which the coming of the Army Air Force train· ing ~chools to i\Iiami Beach ha~ literally :-aved our The Air Force of the United States already has mcrdianb and landlords from disaster. di:--tinguishcd ibelf by performing a major role in all theater~. It was the air power of this country that saved The entire plan to bring Army Air Force units here .Australia !iv a hair·s breadth from the for training had to receive the ap· fost-c•xpanding rnrn1ucst of the Japa· proval of General Arnold. With his 1w:-.c a ftc:r Pt•arl Ila rhor. Our planes characteristic shrewdness and fore· in the Pacific skies now have seized sight he gave the go alu:a1l ::;ig11a-l, the initiative from the Japanese. Major with the consequence that the Air Force GC'nrral Willi:-; Hale asserted Sunday has availed itself of superior training that his ('Ommand, within five months' quarters and grounds, all the while time, has extended the American land preventing our reso1t city from be­ airplane hasc:-. al least ] .300 miles coming a notable victim of the war \\Cstwarcl toward Tokyo. among America's cities. The U. S. Air Force played a As the training schools of the major role in ousting the enemy from AAF gradually retire from ;\Tiami Africa. and in reopening the Mediter­ Beach. we experience two emotions. GENERAL H. H. ARNOLD, , Commonding General ranean to Allied shipping. The Italian- of the United States Army Air Forces \Ve feel an extreme pride in the part hascd and Britain·hased warplanes now are pulverizing our city has been privileged to play in the training of the war induslrics of the Reich in preparation for the more than 50,000 administrative officers, and of more final knockout blow against Europe. :Massed in England than <>ll<'·half million enlisted men; and we feel deep arc sufTicicnt planes, men and ::.upplies to assure unbroken gratitude to General Arnold and his stafT for the pros­ air support for the impending naval and ground assaults perity that has prevailed in the community largely due against the <·ontirwnt. to th<~ Army's expenditures here. As Lhc historians poise their pencils to record the Thu~, General Arnold's decision Lo bring the AAF montC'ntous events now in the offing, the name of General schools here was doubly fortunate for the citizens of H. II. Arnold C'annot escape them. From this \\ar he 1\1 ia mi Beach. will emerge a::. one of its truly great leaders, inasmuch as he is directing the world's greatest air force in the Frnm tha .lllA.l!I BEACH SUS-TROPICS, raprintl'd by wor1<l's greatest War. J>t•rniission of John D . ."\Jontgomery, Edito1· a 11d Publisher. Page 2 EMBRY·RIDDLE FLY PAPER "Stick To It" :\fay t' 1944 Wilmington, Del. .April 15, 19-lt Letters to the Edi tor Dear Editor: I am writing you this letter to let you know a little about the progrc."" of Cour... e Iucille M. l\Iaun•r, Y2c I I 6 Fi-.her \venue 15. l. S. Coast Guard (WR) Tucknhoe 7, l\". Y. Most of the boys are checked out as 5127 Cabannc Avenue J\ pril 12, 1944 first pilot:; of either B·25, B-26, C-'17 or St. Louis, Mo. 1 \pril 18. 191 l Dear ~ti..,.., Bramlitt: C· l6 aircraft an<l nre flying regular over· Our George came home ) Nlerday. He :-eas flights. I my~elf have made four for· Dear E<litor: is fim· and it'.., all like a dream from whic·h eign deliveric~ flying the B-25 and B-26 I imagine that you have no idea "ho vou are afraid vou will lw awakened. Ile type aircraft. this is writing to you, but eYcn if you don't ~ouldn't get ove~ ho" WI' nil lnokf.rl to him. '"Chuck" Kohler, Stuart Rich, l..P.e Young remember me I do remember vou. and all e~peciully hi.., little sistn '~ho has sprouted und \\ arren Davis al~o have made several the gang on the Fly Paper. Tlu:re probably so tall during the past year. He couldn't foreign trips, and we meet each other at are quite a few new faces around bince belie\'c that that beautiful little blonde flying fields all over the world. I left Emhr~-Riddle, and I ju ... t wonder baby, Dorothy Janett<', "hom he had not Grne Jackson and Chuck Kohler are how many of the old ones are ~till there. .. ecn before, was hi.... It'~ all like a dream now stationed ::;omcwherc in India flying Fir~t of all I want to thank )'OU for lo him. the C·-16 cargo ships. ,.ending me the Fly Paper all thi,, time. Ile i... home for a lea\'c of ah,.ence after John Korahanics. Lou Turmes and I really apprt>ciate it. It's about the only a )Car\, combat flying in the \e,\ Guinea Johnn} Good\\ in are flying fighler type air­ way I have of keeping track of e\'crything craft in California; the rest of us arc still that goes on with dear old Embry.Riddle. here al Wilmington. But it seems we have been giving t'ncle ~lost of m: are members of the well "'3m quite a job forwarding the Fly Paper, known "Short Snorll'r's Club.'' I have 23 to at least It'll different place,-, hefore it hilb in ID\ collection, one for each countrv reaches me. ,.i ... ited. · . Oh, ,e,,. l ha,·e been marri1·<1 since I hope you ''ill ~ive my regards to my I left Embry.Riddle to join the Spars, former instructor!<, Mr. W. Blume and Mr. and that aJ:..o manages to kl'l'J> my mail Fritz Sebek, \\ho taught me ever}thing pretty mixed up. from soup to nuls about flying. I just wanted to let you kno\\ that I I also hope you will send me your rcgu· think of all of \'OU often. and more than lar i~sue" of th1• Fly Paper. both to my once wi~h I w~re back in :\liami again. folk... at home and lo me at the Bas<'. J hope you will continue to &cud me the I guess I've writtcu just about enough Fly Paper, hut please to the abo\'e address. for one letter, so I'll sign off for now. Until I hear from you, "Keep up the good I just wondrr where my old ho:-;~. ;\lr. work." Buxton, is now, and what he is doing. Is Frederick A. Bange. he still with Embry-Riddle? I helieve I Editor's Note: Your leuer is a u·elcome read in the Fly Paper that Harn Kohler resume of the doings of Course 15, Ri.ddle was one the lucky ones to go to Sao Paulo Field. boys, Fred, and it u:ill hare 111a11v and if ~o I know he iio enjoying hi~elf ot:id readers among the British lads 1d10 immensely. are now "some1d1ere in England." 1'u·e11ty· With thanh again and again for ~Pnding three countries is quite a record- we knozi me the Fly Paper and hoping it will con­ LT. GEORGE LATHROP BARNASKY you are doing your part in "keeping up tinue to come, I am, Graduate of Corlstro111 Closs .42·1 the good work." Let's hear from you regu­ As e"·er, larly, and tell the fellows you run into to arc:i. He has been awarded the Distin· drop us a line, too. Lucille (Winrhe... tr.r l .:\laurer ;mished Fh ing Cro.,,., tlw Air .Medal and --·-- Editor's J\'ote: Of course zt·e remember )OU, the Purple Heart. Lucille, and rt·e also recall the sad day On hi-. way home from \ew Guinea he Army Air Base 0 about a year ago when yo1t sm(l adieu to had the plcasant fortune to run into his Richmond, Va. the Warehouse. We have relieved Uncle hrolllt'r John. so you srt' the blessings we April 19, 1911 Sam of the job of fonwrding your Fl) hnw. John it< a private in the Radio Divi­ Dear Editor: Paper by correcting the addre5s. Don't .;ion of the Signal Coqi.... Ht> was in th<' I often wonder ho\\ things an' gelling forget to notify us of any change.
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