AYRSHIRE COLLIE CLUB TWINNED WITH ALL IRELAND COLLIE & SHEEPDOG SOCIETY CATALOGUE OF 21 CLASS UNBENCHED CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW (Held under Kennel Club Limited Rules & Show Regulations) All Judges at this Show agree to abide by the following statement: “In assessing dogs, judges must penalise any features or exaggerations which they consider would be detrimental to the soundness, health and well being of the dog” ****** NEW VENUE ****** Hallmark Hotel, 46 Annick Road, Irvine KA11 4LD ****** NEW VENUE ****** On Saturday 14th October 2017 Show Opens 9.00am Judging Starts: 9.30am Guarantors To The Kennel Club Mr S McIntyre (President), 49 Main Street, Carnwath, Lanark, ML11 8JU Mrs J McIntyre (Secretary), 49 Main Street, Carnwath, Lanark, ML11 8JU Mrs M McBride (Vice -President), Lochill View, New Cumnock, KA19 4QE Mrs E Ashe (Treasurer), Russart Cottage, High Road, Maddiston, FK2 0BL Mr J Robinson (Committee), 14 Hillbrae Street, Glasgow, G51 4JJ Miss K Johnston, 34 Angus Road, Greenock, PA16 0PE Hon Vet Surgeons, Barr & McMillan, MRCVS. Tel. 01290 550452 (On Call) Hon. Secretary. Mrs Joan McIntyre 49 Main Street, Carnwath, Lanarkshire, ML11 8JU Mob. 07377330666, Email: [email protected] WEBSITE: ayrshirecollieclub.co.uk *ONLY UNDOCKED DOGS AND LEGALLY DOCKED DOGS MAY BE EXHIBITED AT THIS SHOW* 2 On Offer at the Show Rosettes for Best Dog, Reserve Best Dog, Best Puppy Dog, Best Bitch, Reserve Best Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Veteran, Best In Show, Reserve Best in Show, Best Puppy in Show, And Rosettes for all classes to VHC Rosettes for Best in Show & Best Puppy in Show donated by the All Ireland Collie & Sheepdog Society. Best in Show Plaque donated by SHOWLIFE Special Prize for Catalogue Lucky Number donated by Mr W Moffatt. Special dog coats & sashes were introduced at the March 2016 Open Show by the current committee of the Ayrshire Collie Club in memory of their late President, Mr Bill McIntyre, who was the club's hardworking President from 1996 - 2015. The coats and sashes will be worn by the main winners at our shows for show photos and will remain within the club. Your show is being sponsored by 3 The Officers and Committee wish to express their gratitude to the following for their kind donations to this show : Mrs Catherine Proctor Mr D & Mrs M Timmins Miss M Davis Stacy Steven Miss Michele McCann Miss M Davis Lynne Foster Melvin & Jopson Heather Brotherton / Alexander McClelland Jones Mrs L.D & Josh Blackburn Mr David Boyle Mrs Avril J Caplan Mrs M & Mr J Hobkirk Mrs Nancy Houlihan Mrs Murthwaite & Miss A Gerrard Mrs M & Mr J McCarte Mr & Mrs J & S, McIntyre Isobel Ryan Mr Thomas Wall Mrs I Chirray Mrs Marti Gordon Mrs Ella Ashe Mr & Mrs D Thomson Mr J Nicholson Mrs J Kenny Many thanks to Mrs J Kenny for the special for Best Veteran 4 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY OPEN SHOW 18th March 2018 Judge: Mr T Conway (Alwaycon) SAC Classes : Mrs Wendy Gill OPEN SHOW 10th June 2018 Judge: Mrs Irene Grant SAC Classes: Ms Audrey Boyd CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 20th October 2018 Judge (Dogs): Mrs Ildiko Muzslai (Double Scotch) Judge (Bitches): Mr Peter Muzslai (Double Scotch) Check out our website for up to date news: - www.ayrshirecollieclub.co.uk Thanks to Julie Growcott for the upkeep. 5 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF EXHIBITORS AND ENTRIES ROUGH COLLIES Barron & Jenkins, Happas Canine Centre, Happas N’Inveranty, Angus, DD8 2JW, Tel. 01307820338 1 XCODE DELLA BUCCADELLE FATE AT RANNALEROCH - D - 17/11/15 - Lisa Ricclardi - Nessum Dorma Delle Buccadelle Fate x Dallinaire Crystall Ball Class 8 Blaikie Mr & Mrs R & G, Fernlea Holding, Drumshoreland Rd, Broxburn, West Lothian EH525PF, Tel. 07770532323 2 KOURIKA KOSTA KOFFEE - D - 23/7/15 - Mr & Mrs R & G Blaikie - Geko De Midland Valley x Kourika Karrizma Class 7 3 KOURIKA KANDITA - B - 10/7/14 - Mr & Mrs R & G Blaikie - CH Willowdene Double Or Quits At Wassail x Kourika Koconut Kream Class 17 Boyd Audrey, Wendy McGill, Lawhead Lodge Tarbrax West Calder West Lothian EH55 8LW, Tel.07557769130 4 LYNMACK EDGE OF GLORY AT STREGATO - B - 6/6/15 - Mrs L McCormick & Mr R Laidlaw - Lynmack Thunderstruck x Lynmack All That Matters Class 16 Boyle Mr David, 108 Arklet Road, Drumoyne Glasgow, G51 3XS, Tel. 01414454471 5 ARKLETHILL HELENA - B - 8/3/16 - David Boyle - CH Beldones Double Diamond x Samhaven Timeless Class 16 Brooker Mrs Pat M, E J & J L , 18 Hawthorn Avenue, New Silksworth, Sunderland Tyne & Wear SR3 1DU, Tel. 01915212406 6 GERIAN SUN KISSES OVER CORISIAN - B - 9/5/16 - Mrs G McEntee - I Am Fantastic Du Bois Des Amazones For Corisian IMP FRA x Gerian Suncaress Classes 13, 16 7 LOVELY FLOWER DU BOIS DES AMAZONES FOR CORISIAN IMP FRA - B - 29/9/15 - F Veyrunes - I’m George Clooney Of Moon River x Envie De Toi Du Bois Des Amazones Class 17 8 TELFORTH SWEET DREAMS TO CORISIAN JW - B - 27/7/13 - V & P Sibbald - CH Westoak Warlord x CH Lynmead Amalie Lucy Locket At Telforth Class 18 9 CHANTIQUE SIMPLY DEE FOR CORISIAN - B - 28/5/12 - C & A Scott - Fahrenheit Absolute Of Lowlands Green Valley x CH Chantique Simply Dreamy Class 19 Brotherton Heather /Alexander McClelland, 51 Tullibody Road, Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 2LY, Tel. 01259212463 10 RASHEL SHOW TIME AT ALAUNA - D - 24/3/16 - Mrs M A Smith - Ladnar Timeshare For Rashel x Welanga Fire Storm For Rashel Class 6 11 WILLOWDENE TRUE EBONY AT ALAUNA IKC - B - 9/11/13 - Mrs Pauline Lowery - Serbian Champion Camanna Coldplay x Cuisle Mo Chroi At Willowdene Class 17 Burrows Vicki, The Vicarage, 1 Birtley Rise, Bramley, Surrey GU5 0HZ, Tel. 07515965781 12 TIGANLEA TINKERBELL AT REVDVICKI - B - 19/6/13 - John & Caroline Tipper - CH Chantique Huggy Bear For Tiganlea x Hazelnut Des Verger De Lacchos Class 19 Campbell Mr R 13 CULBRAE IMAGINE - D - 13/11/15 - Lynda Watt - CH Chelborn Kiss ’N Tell x Culbrae Justified With Culbrae Class 6 6 Caplan Mrs Avril J 14 CHANTIQUE LOVER BOY OF WHITECRAIGS - D - 19/8/15 - Mr & Mrs Scott - CH Designed With Love Of Slatestone At Chantique x Chantique Bumble Bee Class 6 Carmichael Miss Alyson, 1145 Aikenhead Road, Kinespark Glasgow, GU4 N5SL, Tel. 01415696489 15 KILCHRENAN ZENA’S DESIGN - B - 11/8/15 - Owner - Danfrebek He’s Truly Magical x Desirner Child Dor Danfrebek Class 16 Carmichael Mr Gordon, 35 Briery Court, Kilbirnie Ayrshire, KA25 6JD, Tel. 01505670914 16 KILCHRENAN KELTIC BRIER JW - D - 26/11/14 - Alyson Carmichael - Kourika Klear Konection x Danfrebek Truly Magic Class 8 Chirray Mrs I, 22 Bonhard Way, The Steadings, Bo’Ness, EH51 9RF 17 KOURIKA BLACK JAKE - D - 17/4/09 - Blaikie - Kourika Kool Water x Kourika Lady Killer Class 10 Congdon Mr & Mrs J.F & M, Trevashmond Barn, Landrake, Nr Saltash, Cornwall, PL12 5AG, Tel. 01752851479 18 MONSOLANA BOUNTY TASTE FOR AARONWELL IMP AUS JW ShCM - D - 20/7/14 - Ms O Buldakova - Monsolana Velvet Blue For Aaronwell IMP RUS x Evening Star De Cathyja Class 7 19 MONSOLANA VELVET BLUE FOR AARONWELL IMP RUS - D - 30/8/12 - Ms O Buldakova - Monsolana Bluzstar For Aaronwell IMP RUS x Monsolana Black Poinds Class 9 20 AARONWELL ASTRAL DANCER - B - 29/11/16 - Exh - Monsolana Velvet Blue For Aaronwell IMP RUS x Fridens Estelle For Aaronwell JW IMP RUS Classes 12, 15 21 AARONWELL ALOE VERA - B - 30/9/15 - Exh - CH Beldones Double Diamond x Monsolana Sunwish For Aaronwell JW IMP RUS Class 16 22 MONSOLANA SUNWISH FOR AARONWELL JW IMP RUS - B - 23/8/11 - Ms O Lepikhina - UKR CH Benifis Of Colomber Field x RUS CH Elsamos Over The Moon Class 19 Cooney Mrs Brenda, The Bungalow, Cockshut Lane, Langwith, Mansfiled Notts, NG20 9JB, Tel. 0162374424 23 JOPIUM DANNY BOY AT LINGWELL - D - 28/10/16 - MISS j Hodhes - CH Jopium Stole My Heart At Lingwell x Jopium Velvet Crush Class 2 24 CH JOPIUM STOLE MY HEART AT LINGWELL - D - 20/5/13 - Miss J Hodges - Jopium Heart And Soul JW ShCM x Jopium Velvet Touch Class 9 Crozier Mr & Mrs R M & P M, 23 Belsay Close, Pegswood, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 6XQ, Tel. 07929039763 25 LASHEEN TRULLY SCRUMPTIOUS - B - 2/1/17 - RM & PM Crozier - Lynmack Tommy Hilfiger By Ileyda x Camanna Conceited Of Lasheen Classes 12, 14, 15 Davis Miss M, "Rosschell", 411 Meadway, Kitts Green, Birmingham, West Midlands B33 0DX, Tel. 07816375196 26 ROSSCHELL TIA OF ILLUSION - B - 27/2/17 - Exh - CH Beldones Black Illusion x Rosschell Blue Crystalball Class 11 27 MONSOLANA HAVE A DREAM ROSSCHELL IMP RUS - B - 2/11/16 - O Buldakova - Monsolana Bluzstar x Monsolana Mamma Mia Classes 12, 14, 15, 28 FRIDENS MAGIC MOMENT FOR ROSSCHELL IMP RUS - B - 19/10/15 - S. Novislavskaya - INT CH Lynmead Amalie Tri My Life x INT CH Fridens Face To Face Class 16 7 Dodsworth L & E Carr, 34 Hawthorn Walk, Eastfield, Scarborough, N Yorks YO11 3HW, Tel. 07528718905 29 ROSSCHELL WILL I AM AT LIBANEL - D - 3/8/13 - Miss M Davis - CH Caronlea James Bond x Arronwell Adele Adkins Class 7 Finney Mrs Deborah 30 BAHATVIEW BAD MANNERS - D - 4/9/15 - Owner - Jealous Guy Of Slatestone With Jopium x Bahatview Billie Jean Class 8 Foster Lynne, 36 Garry Walk, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 5AS, Tel. 01506 202830 31 ALDREDELIE APHRODITE - B - 10/8/14 - Karen Gaffey - CH Jopium Touch Of Soul For Triburle JW x Aldredelies Angel Dust Class 16 Fox Mr & Mrs, "Alanita" 32 ALANITA ACKER BILK FOR WESTOAK - D - 27/4/15 - A & B Fox - CH Westoak Warlord x Amalie Lynmead Honey Honey For Alanita Class 7 33 ALANITA GAZE AWAY - B - 7/6/11 - Exh - CH lynmead Love Of My Life x CH Danfrebek Truly Mady Deeply With Alanita JW ShCM Class 19 Hawkins Mrs Sue, Hillcrest, Starcrossing Rd, Cilcain, Mold, Fliatshire, CH7 5NW 34 BRILYN MOLLY CODDLES - B - 28/3/17 - Owner - Lynmack Thunderstruck x Brilyn Glory Days Classes 11, 14 Hobkirk Mrs M & Mr J, 41 Jamieson Place, Stewarton Ayrshire, KA3 3HX, Tel.
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