Vol. 83, No. 1 Philadelphia Bar Association Quarterly Magazine Spring 2020 Medical Marijuana in the Workplace: Information and Guidance for Employers in Pennsylvania BY LEAH DIMAT TEO TO BCC, OR NOT TO BCC, THAT IS Why Buying a Sandwich THE QUESTION with Bitcoin is a BY DANIEL J. SIEGEL Taxable Transaction BY ROBERT ELWOOD SIDNEY L. GOLD & ASSOCIATES, P.C L. SIDNEY SIDNEYSIDNEY L. L. L. GOLD GOLDGOLD & && ASSOCIATES, ASSOCIATES,ASSOCIATES,SIDNEY P.C. P.CP.C. William Rieser Jamie L. Ford William Rieser Jamie L. Ford Bill Rieser Jamie L. Ford Neelima Vanguri Neelima Vanguri Justin M. Pilchman Traci M. Greenberg Leanne Lane Coyle SidneySidney L. L. Gold Gold Traci M. Greenberg Leanne Lane Coyle Sidney L. Gold Traci M. Greenberg Joan Gold Joan Gold Aarthi Manohar Client Intake Coordinator Client Intake Coordinator Neelima Vanguri Joan Gold Client Intake Coordinator Philadelphia’sPhiladelphia’s Employment Employment Lawyers Lawyers Philadelphia’s Philadelphia’sPhiladelphia’s Employment Employment LawyersLawyers FORFOR MORE MORE THAN THAN 30 30 YEARS YEARS, Sidney, Sidney L. L.Gold Gold & &Associates, Associates, P.C. P.C. has has dedicated dedicated its its practice practice to tothe the field field of ofemployment employment law law and and civil civil FOR rightsFORrights litigation. MORE litigation. THANSidney The The, 30firm’s firm’s YEARS attorneys attorneys, Sidney take takeL. 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Sidney to look With With a team a team approach, approach, the the firm’s firm’s attorneys attorneys represent represent clients clients in inall all aspects aspects of ofemployment employment law law litigation, litigation, including including all all forms forms of ofworkplace workplace With discrimination,Withdiscrimination, a teamattorneys approach,sexual sexual harassment, harassment, the firm’sfirm’s attorneyswrongful wrongful termination,representthe termination, clients retaliation, retaliation, in all aspects whistleblower, whistleblower, of employment approach, employment employment law litigation, contract, contract,team including wage wagea and alland formshour, hour, andof and workplace FamilyWith Family discrimination, anddiscrimination,and wrongful Medical Medical Leave Leave sexual Act Act harassment,claims. claims. 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L.Gold Gold & Associates& Associates is proudis proud of ofits its skilled skilled attorneys attorneys and and is honoredis honored by by the the recognition recognition Super Super Lawyers Lawyers© has© has bestowed bestowed upon upon this this Sidney of year’sSidneyyear’s recipients. recipients. L. Gold & Associatesproud is is proud of its skilled attorneys and isAssociates honored & FOR by the recognitionGold SuperL. Lawyers © has bestowed uponSidney this year’s year’s recipients. recipients. year’s rights unlawful SIDNEYSIDNEYSIDNEYSIDNEY L. L.L. L.GOLDGOLD GOLD GOLD && &&ASSOCIATES, ASSOCIATES, ASSOCIATES,ASSOCIATES,a P.C. P.C.P.C. P.C. pre-eminent SIDNEY183518351835 L. MarketMarket GOLDMarket St., St.,& St., ASSOCIATES, Suite Suite Suite 515 515 P.C. 1835 Market St., Suitelook 515 Philadelphia,Philadelphia,1835Philadelphia, Market PASt., PA PA 19103Suite 1910319103 515 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Ph:Ph:Ph: (215) (215) (215) 569-1999569-1999 569-1999Philadelphia, •• •Fax: Fax:PA (215) (215)19103 (215) 569-3870 569-3870 569-3870 Ph: (215) 569-1999 • Fax:With (215) 569-3870 Ph: (215)www.discrimlaw.net www.discrimlaw.net569-1999www.discrimlaw.net • Fax: (215) 569-3870 www.discrimlaw.netwww.discrimlaw.netdiscrimination, and THE PHILADELPHIA L AW Y ER CONTENTS Vol. 83, No. 1 Philadelphia Bar Association Quarterly Magazine Spring 2020 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 5 From the Editor BY EMMANUEL O. IHEUKWUMERE 7 From the Chancellor BY CHANCELLOR HON. A. MICHAEL SNYDER (RET.) 9 In Memoriam 12 Technology 20 BY DANIEL J. SIEGEL Protect yourself from the online world 8–10 Coronavirus Response Features FROM THE EDITOR, FROM THE CHANCELLOR, & TECHNOLOGY 16 Ethics BY DANIEL J. SIEGEL 18 The Parole Steeplechase Beware. The courtesy of a BCC can backfire The unforeseen can have great relevance BY STEVE LACHEEN 37 Book Review BY M. KELLY TILLERY 20 Medical Marijuana in the Workplace “Indelible Ink—The Trial of John Peter Zenger and the Birth of Information and Guidance for Employers in Pennsylvania America’s Free Press” by Richard Kluger BY LEAH DIMATTEO 39 Figure 8 Puzzle 23 75 Years Later By Robert J. Stern The Philadelphia Transit Strike of 1944 BY PATRICK MCKNIGHT 40 That Was Then - 1996 Law Week 1996 26 “White Rain” A farce reborn into a grim reality BY ALBERT S. DANDRIDGE III 28 Why Buying a Sandwich With Bitcoin is a Taxable Transaction And Other Tax Issues Affecting Funds Investing in Cryptocurrencies BY ROBERT ELWOOD 32 Retirement—Who Me? At the “end” there’s still more to be done 40 BY LYNN A. MARKS, ELEANOR W. MYERS, AND JANET F. STOTLAND YLD Chair-Elect Michael L. Viola (holding bullhorn) 35 Ethics is Easier When You're Older addressed students at the conclusion of the Million Student Exercising one of the great priveleges of age and experience March in the City Hall courtyard on May 2, 1996. BY JOHNNY MYERS 2 the philadelphia lawyer Spring 2020 the philadelphia lawyer Spring 2020 3 A Note on the COVID-19 Pandemic Dear Readers: The content of this issue of The Philadelphia Lawyer was decided before the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), now declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Because this magazine takes serious- ly the safety and health of its readers/Bar Association members, we strongly encourage you to stay tuned to the Philadelphia Bar Association’s website, as well as the websites for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, Pennsylvania Department of Health, City of Philadelphia, and when appropriate, other public health authorities, for the latest developments on this pandemic. In addition, please frequently check the Association’s website at http://philadelphiabar.org/page/HomePage for updates from the Association and the courts on COVID-19 and related measures. Be vigilant and protect yourself as we deal with this pandemic. Emmanuel O. Iheukwumere Editor-in-Chief | The Philadelphia Lawyer 4 the philadelphia lawyer Spring 2020 FROM THE EDITOR Political Corruption: A Bane on Justice and Societal Improvement EMMANUEL O. IHEUKWUMERE ew high-profile incidents and allegations of corruption rottenness.” (citation omitted). in our government over time, including, but not Due to the destructive effects of corruption around the world, Flimited to, the recent impeachment of President few examples of which are set forth below, it is imperative that Donald Trump by the U.S. House of Representatives we, especially lawyers, continue to fight to eradicate and lessen for, among other counts, abuse of power, his subsequent trial corruption in our society. and acquittal by the U.S. Senate, and his After European leaders—including the pardoning of former Democratic governor of highly corrupt and morally bankrupt King Illinois Rod Blagojevick, who was convicted Leopold, II, of Belgium—, with the help of the in 2009 for lying to the FBI and in 2011 for British, and German leader Kaiser Wilhelm attempting to auction off the senate seat of II, used the pretext of bringing
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