Women in Sports -■ ^ o? .r- 1 By MAUREEN ORCUTT The announcement last week by fin of Rochester, Minn. Others the United States Lawn Tennis As­ elected were Miss Madeleine Duf- 3e«=B«s NEW YORK HER A ED sociation of the selection of six star field of Buffalo, N. Y., vice presi­ women players as members of the dent; Miss Doris Keefer, Chestnut 1938 Wightman Cup team was read Hill, Pa., secretary; Miss Margaret with interest. This year the Ameri­ Bodine, Germantown, Pa., treas­ of Winners in W. S* A, Swimming Carnival can team will go to England for the urer; Miss Hetty Bixby, Wilkes- matches. Barre, Pa., publicity manager, and The line-up of the British squad Miss Emily Rand, Lincoln, Mass., has not yet been chosen, but the social chairman. first fen ranking players as an­ Miss Dorothy Moore of New York nounced by the British L. T. A. are deceived the Nickerson Cup as the as follows: 1, Mrs. Dorothy Round student who contributed most to Little; 2, Miss Ruth Mary Hard­ basketball dui’ing the year. All- wick; 3, Miss M. C. Scriven; 4, Miss Katherine Stammers; 5, Miss Smith players, for membership on Mary Heeley; 6, Miss Joan Saun­ three All-Smith teams, were award­ ders; 7, Mrs. Phyllis Mudford ed to Miss Jane Armstrong, Prince­ King; 8, Miss Freda James; 9, Miss ton, N. J.; Miss Jane Van Hoesen* Evelyn Dearman; 10, Miss Margot Rochester, N. Y.; Miss Mary Lyon, Lumb. v Wmnetka, 111.; Miss Elizabeth After her marriage last Fall Mrs. Hooker, Baltimore, and Miss Ma­ Little announced that she would rion Wood, Brookline, Mass. play no competitive tennis for at The following were elected chair­ least a year. This means that the men of sports: Miss Jeannette British title which she won last Reed, Andover, Mass., archery; year will be undefended and that Miss Mary Storm, Englewood, N. J., the British Wightman Cup team badminton; Miss Ann Kimble, Win­ will be without the services of Eng­ chester, Mass., bowling; Miss Jane land’s greatest star. Van Hoesen, Rochester, N. Y., Miss Hardwick was ranked at No. basketball; Miss Caroline Barton, 2 because she has a severe service, Summit, N. J., crew; Miss Lorno a fine backhand and is good at Ainsworth, New York, fencing; volleying. Since she was a member Miss Mary L. Nolker, St. Louis, of the 1937 Wightman Cup team, golf; Miss Mary Fine, Scranton, there is a strong indication that Pa., field hockey; Miss Janet Stock- Miss Hardwick will see action again bridge, Baltimore lacrosse; Miss m ■ ■' this year. Jean Goodrich, Newburgh, N. Y., soccer, and Miss Frances Settle, Miss Scriven Accurate Gladwyne, Pa., squash racquets. Miss Scriven is a very accurate left-hander, probably better on the Miss Unsworth N. Y. U. Captain backhand than forehand. Her serv­ ice has so improved that now it has Miss Barbara Unsworth of Tarry- the great merit of keeping low', town, N. Y., has been elected cap­ which, coupled with the fact that tain of the New York University she is at home at the net, makes women’s varsity basketball team for j her a difficult player to defeat. next season, it has been announced Miss Stammers, another left- by Miss Frances V. Froatz, director handed player, is the most grace­ of women’s athletics. Miss Uns­ ful of all the British tennis stars. worth is a junior in Washington Her service is powerful and, al­ Square College and is majoring in though strong in volleying, she has biology. During the past Court sea­ a weakness in her backhand. As son she was a guard. the No. 1 member of last year’s Swimming is very much to the team at Forest Hills, Miss Stam­ forefront in the sports program at mers undoubtedly will be chosen for the 1938 squad. Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa., Miss James, Miss Dearman and this month. One interclass meet Miss Lumb, all members of the 1937 has taken place and another is team, will have plenty of competi­ scheduled this week. A water tion in retaining their places. The pageant entitled “The Three Little most threatening player is Miss Pigs” was presented last Saturday. Heeley, a baseline player who has After the Spring vacation an all- control on both forehand and back­ Wilson squad will hold a telegraphic hand and can run faster and longer meet with Goucher College. Each than most of her adversaries. An­ contingent will swim in its own other rising star is Miss Saunders, pool and the time of each contest ------- Jlan(llcaP limited to w. S. A. girls und>r 11 Herald Tribune photo'—Kell will be flashed to the opponent. - who can serve well and volley well Miss Blanche Sidmore of Brook­ but needs to add the great and rare lyn has been named captain of the gift of consistency to her game. freshman team, which includes sev­ Elizabeth Ryan Wins Title Swim Unranked Players Strong eral preparatory school stars, No mention has been made of among them Miss Betty MacPher- either Miss Joan Ingram or Miss son, who swam last year for the And Helps Lower Medley Mark Joan Pittman in the first ten and Penn Athletic Club, Philadelphia. yet these two young players must I5-Year-0Id Star Captures be reckoned with. Last year Miss Swim Meet on Today y Ingram teamed with Miss Dearman Miss Elizabeth Ryan,- 15-year-old Met. 100-Yard Crown; to reach the semi-finals of the wo­ swimming star, who holds the sen­ Irio Sets 1:37.5 Record Today's Sports men’s doubles, championship, while ior national 100-meter free-style Miss Pittman paired with Mrs. championship and was a member By L. de B. Handley * * * King to defeat the defendinj of the 1936 Olympic team* will de­ BOXING doubles champions, Miss Stammer; fend her 100-yard metropolitan A clean-cut victory by Miss Eliza­ Mike Frattini vs. Augustin Arellano, and Miss James. A. A. U. senior _ree-style title this beth Ryan, the Women’s Swimming rounds, and other bouts, at St. Nidjftprfi Another girl who is not ranke afterndon at 3 o’clock in the Wo­ Palace, Sixty-sixth Street and ColumbiK i but who is as good or better tha., Association’s fifteen-year-old na­ Avenue, 8:30 p. m. v men’s Swimming Association pool. Amateur tournament, at Jamaica Arena ‘ any of those already mentioned is Miss Ryan will have plenty of tional 100-fiieter free-style cham- Archer Avenue and 144 th Place, Ja­ Miss E. V. Scott. Miss Scott is 19 competition, as six team-mates from pid&, in the Metropolitan A. A. U. maica, L. I., 8:30 p. m. Ja years old and has the best service the A. W. A. will endeavor tp wrest senioi:, 100-yard title test, and the figure skating “ ' of any Englishwoman. A natural the title from her. Those entered shattering of the American short- Skcatinfv^lub t0fTiTNa^ York international volleyer, she has hitherto been include Miss Gloria Callen, 880- F^hhivat, Mad!s°n Square Garden, i lacking in suitable ground shots, course record for the 150-yard med­ Eighth Avenue and Fiftieth Street, 8:4S yard senior metropolitan champion; ley relay; ‘by Miss Ryan and two p. m. ’ ” j particularly on the backhand, Miss Mildred O’Donnell, 220-yard clubmates marked the ■ open water SQUASH RACQUETS where there was a- tendency to metropolitan junior champion; Miss carnival in the W. S. A. pool yes­ 1?ixPcl d0“bles championship, check the follow through, but lat­ Helene Rains, 500-yard senior met­ terday. BroKs paSmn°’ MontagUe terly she has made a distinct ad­ ropolitan champion; Miss Lorraine vance in this department of the Fischer, 100-meter junior champion; The sprint was virtually a repeti­ L sUv heaT8TU- CIIub vs- Cambridge Univcr- 2;i,.union League Club, Park Avenue game and great things are expected Miss Mavis Freeman, senior na­ tion of the state 100-yard cham­ and Thirty-seventh Street, 5 p. m. of her this year. tional long-distance champion; Miss pionship of one week ago. The WRE STUNG jiPSit The British Lawn Tennis Associ­ Patsy Wiseman and Miss Elizabeth same five W. S. A. stars successfully Jim Londos vs. Dean Detton, finish i ation hopes, with the great im­ Harrison. weathered the qualifying heats, then and other matches, at New York 'i provement of some of its star play­ An A. W. A. team composed o finished in the same order in the drome, Sixth Avenue and Forty Street, 8:30 p. m. 14 ers in the past year, to get together Miss Ryan, free-style; Miss Rains, final. a team strong enough to stop the back-stroke, and Miss Fischer, Miss Ryan, however, won more turing a 100-yard backstroke hawdi- steady increase of victories for the breast-stroke, will attempt to set a conclusively and in faster time. As­ United States. ^50-yard medley relay record suming the lead soon after the start cap off the thirteen-second mark She took her heat in 1:18.3 and the she increased it steadily to the end Miss Sabine Honored Here is a record which will be scoring in 1:03, a body-length be­ final m 1:19. The top mark of 1:17 3 hard to beat. From Portage, Pa., fore Miss Mavis Freeman, national was credited to Miss Geraldine Lar- Miss Elizabeth Sabine of Wash­ comes word that the Portage High long-distance champion. Miss Helene °f the same club. • i ington was elected president of the School girls have a record of sixty- The 100-yard breast-stroke handi-* Smith College Athletic Association four consecutive victories in bas­ Rams, thirteen-year-old holder of recently, replacing Miss Mary Gif- the national 500-yard free-style cap went to a newcomer, Miss Irene ketball.
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