369 GENERAL INDEX TO VOL. II. A. Bembridge beds, 21 sqq., 175; Bem- bridge limestone, G. W. Cole- • Abbeys of Hampshire, see Beau- nutt on, 167; analysis of, 178; lieu ; Netley; Quarr ; Romsey; buildings in which used, 178-180 Whet-well; Winchester, St. Peter Bench-end, at Andover, 203 Adams, Henry, shipbuilder, 60, 74; Bermondspit, Hundred of, 289 his descendants, 75 Bestiaries, 160 Agamemnon, Nelson's ship, 8, 72 Binstead, strata - at, 28; stone, Alresford, pond at, 42, 362 167 sqq Alton, 122 Bitterne, Bishop's house at, 179 Amesbury, 33 Blachford, family of, 326 Ampfield Wood, 78, 79 Black Death, 305 Analysis of Bembridge limestone, 178; of Itchen Water, 57; of Blackwater river, 41, 49,195 Fuller's earth, 84 JBoarhunt, window at, 255 Andover, Rev. R. H. Clutterbuck, Boats, &c, in peat, 196 on the old church at, 20; Books, early printed, 111 sqq.; priory at, 207 chained, 136, at Shorwell, 234 Andrews, S., on sepulchral slabs Bournemouth, peat at, 189 at Monk Sherborne, 135 Bowerman, family of, 324, 325 Anton river, 38 Brading Harbour, 196 Arch, origin of the pointed, 73 Brasses, Brocas, 135; Shorwell, Attree, Major, F. W. T., on Hamp- 231; Preston Candover, 294 shire dedications from Pre- Brocas family, brasses of, 135 Reformation Wills, 331 Brune, arms and familyof, 344 sqq. Avon, the river, 44, 45, 184; Brierley, J., on Hants Fuller's water, 47 ' Earth, 184 Buckler's Hard, the Rev. G. N. Godwin on, 59 B. Burbydge, Capt. R., arms of, 348 Byzantine ornament, 10, 12, 14 Baddesley, North, Templars at, 164 Barrington, Sir Thomas, 97; Sir John, 98, 101 ; Sir Fitzwilliam, c. 105 Calbourne, see Swainston Barton Oratory, Rev. R. G. Davis Camp, Lockerley, 80 on, 295 Basingstoke, 122 ; Canal, 49 Canal, Basingstoke, 49 Baynton, family of, 291 Candover, Valley of, and its Pre- historic inhabitants, T. W. .Shore Beasts, symbolism of, 169 sqq. on, 283 ; Chilton, 289, sqq. ; Pres- Beaulieu Abbey, 59, 145, sqq.; ton, 294; stream, 43 Thomas Skevington, Abbot of, Cannon balls of stone, A. H. 149, 165 Skelton on, 81 Beaulieu River, 183, 185 Bedhampton, Manor House at, 253 Carey, Sir George, 266 Bedwyn, Great, tiles at, 157 sqq. Carisbrooke Castle, Capt. J. Mark- Beeches, see trees . land on, 257 ; Priory, 222 ; Tower . Bells, at Shorwell, 231; at West- of, 225 bury Chapel, 3; rung at Andover, Carter, Rd., arms of, 349 205 sqq Chalk, heights of, 36; springs, temperature of, 37 370 Chapelcorner Copse, strata at, 26, E. 2 27. 9. 175 Eagle, imperial, 153, 163 ; symbol- Charles I. at Carisbrooke, 268 ism of, 162 Chark, 342 Earthworks, ancient, 80 Charlton, " lavant", near, 54 Charters, of Newtown, Isle" of Edward the Confessor, legend Wight, go, 91, 108 of, 144 Cheke, family of, 322 sqq. Edwards, F. A., on early Hamp- Cheriton, 42, 294 shire Printers, n o Chilcombe, tiles at, 165 Elections, Parliamentary, 96, 97 Chilton Candover, 289 sqq. Elizabeth, Princess, death of, 269 Christ Church Priory, tiles at Entomology of New Forest, Rev. church of, 146, 157 sqq. G. Hughes on, 271 Church Oakley, stream at, 36. 37 Estcourt, A. H., on the borough of Churchwardens' Accounts at Franchville, 89 Andover, 201, 399 sqq. Ex, river, 47 Clavarias of Hampshire, Rev. W. Eyre, Rev. W. L. W., on Hamp- L. W. Eyre on, 214 shire Clavarias, 214; on a new Clutterbuck, Rev. R. H., on old Hampshire Fungus, 353 church at Andover, 201 Colenutt, G. W., on- the geology of* the Isle of Wight, 20 ; on Bem- : F. bridge limestone, 167 Fairs, 90,94 Corhampton, 311, 313 Cornwall, Edmund, Earl of, 151, Fitz Osbern, Wm., 259 153, 155, 156 ; Richard, Earl of, Font at Westbury Chapel, 6; at Hayling, 187 ; at Shorwell, 226 King, of the Romans, 151-156; Fossils, of Isle of Wight, 22 sqq.; his wives, 152, 155; his son 170 sqq. Henry, 155 Franchville, Isle of Wight, A. Courts Leet, 91, 92, 103 H. Estcourt on, 89 Cranbury Park, double tree in, 79 French invade I.W., 264 sqq., 321 Crenellate,. licence to, 7 Friars, privileges granted to, 4 Fuller's earth, J. Brierley on, 84 Fungi, 214 ; as food, 216 ; supple- mental list of, 219 ; New Hamp- D. shire, Rev. W. L. W. Eyre on, 353 Danesdyke, 40 Daundely, Robert, 290 Davies, A. M., on Romsey Abbey, 8 G. Davis, Rev. R. G., on Barton Geology of the N.E. coast of the Oratory, 295 De Bosco, family of, 319 sqq. Isle of Wight, 20; of Bembridge De Clare, arms of, 151, 164 limestone, 167 De Fortibus Isabella, 261 George III., visit of, to Beaulieu, 70 De Insula, family of, 295, 318 sqq ; Gianibelli, 267 John, 295 sqq. Gipsies of the New Forest, R. W. De Lucy, Bp., improves Itchen S. Grifnths-on, 277 navigation, 42, 362 Godwin, Rev. G. N., on Buckler's De Port, family of, 135, 136, 187 Hard, 59 De Red vers Rd.,.25g Gosport, printing at, no, i n , 123 De Vernun, Wm., 260 Greenfield, B. W., on encaustic De Winton, Thomas, 295 sqq.; tiles, 141 lands of, 302 Griffiths, R. W. S., on Gipsies of Dedications from Pre-Reformation the New Forest, 277 wills, Major Attree on, 331 Groves, Dr., on Osborne and its Despencer, arms of, 150, 164 possessors, 317 Durley, sepulchral slabs at, 138 Gun chamber, at Shorwell, 226 371 H. L. Hamble River, 55 Langstone harbour, 185 Hambledon, 311 Larvae, 273 Hammond, Colonel Rt., 269 Lavant, at Charlton and Hamble- Hampshire Literary and Philo- don, 54 sophical Society, communication Laverstoke, springs at, 37 made to, 77 Lead casting, 210 Harflenr, bombardment of, 82, 83 Lee, 343 Havant, springs at, 54 Leigh, Sir John, tomb of, 225, 232 ; Hawkley, mill at, 53 Barnabas, 232 Hayles, Abbey of, 152, 154, 156 Lepers' hospitals, 46 Hay ling, prior of, 187 Lepidoptera, Hants, 15, 271 Headbourne Worthy, 311, 314 Lewer, Robert, licensed to crenel- Headon beds, 21 sqq., 169 sqq. late, 7 Heathcote, Rev. E. D., on Hamp- Liphook, ochreous mud at, 194 shire mosses, 217 Lisle, family of, see de Insula Henville, arms and family of, 348 Lockerley Camp, W. Whitaker on, Hervey, Rev. A. C, on Lepidoptera 80; mill at, 40 of Hants, 15 Loddon, river, 48 Holybourne, 51 Lovybond, family of, 325 Hope, W. H. St. John, on Newtown Lymington, printing at, 122, 124 ; Corporation mace, 106 river, 183; mudland reclaimed Hour-glass stand, 228 at, 197 Hughes. Rev. G., on New Forest Entomology, 271 Hurst, shingle at, 184 M. Hurstbourne Priors and Tarrant, Mace, of Newtown,. 106; of South- springs at, 38 ampton, 107 Mainsborough, Hundred of, 289, I. 290 Iberians, 284 sqq. Malvern, Kiln at, 144 Inventory of Church goods, 210 Mammalia, fossil, 171 sqq.; in Iron's well, 46 peat, 188, 195, 196 Isle of Wight, geology of, 20, 167 Mann, family, of, 325, 326 Itchen, the river, 42, 182, 197; Mansfield, Kev. John, tomb of, 349 analysis of its water, 57 Markland, Capt. J., on Carisbrooke Itchingswell, 50 Castle, 257 Marl, formation of, 191 Marshes reclaimed, 196, 197; old J- words for, 199 Jeans, Rev. G. E., on Shorwell Marwell, fish ponds and bridge Church, 221 at, 44 Journal, the Salisbury and Win- Meon, East, Westbury Chapel at chester, 67, 71, 116 3; West, Church of 6, River, 55 Merevale, Abbey church of, 149 Micheldever, derivation of, 39 K. Millbrook, 41 Kedden, arms of, 348 Mills, ancient, 39, 40, 53, 193 Kilns, ancient, 144 Minns, Rev.' G. W., on mediaeval King John's Palace, 365 symbolism, 165 ; ancient church Kingsclere, 50 at Silchester, 241 ; on Slavonian Kitchin, G. H., on house in Cheese- Tombstone at North. Stoneham, 357 hill Street, Winchester, 237 Monk Sherborne, sepulchral slabs Kitchin, Dr., on Silchester, 251 at, 135 373 Montacute, Wm., 265 Pamber. forest, 136 Montague, D. of, 59, 60 ; entertains Parish Clerk of Rowner, 349, note George III., 70; Vice-Admiral Pear Tree Church, 179 J- 64 Peat, 187 sqq. -Mosaics, Roman, in England, 142 Mosses of Hampshire, Rev. E. D. Petersfield, printing at, 121, 125 Heathcote on, 217 Pew-rents, a n , 212 Moths, 274 • Place names, 284 Alottisfont, well at, 40 Polhampton, 36, 37 Mudlands of Hampshire, T. W. Popham, tiles at, 157 sqq. Shore on, 181 Portsmouth, printing at, 115, 116, 125 Pre-historic inhabitants of Can- N. dover valley, T. W. Shore on, 283 Neolithic remains, 186, 196 Preston Candover, carved stone at, Netley Abbey, 146 sqq. 138 ; brass at, 294 New Forest, bogs in, 195 ; gipsies Prideaux-Brune, Rev. E. S., Notes of, R. W. S. Griffiths on, 277 ; on Rowner, 341 entomology of, Rev. G. Hughes Printers, early Hampshire, F. A. on, 271 Edwards on, n o Priory, see Andover, Carisbrooke, Newport, printing at, 120, 124 S. Denys, Christchurch, Sher- Newtown alias Franchville, Isle of borne or Pamber, Hayling Wight; A. H. Estcourt on, 89 ; charters of, 90, 91, 105, 108; Pulpit at Shorwell, 227 manorial courts, 91, 92 ; salterns at, 94 ; fair at, go, 94 ; chapel at, 94, 95, 105; map of, 91, 102; Q political history of, g6 ; corpora- tion of, 95, 98, 101; seal, 99, Quarr Abbey, tiles at, 145 ; Roman 105 ; mace, 105; townhall, 105 ; brickwork at, 178; possessions at " Courte Bookes" of, 96, 100, Rowner, 341 _ 101, 106 Quarries at Seafield, 174; at' Nisbett, N. C. H., on chapel in Binstead and Quarr, 176, 180 ; Westbury Park, 1 ; on Saxon at Dod-pits, 177 Architecture in Hampshire, 309 North Stoneham, manor of, 44; tombstone at, 357 Norman details, 8 ; house at South- R. ampton, 365 Rainfall, averages of, 35 Nursling, tiles at, 149 sqq. Repton, kiln at, 144 Rewley, Abbey of, 154 o.
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