SPECIAL FEATURE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL RESOURCES BRIARWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Academic Achievements: Above average SAT scores Athletics: Football, basketball, baseball, softball, EPHESUS ACADEMY Superintendent: Dr. Barrett Mosbacker Athletics: Basketball, football, baseball, softball, volleyball, cheerleading Principal: Dr. William E. Lusain 2204 Briarwood Way, 35243: K4-6th grade, 776-5800 cheerleading, volleyball, after school care Tuition: Need-based tuition available, see details 829 McMillon Ave SW, Birmingham, 35211, 6255 Cahaba Valley Rd., 35242: 7th-12th grade Tuition: $2410-$3400 online. 786-2194, [email protected]. 776-5900, www.bcsk12.org Admission: Early registration until June 15; Now Admission: Accept applications yr.-round. Contact www.ephesusacademy.org Grades: K4-12th accepting the Ala. Opportunity Scholarship pending Eric Wilson or Debbie Collins, 669-7777. Grades: K5-9th Est.: 1964 Size/Ratio: 1920, 20:1 full interview. Est.: 1897 Size/Ratio: 70, 1:12 Religious Affiliation: Presbyterian CORNERSTONE SCHOOLS OF ALABAMA Religious Affiliation: Seventh Day Adventist Accreditation: SACS, Member of ACSI COOSA VALLEY ACADEMY President: Dr. Nita Carr Accreditation: NASSP, NAESP, NCPSA, Accrediting Academic Achievements: According to ACSI, Briar- Headmaster: Pamela Lovelady Principal: Veronica Wiggs (Elem) Assoc. of SDA Schools, Colleges and Univ, NADCA wood has largest number of National Merit finalists 163 Park Street, Harpersville, 35078 Jeremy Knowles (Middle & High) Academic Achievements: Christ-centered learning, among member schools. 99% attend two and four 672-7326, [email protected] 118 55th Street North, 35212 (Elem) environment sensitive to individual needs. year colleges or universities. www.coosavalleyacademy.org Grades: 959 Huffman Road, 35215 (HS) Honors & Awards: NAESP’s American Citizenship Honors and Awards: SAT and ACT scores above state K3-12th 591-7600, [email protected] Award & President’s Education Award and national averages, previous state winner for the Est.: 1970 Size/Ratio: 295, 15:1 www.EducateBirmingham.org Fine Arts: Choir, Music, Art, Drama, Piano Robotics Team, winner of multiple State champion- Religious Affiliation: Nondenominational Accred- Grades: K4-12th Special Courses: Bible, Computer & Science Labs, ships in athletics. itation: SACS, AISA, CITA Est.: 1986 Size/Ratio: 504, 1:15 Math Bowl, Spelling Bee, Science Fair, Before & After Fine Arts: Show Choir, Band, Drama, Visual Arts, Academic Achievements: AISA Blue Ribbon School Religious Affiliation: None Care, Community Service Programs Lion Guard, Choir Honors & Awards: AISA state award winning art Accreditation: SACS, ACSI, Intl. Baccalaureate Tuition: $3500-$5000 per yr, varies by grade Athletics: Football, basketball, baseball, cross country, program, community service leaders Primary World School, International Baccalaureate Admission: Enrollment packet, academic records, track, tennis, golf, volleyball, swimming, soccer, Fine Arts: Music, art Primary Years Programme immunization record. Accept applications yr. round. cheerleading, softball Athletics: Baseball, football, softball, basketball, Academic Achievements: First International Primary Special Courses: Bible, Math Team, College Prep, cheerleading, dance, pep squad, ,volleyball, soccer, World School in Birmingham, Ala. and the second in EVANGEL CLASSICAL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Honors, Adv. Placement Courses, MATLAB, Robot- golf, fishing team. 14 state championships. the state. 19% increase in students ready in reading Principals: Dawn Hensley - K-5th grades, ics, Computer Assisted Drafting/Design, Anatomy/ Special Courses: ABEKA, Saxon Math, Spanish, Ger- on the ACT Aspire from 2015-2016, 57% increase in Melissa Bell - 6th -12th grades, Physiology, Forensics, Journalism, Creative Writing, man, Adv. computer, ACT Prep, Adv Honors, Bible students ready in math on ACT Aspire test. 100% of 423 Thompson Rd., Alabaster Mag. Design, Spanish, French, Latin, Chinese history, Troy Univ. dual enrollment seniors enrolled in college or university. 216-0149, [email protected] Tuition: Available at www.bcsk12.org or call Tuition: $325/mo for 1st child, add’l children Honors & Awards: National School of Distinction www.evangelclassical.org 776-5813. discount Merit from Beta Club, Recipient of the Samford Grades: K5-12th Admission: Accepting applications year-round. Admission: Test scores, transcripts, drug test 9-12. University Frances Mann Center for Ethics and Lead- Est.: 2000 Size/Ratio: 360, 15:1 Details on-line or contact Kelly Mooney, Dir. of Accept applications yr round ership Character Award, International Baccalaureate Religious Affiliation: Presbyterian Church of Ameri- Admissions, [email protected] status ca CORNERSTONE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Fine Arts: Choir, Music, Art, Dance ,Drama, Band Accreditation: Assoc. of Classical Christian Schools BROOKLANE BAPTIST ACADEMY Director: Jay Adams Athletics: Basketball, Tennis, Cross Country, Track Academic Achievements: Avg of 82 in SESAT 10 Administrator: Ty Harter 24975 Hwy. 25, Columbiana, AL 35051 and Field, Volleyball ,Soccer, Baseball, Cheerleading Complete Battery, Avg ACT 28.4, 5 National Merit 160 Brooklane Drive, Hueytown 35023 669-7777, www.cornerstonechargers.com Special Courses: Bible, choir, drama, career prep, Finalists since 2012 497-0967, www.brooklanebaptist.academy Grades: K3 – 12th praise dance, ACT prep Honors & Awards: Above average SAT scores. Duke Grades: K3-12th Est.: 1997 Size/Ratio: 195,1/15 Tuition: Sliding scale based on family income, 100% Tip Winners, national Merit finalists, UAB Robotics Est.: 1973 Religious Affiliation: Christian of students receive tuition assistance competition finalists, Beta Club Religious Affiliation: Baptist Accreditation: SACS/AISA Admission: Open enrollment began on Jan. 4. Call Fine Arts: Piano, violin, drama, art, ballet, voice Accreditation: ACEA and AACS Academic Achievements: Students avg a 24.1 on 591-7600 for details Athletics: Tennis, gymnastics, boys baseball, basket- the ACT ball, football, girls softball, basketball, cheerleading, Continued on page 2 June 26-30, 2017 Animate is a five-day Registration opens Samford University summer program in worship February 15, 2017 Birmingham, Alabama leadership for teenagers and their adult mentors Register at ANIMA.SAMFORD.EDU/ANIMATE [email protected] | 205-726-4524 February 2017 1 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL RESOURCES volleyball Special Courses: Latin, Student Service Est.: 1974 Size/Ratio: 265, 12:1 INTEGRITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Accreditation: SACS Club, Shurley Grammar, Saxon Math, Veritas Bible & Religious Affiliation: Nondenominational Principal: Venandee L. Hennington 216 Roebuck Dr, Fine Arts: Drama, band, chorus History, Scholars Bowl, Robotics Team, Math Team Accreditation: SACS, ACSI 35215, 833-4416, Athletics: CC, track, basketball, baseball, volleyball, Tuition: Varies by grade, $5,530 - $5,990 Academic Achievements: ACSI Spelling Bee, Math [email protected] football, soccer, softball, lacrosse Admission: Student testing, parent interviews, Open Olympics, Mu Alpha Theta, Tri-M, National Honor www.integritybiblechurch.org Special Courses: Theology, foreign languages, honors Application Period begins in March. Soc, Student Gov, 24 average on ACT, $1.6 million in Grades: K2-6th and advanced placement courses, guidance services, class of 2016 scholarships, 100% able to attend two or Religious Affiliation: Non-denominational after school care GARDENDALE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY four year colleges or universities Academic Achievements: 95% above avg on SAT Tuition: Catholic: $7285, Non-Catholic: $9285, Principal: John Parrish Honors & Awards: National Merit Commended Special Courses: Foreign Language, library, choir, financial aid available School Dir.: Linda Wheeler Scholars, Birmingham Youth Leadership Forum, computer, after school care Admission: Placement test 1800 Decatur Hwy., 35071, 631-9465, Wendy’s Heisman high school winner, AHSSA class Tuition: K-2 through K:5- $350 [email protected], www.gdalechristian.org 1A/2A cross country, indoor track and field state 1-6 grade- $350, excludes aftercare Grades: K4-5th champions, 100% of graduates attend college Admission: Elementary students required to take KINGWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Est.: 1981 Size/Ratio: 132, K-18:1, 1-5th-10:1 Fine Arts: Band/Marching & Concert, Choir, Music, entrance exam, open registration begins March Principal: Ruth Gray Religious Affiliation: Church of the Nazarene Visual Arts, Theatre/Film Studies Headmaster: Rev. Benny Cunningham Academic Achievements: High SAT scores, A Beka Athletics: CC, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Soft- JEFFERSON CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 1351 Royalty Drive, Alabaster, 35007, 663-3973 Honors & Awards: ACEA state Fine Arts and Aca- ball, Soccer, Track and Golf. BRIAA Youth Athletics President: Bill Brown [email protected] demic testing in CC and Basketball 1500 Heritage Place Drive, Birmingham,35210, www.kingwoodchristianschool.com Fine Arts: Choir, drama, music, art Special Courses: ACT prep, AP/Honors, Work Study, 956-9111, [email protected], www.jcaweb.net Grades: K-12 Athletics: Basketball, cheerleading Dual Enrollment, Life Skills, Forensics, Mktg, Bioeth- Grades: 6 weeks-12 Est.: 1978 Size/Ratio: 375, 15:1 Special Courses: Mac lab and iPad lab for K4-5, ics, Yearbook Est.: 1970 Size/Ratio: 350,14:1 Religious Affiliation: Assembly of God summer care, library time for homework, after Tuition: $6000-$7000 annually Religious Affiliation:Church of Christ Accreditation: SACS,
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