Supporting Democracy Abroad: An Assessment of Leading Powers minimal moderate moderate moderate limited limited minimal strong minimal moderate Brazil | European Union | France | Germany | India | Indonesia | Japan | Poland | South Africa Sweden United States 6 very strong support for democracy and human rights Sweden Jan Joel Andersson EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Support for democratic development abroad is a Sweden is one of the world’s most primary goal of Sweden’s foreign policy.1 Sweden is outspoken supporters of democracy one of the most outspoken supporters of democrat- and one of the world’s largest donors of ic values, and one of the world’s largest donors of democracy assistance in both absolute and per democracy assistance. With a long-standing capita terms. In 2013, Sweden allocated some 29 consensus across all major political parties, billion kronor ($4.4 billion) to development assis- Swedish politicians and diplomats consis- tance, of which about 20 percent was dedicated tently raise democracy and protection of to democracy, human rights, and gender equality.2 human rights in bilateral relations and An important share of democracy assistance is multilateral organizations. funneled through Swedish civil society organizations such as political parties, labor unions, volunteer According to the government, all parts associations, and churches that in turn work with of Sweden’s foreign policy should promote civil society counterparts seeking to strengthen human rights. Gender equality is central democracy in more than 70 countries. Sweden’s to Swedish development assistance, and a policy has a particular focus on women’s rights, gender equality, and protection of minorities. significant portion of the foreign aid budget About this project for these topics is distributed through civil Sweden’s approach to international democracy promotion can be traced to its domestic experience This project analyzes society organizations. The government also support by 11 democratic with civil society actors committed to strong dem- emphasizes the importance of defending powers for democracy ocratic institutions. In comparison to many other and human rights the defenders of human rights and democ- countries, Sweden’s path to democracy was piece- during the period racy, such as journalists. meal and nonviolent, with small farmers and labor June 2012–May 2014. Sweden was, however, reluctant to call organizations playing a key role. By about 1920, the political institutions generally considered necessary About the author the July 2013 removal of the democratically for a parliamentary, liberal democracy had been Jan Joel Andersson elected Egyptian president a military coup. established. A high degree of consensus and willing- is senior research fellow ness to compromise made the transition peaceful. and head of program Sweden has also faced criticism for export- at the Swedish Institute ing arms and defense equipment to non- Sweden also remained democratic during the of International Affairs interwar years when many other European countries (UI) in Stockholm. democratic states. experienced a rupture in democratic governance. 1 www.freedomhouse.org Supporting Democracy Sweden Abroad: An Assessment of Leading Powers Foreign Policy Objectives and the neglect of human rights in official commu- Sweden has experienced a long-standing consen- nications and in Swedish government interactions sus across all major political parties for supporting with Chinese counterparts.9 An example is Chinese democratic development as an important element prime minister Wen Jiabao’s visit to Sweden in April of its foreign policy. Human rights and democracy 2012. The official agenda of the meeting between promotion are a central theme of its foreign policy, Wen Jiabao and Swedish prime minister Fredrik and Swedish politicians and diplomats frequently Reinfeldt focused on sustainable development, but raise these issues in bilateral relations as well as in democracy and human rights were also discussed.10 multilateral organizations. In the Swedish Foreign The Swedish government also publishes an official Service, promoting human rights is a prioritized human rights report on China that openly criticizes mission. According to the Swedish government, all China’s human rights deficits. parts of its foreign policy should reflect this mission, Swedish ambassador Stefan Eriksson frequently including development cooperation, migration, participated in meetings with opposition leaders security policy, and trade.3 To this end, the Swedish in Belarus until the government expelled him in government has developed a dedicated website for August 2012 in response to active and vocal the protection and promotion of human rights in Swedish support for civil society groups and human both Sweden and internationally.4 rights activists. Foreign Minister Bildt stated that In the Swedish government’s annual foreign policy the expulsion was “about Sweden being engaged declaration to parliament on February 18, 2013, in democracy and human rights in Belarus.”11 which laid out the main priorities of the current Other examples include Zimbabwe, where government, Foreign Minister Carl Bildt stated that Development Minister Gunilla Carlsson stressed “human rights, democracy and the rule of law are the importance of respect for human rights and fundamental principles for our actions, as is respect the rule of law in meetings with the government in for international law.”5 March 2013.12 In Iran, during a February 2014 visit Sweden promotes the importance of democratic val- with President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister ues both in its relations with significant geopolitical Mohammad Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister Bildt actors such as Russia and China and in its relations focused on not only the nuclear issue but also the with smaller countries such as Belarus and Cuba. human rights situation. According to the Ministry of With both Russia and China, Sweden was ranked Foreign Affairs, the leaders discussed the increasing among the most outspoken European governments use of capital punishment and limitations on the in promoting the rule of law, human rights, and Internet in Iran.13 democracy in its bilateral relations, as well as on the European level, in the 2012 and 2013 European Development Assistance and Trade 6 Foreign Policy Scorecards. For example, in the In 2013, Sweden allocated around 5.3 billion kronor Swedish government’s 2013 foreign policy decla- ($806 million) to democracy assistance and human ration on Russia, the foreign minister stated that rights.14 The distribution of assistance is guided although Sweden strives for closer and broader by the 2008 Swedish government communication contacts, Sweden is “concerned to see that respect titled “Freedom from Oppression,” which empha- for human rights is deteriorating, that the scope of sizes support for democratization and respect for civil society is shrinking, and that the country’s lead- human rights.15 ers appear to give priority to modernizing the armed forces ahead of modernizing Russian society.”7 In order to avoid spreading itself too thinly across too many countries, Sweden initiated a policy in In the sections on China, the foreign minister 2008 to concentrate its aid efforts in a limited set pointed out that “China’s increasingly prominent role of countries and issue areas. However, the govern- as a global actor also increases our expectations ment has found it harder than anticipated to pare of it taking greater responsibility in global issues. down the number of aid recipient countries. In This responsibility also includes respect for the 2013, Sweden contributed more than $4 billion in human, civil, and political rights and freedoms of development assistance to nearly 12,000 projects 8 its own citizens.” Sweden continues to press for in 136 countries and regions around the world.16 greater respect for human rights and democracy The Swedish government’s most recent paper on in its relations with China, condemning corruption the topic underlines that democracy promotion and 2 Freedom House a gender perspective should permeate all Swedish Often labeled “the last dictatorship in Europe,” Be- development aid and aid programs.17 Accordingly, larus, a close neighbor, is of major concern for Swe- Swedish aid projects have supported the conduct den. Sweden has been a long-standing and vocal of elections, trained journalists, and provided legal critic of the regime in Belarus, but it also conducts assistance to persecuted peoples and groups. broad-based development work there. Swedish support is concentrated in three areas: An important part of the Swedish foreign aid budget (i) democracy, human rights, and gender equality; allocated to democracy promotion and human rights (ii) the environment; and (iii) market development. is distributed by the Swedish International Devel- Support is provided for activities that contribute opment Cooperation Agency (Sida) to Swedish civil to greater public and political pluralism. The annual society organizations, which in turn cooperate with aid to Belarus in 2011–14 is estimated at 120 million more than 1,800 local civil society organizations in kronor ($17.7 million).22 the recipient developing countries. Sida is the major Swedish aid actor, distributing more than half of the Sweden also funds nongovernmental organizations Swedish foreign assistance budget. It is also the such as the Raul Wallenberg Institute (RWI), which major government agency, under the Ministry for organizes
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