THE SUN SUNDAY JUNE 10380 t 1 h r 1 J u I a I r k I Stern Brothers I SIMPSON CRAWfORD SlMlf501 Tomorrow lArge assortments of 74zZheQ OWBNTALISTS JEWELERS vJ vM JJ L4 Undergarmentso- IJ 3 Womens BROADWAY 18TH ST SHIRT WAIST SALEi- In the Lace Dept Nainsook Cambric and Muslin If The Course of Our f I absolutely Pure Egyptian Cigarette e a boa All The Ua Much Below Prevailing Prices sirdarVanllnes s an unbroken series of highest values At a time when demand is heaviest for such specials have ever greeted buyers 35c 67c 98c Intrinsically by every test no Waists Yokes Sleeves etc Chemises SUMMER FURNISHINGSR- All our popular patterns just The Material each in its respective grade compare with fabrics found lately to 4 Drawers 39c 50c 69c 59c 79c yd are Porcelains Furniture Drapsries ugs Mattings around in costlier garments- 6 Corset Covers 75c 98c i25 far i 48c Night Robes 98c 125 n65 Much Below Usual Prices The Workmanship in every instance is careful skilful and after the most I Petticoats 123 165 398 approved methods comprising uneven lots and patterns well stop Moussellne All Overs- and wonderful Lawn Dressing Sacques 75c 95c importing as wen as re islar lines The Trimmings are distinguished for daintiness elegance In Black White Cream and colors r Oolf and Linen Mohair China Silk from every part of the FarAway East variety material and lace trimmed 98c shirred and tucked from ftfi Tourist Boomers 190 325 Are aU yard Second Floor Leading the Weeks Bargains f35 to f98 at 3 A assortment of Lyons weave Will close out a number this styles Inducements group at White Lawn hemstitched tucked blouse and sleeves 3 rows of of season of This Weeks in Liberty Chiffon42 wide and insertion on White Lawn Plain tine White Lawn 48c all silk ChiffonIn Black White and Creamvalues o r Ta5Iormadle Suits Printed Silks- Waists with fancy tucked tront and of fancy Womens Fancy 3 groups at SSe to 65c all at rf Gray Homespuns Blue or Black Cheviots and hemstitched and tucked lawn back and frontFancy and Chinese Materials Laces I Ladles Cloths silk lIned throughout Eton Coats- The Genuine Japanese uyc Waists with pleated ruffled front self collar White Trimming I Lawn Waists with three rows embroidery insertion For Summer dressesfine Valend It 1975 245O 3250 450 Waist Lengths of ennesLaces with embroidered out 40 3 groups at Bias fronts of fine Nainsook insertion between tucks bayadere Heretofore 2950 to 6000 Printed Japanese j line of pattern in newest designs A blouse with nainsook insertion and tuckssolid pin Edgings Silks- ft y c to Dress to ing entire front ngs 8c 25c In lengths of 3 to 4 yanfa 40 i some in Irish Point Nainsook First Floor this ill 2 per feAath 5 group at Finest embroideries embroide- Torchon Laces Womens Waists and hemstitched effectsbias fronts of alternate fine I ryI Marvellous imitations of Real Laces of White Hemstitched C the samestraight fronts of embroidery and Crinkled Lawns- 9 in choice patterns edgings and J 100 yards in dress lengths all on sheer White Lawn I 00 insertion insertings to match of Imported Scotch Madras Pink Blue and of 12 to 18 yards 6 to 15c Lavender Strips with Stock Ties to match Value 250 i 65 Lace Insertion and Tucked Waists also solid front of embroidery I 198 All this seasons importation to Irregular Bandings 50 Silk Gingham Waistsviolet pink blue and oxblood I 285 new colors and designs 13 Black Japanese Silk Waists fine tucked front dress sleeves 295 Irregular Venise Lace In Crib ecru and linen shades very Lace Black Taffeta Waiststucked fronts best silk I Curtains 398 desirable for trimming silk and cot i Irish Point Tambour Brussels Renaissance White Taffeta Waistsfront of hemstitching and tabs 475 ton fabrics our 125 to 148 i Marie Antoinette Madras and Colored Cross Stripes Third Floor styles all at In I 2 and 3 pair lot3 Oriental Rugs I 11 less thin Good Sized TRIMMED HAT DEPT- DRESS GOODS at 11 1J former prices 250 00 I Daghestans Carabaghs At 7 Exquisite Summer Fabrics and Ruffled Muslin Curtains SOC 75C pro and Beloochlstans All Remaining Colored Hats- Weaves Considerably 00 00 Reduced Greatly reduced now 8 9 each At One of nft Clearing Sale gOO or Individuality pervades these of Two Prices 9 foreign to the 200 Fine Boys Summer Apparel 00 Values from 1000 to 1800 are sacrificed under this rule including many French cutanddried so rife Persian From 20 Washabe Sailor Suits I 95cI Models and other select creations of the highest type So sweeping a cut now of English Galateas Chambray Linens Hall Strips of prices is rarely associated with Millinery of this order S 00 The High Favor Shown to Em- 3 to 12 yrs ft ft to and White Duck 1 145 la Iwfthi from 9 to J36 5 New Street Carriage and Garden Hats dal mah Heretofore 175 to 498 j broidered Swiss has Surprised- Mainly In htte Tuscan Mach 198 their appearance t and the Most Sanguine Fourth Floor Sailor Middy tt Russian Suits- Here are f100 grades at 59c colored untrimmed Hats Wide of English Serges Heretofore 598 to 975 375 Rocking Chairs 00 Clearing of 25c- 32 At 7 And also 198 grades at 98c fine Black Chip Hats Golf Suits of Scotch Tweeds in Rattan A Sale of very 45cT- 44 e and Cheviots 8 to 16 yrs Heretofore 595 to 798 395 the new rattan spring teat 00 clearance of Untrimmed Hats means much Values are unconsidered- French Silk Challies haw restfuL and 9 he Extremely and attractive desirable shapes sell at the merest shadow of former Wear Doublebreasted Suits- Pattern attractive and decorative and Beauty to Recom-¬ of fine Imported Worsteds Cheviots and The Black Chip Hats at 45c meet every requirement and are sterling mend Casslmeres 8 to 16 yrs Heretofore to ALSO RATTAN ARM CHAIRS WITH AND WITHOUT 75c values 795 1290 5 00 RECLINING reduce 7Sc line to ARM RESTS SHTTBBS AND EASY General Untrimmed Stocks are constantly enhanced by new lines of Fancy We the 59c CHAIRS LOWERED PRICES Lace Tuscans with white and Neapolitan Hats No Better Summer Fabric Exists In Addition to our Long Branch Free Parcel Delivery will Than Black le delivered by our own wagons during the Summer Months at the Another Week of the Flower Sale AllSilk Grenadines following points Ribbon Stripes and Armures at the most stocks in New York const nUy 95e This draws its offerings from were I reserves and purchases while surrounding assort f150 Deal Beach Asbury Park Belmar fLINTS pNEpIlRNlTURE SIte opula ftop recruited from enormous 44 Inches Wide Allenhur5t Ocean Grove Avon Como ments are shattered and run right Our advantages are obvious I THE USUAL JUNE for choicestyles to the finest Lilacs MAGICIANS IN REEDREDUCED- SALE magnificent scope Interlaken Bradley Beach Spring Lake Mon- Bathing Has Begun of the Utttrty Furnishings American Bluets Buttercups Daisies Poppies Wreaths turn rooms and ve-¬ Watch our AT TWENTYFIVE tures etc randas Into light airy comfortable retreata PER CENT DISCOUNT Inaugural Specials in Bathin U from the plainly marked bought and sold at a fraction of value hardly paying cost of West Twemlytlhkd Street and ae it of Prlcu A thousand boxes Suits for Misses an AN materials MORRIS CHAIHS In red and nat- ¬ INTERESTING COLLECTION Children- reduced from Comprising Sxturuiottj- xcuOiou ural mab reed 750 many Quaint and Unusual Thtoji- Sprays 2 roses and foliage 35c values at 19c tulttble for Use In Rose Of English Sicilienne Brilliantine Serge L 8nGO Denim Cre- Touri Includl all travelllnc and hntel eipeniei or- CWbODI covered with Bluet worth 30c at 19c tonne and Cotton Tapestry H35O THE COUNTRY HOUSE OP TIlE PERIOD in combinations of iMTelllac tickets only la CONEY ISLAND and Flowers at Via Culver Rout White Lilacs with Foliage 40c 25c Blue Black with white trim- ¬ Other luxurious chairs divan reduced GOOD FOR WEDDING GIFTS backs so Assorted Wreaths at < mings Black with black braids S From HAMILTON FERRTt Throufh I8tb 8k with seats BO deep and springy 50c and 75c 39c NIAGARA FALLS THOU Cart Fart ft cts comfortable arms so their very Jtttlo Chairs and Tablu In Odd and with white or red braids From DROAD1TAY FERRIES ThJOUrt VII U restful Conalb of Malacca Cant English forest Black and SAND ISLANDS- derbUIAr Electric lag to eta Solid Navy with red and white Can Enamelled reed tn all colors tone Green Ash Illuminated Oak From BHIDGEt 5th Ave L Elsctrto Tralna purples or Inter ¬ trimmings collar yoke and i MONTREAL QUEBEC browns and San Domingo Mahogany traniferrlni atattbst rare 10 eta woven tint e coral or Summers Starting Specials in Prices SAGUENAY frnm nATTERTi Ft Whitehall SI I 30TH ST Oriental dashes all now reduced FLEMISH IRASS CANDLESTICK AND COFFERS KERRY and Ibroufh Electric Cara Fare 1U tts brilliant AND below factory prices as you DELLA ROBBIA LAMPS INDIAN JARS DELFT 245 298 325 395 up LAKES GEORGE PLATES AND LIBERTY MUGS AND HIM AND SKIRTS- BRIGHTON BEACH MAXERN DRESSES CHAMPLAIN rAnB10 CENTS GUY OF THE OrKarly mntltn u rtifuclullv ur t SUNDAY SERVICE Capes- ADIRONDACKS 4 d Nt W at th Are An offering of Foulard Dresses lightest daintiest and airiest attire in Foulard From BRIDGEt Eecrle expreM tralntTla OEOCFLINT Co > Silks choice patterns new and latest Waists Should For Golf and Steamer 13 Ebb ti McMngfi Ic r wear WHITE MOUNTAINS Co L every mlnulea 3ect 9 Co i- AND 47 WEST 2 3 ST 11 be are rarely at 00 7 1 50 NOVA SCOTIA nd All Snmmr From PARK ROW Tbroucb Flatbush Art 4345 mart nifiLt by rights 52500 reversible cloth Resorts Electric Cars NEAR BROADWAY An offering of Unen Drum in fine imported goods light and dark blue tucked 25 Liberty Chiffon Capes in black From BROADWAY FERRIES Ttroufh Del<< e book on application list InfornAttoa- Noitrand
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