EXTERNAL INDUSTRY SERVICE 行业对外服务 安营拓展 Expansion and Exploration 个城市 35 Cities 每一个城市,每一个轨道交通线网设计任务完成, 让同行的我们携手壮大。 Every time when we complete the design of the rail transit network in every city, we grow together. CORPORATION OVERVIEW 公司概况 地铁设计 地铁监理 METRO DESIGN METRO SUPERVISION NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 线网建设 2015年经营收入 2015年经营收入 NETWORK OPERATION 线网运营 Operating Income Operating Income 亿元 亿元 9.56 RMB Hundred Million 1.49 RMB Hundred Million PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 物业发展 2015年,广州地铁设计研究院设计业务拓展至全国28 In 2015, Guangzhou Metro Design &Research Institute expanded its 2015年,广州轨道交通建设监理有限公司业务拓展至全 In 2015, Guangzhou Mass Transit Engineering Supervision Co., Ltd. professional services to 28 cities and orderly developed the overall contracts of expanded its business to 20 cities nationwide and was granted qualification 个城市,有序开展27条在建线路总体总包、22条线路设计咨 27 lines under construction and design consulting service of 22 lines. The 国22个城市,获得环境监理甲级、公路、铁路工程监理乙级 class A of environment supervision as well as qualification class B of 询工作,全年新签合同13.5亿元,实现经营收入9.56亿元, amount of new contract in 2015 reached 1.35 billion yuan with 956 million of 资质并成功进入供电系统及环境监理领域,全年新签合同 highway and railway project supervision and got started in power supply operating income and 135 million of profit before tax, increased by 26.03 % and system and environment supervision field with new contracts reaching 194 较2014年分别增长26.03%。 33.54% respectivelyover the last year. 1.99亿元,实现经营收入1.49亿元。 million yuan and operating income reaching 149 million for a whole year. In terms of superior urban rail transit business, we mainly explored overall In 2015, the company totally applied for 2 patents and 13 software 在城市轨道交通优势业务方面,在保证广州本地业务设计 2015年全年共申请专利2项、软件著作权13项;获得总 SERVICE EXTERNAL INDUSTRY 行业对外服务 contract of new metro lines and new trambusiness within Guangdong Province copyrights and won 2 technological progress awards from the parent 质量、进度的同时,重点开拓省内及省外的地铁新线总包业务 and outside of Guangdong Province while guaranteeing the local business 公司科技进步奖2项;独立自主开发的管片检查手机APP系 company; besides, the independently-developed segment check mobile 和新型有轨电车业务。积极开拓海外市场,目前设计院正密切 design quality and schedule. Besides, the institute actively developed overseas 统已上线。BIM项目“轨道交通信息模型管理系统”荣获 application system went online. BIM project called “Rail Transit Information market. For instance, the institute is now closely following several overseas Model Management System” won the “Excellence Award of First National 跟踪马来西亚轻轨三号线、巴拿马地铁二号线、摩洛哥轻轨及 projects, such as light rail Line 3 in Malaysia, Metro Line 2 in Panama, Morocco 2015年“第一届全国BIM学术论文大赛优秀奖”和第四届 BIM Thesis Competition” and the first prize of the fourth “Longtu Cup” 美国洛杉矶轨道交通等海外项目,与中国港湾工程公司、中国 light rail,and LA rail transit in United States, and also discussing cooperation “龙图杯”全国BIM大赛一等奖。 National BIM Competition. with China Harbor Engineering Company, China National Machinery Import & The Supervision Company was nominated again for “National Top 100 MANUFACTURING RAIL TRANSIT EQUIPMENT 轨道交通装备制造 机械进出口公司、中国北方工业公司开展合作洽谈。 Export Company and China North Industries Corporation. 监理公司再度入围“全国监理行业收入百强企业”,连 Income Enterprises in Supervision Industry”, won the title of “Honesty and Credit 在承担政府科研项目方面,设计院在研的政府项目数量 For governmental research projects, the number of the projects 续七年荣获“守合同重信用”企业, 被评为“广东省建设监 Company” for the 7th consecutive year and was awarded honors of “Excellent undertaken by the institute has reached 8, a historical height among which Project Supervision Enterprise in Supervision Industry of Guangdong Province”, 上升到8个,达到历史最高水平。其中,《地铁多线换乘站与 Research of Combined Building Technology and its Application for 理行业先进工程监理企业”、 “广州市安全文化建设示范企 “Model Company of Guangzhou Safety Culture Construction” and “Excellent 市政路、桥、隧合建关键技术研究与应用》科研项目通过科 Interchanges of Multi-Lines, Roads, Bridges and Tunnels was technologically 业”、 “黄花岗科技园优秀单位”。 Company in Huanghuagang Technology Park”. examined and reached a worldwide advanced level. 技成果鉴定,研究成果达到国际领先水平。 For patent application, the number of patent licensing kept increasing ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT 在专利申请方面,年内专利授权数量持续增长,获得1项 within the year, with one authorized with patent for invention and six for utility 企业管理 models. Besides, 19 patents application projects were accepted by Patent 发明专利授权和6项实用新型专利授权,另有19个专利申请项 Office, 13 of which applied for invention patent. The institute patent project Fire 目获得专利局受理,其中13个项目申请发明专利。设计院专 Alarm and Linkage Control System and Methods Applied in Urban Rail Transit won “2014 Excellence Awards of Patent of Guangdong Province”. 利项目“应用于城市轨道交通的火灾联动控制系统及方法” 荣获“2014年广东省专利奖优秀奖”。 科技创新 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY 企业责任 广州地铁设计院参与设计的南京南站项目效果图 发明专利证书 Design sketch of Nanjing South Railway Station, co-designed by Guangzhou Metro Design & Research Institute Certificates of Invention Patent 61 62 CORPORATION OVERVIEW 公司概况 地铁咨询 地铁培训 METRO ENGINEERING METRO PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING TRAINING NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 线网建设 2015年经营收入 2015年经营收入 Operating Income Operating Income NETWORK OPERATION 线网运营 万元 万元 6609 RMB Ten Thousand 3595 RMB Ten Thousand 2015年,广州中咨城轨工程咨询有限公司业务拓展至全 In 2015, Guangzhou Zhongzi Metro Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. 2015年,广州城市轨道交通培训学院已累计承接全国 In 2015, Guangzhou Urban Mass Transit Training Institute provided PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 物业发展 expanded its business to 21 cities, covering project construction, operational talent training services for 35 urban rail enterprises, 6 automobile 国21个城市,覆盖工程建设、运营筹备、城轨运维等领域, preparations, urban rail operation and maintenanceand other fields. The 35家城轨企业、6家车辆生产厂家、24家铁路院校和3家有 manufacturers, 24 rail institutes and colleges and 3 trams companies with a 全年新签合同1.3亿元,实现经营收入6609万元。 newly-concluded contracts were worth 130.95 million yuan, with the 轨电车公司的人才培养服务,培训总量截止目前累计超47万 total training amount of 470,000 person-days by now and was selected operating income reaching 66.09 million yuan. among the first key-recommended new third board companies to be listed, 中咨公司进一步拓展联调演练、运营筹备市场,在现有 The company further has explored joint debugging drills and 人/天,实现经营收入3595万元。被列为我市首批重点推荐 with operating income reaching 35.9 million yuan in total. The institute was 项目基础上相继取得郑州、南宁、佛山项目。其中,《南宁 operational preparation market, and thus won projects of Zhengzhou, 的新三板挂牌企业。 listed as one of the first group of new three board listed company highly Nanning and Fuoshan apart from the existing ones. To be specific, the recommended by Guangzhou City. SERVICE EXTERNAL INDUSTRY 行业对外服务 市轨道交通1号线合作运营服务合同》进展顺利,已完成轨 Contract on the Cooperation of Operational Service for Nanning Rail Transit 培训学院积极应对市场竞争,成功中标合肥地铁、福州 The training institute actively responded to the market competition and 道公司的组织机构搭建,运作体系、规章制度和标准的编制 Line 1 went on successfully. The structural construction of the rail transit 地铁、厦门地铁、南宁地铁和成都地铁等招标项目。同时, successfully won the bidding of Hefei Metro, Fuzhou Metro, Xiamen Metro, company, and the compilation of the operating system, regulations and Nanning Metro and Chengdu Metro. etc. and meanwhile, the training 等工作,完成了16个专题研究和开展了多种形式的培训活 standards have been accomplished. 16 themed lectures were launched and 培训学院积极挖掘新老客户,与贵阳、兰州、徐州、温州、 institute actively sought for new and existing customers, establishing 动。同时,公司新开拓了试运行认证业务,在大连、东莞、 other training activities in various forms were also carried out. What’s more, 柳州、哈尔滨、沈阳、西宁、西安、杭州、南京、深圳、北 business partnership with subway rolling stock equipment companies and the company has already taken new steps in providing trial operation urban rail companies in Guiyang, Lanzhou, Xuzhou, Wenzhou, Liuzhou, 广佛地铁组织的专家评委会均取得一致好评;信息化咨询业 authentication services, which has been unanimously acknowledged by the 京地铁装备公司等城轨企业建立业务合作关系,相继开展各 Harbin, Shenyang, Xining, Xian, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shenzhen and Beijing. MANUFACTURING RAIL TRANSIT EQUIPMENT 轨道交通装备制造 务成为新的业务增长点,新开拓了3个项目,服务范围已涵 expert panel organized by Dalian, Dongguan and Guangfuo metro lines; 类培训业务,为城轨行业人才培养助力。 Taking the new three board listing and revision of strategic planning as informationalized consulting has become a new growth point and developed the opportunity, the training institute, based on its own actual situation, 盖了厦门、福州和合肥等6个城市。 3 projects covering 6 cities including Xiamen, Fuzhou and Hefei. 培训学院以新三板挂牌和战略规划修编为契机,从自身 defined “research and marketing” as the two driving forces of thecore 中咨公司被评为广东省“守合同、重信用企业”、广东 The company was given the honor of “ Contract-abiding and 实际出发,确立“研发与营销”作为打造学院核心竞争力的 competitiveness building. Besides, rooted in the whole value chain of urban Promise-keeping Company” and “Model Company for Integrity” in rail talent development, the institute, while making technical training better, 省“诚信示范企业”;工程咨询资质正式从丙级升为乙级, Guangdong Province. Qualification on engineering consultation was 双引擎,立足城轨人才成长全价值链,在做优做精技能类培 strengthened management training and value-added business exploration. officially upgraded from the third rank to the second, which meantan increase It broke the lecturing pattern of unitary courses at a single place, created ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT 实现了品牌效益和经济效益双增长。 训的基础上,加大管理类培训和增值服务的拓展力度,突破 企业管理 in both brand value and economic benefits. serial management learning projects and held senior training courses in 管理类培训单一课程单点授课的模式,打造管理类系列学习 metro overhaul management and civil engineering management 项目,先后举办车辆架大修管理和土建工程管理高级研修 successively, which accelerated its transformation to a comprehensive provider of talent cultivation services. 班,加快向全方位人才培养服务商转型的步伐。 科技创新 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY 企业责任 中咨在合肥地铁组织财务业务一体化系统体系咨询服务 培训学员举办的2015年全国城市轨道交通土建工程管理高级研修班 Zhongzi Metro Engineering Consulting Company was offering system consulting service of financial and business integration in Hefei
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