WHO ONEY CANT BUY HAPPINESS UGGETOW PETER SCHUTZ RI TOBE RONE FUN THS BSUE By the time you read this activities day _________ will be The GGR calendar will history. Presidents Article ..... p.3 have been filled with of plenty I1J1 Porsche Literature/Model Meet..p4 events for the year. Elsewhere in this Va1entines Dinner issue of the will find qgj you copy GGRs cars ................. p.5 of the 1988 calendar. We encourage you to New Members ......p.6 find an event that looks interesting and ACHTUNG ...p.6 attend. You do not need to attend all the GGR Directory.......... .p.7 just one and what events try see happens. Tech Tip p.7 Whos Who in GGR Part p.8 The have been following people approved by 1988 GGR Autocross Scedule p.8 the Board to an FUN bring you interesting GGR AutoX 41 p.9 have volunteered for these year. They 1988 calendar of Events p.10 positions because they wanted to provide Learn to Autocross p.11 with you an excitinq year. Around the Zone p.12 Note of Interest p.12 Assistant Treasurer.... ....Bert Wall Time Trial photos p.14 Autocross Chairpeople Kirk Carolyn Time Trial ne .............. p.15 Doberanz Time Trial License Reneval....p.15 Concours Chairman ...........Mike Gugert Yosemite Tour p.16 Dearler Representatives Sick..... p.16 AndersonBehel......... .John Piechoto Mini Minutes p.17 California Hank Halter Whos Who in GGR Part 2.......p.19 Carlsen Rick Bower Farvell to Peter Schuts p.20 Motorsport. .............. Dick Petticrew War Bonnet Tech p.21 Rector .................Nick Kelez The Mart p.21 Goodie Bag Managers Lyn Martin Jean Ohi Historian ................... Sharon Neidel NCSCC Representative ........ Gary Walton Advertising Manager. .Rod McBroom fjgj Editor Al Berens Cover photos courtesy of Porsche cars of Mailing Managers..... Bob Karen North America. Whos Who in GGR photos Crookshank courtesy of James Ohi Time Safety Chairmen Trial/Autocross Awards banquet. Yosemite AutoX ................... Gary Walton photo by the editor. Proof sheets of Time Time Trials. ............. Craig Hills Trial cars courtesy of Motophoto and Bill Scrapbook Chairmen .......... Dave Jane Newlin Tech Tips from Tom and Marj Green Croon and Autosotion. Sponsorship Manager ......... Steve Conston Technical Chairman .......... Rick Bower ________________________ Time Trial Chairman.... .. Dave Blanchard Tour Chairpeople ............ George Shirley Neidel Zone AutoX Rep ........... Terry Zaccone There are some other positions available. if you are interested in providing some help to GGR call Board member and get involved. continued next page ET/3 Treat your Sweetheart to TREAT i4 Va1entines Dinner at Sebastians at the Pruneyard in Campbell February 13 1988 530 PM No Host Cocktails 730 PM Dinner 900 PM Dancing In the lovely lounge Jenines Choice of Entrees Broiled Swordiish in an Orenge butter withPeanuts Roast Boned Chicken with Artichokes Olives Fresh Herbs liadeira Dinner includes Romaine salad with Roquefort Dressing Choice of entree opulent dessert cart wine compliments of Pour Star Travel. Cost per person $35 Reservation Deadline February DO IT RIGHT NOW 5po 1wrntd 40 Make checks payable to PCAGGR and Indicate choice of entree Call. Valerie Blanchard 408 257-8647 10390 Stokes Aye Cupertlno CA 95014 the car he said Since cathy his wife bought me the 911 for my DO RS CARS What is it asked. In the summer of 1986 we were looking around to replace our car Since we live Its an old 356 he said In the city we were thinking of getting more on the fun side than the When told something Leslie and then picked her up utilitarian Driving up to Larkspur one off the living room floor we went out and to old friends evening see in their new peeled back the car cover Bit by bit the we were at the cars that house looking we lovely Tangerine red bodywork appeared passed in the streets and saw 356 coupe then the healthy burble of the exhaust Leslie said now thats what wish we note when we turned over the engine. could get Pve always loved those old Porsches Pve been pushing Dick to sell it for said year Cathy. P11 make him give you When we got to our friends home we deal on it noticed not just their two cars Jeep and 67 9llS Targa but third car And so we found idle wishes sometimes do under tarp Later in the evening come trues asked Dick the husband what was under the tarp since didnt know they had Paul and Leslie Zink NUGGET/5 LCOMETOGGR NEW MEMBERS TRANSFERS IN Reyn Bowman Debbie Briscoe Sott Bu4ianr onald Beavers 3819 Dvisadero Michele 365 Talbot Avenue San Francisco CA 94123 224 Dundee Way Pacifica CA 94044 from Alaska Region Benicia CA 94510 1912 911 1917 9115 107 745-0907 froi Carolinas Region 1986 944 lurbo Douglas Lisa Cohen W. Lynn Bell 1304 Woodruff Drive Jerik Love Box 620191 San Jose CA 95120 Kathy Woodside CA 94062 from Rocky Noun am Region 200 Carl Street fl04 from Los Angeles Region 1987 944 Sn FrRnclsco CA 94117 1984 91 415 566-4806 John Shirley Eiskamp 1978 911 1060 Sunbird Drive Watsonville CA 95076 from Orange Coast Region ACHTUNG 1969 9llT Hart ads have been sent to the ad of Changes address continue to be sent to manager mistake and by are running past the editor if do this you you are going due because of it If wish to to you have get late Changes of address ycur Hare ad run on tue follow are the to be sent to the MEHBERSHIP DIRECTOR Instructions at the head of the coluan at the and address on the back cover send it to the EDITOR Thanks on the sari Street undr tb same wnership is your guarantee of WI ership stisfretion .. 10% SVL PARTS DSCOUNT to All current PCA members The 11/fl iwe n/ar MaAr ATH fl 4355 STEVENS CREEK BLVD SANTA CLARA 2471655 ty ate hotwe an Lawrr Ex 8/GOLDEN GATE REGON Listed below is directory of GGRs Committee Chair men and other important positions that make the club function smoothly Call these people you have ques tions for their area of responsibility or if voud like to volunteer to help them in the duties of their job Please call befort 9PM Treasurer Assistant Rector lliMailing Managers Bert Vail Nick hlez Bob Earen Crookshank 408 3115358 415 349-7684 Satety Chairien Autocross Chairpeople Goodie Bag Managers Auto-IGary Valton Doberanz irk Carolyn Lye Martin Jean Obi Tie Tria1sCraig Bills 415 8371479 415 3411020 Scrapbook Cbalren Concours Chairian Ristor Ian Dave Jane Croo Mike Gugert Sharon leidel 415 948-5275 415 4844815 408 2258103 Sponsorship Manager Dealer Representatives NCSCC Representative Steve Conston Gary Valton 408 262-0466 Anderson-Rebel 415 968-6177 John Piechoto Technical Chairian 272-7170 Rick Rover 408 jgqjj Advertising Manager Rod McBrooi 415 854-4782 Calitornia 415 484-1301 Bank Malter Tle Trial CbairMn 415 472-0636 Editor Dave Blanchard Al Berens 408 257-8641 Carisen 415 367-8339 Rick Rover Tour Chairpeople 854-4782 415 George Shirley Neidel 408 2258103 Motorsport Dick Petticrew Other vill be noted positions vhen they Zone Auto-I Rep 408 7372628 are tilled Terry Zaccone 408 257-6575 TECH TIP Save yotir auxiliary oil cooler Od TECH TIP Ifever is your car stolen or your thes mostats serve the Itim hon of tires nd prirnaly pretvnf wheels are stolen you will find serial lug oil cooler failures burst of thick oil from numbers are great help to the police. Record cold engine can cause oil cooles these numbers perfectly good to so theyll be handy when you need literally explode. thermostat safeguaids your oil them. Fhre is unique serial number on each cooler from this fate the cold oil back tirt by routing to manufactured and in many Mates you cannot she Once od tire has retrieve engine. lemperat Properly your wheels and tires from the police risen to about 170F the thermostat degrees uti ess you can provide these serial numbem. If sa1ly the to tbs. oil cooler 911 opens passage you we style snag whees. write down the part number from the rear of the wheel there are over 10 separate part numbers for alloy wheels. 3535 KFER ROAD SANTA CLARA CA 95051 408 736902O NUGGT/7 ON The Golden Gate Region of the Porsche Club of America Presents 1988 Autocross and Driver School Event Number One Dote 1onday February 15th Where filameda County Fairgrounds Measanton lime 00 30 RM You get the most runs 930 1000 AM You miss the first run 1200 12 30 PM Last chance to register Driuers Schoo New drivers call me or drop me card with tiour name ttipe and color of care and number of autocrosses tiouve driven and will set you up with an rnstructor Prechons From 1-680 take Bernal Ave EASt Left on Valley 1st hght 1st right rnto fairgrounds Mare a1o Call Kirk Doberenz 1415 837-0479 3161 Miranda Ave Alamo Ca 94507 No open eHhaust Loaner helmets available EVENT CHAIRMEN BOB LIZ STIFFLER Sponsord bj th AutoFaus of Norbrt NIsLon NUGGET/9 1988 PREVIEW JANUARY JUNE Board Meeting Blanchard GGR AutoK 14/LPR Auto-K GGR Social Harrys Hofbrau Pleasanton Activities Day Blanchard Tech Session Bower 17 Practice Autocross Pleasanton 10 GGR Social at Cars Ringen 19 Board fleeting Ringen 11 Zone Auto-K Santa Rosa RR 23 Annual Membership Meeting Ringen 12 Bike Tour Wallaces 18 Wine Tour Bower/Sanders FEBRUARY 21 Board Meeting Brooks 25 Time Trial Ground School 13 Dinner Meeting Blanchard Hills 15 GGR AutoK 11 Stiffler Pleasanton JULY 23 Board Meeting Ohl Time Trial Tech MARCH GGR Auto-K 15 Stockton 10 Time/Distance Rallye School Tech Seesion Bower McMahon 11 GGR Social at Cars Ringen 12 Time Trial Tech 1920 Yosemite Tour Kuhn 16-17 Time Trial Sears Point 29 Board Meeting Neidel 19 Board fleeting Blanchard 24-30 Porsche Parade Colorado Springs APRIL AUGUST Time Trials Ground School Hills Hare and Hound Croom Time Trial Tech
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