Kreano 12 (1) (2021) : 26-38 K R E A N O J u r n a l M a t e m a t i k a K r e a t i f- I n o v a t i f http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/kreano Development of Measurement Tool for Understanding, Application, and Reasoning Mathematics of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students Ilyas Ismail1, Nursalam2, Andi Dian Angriani3, and Andi Kusumayanti4 1,2,3,4Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Corresponding Author: [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], an- [email protected] History Article Received: November, 2020 Accepted: April, 2021 Published: June, 2021 Abstract This study aims to develop a measurement tool for students' understanding, application, and mathematical reasoning ability at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in South Sulawesi. This re- search is a formative research type of Research and Development (R&D) research through 4 (four) stages, namely: the preliminary stage; the stage of self evaluation (cur- riculum analysis, material, students) and design; prototyping stage (validation, evalua- tion, and revision) which includes expert reviews, one-to-one, and small groups; and the field test stage. This research's product was an assessment instrument in the form of questions that measured the ability of understanding, application, and mathematical rea- soning of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students. The test subjects in this study were fourth grade MI students in Makassar City, Gowa regency, and Sinjai regency. The content validity re- sults based on the rater indicated that the test items needed were declared valid after be- ing assessed by the rater and analyzed using the CVR (Content Validity Ratio) and CVI (Content Validity Index). In the reliability test, the measurement tools for comprehension, application, and reasoning were indicated to be reliable. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat ukur kemampuan pemahaman, ap- likasi, dan penalaran matematika siswa pada Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian Research and Development (R & D) tipe formative research melalui 4 (empat) tahap yaitu: tahap preliminary; tahap self evaluation (analisis ku- rikulum, materi, siswa) dan design; tahap prototyping (validasi, evaluasi dan revisi) yang meliputi expert reviews, one-to-one dan small group; dan tahap feld test (uji coba lapangan). Produk penelitian ini adalah instrument penilaian berupa soal-soal yang akan mengukur ke- mampuan pemahaman, aplikasi, dan penalaran matematika siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Subjek uji coba pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV MI di Kota Makassar, Kab. Gowa, dan Kab. Sinjai. Hasil validitas isi (Content validity) berdasarkan rater menunjukkan bahwa butir-butir tes yang dibut dinyatakan valid setelah dinilai oleh rater dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan CVR (Content Validity Rasio) dan CVI (Content Validity Indeks). Pada uji relia- bilitas, alat ukur kemampuan pemahaman, aplikasi, dan penalaran dikatakan reliabel. Keywords: Measurement Tool; Mathematics; Comprehension; Application; Reasoning. © 2021, Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif. UNNES p -ISSN: 2086-2334; e-ISSN: 2442-4218 Kreano, 12(1) (2021): 26 – 38 27 BACKGROUND cal concepts themselves. At the same time, the ability to solve problems is also one of Mathematics is one branch of science that the abilities that the students must possess has a very important role in science and because many problems in mathematics in- technology. Mathematics is a subject that volve several aspects of knowledge. This can train students in improving critical, logi- ability is also related to students' mathemat- cal, and creative thinking. Indonesia's educa- ical reasoning abilities. There has been much tion curriculum places mathematics as a research related to the student's abilities to compulsory subject that must be given to improve the understanding, application, and students from basic education to tertiary mathematical reasoning, including higher education. The development of students' order thinking skills or HOTS. It recommends critical, logical, and creative thinking skills in the importance of students being trained to mathematics can be done by accustoming think critically in mathematics learning, in- students to solving mathematical problems cluding solving mathematical problems us- of understanding, applying concepts, and ing mathematical reasoning abilities (Tjalla, reasoning. 2010 dan Anisah, Zuslkardi, & Darmawijoyo, The ability to understand mathematics 2011). is essential in the principles of learning Teachers have made various attempts mathematics (NCTM, 2000: 35). Students' to foster student enthusiasm in learning understanding ability is important because mathematics, including learning mathemat- everything related to learning will require ics with an open-ended approach to develop- understanding and meaning of the material ing critical thinking skills (Novikasari, 2009). (Hikmah, 2017) . Understanding ability is a The use of manipulative objects to improve measure of a person's ability both in quality the understanding of the geometrical con- and quantity of new ideas with the previous cepts of 5th grade elementary school stu- ideas. A student is expected to understand dents (Yeni, 2011), Math games using games the mathematical concepts he/she learned in (Bakker et al., 2015; Pareto, 2014). Jablansky, his/her own way or through the relationship Alexander, Dumas, & Compton (2016) re- between new concepts with the student's searched the differences in mathematical concepts. The students are claimed to have reasoning development between students in the ability to understand mathematics if they primary and secondary schools. Moss, can recognize, understand and apply con- Hawes, Naqvi, & Caswell (2015) researched cepts, principles, procedures, facts, and the impact of applying lesson study in Japan mathematical ideas (Maulana, 2011). The to improve students' reasoning abilities for ability of mathematical understanding will geometry material. occur if the teacher facilitates students by However, the various efforts that have giving mathematical problems that lead to been made have not provided maximum re- linking concepts in mathematics. The stu- sults because the acquisition of Indonesian dent's ability to apply mathematical con- students' cognitive mathematical abilities is cepts in problem solving is one form of the still weak. It can be proved based on the sur- ability to apply mathematical concepts vey finding of Trend in International Mathe- themselves. matics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 Likewise, the student's ability to apply showed that Indonesian students are weak in mathematical concepts in problem solving is all aspects, both content and cognitive one form of the ability to apply mathemati- mathematics and science for grade 4 (Yeni, 28 I. Ismail et al. Development of Measurement Tool for Understanding, Application, and … 2011). It shows that students' cognitive in the indicator of the ability to propose ini- mathematical abilities, especially in under- tial assumptions of the value obtained by standing, applying concepts, and reasoning students of 45% of students, the ability to abilities, still give weak results. This weak- compile evidence of the correctness of the ness is the consequence of the students are solution by 40%, the ability to draw conclu- not accustomed to and are not trained to sions by 35%. Meanwhile, the low compre- solve problems that require them to develop hension ability with indicators of applying the ability to understand, apply concepts and the concept obtained a value of 25%. Based reasoning abilities. It is in line with research on these observations' results, the researcher by Nuraeni, Mulyati, dan Maya; (Yuliani et thinks that one of the factors causing the low al., 2018), who said that the students' under- ability of reasoning, understanding, and ap- standing, concept application, and reasoning plication of students' mathematical concepts abilities were still low. It can be proven when is because the teacher still emphasizes the students forget about the studied material skill of working on questions (drill). So that it even though the material is related, and stu- does not provide opportunities for students dents have not been able to apply the con- to build their knowledge. It is in line with the cept of learning into their lives. Nursalam, results of a survey study that shows around Angriani, & Usman (2017) suggested that the 12.18% of teachers in Indonesia do not un- mathematical reasoning ability of Madrasah derstand the curriculum. Despite the curricu- Tsanawiyah students was in the lacking cat- lum's implementation, almost everything egory, so the teacher needed to train even depends on the teacher's creativity and per- more students by using mathematical rea- sistence because they know the field's situa- soning questions. Students who are given tion and conditions. Teachers should select problems related to inquiry, experiment, and carry out the learning and teaching pro- compare, conclude, reason, stimulate and cess according to students 'abilities, espe- find many difficulties in making decisions, cially those related to students' mathemati- problem solving, error analysis, and classifi- cal cognitive. cation. (Heong et al.,2011; Ramos, Dolipas, & National Council of Teacher of Mathe- Villamor, 2013; dan Saido, Siraj, Bin Nordin, matics (NCTM, 2000) states that in the im- & Al Amedy, 2015).
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