Table 1 : Japanese Investment Projects Submitted to BOI Unit: Million Baht 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Net Application No. of projects 316 340 387 335 330 324 Total Investment 106,374.1 101,855.6 175,314.2 110,477.1 149,071.9 102,994.3 Total Registered Capital 14,385.8 8,411.9 14,109.6 13,594.5 25,438.8 18,336.8 - Japanese 12,438.6 6,132.2 11,998.0 11,658.8 19,606.7 16,118.4 - Thai 1,386.1 1,843.3 1,462.8 1,606.2 3,414.0 1,979.5 Application Approved No. of projects 260 350 354 353 330 324 Total Investment 97,596.9 125,931.8 171,796.4 115,199.7 164,323.2 106,155.1 Total Registered Capital 15,913.4 15,381.4 14,141.5 21,032.8 32,060.1 24,147.5 - Japanese 14,386.4 12,872.2 12,693.5 15,180.7 23,360.0 22,191.8 - Thai 1,128.6 2,129.9 1,176.1 5,740.4 6,344.1 1,477.4 Note: 1) Japanese investment projects refer to projects with Japanese capital of at least 10%. International Affairs Bureau., BOI As of January 15, 2009 Table 2 : Japanese Projects Classified by Investment Size Unit: Million Baht Investment Size 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 (million Baht) No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Net Application <50 104 2,375.0 120 2,657.5 129 2,842.9 146 2,921.3 120 2,146.7 134 2,574.1 50-99 52 3,634.9 44 3,004.2 61 4,580.9 31 2,067.4 56 3,972.7 41 2,908.2 100-499 128 31,961.7 140 33,343.6 151 38,227.8 113 28,803.5 109 27,070.4 108 27,433.0 500-999 11 7,098.6 17 12,180.8 26 18,731.6 21 14,722.3 22 14,635.8 21 13,544.5 >1,000 21 61,303.9 19 50,669.5 20 110,931.0 24 61,962.6 23 101,246.3 20 56,534.5 Total 316 106,374.1 340 101,855.6 387 175,314.2 335 110,477.1 330 149,071.9 324 102,994.3 Application Approved <50 92 2,229.6 119 2,609.1 114 2,579.0 134 2,748.0 126 2,313.6 136 2,613.2 50-99 48 3,391.7 45 3,217.0 50 3,631.2 43 3,063.3 52 3,740.5 43 3,093.8 100-499 93 21,842.4 143 34,145.7 150 37,164.3 133 33,794.3 100 24,403.7 105 26,705.7 500-999 8 5,392.4 17 12,196.1 19 12,900.0 21 14,497.9 29 18,908.3 20 13,088.0 >1,000 19 64,740.8 26 73,763.9 21 115,521.9 22 61,096.2 23 114,957.1 20 60,654.4 Total 260 97,596.9 350 125,931.8 354 171,796.4 353 115,199.7 330 164,323.2 324 106,155.1 Note: 1) Japanese investment projects refer to projects with Japanese capital of at least 10%. Table 3 : Japanese Investment Projects through BOI Classified by Type Unit: Million Baht 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment Project Project Project Project Project Project Net Application Expansion Projects 199 78,896.2 251 85,051.1 245 122,877.1 206 88,621.5 184 120,686.4 203 71,302.1 New Projects 117 27,477.9 89 16,804.5 142 52,437.1 129 21,855.6 146 28,385.5 121 31,692.2 Total 316 106,374.1 340 101,855.6 387 175,314.2 335 110,477.1 330 149,071.9 324 102,994.3 Application Approved Expansion Projects 174 77,004.1 257 107,553.4 225 122,900.2 223 75,719.2 183 130,361.1 194 77,859.1 New Projects 86 20,592.8 93 18,378.4 129 48,896.2 130 39,480.5 147 33,962.1 130 28,296.0 Total 260 97,596.9 350 125,931.8 354 171,796.4 353 115,199.7 330 164,323.2 324 106,155.1 Note: 1) Japanese investment projects refer to projects with Japanese capital of at least 10%. International Affairs Bureau., BOI As of January 15, 2009 Table 4 : Japanese Investment Projects Applying for Promotion Classified by Sector Unit: Million Baht Year 2003 20042005 2006 2007 2008 Sector No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Agricultural Products 14 6,937.0 21 3,880.2 9 4,146.2 7 3,019.9 14 3,998.6 12 10,628.0 Minerals and Ceramics 9 3,421.4 6 966.6 13 3,843.8 10 15,487.3 11 5,001.9 12 6,740.1 Light Industries/Textiles 11 4,051.8 14 1,864.6 9 2,288.2 9 2,459.1 10 1,253.3 11 3,394.3 Metal Products and Machinery 141 46,907.2 139 35,792.1 167 128,111.6 132 36,478.5 121 88,439.6 128 56,805.3 Electric and Electronic Products 77 20,346.4 72 25,839.4 82 21,529.7 72 35,355.7 51 21,156.3 53 15,284.9 Chemicals and Paper 36 19,532.9 44 26,193.8 49 9,016.5 32 8,375.4 47 20,638.7 37 5,497.9 Services 28 5,177.4 44 7,318.9 58 6,378.2 73 9,301.2 76 8,583.5 71 4,643.8 Total 316 106,374.1 340 101,855.6 387 175,314.2 335 110,477.1 330 149,071.9 324 102,994.3 Note: 1) Japanese investment projects refer to projects with Japanese capital of at least 10%. Table 5 : Japanese Investment Projects Approved by BOI Classified by Sector Unit: Million Baht Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Sector No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment No. of Investment Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Projects Agricultural Products 9 3,445.6 19 4,533.1 11 3,787.2 6 1,585.0 12 5,498.9 14 4,800.2 Minerals and Ceramics 8 1,890.8 7 1,095.2 11 2,693.4 9 1,527.4 10 17,355.3 15 8,441.0 Light Industries/Textiles 10 2,872.7 14 4,421.5 10 2,202.1 9 1,671.2 11 2,147.1 10 3,416.7 Metal Products and Machinery 113 50,971.6 150 51,239.3 145 127,119.0 160 45,359.8 118 77,071.9 120 64,189.2 Electric and Electronic Products 60 18,515.2 74 32,262.2 73 20,131.3 69 33,515.9 59 32,111.1 49 14,271.2 Chemicals and Paper 33 14,749.3 42 27,777.1 48 11,851.2 38 26,129.6 44 18,683.2 39 7,257.9 Services 27 5,151.7 44 4,603.4 56 4,012.2 62 5,410.8 76 11,455.7 77 3,778.9 Total 260 97,596.9 350 125,931.8 354 171,796.4 353 115,199.7 330 164,323.2 324 106,155.1 Note: 1) Japanese investment projects refer to projects with Japanese capital of at least 10%. International Affairs Bureau., BOI As of January 15, 2009 Table 6 : Japanese Investment Projects Approved by BOI in 2008 Classified by Sub-Sector (Activities Eligible for BOI Investment Promotion) Type No.of Total Registered Capital (Million Baht) Employment projects Investment Total Thai Japanese Others Thai Foreign 1.11.3 Manufacture or preservation of food made from rice or cere 2 954.5 915.5 35.4 880.1 - 181 1 1.11.5 Manufacture of food ingredients 2 195.0 15.0 - 15.0 - 51 3 1.11.8 Manufacture or preservation of ready-to-eat or semi ready- 3 198.4 - - - - 485 - 1.14 Manufacture of natural rubber products 5 1,657.3 697.0 5.0 692.0 - 368 8 1.15 Manufacture of dextrin or modified starch 1 235.0 - - - - 12 - 1.26 Manufacture of alcohol or fuel from agriculproducts, including 1 1,560.0 - - - - 50 2 2.10.2 Manufacture of flat rolled steel products such as hot and co 1 1,778.0 - - - - 253 3 2.11 Manufacture of steel pipes or stainless steel pipes 1 723.3 - - - - 140 - 2.12 Manufacture of iron or steel casting 4 4,241.0 1,194.0 360.0 834.0 - 633 16 2.13 Manufacture of forged steel parts 4 513.6 - - - - 95 - 2.14 Rolling, drawing, casting or forging of non-ferrous metals 2 600.9 129.0 24.5 104.5 - 81 4 2.17 Manufacture of gypsum board or gypsum products 1 81.9 - - - - 6 - 2.18 Coil center 2 502.3 - - - - 69 1 3.1.1 Manufacture of natural or synthetic fibers 3 2,007.0 500.0 105.0 395.0 - 33 - 3.1.3 Manufacture of fabrics 2 441.2 - - - - 65 1 3.13 manufacture of sanitary napkins and absorbing pads 1 111.1 - - - - 33 - 3.2.2 Jewelry 1 13.0 - - - - 50 - 3.5 Manufature of sports equipment or parts 1 71.7 50.0 - 50.0 - 40 1 3.6 Manufacture of toys 1 4.0 4.0 1.0 2.2 0.8 11 3 3.9 Manufacture of medical supplies or medical equipment 1 768.7 - - - - 123 - 4.11 Metal surface treatment or anodized surface treatment 7 1,160.1 - - - - 649 13 4.12 Heat treatment 4 702.3 9.0 - 9.0 - 123 3 4.15 Manufacture of automobile engines 1 8,192.0 - - - - 753 8 4.18 Manufacture of metal containers 2 2,178.0 1,550.0 759.5 790.5 - 76 3 4.19 Fabrication of metal structural products or metal industrial eq 1 11.1 3.0 - 3.0 - 75 2 4.2 Manufacture of machinery and equipment 23 3,763.2 1,161.4 8.9 942.5 210.0 1,143 49 4.28 Manufacture of international-standard eco-cars(Eco-Car) 1 4,642.0 - - - - 2,400 - 4.3 Manufacture of metal products, including metalparts 27 4,287.8 688.1 36.0 652.1 - 1,327 46 4.8 Manufacture of vehicle parts 54 39,252.7 5,763.5 86.7 5,676.8 - 7,004 87 5.2 Manufacture of electrical products 1 1,417.9 - - - - 668 3 5.3 Manufacture of parts or equipment used for electrical products 3 1,146.2 400.0 - 400.0 - 459 5 5.3.4 Manufacture of parts or equipment for other appliances 3 1,760.8 550.0 - 550.0 - 352 7 5.4 Manufacture of electronic products 2 2,856.4 690.0 - 690.0 - 2,663 20 5.5 Manufacture of parts or supplies used for electronic apparatus 25 6,437.6 732.8 7.4 725.4 - 11,135 49 5.5.15 Printed circuit boards 1 104.5 30.0 - 30.0 - 68 5 5.5.2 Transistor 1 178.1 - - - - 17 - 5.5.21 Computer components, including storage equipment (BOI A 2 52.4 25.0 - 25.0 - 67 4 5.5.22 Electronic sub-assemblies, including printed circuit board as 2 238.0 57.0 - 57.0 - 178 2 5.7 Electronic design 1 1.3 1.3 - 1.3 - 17 - 5.8 Software 8 78.0 17.7 1.0 14.1 2.6 206 35 6.15 Manufacture of body care products 1 500.0 - - - - 156 8 6.2 Manufacture of other chemicals, except 5 800.6 147.0 - 142.5 4.5 65 5 6.5 Manufacture of petrochemicals 1 1,716.3 - - - - 66 4 6.9.1 Consumer products 3 219.3 80.0 - 80.0 - 205 3 6.9.2 Parts or components for industrialgoods 29 4,021.7 722.0 4.1 665.9 52.0 6,127 71 7.10 Trade and investment support offices 18 436.2 7,089.0 28.9 7,058.7 1.4 344 55 7.11.2 Retirement homes and care centers 1 250.0 250.0 - 50.0 200.0 22 4 7.12 Research and development 6 741.4 204.0 1.0 203.0 - 155 15 7.21.4 Recycling of unwanted materials 1 402.6 - - - - 39 3 7.21.5 Revovery of valuable substances from unused materials 1 285.0 - - - - 17 3 7.22 Business process outsourcing (BPO) 1 11.0 11.0 - 11.0 - 15 201 7.30 Biotechonology 1 14.0 3.5 1.4 2.1 - 11 1 7.6 Distribution centers 3 228.8 37.0 6.1 30.9 - 100 6 7.8 International procurement offices (IPO) 39 631.8 410.7 5.5 398.2 7.0 250 39 7.9 Regional operating headquarters (ROH) 6 778.1 10.0 - 10.0 - 126 59 Total 324 106,155.1 24,147.5 1,477.4 22,191.8 478.3 39,857 861 Note: 1) Japanese investment projects refer to projects with Japanese capital of at least 10%.
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