ESRO SP-72 I. Proc. ESRO-GRI ESRO SP-72 I. Proc ESRO-GRI European Space Research Organisation Colloquium March 1971 European Space Research Organisation Colloquium March 1971 COLLOQUIUM ON WAVE-PARTICLE INTER­ II. ESRO SP-72 COLLOQUIUM ON WAVE-PARTICLE INTER­ II. ESRO SP-72 ACTIONS IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE HI. Texts in English ACTIONS IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE III. Texts in English September 1971 September 1971 iv + 284 pages iv + 284 pages The Colloquium on wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere held in The Colloquium on wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere held in Orleans (March 17-19,1971) intended to review the outstanding problems still unsolved Orleans (March 17-19, 1971) intended to review the outstanding problems still unsolved in this field : in this field : — large-scale dynamics of the magnetosphere; — large-scale dynamics of the magnetosphere; — distribution of 'Oasma parameters; — distribution of plasma parameters; — decoupling of n..gnetospheric from ionospheric plasma; — decoupling of magnetospheric from ionospheric plasma; — acceleration and convection mechanisms; — acceleration and convection mechanisms; — substorms; — substorms; — polar wind..., — polar wind..., as well as the theoretical and experimental work needed to solve these problems in the as well as the theoretical and experimental work needed to solve these problems in the light of previous experiments (rocket launchings in auroral zone, Ariel 3 satellite...) light of previous experiments (rocket launchings in auroral zone, Ariel 3 satellite...) and of technical achievements (onboard computers, new sensors...). and of technical achievements (onboard computers, new sensors...). Ensuing discussions attempted to define types of missions which could be carried Ensuing discussions attempted to define types of missions which could be carried out in the future by the Small Scientific Satellites now being considered by ESRO. out in the future by the Small Scientific Satellites now being considered by ESRO. Such missions should be complementary to that of Geos and be implemented in the fra­ Such missions should be complementary to that of Geos and be implemented in the fra­ mework of the International Magnetospheric Studies Years (1975-1977), a world-wide mework of the International Magnetospheric Studies Years (1975-1977), a world-wide effort of coordinated studies on Sun-Earth elationships. effort of coordinated studies on Sun-Earth relationships. ESRO SP-72 I. Proc. ESRO-GRI ESRO SP-72 I. Proc. ESRO-GRI European Space Research Organisation Colloquium March 1971 European Space Research Organisation Colloquium March 1971 COLLOQUIUM ON WAVE-PARTICLE INTER­ n. ESRO SP-72 COLLOQUIUM ON WAVE-PARTICLE INTER­ H. ESRO SP-72 ACTIONS IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE ACTIONS IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE September 1971 III. Texts in English September 1971 III. Texts in English iv + 284 pages iv + 284 pages The Colloquium on wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere held in The Colloquium on wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere held in Orleans (March 17-19,1971) intended to review the outstanding problems still unsolved Orleans (March 17-19,1971) intended to review the outstanding problems still unsolved in this field : in this field : — large-scale dynamics of the magnetosphere; — large-scale dynamics of the magnetosphere; — distribution of plasma parameters; — distribution of plasma parameters; — decoupling of magnetospheric from ionospheric plasma; — decoupling of magnetospheric from ionospheric plasma; — acceleration and convection mechanisms; — acceleration and convection mechanisms; — substorms; — substorms; — polar wind..., — polar wind..., as well as the theoretical and experimental work needed to solve these problems in the as well as the theoretical and experimental work needed to solve these problems in the light of previous experiments (rocket launchings in auroral zone, Ariel 3 satellite...) light of previous experiments (rocket launchings in auroral zone, Ariel 3 satellite...) and of technical achievements (onboard computers, new sensors...). and of technical achievements (onboard computers, new sensors...). Ensuing discussions attempted to define types of missions which could be carried Ensuing discussions attempted to define types of missions which could be carried out in the future by the Small Scientific Satellites now being considered by ESRO. out in the future by the Small Scientific Satellites now being considered by ESRO. Such missions should be complementary to that of Geos and be implemented in the fra­ Such missions should be complementary to that of Geos and be implemented in the fra­ mework of the International Magnetospheric Studies Years (1975.1977), a world-wide mework of the International Magnetospheric Studies Years (1975-1977), a world-wide effort of coordinated studies on Sun-Earth relationships. effort of coordinated studies on Sun-Earth relationships. WAVE-PARTICLE INTERACTIONS IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE Proceedings of H Colloquium held in Orléans, France, 17-19 March 1971 under the joint auspices of ESRO and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ORGANISATION EUROPÉENNE DE RECHERCHES SPATIALES EUROPEAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION 114, avenue Charles-de-Gaulle. 92 - NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE (France) TABLE OF CONTENTS OPENING ADDRESSES, /. Hiéblot and /. Ortner 1 Session I. T.R. Kaiser, Chairman WAVE-PARTICLE INTERACTIONS IN THE. MAGNETOSPHERE, A. Eviatar 5 A THEORY OF VLF EMISSIONS, D. Nunn 17 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN MONOCHROMATIC WAVES AND PARTICLES (Abstract), G. Laval, R. Pellat and A. Roux 35 QUASI LINEAR CALCULATION OF VLF HISS SPECTRUM, J. Etcheto, A. Roux, R.P. Singh and J. Solomon 37 LOW FREQUENCY DRIFT WAVES IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE DURING SUBSTORMS (Abstract), K. Hagège, G. Laval and R. Pellat 41 RECENT WORK ON ION-CYCLOTRON WHISTLERS, D. Jones 43 Session II. N. d'Angelo, Chairman WAVE-PARTICLE INTERACTION IN THE PLASMASPHERE, G. Haerendel .... 63 A NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF ELECTROSTATIC WAVES AT MHZ FREQUEN­ CIES IN THE UPPER IONOSPHERE AND THEIR INTERACTIONS WITH ENER­ GETIC PARTICLES (Abstract), B. Hultqvist 79 ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE GEOMAGNETIC TAIL, K. Schindler 81 A NON LINEAR THEORY OF " TYPE I " IRREGULARITIES IN THE EQUATORIAL ELECTROJET, A. Register 83 ON THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE HOT MAGNETOSPHERIC PLASMA AND THE COLD IONOSPHERIC PLASMA OVER THE POLAR CAPS (Abstract), B. Hultqvist.. 93 Session III. G. Haerendel, Chairman WAVES GENERATED BY A CONTROLLED BEAM OF ELECTRONS ARTIFICIALLY INJECTED INTO THE IONOSPHERE : THE ELECTRON ECHO EXPERIMENT, D.G. Cartwrighl and P.J. Kellogg 95 STUDIES OF VLF EMISSIONS IN THE SATELLITE ARIEL 3, T.R. Kaiser 109 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ELECTRON PITCH ANGLE DIFFUSION IN THE PRESENCE OF VLF MODULATED HISS, /. Etcheto, R. Gendrin and D. Lemaire 123 CHARGED PARTICLES ASSOCIATED WITH VLF DAWN CHORUS EMISSIONS (Abstract), P. Rothwell, G J. Jenkins and H.L. Collin 135 iii SOME STUDIES OF CHORUS (Abstract), M. Rycroft. 137 CORRELATION BETWEEN VLF EMISSION FLUX AND ELECTRON PITCH ANGLE DISTRIBUTION AS DEDUCED FROM A ROCKET FLIGHT IN THE AURORAL ZONE, M. Hamelin 139 INTERACTION OF LONG-PERIOD WAVES AND ENERGETIC PARTICLES IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE (Abstract), G.K. Parks and J.R. Winckler 145 Session IV. B. Hultqvist, Chairman PROBLEMS RELATED TO HIGH LATITUDE ELECTRIC FIELDS AND CURRENTS, C.G. FSlthammar and L.P. Block 147 MAGNETOSPHERIC STRUCTURE DEDUCED FROM WHISTLER OBSERVATIONS AT HALLEYBAY, J.L. Sagredo and K. Bullough. 157 DAWN-DUSK ELECTRIC FIELDS ACROSS THE MAGNETOSPHERE DERIVED FROM PLASMAPAUSE OBSERVATIONS, MJ. Rycroft 163 GYRORESONANT WAVE-PARTICLE INTERACTIONS IN A SPATIALLY VARYING MAGNETIC FIELD AND PLASMA DENSITY, /. Troughton and G. MartelH 175 WAVE AND BEAM LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS IN A MAGNETOACTIVE PLASMA, P.J. Christiansen, C. Christopoulos and G. Martelli 187 PARALLEL ELECTRIC FIELD, NEAR THE AURORAL IONOSPHERE, DEDUCED FROM ENERGY SPECTRA, ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS AND TIME VARIA­ TIONS OF LOW ENERGY AURORAL ELECTRONS AND PROTONS, H. Rème and J.M. Bosqued 197 GENERAL DISCUSSION (I) 209 Session V. A. Pedersen, Chairman ONBOARD COMPUTERS FOR MAGNETOSPHERIC SPACECRAFT, A.C. Durney and T. Fokine 215 THE PHYSICS OF THE CHANNEL ELECTRON MULTIPLIER, C. Barat 231 FAST ANALYSIS OF PITCH ANGLE AND ENERGY DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGETIC PROTONS, /. Etcheto and B. de la Porte des Vaux 241 THE STUDY OF PLASMA RESONANCES WITH A SINGLE ANTENNA, M. Petit... 249 EXPERIMENTS WITH PLASMA WAVES (Abstract), J.O. Thomas, M.K. Andrews, T.A. Hall and C. Fang 259 Session VI. F. du Castel, Chairman MAGNETOSPHERE STUDIES AT 10 EARTH RADII, G. Haskell .. 261 L'ÉTUDE DES INTERACTIONS DANS LA MAGNETOSPHERE ET LE PROGRAMME DE L'ESRO, F. du Castel '. 265 GENERAL DISCUSSION (II) 269 REFERENCES 271 iv Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very happy indeed to welcome to Orléans, this French regional metropolis, the eminent specialists who, at the invitation of ESRO and the Groupe de Recherches Ionosphériques *, have come to take part in the Colloquium on wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere. Why did we arrange to hold this meeting in Orléans, in premises lent to us by the University, rather than in V-i.is ? Nations still occasionally have some difficulty in accepting in practice the existence of supranational Organisations. There is a closely allied problem with our French regions, which often have the same misgivings vis-à-vis their own national capital... Following the general trend towards decentralisation, we have therefore chosen to move out of Paris everything that was not strictly indispensable to the life
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