The Portland Catalogue of Maine Plants, Published by the Portland

The Portland Catalogue of Maine Plants, Published by the Portland

T FI E PORTLAND CATALOGUE <0 F gWaftur PUBLISHED BY THE ! Portland Society of Natural History, ADAPTED FOR MARKING DESIDERATA IN EXCHANGE OF SPECIMENS, &c. PORTLAND: TRANSCRIPT PRINT, 1868. EXPLANATION OF THE CATALOGUE. Tins Catalogue is reprinted from tlie Proceedings of the Portland Society of Natural History, for which it was originally prepared by Dr. G. L. Goodale and Rev. Mr. Blake. The only changes made in it (with the exception of some added species) are in the omis- sion of localities, and the division of the list, by which those species only which may be fairly regarded as indigenous are printed in the general statement, while all others are reserved for a separate enumeration in List A. The present Catalogue will be found, it is believed, of essential service as a Check List; and as such the Portland Society wishes to give this edition a wide circulation among the Botanists, both old and young, of Maine. The Proceedings of the Society containingDr. Goodale’s List as published with localities, &c., can be obtained from the Society at a small cost, as is stated in the advertisement upon the third page of this cover. Notwithstanding the scientific eminence of Messrs. Goodale and Blake, and the fa- cilities for observation furnished in the partial surveys of the State already made, it is felt that this Catalogue is, of necessity, quite incomplete. The Portland Society prom- ises an edition of more elaborate form, with the addition of localities, rarity or common occurrence of species, &c., as soon as sufficient materials can be gathered to warrant its publication. For this purpose, it is earnestly requested that every botanist into whose hands this pamphlet may fall, will note the occurrence of species, with station, Ac., of every plant collected or observed by him in Maine, and from time to time forward his notes to the Society at Portland. Due credit will be given in any future edition for every statement or specimen. As the Society-, since the great fire of 1866, has no Herb a- arium, every collector of plants is urged to send as many specimens as may be possible as a contribution towards a new' collection. Previous to 1866, almost every species in this Catalogue was represented by one or more authenticated specimens in the Society Cab- inet. Much can be done the present season (1868) towards repairing the loss, if the var- ious students of Botany in the State will unite in the attempt to do something to promote this work. The Society will thankfully receive specimens of Mosses, Hepaticae,Lichens, and other Cryptogams not represented in this Catalogue, from any part of the State, with a view to work up such material in a future edition. It is only to be added that the arrangement of species and the abbreviations in this Cat- alogue are in agreement with Prof. Asa Gray’s Botany of the Northern United States. Portland, April, 1868. PORTLAND CATALOGUE OE MAINE PLANTS. INDIGENOUS. Caurophyrrum, Mx. Cakire, Tourn. RANUNCULACE/E, 35 thalictroidas, Mx. 59 Americana, Nutt. Ateagene, L. 1 Americana, Sims. CABOMBACE/E. VIOLACE/E. L. Crematis. Brasenia, Schrerek. Viora, L. 2 Virginiana, L. peltata, L. 36 Pursh. 60 rotundifolia, Mx. Anemone, L. 3 parviflora, Michx. 61 lanceolata, 4 Virginiana, L. NYMPHACE/E. 62 primulaelolia, L. 5 Pennsylvania, L. Nympirea, Tourn. 68 Dlanda, Willd. 6 nemorosa, L. 37 odorata, Ait. 64 Selkirkii, Goldie. IIepatica, Dirr. Nuphae, Smith. cueullata, Ait. advena, Ait. var. 7 triloba, Chaix. 38 65 palmata. 8 acutiloba, DC. 39 Kalmiana, Pursh. 66 sagittata, Ait. Tiiaricteum, Tourn. 67 pedata, L. 9 anemonoides,4/icto SARRACENIACE/E 68 rostrata, Pursh. 10 L. Sarracenia, Tourn. 69 Muhlenbergii, Torr. dioicum, 70 11 Cornuti, L. 40 purpurea, L. striata, Ait. Ranuncurus, L. 71 Canadensis, L. aquatilis, L. PAPAVERAC/E. 72 pubescens, Ait. 12 var. divaricatus. Sanguinaria,Hirr. 13 Purshii, Ricmrds. 41 Canadensis, L, CISTACE/E. 14 alismsefolius, G.&B. IIeriantiiemum, Tourn. Flammula, L., FUMARIACE/E. 73 Canadense, Michx. 15 var. reptans. Adrumia, Raf. Hudsonia, L. 16 Cymbalaria, Pursh. 42 eirrhosa, Raf. 74 ericoides, L. 17 abortivus, L. Dicentra, Bork. 75 tomentosa, Nutt. 18 sceleratus, L. 43 Cueullaria, DC. Lechea, L. 19 reeurvatus, Pair. 44 Canadensis, DC. 76 major, Michx. 20 Pennsylvanicus, L Corydaris, Vent. 77 tkymifolia, Pursh. 21 fascieularis, Muhl. 45 glauca, Pursh. 78 minor, Lam. 22 repens, L. 23 bulbosus, L. CRUCIFER/E. DROSERACE/E. 24 acris, L, Nasturtium, R. Be. Drosera, L. Caltha, L. 46 palustre, DC. 79 rotundifolia, L. 25 palustris, L. Dentaria, L. 80 longifolia,L. Trorrius, L. 47 diphylla, L. 81 fililormis, Iiaf. 26 laxus, Salisb. Cardamine, L. Coptis, Sarisb. 48 rhomboidea, DC. PARNASSIACE/E. 27 trifolia, Salisb. 49 hirsuta, L. Aquiregia, Tourn. Parnassia Tourn. Arabis, L. 82 Michx. 28 Canadensis, L. 50 lyrata, L. Caroliniana, ACTtEA, L. 51 hirsuta, Scop. 29 spicata, L., 52 laevigata, DC. HYPERICACE/E. 80 var. alba, Mx. 53 Canadensis, L. Hypericum, L. 31 var. rubra, Mx. Tureitis, Dirr. 83 corymbosum, Muhl. Cimicifuga, L. 54 glabra, L. 84 ellipticum, Hook. 32 racemosa, Ell. Barbarea, R. Br. 85 mutilum, L. vulgaris, R. Br. 86 Canadense, L. MENISPERMACE/E 55 var. areuata. 87 Sarothra, Michx. Menispermum, L. Draba, L. Erode a, Pursh. 33 Canadense, L. 56 arabisans, Mx. 88 Virginiea, Nutt. Lepipium, L. BERBERIDACE/E. 57 Virginicum, L. ELATINACE/E. Berberts, L. SUBURARIA, L. Eratine, L. 34 vulgaris, L. 58 aquatiea, L. 89 Ameficana, Arnott. PORTLAND CATALOGUE 149 Robbinsii, Gray. CARY0PHYLLA- RUTACE/E. Hedysarum, Tourn. Zanthoxylum, Colden. 150 boreale, Nutt. CEA 119 Amerieanum, Mill. Desmodium, DC. SlLENE, L. 151 nudiflorum, DC. 90 Pennsylvania, Mich| ANACARDIACEA. 152 acuminatum, DC. 91 antirrhina, L. IlHUS, L. 153 rotundifolium, DC. 92 acaulis, B. I 120 typhina, L. 154 euspidatum, Torr. Honkenya, Eriiart. j 121 glabra, L. 155 Dillenii, Darlington. 93 peploides, Ehrhart. | 122 eopallina, L. 156 panieulatum, DC. Alsine, Wahl. 123 venenata, DC. 157 Canadense, DC. 94 Groenlandica, Fmzl. 124 Toxicodendron, L. 158 Marilandieum Boott 95 Michauxxi, Fenzl. Lespedeza, Michx. Miehringia, L. VITACE/E, 159 procumbens, Mx. 96 lateriflora, L. Pers. Tj. Yitis, Tourn. \ 160 violaeea, Stelt. ai:iA, 125 Labrusca, L. I 161 hirta, Ell. 97 longifolia, Muhl. 126 aestivalis, Michx. 162 capitata, Michx. 93 longipes, Goldie: i 127 eordifolia, Michx. Vicia, Tourn. 99 borealis, Bigelow. Ampelopsis Michx. 163 Cracea, L. Cerastium, L. 128 quinquefolia,Michx. 164 Caroliniana, Walt. 100 arvense, L. Lathyrus, L. Sagina, L. RHAMNACE/E. 165 maritimus, Bigdoic. 101 procumbens, L. Rhamnus, Tourn. 166 palustris, L. 102 nodosa, Fenzl. ! 129 L’Her. Piiaseolus, L. Spergularia, Pers. alnifolius, |CeANOTIIUS, L. 167 diversifolius, Pers. 103 rubra, Pers. 130 Americanus, L. Apios, Boerii. Anyciita, Michx. 168 tuberosa, Mcench. 104 dichotoma, Michx. Ampiiicarp/ea, Ell. Mollugo, CELASTRACE/E. L. Celastrus, L. Nutt. 105 vertieillata, L. 131 scandens, L. Baptisia, Vent. 170 tinetoria, B. Br. P0RTULACACE/E. SAPINDACE/E. Cassia, L. Claytonia, L. Staphylea, L. 171 Marilandiea, L. 106 Virginia, L. 132 trifolia, L. 172 Chamsecrista, L. 107 Caroliniana, Mx. ACERIN/E. 173 nictitans, L. MALVACE/E. [Acer, Tourn. ROSACE/E. Hibiscus, L. J 133 Pennsylvanicum, L Prunus. L. 108 Moscheutos, L. 134 spicatum, Lam. 174 Americana, Marsh. saccharinum, Wang. 175 maritima, Wang. TILIACE/E, 135 var. nigrum. 176 pumila, L. 136 dSLSycarpnm,Ehrhart 177 Pennsylvania, L. Tilia, L. 137 rubrum, L. 109 Ameriana, L. 178 Virginiana, L. 179 serotina, Ehrhart. POLYGALACE/t, Spiraea, L. LINACE/E. Polygaua, Tourn. Linum. L. 180 salicifolia, L. 138 sanguinea, 181 110 Virginianum, L. L. \ tomentosa, L. 139 eruciata, A. Agrimonia, Tourn. 140 vertieillata, L. 182 Eupatoria, L. 0XALIDAC E/E. 141 polygama, Walt. Sanguisorba, L. Oxalis, L. 142 paueifolia, Willd. 183 Canadensis, L. 111 Aeetosella, L. Geum, L. 112 violaeea, L. LEGUM!NOS/t, 184 album., Gmelin. 113 stricta, L. Lupinus, Tourn. 185 Virginianum, L. 143 pei’ennis, L. 186 macrophyllum, GERANIACE/E. CROT ALL ARIA, L. mud. Geranium, L. 144 sagittalis, L. 187 strietum, Ait. 114 maculatum, L. Trifolium, L. 188 rivale, L. 115 Carolinianum, L. 145 repens, L. 189 triflorum, Pursh. 116 Robertianum, L. Tepiirosta, Persoon. Waldsteinia, Willd. 146 Virginiana, Pers. 190 fragarioides, Tratt. BALSAMINACE/E, Oxytropis, L. POTENTILLA, L. Impatiens, L.» 147 Lamberti, IT. 191 Norvegiea, L. 117 pallida, Nutt,. Astragalus,L. 192 Canadensis, L. 118 iulva, Nutt. 148 alpinus, L. 193 argentea, L. OF MAINE PLANTS. 194 Pennsylvaniea, L. 237 palustris, L. Ckyptotjenia, DC. 195 arguta, Pursh. 238 peetinaeea, Lam. 271 Canadensis, DC. 196 Anserina, L. Mybiophtlluji, Vcdll. Osmobbhiza, Hap. 197 fruticosa, L. 239 spicatum, L. 272 longistylis, DC. 198 tridendata, Ait. 240 vertieillatum, L. 273 brevistylis, DC. 199 palustris, Scop. 241 ambiguum, Nutt. Fbagaria, Toubn. 242 tenelium, Bigelow. ARALIACE/E, 200, Ehrhart. IltPPUBIS, L. Asalia, Toubn. 201 vesea, L. 243 vulgaris, X. 274 raeemosa, L. Dalibabda, L 275 hispida, Michx. 202 repens, L. GR0SSULACE/E. 276 nudicaulis, L. Rubus, L. Kibes, L. 277 quinquefolia, Cray 203 odoratus, L. 244 Cynosbati, L. 278 trifolia, Gray. 204 Chamosmorus, L. 245 hirtellum, Michx. 205 triflorus, Richardson. 246 laeustre, Poir. CORNACE/E. 206 strigosus, Michx. 247 prostratum, Eller. Cobnus, Toubn. 207 oecidentalis, L. 248 floridum, L. 279 Canadensis, L. 208 villosus, A\t. 249 rubrum, L. 280 fiorida, L. 209 Canadensis, L. 281 cireinata, Eller. 210 hispidus, L. CRASSULACE/E. 282 sericea, L. j Rosa, Toubn. Pentiiobum, Gbonov. 283 stolonifera, Michx. 211 Carolina, L. 250 sedoides, L. 284 panieulata, Eller. 212 lucida, Ehrhart. 285 alternil'olia, L. , Cbat.egus, L. SAXI1RAGACE/E. Nyssa, L. 213 coceinea, L. Saxifbaga, L. 286 multiflora, Wang. 214 tomentosa, L. 251 Virginiensis, Michx- 215 Crus-galli, L. 252 Pennsylvaniea, L. CAPRIFOUACE/E. 1 Pybus, L. stellaris, L. Linna:a, Gbonov. 216 arbutifolia, L- 253 var. eomosa, Willd. 287 borealis, Gronov. 217 Americana, DC. Mitella, Toubn.. Loniceka, L. Amelanchieb, Medik. 254 dipliylla, L 288 parviflora, Lam.

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