University of South Florida Scholar Commons Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Publications 10-1-1994 SFRA ewN sletter 213 Science Fiction Research Association Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/scifistud_pub Part of the Fiction Commons Scholar Commons Citation Science Fiction Research Association, "SFRA eN wsletter 213 " (1994). Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Publications. Paper 153. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/scifistud_pub/153 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Digital Collection - Science Fiction & Fantasy Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SFRA Review Issue #213, September/October 1994 IN THIS ISSUE: SFRA INTERNAL AFFAIRS: President's Message (Mead) 5 Treastrrer's Report (Ewald) 6 SFRA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes (Gordon) 7 SFRA Business Meeting Minutes (Gordon) 10 Campaign Statements and Voting Instructions 12 New Members/Renewals (Evvald) 15 Letters 16 Corrections 18 Editorial (Sisson) 18 NEWS AND INFORMATION 21 SELECfED CURRENT & FORTHCOMING BOOKS 25 FEATURES Special Feattrre: The Pilgrim Award Banquet Pioneer Award Presentation Speech (Gordon) 27 Pioneer Award Acceptance Speech (Tatsumi & McCaffery) 29 Pilgrim Award Presentation Speech (Wendell) 32 Pilgrim Award Acceptance Speech (Clute) 35 REVIEWS: Nonfiction: Asimov, Isaac. 1. Asimov: A Memoir. (Gunn) 41 Cave, Hugh B. Magazines I Remember: Some Pulps, Their Editors, and What It Was Like to Write for Them. (Hall) 43 Fausett, David. Writing the New World: Irnaginary Voyages and Utopias of the Great Southern Land. (Lewis) 44 Filmer, Kath. Scepticism and Hope in T>vventietll Century Fantasy Litera lure. (Stevens) 47 Finlay, Virgil. Virgil Finlay's PhcU1tasms. (Albert) 48 SFRA Review #213, September/October 1994 Griffith, John. Charlotte's Web: A Pig's Salvation. (Levy) 49 Jones, Stephen. The illustrated Dinosaur Movie Guide. (hlo~nff) 50 Katz, Ephraim. The Film Encydopedia. (Barron) 51 Knight, Damon (Eel). Monad: Essays on Sdence Fiction, No.3. (Taonnina) 53 Kreuzigff, Frederick A. Religion and Science Fiction. (Collings) 54 Iindskold, Jane M. Roger Zelazny. (Hendffson) 54 Nahin, Paul]. Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Sdence Fiction. (Kelley) 56 Piffce, John]. Odd Genre: A Study in Imagination and Evolution. (Collings) 57 Schultz, David E. and S.T. Joshi (Eels). H.P. Lovecraft Letters to Robert Bloch and H.P. Lovecraft Letters to Robert Bloch Supplement. (Kaveny) 59 Senf, Carol A. (Ed). The Critical Response to Bram Stoker. (Dziemianowicz) 61 Smith, Karen Patricia. The Fabulous Realm: A Litermy- Historical Approach to British Fantasy, 1780-1990. (Ruddick) 63 Van Schuyver, Susan A. Srarships and Dragons: 50 Sci-Fil Fanrasy Language Arts SkillbuiJders. (Iindow) 65 Widder, William]. The Fiction of L. ROIl Hubbard: A Comprehensive Bibliography & Reference Guide to Published and Selected Unpublished Works. (Barron) 66 Wolmark, Jenny. Aliens and Orhers: Science Fiction, Fenlinism and Postmodemism. (Williams) 68 Fiction: Ambrose, David. The Man Who Twned into Himself. (Stevens) 69 Anthony, Patricia. The Happy PolicenJcill. (Williams) 70 Baird, Wilhelmina. Crashcourse. (Mead) 71 Benford, Gregory. Furious Gulf. (Abell) 72 Charnas, Suzy McKee. The Furies. (Stevens) 73 Cherryh, c.]. Foreigner. (Levy) 74 Clement, Hal. Fossil. (Hassler) 75 Heald, Denise illpes. Mistwalker. (Sandffs) 77 lng, Dean. Butcher Bird. (Nordlie) 78 Joron, Andrew and Robert Frazier. Invisible Machines (poetry). (Iin~~ ~ 2 SFRA Review #213, September/October 1994 Kerr, Katharine and Martin H. Greenberg (Eds). Weird Tales from Shakespeare. (Sanders) 81 Lem, Stanislaw. Peace on Earth. (Heller) 81 Lethem, jonathan. Gun, with Occasional Music. (Stevens) 83 MacLeish, Roderick. Prince Ombra. (Andrews) 84 Morrow, james. Towing Jehovah. (Sullivan) 8S Turtledove, Harry. Departures. (Collins) 86 Yerka, jacek and Harlan Blison. Mind Fields. (Sisson) 87 Young, Thomas G. Island of the Innocent. (Taormina) 88 SFRA Review Editor - Amv Sisson Assistant Nonfiction Lditor - H. Diane ~liller Assistant Copy Lditor - Paul Ahell SFlV\ RedeH' (ISSN J()()R-3()'iX) is published sh times per year by the Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA) and distributed to SFRA members. Indi\idual issues arc not for sale. For information regarding the SmA, sec the description and application at the back of this issue. The opinions expressed in individual reviews do not reflect the opinions of the SFRA or the editor, but only that of the reviewer. Please submit reviell's, news items, letters, etc. in hardcopy format or via E-mail to: Amy Sisson, Fditor, SUM RCI'icw, 1 R5Cl S. 3-+th St. #303, Grand Forks, ND 'iRl01, E-mail ABELI.(~V~ll.NODAK.EDU. PI case note that the S'I-RII Ueliel\ has a reCiprocal agreement with the Science I-inion & I-anl;I.~}' Hook I?el'iel\ linn ual (Eds. Robert Collins & ~Iichacl I.e\y) under ,,'hich re\ie\\'s arc exchanged be­ tween publications. If you do not wish your reviel\' to be submitted to the Annual, please indicate that on your re\icll'. Publishers: Please send re\icl\' copies to Amy Sisson, 1 R'iO S. 3-+th St. #303, Grand Forks, ND 'iR101. A copy of the SI-lM !?CI'icI\' issue in which the published reviel\ appears "'ill be sent to you. * * * Typeset by Amy Sisson on a ~ Ltcintosh SI j 3(), ~ licrosoft Word v. -Ul. Printed by Century Creations, (;rand lorks, North I}.lkota. 3 SFRA Review #213, September/October 1994 4 SFRA Review #213, September/October 1994 SFRA INTERNAL AFFAIRS PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE I've just returned from our 25th Annual Meeting in Arlington Heights, Illinois. It was great. Co-chairpersons Beverly Friend and Elizabeth Anne Hull - with a lot of help from their committee and gofers - provided a really wonderful four days of thought-provoking papers, interesting guests, new chums, and genial camaraderie. As usual, it was very exciting to get to meet and talk with the guests, who this year included Octavia Butler, Sheri Tepper, Gene Wolfe, Lois Mc­ Master Bujold, Joan Slonczewski, Joan Vinge, Jim Frenkel, Jim Gunn, and Fred Pohl. The opening speech by Octavia Butler and the keynote address by Sheri Tepper at Saturday's Pilgrim Banquet were truly memorable. It is our tremendous good fortune that both were recorded by the Science Fiction Oral History Association and will be available on videocassette. The memorial tributes to Tom Clareson evoked many happy memories, and reminded us all of what SFRA has lost with Tom's passing. It was nice to make so many new friends tlus year, and to renew so many old acquaintances. We got to meet our 1994 Pilgrim - John Clute - in person, as well as watch our new Revie\veditor Amy Sisson in action, rustling up reviewers. (You should send her something!) Takayuki Tatsumi came all the way from Japan to receive his Pioneer Award. Did I mention the fun that was had in the Hospitality Suite, at Medieval Times, or watching the horses rW1 at the Arlington Park race track? Or the wonderful non-stop snacks in the book room? You shoulda been there. Start plaruung now to attend next year's meeting. It v.ill be held in Grand Forks, North Dakota with B. Diane t-.1iller as our Conference Chairperson. And watch for news of the new SFRA Anthology, wl1ich is in preparation and should be available for adoption in mid-1995. The Business Meeting saw the approval of an outstanding slate of candidates for the officer elections. Please be sure to mark and return 5 SFRA Review #213, September/October 1994 your ballot, included in this issue. We also heard from Treasurer Bob Ewald that SFRA is in good shape fmandally; there will be no need for a dues increase in 1995, thanks to some of our recent economies. As is usually the case, I came back from the meeting with re­ newed enthusiasm and excitement, and a long list of must-read books. So, bye for now, I have to go to the bookstore. -DavidMead TREASURER'S REPORT As of June 30, 1994 I ')')-1 AC Il JAI. I <)<)-1 HULX; EJ' DIFFffiENCE Income: f\lemherships U')-I) S 17,5 I <).')5 S 17,(XX1.m S (51<).<)5) (1 <)<)3: 315) Interest 2S'J.()-I -I'Js.m IC)5.% TOIi\I.INCOf\ 11 S 17,77R.7') S 17,-125.( X1 S (:~S:i.<)<») L\:pcnscs L\:lr:l{Jol:! Li()n S 3,R')7.!Xl S -I,')2(l.m S 1,023.<X) Scicncc hcri()n Sludies 2,3...j(J.(Xl 2,7(X)JX) 3C{)fX) Jou nd:aion 1,( J3-1J X1 1,( J3-1.CXJ (SR subscripti()ns) SUM Nc\ 'iell (Notc I) 2,-170.]( ) R,2mm 5,71<).<)() Pionccr/Pilgrim A\\arJs -h~2.( X1 1,(XX1.m 51Rm J)i rcet () ry CWHl (fIlm Annual C()nfcrcncc smm Officc L\:pcnscs (N()tc 2) ...j(l<.~.7-1 ...j(OHJ (C)R.7-1) b;ccuthe BoarJ f\lccting 17'lKi 2mm 20.lS Ii.ccruiting f\lclllbcrship !S().(X 1 J5(l.m 10TAI. 1::\1'1 NSLS S ]( 1,337.UJ S 1'),KO·t(X) S '),-l1JCd 1 Cash B;liann: as of ()-3( )-')-1 S 2-1,')7').-1') (including cncuIllhr<lIKeS 01 SII,('78A8) 6 SFRA Review #21 3, September/October 1994 Prior Encumbrances through 1993 S 9,938.31 Hamer Rovaltics 1,740.17 lDTALENCUMBRANCfS S llNR.:.J8 !'DIE 1: ]\Iost of the e:-,,:penses for missing issues 208, 209, 210, and 211 have been incurred except for postage which should bc around 51000. !'DIE 2: E,,:tra mailings from various membcrs of thc Exccutive Committee put us over budget. - Robert]. EWclid SFRA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES July 7-8, 1994 Arlington Heights, Illinois President Mead called the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m., July 7, 1994.
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