Friday's flight Water Usage Energy Conservation 727 Feb. 5 NAS Norfolk, Va. -------- 8:00 a.m. Tues, Tuesday, Feb. 5 Guantanamo Bay 11:00 a.m. noon Goal: 315,000 KWH Kingston, Jamaica 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Storage: 5.1 MIL -- 36% Cost: $39,375 Guantanamo Bay 2:15 p.m. 3:20 p.m. Production: 1.3 MIL Usage: 288,400 KWH NAS Norfolk, Va. 6:15 p.m. Consumption: 1.2 MIL Cost: $36,050 See page 3 Cost in Norfolk: $21,630 Guantanamo Daily Gazette V Vol. 47 -- No. 025 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Wednesday, Feburary 6, 1991 New school bus policy begins Feb. 11 11LI Aand sponsor's name will be on First offense: student can- If a student loses a badgee By J03 S. V ELAZQU EZ the back of the badge, along not ride the bus for one week twice the school will replace itit, ill t M7 a ewfsscateds wthoandeleaoholembewillscabe te paentsnumbers.res worThere's ila anewheschool conbustihometanot hbe wreplaced.e atelephone rpl Youngerngestuu u- Syria - For the first time policy beginning Monday, "We have nine buses and 10 punched in the badge. Parents dents will have their teacher rs since the outbreak of the Gulf Feb. 11. Capt. Bill McCamy, types of bus passes," says Lt. must pick the badge up one keep their badges during th ie War, Syrian forces got in- Naval Base commander estab- Susan Ficklin, Nava Base week later from Security. Se- day to avoid losing them. volved in an allied clash with listed this new policy in order security director. "The 10th ond offense: student cannot "Student behavior on abuse Is Iraqi troops. A Saudi military 5F fficial in Saudi Arabia says to keep students' school bus type of badge is for students ride the bus for one month, is improving, but we need par yrian artillery units fired on behavior under control. who take one school bus in the badge is confiscated and will cents, teachersaanddthencomm Iraqi troops trying to cross the ieraren thh mornigan n t oe i rgt cnd hole punce.n ity'st,"Ficklin a d. graaersr ng t ei bus to an the arternoon. Parents need to pick it up one The bus driver is in charge. If Persian Gulf - It's been a from the elementary and high Each student must wear month after the day it was he feels that a student's behav- school will receive a colored this badge to get on the bus. "A third-straight day of action for confiscated. Third offense: ior will endanger his ability to the USS Missouri's 16-inch numbered badge laminated security patrolman will ask the badge will be confiscated for drive, will hurt another student guns. U.S. military officials in with a clip. This does not in- bus driver if he had any prob- the entire school year. Saudi Arabia say the battleship or damage government clude the buses from the Child lems on the bus," said Ficklin. "Behavior is prop- blasted three targets in Kuwait. better but we Development Center or "Fun "If so, the bus driver points out need to keep it up," said Fick- erty, it is his obligation to re- They say a radar site and sur- it." face-to-air missile site were in the Afternoon. Parents must the problem child and the pa- lin. "Each student must main- port destroyed. The fate of a third pick up badges this week trolman will take that student's tain appropriate school bus Capt. McCamy will ad- target, a dug -in Iraqi military through Friday Feb. 8, at the badge and that will be consid- behavior, if not, it will result in dress elementary and high unit, is not known. elementary and high schools, ered an offense." not being able to use the school school students this Friday on Saudi Arabia - A Pentagon from 4 to 6 p.m. The student's bus for a year." the new school bus policy. media pool report says U.S. -- - SA - - fighter-bomber pilots today switched from conventional Ground assault coming in GuIf war bombs to morepreciseMaver- level down AP - Allied plans for a ground waris President Bush's ick missiles. The move is seen been no letup in the bombing We're still using too much water. as another indication of final ground war against Iraq con- decision to send his top of Iraq. The U.S. command we've got to cut our consumption to preparations for ground assault tinue to shape up. Today, a military officials to the Gulf says one of the strikes appar- increase our storage. Right now we are in the Persian Gulf War. One U.S. Marine amphibious as- region for meetings with ently destroyed a SCUD mis- usingmorethanweproduce,sndreduc- F-16 pilot describes the Mav- ing storage. sault force is moving into place military commanders on the sile launcher. And Iran's offi- Forthe next few weeks, erick the follow- as a weapon designed to in the Persian Gulf. At the scene. A Pentagon official support soldiers on the ground. cial news agency has a ing rules apply: The pilot says the switch same time, the airlifting of says they'll discuss the next familiar report. It says huge No watering lawns to the -No washing vehicles Maverick, "tells me a few days supplies to desert front lines step in the war, a ground offen- explosions in the Iraqi city of Wash full laundry loads down the road they're (ground "never stops," in the words of sive. Bush himself says he Basra have been heard all the - Take Navy showers troops) going to be moving." an Air Force captain. Trans- doubts an air war will be way in Iran. - Cut back other use port planes have been arriving enough to get Iraq out of U.S. military sources in If all residents cooperate, we can (Continued on page 3) U.S.miliary ourcs in return to nonnal conditions in about two at forward staging areas every Kuwait. Saudi Arabia say an Iraqi weeks Wedon'twanttoreturtomore but if we continue 30 minutes. Meanwhile, throughout the Army officer defected over- resictvemeasures,Gtouseexcessiveamounts of water, we'll Boosting the talk of a night and morning, there has night. have to. USA First Purple Heart, USS Courts, head Navy News News First Purple Heart - A since the Persian Gulf War be- 37 sailors lost their lives after crew to take over the island. few hours after the liberation gan. being hit from two Iraqi mis- Sara support - Ameri- of Kuwait began Jan. 17, An unidentitified fighter Washington - President siles. cans across the nation have Bush had a warning to Saddam Navy Hospitalman Clarence barreled toward the guided While the skies contain poured out a great deal of Hussein today, saying Iraq's Dean Conner became the first missile frigate from the coast one danger, the Gulf water support for sailors aboard use of chemical weapons could American to earn the Purple of Kuwait. The aircraft was not contains another: mines. Curts Desert Storm ships, but the trigger a variety of massive Heart during OperationDesert emitting any signals to indi- has spotted several, detonating namesake city of the aircraft U.S. retaliation. Bush told a Storm. cate "friend White House news conference or foe" to the U.S. one, Jan. 28. During the quick carrier USS Saratoga has "he ought to think very care- Conner arrived at Fleet ship closest to the Kuwait maneuvering Jan. 24 when shown its solidarity for the fully about doing that." Hospital Five, a 500-bed de- coast. Montgomery ordered Curts assaulted Kuwait Island Saratoga crew and Carrier Air finitive care facility in the his 250 sailors to general of Qurah, the ship narrowly Wing 17 (CVW-17) in a very Washington - President Bush Saudi desert, as the first offi- quarters while he and his tacti- missed a says mine, according to special way. the Persian Gulf War cial U.S. ground force casu- cal would end more easily if Iraqi operators tried to deter- one sailor. The Saratoga County President Saddam Hussein alty in Operation Desert Storm mine if the plane was an en- "I've never felt so intense Chamber of Commerce has were not in power. Bush says after he and seven Marines emy aircraft or a coalition jet in my life," said BM3 Mi- invested a greatdeal of energy he does not believe anyone but were on the receiving end of an avoiding detection by not chael Crockett, adding that he and commitment to ensure Saddam would "subject his Iraqi artillery barrage. emitting any signals. lost sight of the mine as the Sara's crew knows they have- Army to the pounding they are "I heard a whistle, like Seconds taking." before Montgom- frigate turned to avoid it. "For n't been forgotten. The organi- something was falling, then a ery gave the order to launch a one brief moment when I saw zation began a program to ship Virginia - Authorities in whole bunch of explosions in missile against the aircraft, the that mine and then it disap- items, including VCRs, box- Norfolk, Va., have not ruled a row," Conner said. "It all pilot signaled to the ship's peared," he said, "Oh man, it ing gear, huge poster cards out terrorism in abomb threat at happened so fast." Shrapnel radar, it was a friendly U.S. A- scared the hell out of me." and computer games to Sara- a chemical storage complex. from an Iraqi shell tore a three- But one official says the proba- 6 "Intruder" returning from a Seconds later, Crockett real- toga from the county's gov- bility that terrorists planted six inch hole in his right shoulder, sortie over Kuwait.
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