APRIL 29. 19f»7 THK nFCRFF. Page 3 Impressions Concert Set Popular Recording Group to Appear May 7 The Impressions, a popular Chicago could offer them a numerous local TV appear­ recording and concert group, better opportunity to firmly es­ ances. will appear in concert Sunday tablish a show business career. Sam and Fred hadn’t been They keep turning out hit May 7, from 2 to 5 p. m. after hit: “ For Your Precious in the gymnasium. Tickets for in Chicago long when they met Curtis and Jerry, who were Love,” “ Gypsy Woman,” “ It’s the concert, which is being All Right,” “ Talking About also song veterans, having per­ presented by the Social Com­ My Baby,” “I’m So Proud” mission, will be on sale in formed in their local church. In 1958 the group was intro­ right down to their latest “Keep the book store and at the gym­ on Pushing” and “ Amen.” They duced to Eddie Thomas, a vet­ nasium box office and will cost also make sure to include in $1.50 for students and $2.00 eran of the music world, who immediately signed them to a every album a song that will for all others. please the older listener. While Accompanying the Impres­ management contract and changed their name from “The they do them in their own inim­ sions will be the Shifters Combo itable style, hits such as from Greensboro. Roosters” to “ The Impres­ sions.” “ Lemon Tree” and “Septem­ “ The Impressions” are a ber Song” are always included. leader in the field of singing Thomas arranged for a They do it because they are record session and “ The Im­ groups. After breaking into planning to be around for anoth­ the limelight as a four-mem­ pressions” first record, “For Your Precious Love,” became er 20 years. To do this they ber group, they have now be­ are working on a night club come established stars as a a nationwide hit, Jerry then act and a concert tour of Eu­ trio. Members of the group left the group and Curtis took over as lead singer. rope, where their records are are Curtis Mayfield, Samuel big sellers. Gooden and Fred Cash. Je r­ The youngest of the group, Robin Long, chairman of the Curtis is married, as is Fred ry Butler, the fourth member, Social Commission, is handling (Continued from page 2) self, this quote speaks only the has become a single star since and Sam. A native Chicagoan, Curtis is a gifted songwriter, arrangements for their Wes­ except to those who lack con­ absolute truth. his recording of “ For Your leyan concert. The aspect of war cannot Precious Love.” having penned most of the fidence in themselves right from the beginning. I too left be hidden or disguised from the “The Impressions” bookings groups’ hit songs plus other best sellers for Jerry Butler, the security of my country’s peoples of the world. We have been keeping them on the pledged ourselves in two areas run all over the nation with Dee Clark, Jan Bradley and boundaries and ventured forth across the Pacific to a land and it is our sworn duty to one night stands. Aside from others. Curtis has had no formal training and his musi­ Gay, Winstead I’d only read about in the news­ uphold our promise. If for one the three singers the group cal ability is a natural gift. papers, seen on T,V. programs hour we were to slacken our travels with their own drum­ position, the entire faith of mer Leo Morris and knee- Sam Gooden, who sings bass and learned about from my in­ structors, Now I’m here in the South Vietnamese people bass player Leonard Brown. once turned down a contract to play first base for a farm team Attend SUSGA Viet Nam and all the doubts would crumble. They too con­ The only one of the trio that I had have been dispelled. tribute men to guard their coun­ plays an instrument on stage of the Chicago Cubs. He turned it down because “ The Impres­ The U.S. Armed Forces have try and who would deny them is Curt, who strums a guitar. sions” had their first hit on this privilege? Our duty here Aside from knowing how to entered the life of a struggling, the market. Fred Cash, who Conventibli destitute country as an ally for will not be complete until our pick hit records, the trio knows sings tenor, is also a sports two purposes. The first is mission is accomplished. The how to handle their business fan and with Sam can be found that of offering our total sup­ breath of life is freedom to arrangements. They are in­ Melvin Gay and Jack Win­ at a ballpark or bowling alley stead will be representing Wes­ port, along with other nations, Americans and so it is with corporated and master all their the South Vietnamese, Instead own record sessions. When they when not on stage or record­ leyan College at the annual in the overthrow or annihila­ ing. SUSGA Convention to be held tion of Communism from North of damning American interven­ have a session down the way tion, think first of the oppres­ they want it they take the mas­ Since their formation as “ The at the University of South Ala­ Viet Nam. But our big mis­ Impressions” in 1958, the group bama, in Mobile, Alabama, sion, which too few people know sed people that only know what ter to ABC-Paramount Records they are told. Isn’t it about for pressing, release and dis­ has been in great demand for April 26-29. about, is that of building South personal appearances. Mixing Melvin, the Jjresident of this Viet Nam into a democracy time the spark of truth ignites tribution. They are a hot prop­ here as it did for us during erty at ABC with over 8,000,- their vocal talent with comedy year’s student government as­ for her millions of war-weary and simple, but professional, the American Revolution? 000 record sales to their credit. sociation, and Jack, the unop­ people. Those individuals and The group started out in 1957 choreography, they have ap­ posed candidate for the office groups at home who pledge in Chicago as “ The Roosters” peared in the country’s best for next year, will be the first their lives to a picket line and when Sam and Fred came up known theaters; the Apollo in representatives from Wesleyan LSD have no concept of what from their native Chattanooga, New York, the Howard in Wash­ to attend the convention, Wes­ their fighting men are doing Sophomore Tenn., where they had been ington, the Royal in Baltimore, leyan having just been admitted for these people and the land singing with church groups and the Regal in Chicago, the Up­ to the Southern Universities they love and call their home. a quartet that played in small town in Philadelphia and many Student Government Associ­ Millions are fed and cared for night spots. They came up others. They have appeared ation this past winter. by the aid that we contribute. north after they decided that twice on Dick Clark’s network While at the meeting the t^;o Special Forces teams go to Proficiencies television show and have had representatives will attend remote outposts and villages workshops on various phases to treat disease and improve of student government, willpar- the sanitation conditions. Paci­ ticipate in the voting on a new fication programs are in use Sclieduled May 2 constitution for the organiza­ to swing hard-core Communists SHOP tion and, will officially receive in South Viet Nam into caring Sophomore Proficiency Ex­ the charter reco^izing Wes­ about their own country. ams will be given May 2 in leyan as a member of the or­ Schools are being built and the the gymnasium. The spelling ROCKY MOUNT’S ganization. need for education is gradu­ exam is scheduled to begin at SUSGA is an organization ally being dealt with by trained 7:00 pm and the writing at composed of schools in the instructors. Our mere finan­ 8:00. l a r g e s t a n d finest southern and southeastern U- cial presence is in itself a All students whose names ap­ nited States whose purpose is strengthening factor to theSouth pear on the lists posted in the to further the cause of stu­ Vietnamese economy. In every administration building must DEPARTMENT STORE dent government on the cam­ area of this land, you see the take the appropriate exams on puses of its member schools Armed Forces working with the the day indicated. and to promote good relation­ people as their friends, not as Failure to comply will re­ ships between the schools. their domineering conquerors. sult in a penalty fee of $5 The impression of conquest is for each exam missed, spread only by those who care Bluebooks are required for too little for the other man. both exams and should be pur­ MEBA/S/E Our late President John F. chased in the book store as Kennedy summed up our mis­ they will not be on sale at SHOE CO. sion when he said, “Ask not the door. what your country can do for All students must present you, but rather what you can their LD. card at the door do for your countrv.” In it- before taking either of the ex­ EXCITING ams. f t It The sophomore proficiency Fashionable exams, given once each se­ * Hobbies mester, are a requirement for all students and must be taken Shoes for The * Models and passed as a part of the requirements for graduation.
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