, The Dail~ Guardian ",hen ! that Volume 38, Number 8 University of California, San Diego Tuesday, October 2, 1979 II the Ir the hat's ,.---~------- But Overall Enrollment is Up I lied " up Ilers. Sciences Ha ve Shortfall of Women By Barry Meepol campuswide, as a result of increaled female lnere will be Ijttle change in a two year-old UCSD Upper Division Enrollment - enrollment at the University. study which found no increase in the percenlage Men, Homen & Total - Fall Quarter During the seven-year period of the study, of female majors enrolled in pure and applied total female enrollment rose seven percent, science fields and other areas historically from 33 percent in 1970 to 40 percent in 1977, dominated by men, says Robert StarKey, 0001 an increase comparable to nationwide figures. I 0 UCSD analytical studies officer, . I Total Paralleling the improved overall The report, made from 1970 to 1977, I representation of women in upper division compared enrollment tren(Js by major and sex I 0 majors, female enrollment in the math-science God' in a study similar to one conducted at UC 30aol disciplines increased seven percent, from 22 to onn, a Davis. I 29 percent, and in the humanities from 51 lYe re Another study will probably be made here I percent to 58 percent. A rise slightly above the I within the next few months, Starkey says, but campus average was also found in the social I * • * :aged "it looks like there's no great change from the 20001 • ~len sciences, which rose nine percent-from 39 eked. '77 study." • percent in 1970 to 48 percent in 1977. ck to Unlike-the UCSD study, UC Davis' found a * .J 0 The most dramatic increase was found in the shift over time of women in science and • Q Homen arts, which rose 21 percent, from 33 percent in et of ,) administration related fie.lds. Thi was the result • 1970 to 54 percent in 1977. These figures are liElO I 0 0 of "the women's movement, awareness of I 0 0 misleading,- though, says Starkey, as they expanded options and broadened perspectives ;) reflect the small percentage of women enrolled of life, increased interest in career-oriented I in the arts in 1970, and the relatively small fields, increased job opportunities and I growth of .arts departments during the recent decreased demand for teachers," their report 0 1 . seven-year period. 1 D', () 1D7 2 1 D74 l o n suggested. 1'!7P Within individual departments, above­ Although the UCSD study did not find the average improvements in female enrollment same results, it showed an increase in the While total female enrollment i, up here, women ,till lag were found in AMES, Biology and Chemiltry overall representation of women in upper behind men in the sciences. among the scie.nces, and in Economics, division majors in nearly all departments Please turn to page 8 Kloppenburg Steps Down; Pub Enforcement Problems Carter New Hoop Coach By Jon Goetz Escape Government Notice Sports Editor The men's basketball team lost its second head coach in seven Board Official H e months Friday when Bob Kloppenburg resigned to take the head Says Thought It Wasn't Open scouting position for the National Ba ketball Association Seattle By Kathy Huffer aged drinker from sharing with their under­ upersomcs. Associate News Editor aged friends. Kloppenburg took the UCSD job in mid-March, filling the While management at UCSD's first pub ay Yesterday Sellek announced that he will take vacancy left by retiring coach Barry Cunningham. Now Ron it is carefully prote ting its liquor license by away alcoholic drinks from minors, and if legal Carter, a former UCSD player, who had just been appoint d JV checking and 80m tJmes rechecking student's drinkers_ persist in giving beer or wine to coach. takes over as head coach for the 1 ~78-80 season. identification, the Alcoholic Reveral!e Control I mderaged student., "the whole tabl will be When the scouting job on the Sonics became available, claims that it has thus far ignored operations at kicked out." Kloppenburg snapped it up. "It was the chance of a lifetime ... It's the beer and wine vending facility. "The school's jusl got too much at stake ," he Please turn to page 8 Walk Sellek, manager of "Walk's Place at says. "We won't lose (the pub) just because the Pub ," is "almost certain" that ABC adults are giving drinks to minors." representatives have been in to monitor alcohol Sellek also says he will refuse service to any sales since th pub s opening September 1 7. cu ' tomer appearing intoxicated, as per state Until yesterday, however, the ABC was not law. aware the pub had begun busin ss, a cording Though Sellek say the pub is having 80m to Warren Tankersl y, the AB acting district problems establishing mooth operating administrator who originall super vi 'ed pro ·wures. lIek ay it is gro sing n ar licensing of the facility. Now that he knows the 1,500 dail . But II k still 'a ' it "will lake a pub is open, however. " I imagine there will b coupl of months t really know how w 'r people watching it," he says. doing." Altho.ugh " Walk" Place" might be expected Part of th reason for that incom , higher to attract rnor under -21 customers than many food pri 'es at the pub than at any other carrl'pu alcohol facilities, the ABC will monitor it "no eating fa cility, are e plain d b lIek a more than any other place," Tankersley says. necessary; th food i . b tier than a t a cafeteria. But if the pub "get's sloppy, th n they will run Iw says. and his stablishment receives no into problems," he adds. university subsidy. " Probl ms" rang from suspension of th The Pub will hold two parlies thi ' week: a n facility's be r and wine license to complet invitation-only "thank-you" bet ·h Wedn sday revocation. enlng (dos d to the general student a nd The AS can also fine liquor-selling faculty population) and a "Grand pening" thi ' establishmenls exten 'ively for serving alcoholic Friday from 5 pm to 1 am. drinks to minors. Such fin s are based on the number of days a fa 'ility would have been suspended, multiplied by 20 percent of the establishment's av rage daily sales, Tcmkersley says. But if UC D's pub runs as smoothly as its counterpart. San Diego tatc's "Goldy's" it will not need to worry about licens penalties, Tankersley says. "Goldy's" under the same man<lgement as U l)'s pub, has had "no problems" with the ABC, he explains. Pub employees hel v • had trouble preventin~ minors from drinking IX' 'r and wine despite efforts to monitor alcohol sales, and art' toughenin!-( idenlification l'ht'l'ks as H result, m.'t'ordin!( tn St>lIt'k . , Iftok !lily s pub t'IHI>loyt'{'s "constantl to cht'l'k "t'ver onl' IhHt looks likt· tlwy mi~ht Ilt: nt'ar 21," hut hHw diffll'ulty controlling Jt.gill - Guardian photo by Mati Gledt The Daily Guardian Tuesday, Oct. 2.1979 I Tuesday, Oct. 2, 1979 The Daily Guardian 3 Cafe, UC Separated by More Than Miles ence. _ who pay a t least part of that ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS BRIEFS By Eric Jaye ,Beguine." The place is ~lIy commentators I spend my time with in coffee shops lhat's probably because up money. parents and the state of the Pacific anchor of a stnng ot - Our on these bluffs , with only If we are to gain any politcal . California spend thousands of small family restaurants with (where they call the coffee opinion polls to tell us what the understanding we should dollars on our four or five deer antlers on the walls and espresso and charge three times as much tor it) are rest of the world is thinking, it spe'nd a little more time, both swing on the jukebox. I I I___ _ N_A_T-,--IO_ N_ A_ L__ I II-- --'--_STA_ _ T_ E__ ---...-J t'ears of . college . with th~ is easy to forget that all those in and out of school. with the INTERNATIONAL justifiable assumption that It These people, the cowboys haVIng trouble interpreting the polls that show Richard Nixon crazy political views don't people who are the arms and will give us some intellectual and carpe,lters and assort­ legs of the body politic. ment of other manual laborers, would beat President Carter in . exist in a vacuum; every lalle is editor 01 The (j(Jily 'an election and the political perspective needs If we did, it might solve a GUGrdian. a~e generally, if you want to few problems. If the university Mexico 'Not at Fault' Carter Urges Caution Canyon Plant OKed believe the statisti cs, , distressingly strong showing of someone to espouse it. edge on everybOdy else. spent more time addressing conservative Republicans of other right-wing paranoids like That's what we're not MEXICO CITY - President Jose Lopez Portillo said WASHINGTON - President Carter said last night WALNUT CREEK - In a defeat tor nuclear power No one has ever spent a Ronald Reagan and John taught. We can analyze a the non -intellectual masses it yesterday that Mexico will not pay for damage to that the United States will increase its military prese~ce foes, a federal report concludes the Diablo Canyon cent trying to make critical the type that would make your would make them less wary of parents look like flower-child Connally.
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