HUMORH U M O R ENTERTAINMENTE N T E R T A I N M E N T DININGD I N I N G TRAVELT R A V E L DECEMBERDECEMBER 20102010 Merry ChristmasChrisstmatmmas BRING IN THE NEWNEW YEARYEAR ATVelvea ALTARe BARvvea WWITHITHeeaa LastLasstt MinuteMMinute GiftG GuideGuidee DiningDDiinniing ReviewReevvieiew BlueBlue DiningDining TravelTrraaavvveleell SectionSececctiontionttioionioon IItaly,taly, MMilanoilano & VVeniceenice HolidayHooollididdaay SpecialsSpeciSSppeecciiaalllss ChristmasChristmas TriviaTrivia QuizQuiz andand ChallengeChallenge ReducingReducing HolidayHoliday StressStress Don’tDon’t LetLet YourYYoour ChristmasChristmas RoadRoad TripTrip bebe a TurkeyTurkey Contents Or whatever the PC term is this year... Publisher: Joyce Campisi Page 3..........................Monte Cellos Wexford Editor-in-Chief: Joyce Campisi Pages 4-5.......Last Minute Holiday Gift Guide Executive Editor: Joseph P. Campisi, III Pages 6-7...............................................Travel Assignment Editor: Jennifer L. Campisi Dennis Kostley, Page 8-9................................Wine and Spirits Graphic Designer: Casey King, Ryan Cherry Page 10................................Ask The Attorney Senior Photographer: Todd Brunozzi Page 11......................................Footcare Tips Photographer: Ryan Cherry Page12....................................................Music Feature Writers: Suz Pisano, Trish Imbrogno, Pages 15-16........................................Theater Attorney Jeffrey Pollock, Steve Montellese Contributing Writers: Bill Mace, Jean Mace, Page 18.....................................Holiday Stress Dottie Wilhelm, Gerry Pekol, Lori Hon, Page 19...............................................Comedy Boris Pekol Page 20-21 ...........................................Dining Account Executive: Melanie Pitts Pages 23-39......................................... Humor Webmaster: Real Pro Data Page 40..........................................Classifieds Distribution Manager: Warren Rudolph Copyright ®, SX publications, Nightwire. All rights reserved. SX Publications, Nightwire owns the copyrights of the photographs and contents of this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced, modified, retransmitted or published in any part of copyrighted material without the expressed written permission of the publisher. The articles and editorials are meant for entertainment purposes only, and do not necessarily represent opinions of SX Publications, Nightwire, they are those of the writers and advertisers and may not necessarily represent those of SX Publications, Nightwire. SX Publications, Nightwire in no way offers any recommendations, endorsements or guarantees of any kind with regard to any service, product or person in any way for the actions ensuing from advertising. This publication contains elements adult in nature and may not be suitable for minors. Some of the products and services available through advertisements are not for purchase by minors. SX Publications, Nightwire cannot be held responsible for photos submitted by advertisers and photography supplied by advertisers or vendors without a release from the model(s). SX Publications, Nightwire will assume no liability for misprints, typos, ad print quality, ad placement or incorrect ad copy. 2 • December 2010 Monte Cello’s Wexford onte Cello’s has been part of the Wexford community and please your palate. for over 25 years. Owners, Wayne Mateer, Joe At the bar, you will find the best happy hour from 6p-8p MWadlow and Dominic Ricci have truly mastered the Monday through Thursdays and 7p-9p on Fridays and art of making fresh pizza dough and sauces from scratch to Saturdays, its half off appetizers and all drafts beers are create the best pizza around. Their calzones, salads, $1.00. They have 8 beers on tap, Yuengling, Blue Moon, gourmet burgers, and huge pasta selections truly set this Coors Light, Miller Light, Great Lakes, Sam Adams place apart from other restaurants. Monte Cello’s offers so Seasonal, Labatt and Stella Artois. Plus, Mondays are 75 much more than just pizza, their entrees are all made fresh cent pizza slices, 4p-8p, Wednesdays, Yuengs and Wings- daily and include fantastic seafood selections as well as 35 cent wings & $6.00 pitchers. Fridays - $1.00 off ALL steak, veal, chicken and pot roast to all you can eat crab vodka drinks and Sundays – FREE Pizza during Pittsburgh legs on Tuesdays. Definitely delicious and something for NFL Football. everyone at extremely affordable pricing. Here you will find casual dining where the owners have worked very hard to keep the family budget in mind. Plus, their staff is great, very attentive, and accommodating. Monday through Fridays 11am-2pm they offer an “all you can eat” lunch buffet ($7.50) offering a large selection of their famous pizzas, pastas, salads and soup. A dinner buffet is also offered on Monday nights from 4pm-8pm ($7.50) selections vary weekly, but you will always be sure to find pizzas, pasta and heartier entrees, something to tempt Where is it? Monte Cellos’s Italian Restaurant is located at 10441 Perry Highway, Wexford, PA 15090 – Phone: 724-935-4151 for dine in, take out or delivery! Open 7 days a week Visit them on the web: www.montecellos.com Joe Wadlow, Owner and Dominic Ricci, Owner December 2010 • 3 T T LastLLaLasaststt MinuteMMinMinununututete Holiday Gift Guide LUSH JOY TO THE WORLD LUSH - believes in makingmakinng effective products from fresh, organic* Put this number underu the tree and they’ll be singingsinging “Joy to the fruit and vegetables, usingusing the finest essential oils and safesaffe world, the Lush has come!”. Absolutely perfect for those carol synthetics. They invent theirthheir own products and fragrances.fragrancess. LUSH singing, egg-nog sloshing, ugly Christmas sweatersweateer wearing party is made fresh by hand usingusing little or no preservative or packaging,packaging, animals, we’ve filledfillled Joy to the WorldWorld with four spicysppicy and citrussy using only vegetarian ingredients, and tell you when they were shower treats to helph make holiday mornings a bitbit more forgiving made. LUSH believes in buyingb ingredients only from companiescommpanies after holiday nights…nighhts… $26.95 that do not commission teststeests on animals and in testing ourouur products on humans. They believe in happy people making happy soap,s putting our faces on our products and making their moms proud. They believe in long candlelitcanddlelit baths, sharing showers, massage,masssage, filling the world with perfumeperffume and in the right to make mistakes,misstakes, lose everything and start again. LUSH products are a goodd value, and that the customer is alwaysa right. LUSH products are availableavailaable at Macy’sMacy’s downtown and onlineonline at www.lushusa.comwww.lushusa.com WINTER WARMER It may look beautifulbeaautiful when fluffy snowflakessnowflakes JILL-E CAMERA BAG cover everythingeverything in a white blanket, but Stylish jill-e designs’desiggns’ Camera/ it’sit’s still too coldcold for carry-all bags compartmentalizecommpartmentalize comfort! WarmWarmm the and protect. Thiss holiday’sholiday’s cockles of theirtheir hearts must-have technologytechnoology devices and the rest off their while on-the-go! / Carry-All bodies with thee gift Bags CompartmentalizeCompartmeentalize and Protect. This holiday’sholidday’s must- of spicy mulledd wine showers. The spicy,sspicy, have technology devices while warming latherlatheer of on-the-go!on the go! FunctionalityFunctiionality on the Glogg shower gel will Go….Fashionablyy on the Mark! keep them toasty all seasonseasoon long. Of course, if you really wantedw to .. A perfect gift forfoor the holiday heat things up you could offer to share it with them… $14.95$14.95 shoppers who wantwaant to give their recipients a gift that’stthat’s both functional and fashionable thist Christmas. A absolutely stunningstunning and functional bag. Price: $239.99$239.99 – ToTo order or see more designsdesignns online visit http:// www.jill-e.com.www.jill-e.com. TUCA TUCA YOGA CD FOR THE GIRL WHO HAS EVEREVERYTHING:YYTHING: A soothing collection of songssoongs for SureSure, she probably has lots of pperfumesperfumes, yoga,yoga meditation and relaxation.relaxxationxation. This but none as unique as the NEWNEW!! TTucauca CD features renowned musiciansmuusicians TTucauca fragrance. The sleek black bottle Krishna Das, Wah!,Wah!, Gaura VaniVani contains a vibrant fragrance of violet leaf, and more. Liner notes writtenwrittten by cassie and vanilla. The first relereleasease in an yoga instructor and musicianmusiccian Sean entirely new perfumes from LUSLUSH,SH, TTucauca Johnson. Cost: $14.95 availableavaailable at TTucauca is also available in massagmassagege bar and www.putumayo.comwww.putumayo.com or att www.www. candle form also! amazon.com 4 • December 2010 PET-ZZZ PAD AB GOLF DESIGNS - THROWBACK COLLECTION New Pet-zzz-pad starts heatingh up your pet’spet’s bed to a vet-veet- recommended 102 degreesdegreees as soon as their paw hits thethhe pad. AB Golf Designs ThrowbackThrowbacck Collection This pet bed warmer moldsmoolds to www.abgolfdesigns.comwww.abgolfdesigns.com your pet’spet’s body and cuddlescuddles them in warmth. When they AB Golf Designs new eco-friendlyeco-ffriendly get off, the pad turns offf too. Throwback collection is a classicc Pets need and crave warmth,warrmth, striped knit stocking with pom-pomp especially when the weatherweaather tops available in a variety ofo color turns chilly.chilly. Everyone wiswisheshes they had the time to cradle theirthheir
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