i: 46 SUE 4 Brown-Jr J' \ Wear Your School Colors on this distinctive gold filled buckle by Herff-Jones. Belt is a wide, Genuine Leather Original 50 Only $2 Plus 10c Tax SHOP TONITE — TAXI FREE — I GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Midiigan St. I LETTERS Dear Sir: May I add my "two-bits worth" to the suggestion of one, Thomas Auchler (SCHOLASTIC, March 7, 1947) regarding the houi-s of the library? Since it is the policy of the university (and rightly so) that some outside read­ ing be required in many of the courses, it hardly seems logical that the library 19 Trains Daily to CHICAGO should keep such short hours. I hardly think that it is a matter of insufficient First two morning trains leave South Bend at 6:00 A.M. and 6:50 A.M. Beginning at 7:30 A.M. and help, as I believe that many students until 9:30 P.M. there is a train every hour leaving would be happy to have a chance to earn at 30 minutes past the hour. The last two trains part of their tuition by working in the leave at 11:00 P.M. and 12:00 Midnight. Hourly service from Chicago, too. For travel information library. How about a comment on this call C. W. Veach, Ticket Office, 301 N. Michigan St., matter? Phone 3-3111. PETE WALLACE 238 Morrissey CHICAGO SOUTH SHORE & SO. BEND R. R. P.S. For my money, the SCHOLASTIC is the best college magazine on any campus. Dear Sir: Just who . does this O'Connor, who puts out his diatribes in his column, "The Week," think he is. He's certainly not a humorist. Sure, Mac, the army (and the navy) was no picnic, but the SOUTHSHORE majority of men left their gripes at the separation center, and took a new lease on life, tucked in the pocket of the new brown gabardine suit. But some few disillusioned strategists carried these gripes over into a college news magazine in the form of humor? Better read DANCING every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday what humor really is by scanning "The Week" column in the Scholastic of 1942- at the 43 when Jack Woelf le was the author. I suggest, also, that if the service be men­ tioned at all, it be with genuine humor, as illustrated by Joe Wilcox's article in the March 14 issue of ScholaMic. And O'Connor's remark in the column (March 14) about Jews should never have gotten into print. This is a Cath­ olic university and such Anti-Semitism has no place here, even in the form of "humor." The Irish would do well to disown one John A. O'Connor, since the majority of them do not claim glory for themselves by virtue of the Superman drivel and making slurring remarks about members of the Hebrew national­ ity. The Blue Circle might condemn him, as they did the author of the Dining Hall employees letter. Incidentally, Mr. O'Connor, I'm neither Irish nor Hebrew, and I, too, was an enlisted man (navy). Sincerely, C. JAMES PARIS, Off Campus. Vitriolic reader Paris inight do COMING^DuIre Ellingfon xvell to read "The Week" with a (Continued on Page 36) Est. 1900 COLLEGE I^AI^ADE By LOU ALMASI and TOM HIGGINS Glasses CORREQiy FIHED J. BURKE t :/ W. G. Bogardus—^M. Mittermayer OPTOMETRISTS AND Since this is supposed to be the Basket­ the Arkansas Eazorbacks, for better or MFG. OPTICIANS ball Issue, we have been warned to keep for worse. (Depending on whose side 228 South Michigcm Street our copy in the hardwood vein by Ye you're on.) Closed Wednesday afternoons Olde Edde. However, if he had been aware of the fact that all we know about REEL THREE — (not descriptive of basketball is that if your team does not Saturday night) The blade with the win by the number of points listed in Some big men have made good in the the pool, you lose, he would have let us collegiate and pro phase of the game. MONEY-BACK write about Women. We don't know any­ George Mikan, Don Otten, Arnold Risen, eUARAMTEE/ thing about that subject either, but it is among others. But neither success or fail­ a heck of a lot more fun conjecturing ure was one of 1945's widely heralded about them, or doing a little research in stars, Elmore Morgenthaler of the New that department. Never let it be said that Mexico Mine's squad. Early last Fall, we were ever daunted by any topic, lured, no doubt, by the lust for Eastern though, so here we go . G—(broad-minded men may say Glory), Mr. Morgenthaler enrolled at New York's small, hustling, hardwood-con­ WHAT PRICE GLORY? scious. Long Island University, coached The coach of the sensational (?) Tex­ by equally hustling, basketball-^\•ise, Buf­ as scholastic basketball star, Marcus falo-wary (SCHOLASTIC, Mar. nth. Page Freiberger, has been offered coaching po­ 6) Claire Bee. sitions at several of the smaller colleges in the Lone Star State, that is, provided Three short weeks later, Elmore had DUMAHUa n he will bring his scoring •^^^zard along tossed in his LIU Athletic Dept. towel THE MARLIN FIREARMS COMPANY \\ith him. However, the coach, standing and had departed for Beantown, where fiat Cns Since 1170 up for the purity of somewhat debatable the fish and fog had proven too great a amateur sport, has declined the kind lure. Elmore was the sensation of Bos­ offer, stating that he would prefer hav­ ton College, playing in doubleheaders at DR. ROBERT F. LUCAS ing the 6' 10" dwarf choose his own Alma the jam-packed (2,500) Boston Garden. Mater. No one denies the old adage, "A GENERAL DENTISTRY Later Morgenthaler's trouble was di­ good little man is as good as a good X-rars and Consultation agnosed as being a bigger hit on the Diseases and SnrEery of Mouth and Jaws big man," but when that big man scores court (32 points in one game) than he Telephone 4-5661 48 of his team's 52 points in a game, was in the schoolroom. True to Boston 702 J. M. S. Building South Bend, Ind. we doubt its aptness. tradition, Elmore was declared scholas- But wait, Marcus (if he will permit tically ineligible by the BC authorities. us the Familiarity) is not the tallest of The Providence Pros immediately tossed DRS. PROBST AND SINGLER him a financial life-line, paying him DENTISTS the current scholastic crop it seems. above the board. Now he pastimes in the 503 Sherland Building Down in the wilds of Mississippi they Phone 3-1254 South Bend, Indiana also grow them big, Suh! There, a high same Hub arena against Bostonians. school eager holds forth, called Max Non-committal, at season's end, Morgen­ Palmer, who is unable to enter doorways thaler's thoughts are probably, "New Mexico was never like this." SOUTH BEND less than 7' 7". That is wthout shoes, too. Things are so tough that the kid must X-RAY LABORATORY play in his brogans or his stocking-feet, 825 Sherland Building as shoes cannot be found to fit him. His HINT OF SCANDAL L. E. Usher, M. D. M. J. Thornton, M. D. system is unique and well adapted to the After getting off to a fast start (win­ • lazy man. He plays no defense, merely ning 1) and then collapsing miserably standing under his opponent's basket, ROSE DENTAL GROUP by dropping five in a row, the Sorin Hall and dunking the ball thorugh the hoop basketball team has come under suspi­ LEONARD A. ROSE. D.D.S. as it is passed to him. Only once this cion of underhanded dealings. Pre-sea- CYRIL F. ROSE. D.D.S. PETER J. ROSE. D.D.S. season has his team been defeated, and son favorites (Bick Bunkel on Nov. 30th, 623-629 Sherland Bldg. South Bend, Ind. even then he scored 46 of his side's 48 gave them a rating of 99.98, second only points. These two performers have called to U.K.'s 99.99) the lads from the towers for a paraphrasing of the old bromide never showed much after their first deci­ to read, "The bigger they are, the more sion. Rumor has it that the Governor has DR. O. J. GRUNDY they score." How DePaul ever missed appointed a commission to look into this Rccistered Podiatrist these two sterling characters, we are un­ affair, and has asked to question Alvin FOOT AILMENTS able to fathom. Perhaps they will yet Paris as to who (if anyone) got to the 406-408 Tower Building Phone 3-2574 snare the Texan, but rumor has it that pointless wonders. At press time, J. Ed­ the other lad is practically delivered to gar Hoover had made no announcement. Specializing in the examination of the eyes By John A. O'Connor Dr. E. J. Cain OPTOMETRIST Out West they're singing the praises Guard: Professor Riley. This fellow of a young basketeer named Calhoun, stands in the way of a lot of scoring. Bill Calhoun that is. He's scorching the Really makes the opposition sweat. Men courts around Berkeley, California, much who come up against him usually spend in the fashion of the immortal Hank Lu- two-to-three hours a night preparing for Prompt Lens or Frame Repair isetti and more recently, Kevin O'Shea. his %viles. Once he gets on your back it's Here's the dope: Mr.
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