*rrc 1 . U T h e L a w é r e n t ia n VOL. XLIX. NO. 48 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WISCONSIN Wednesday, May 4, 1932 WELCOME SENIORS HERE SATURDAY Forty Courses To Be Incorporated In Tutorial System RevisionFINAL PLANS COMPLETE FOR A Cappella Choir ELIMINATE Senate President ROY MCNEIL, Has Leading Role COLLEGE DAY EIGHT FROM Returns From BETTY MEYER Trip to Wausau Invitations Are Accepted By 86 CURRICULUM R .U ^LEA D S Students; 56 Intend To The Lawrence college A Cappella Remain Overnight choir, under the direction of Dean Carl Drastic Changes Necessitated By J. Waterman, returned late Monday Large Supporting Cast, Staff To Lawrence Day, an innovation for New Plan; Latin To Be Only night from a trip to Wuusau where the Present First All College the pur|Kise of recruiting, to be held Language Tutorial group gave a concert in the Methodist Play May 13 Saturday will mean the welcoming of church. a group of high school seniors to the By Norman Clapp A large audience welcomed the choir Hoy McXeil, ’33, and Hetty Meyer, Lawrence college campus by the fac­ Of the 48 courses to be dropped from at the concert. This season's regular ’34, have the leads in a strong cast ulty and student body to show them the facilities, advantages, and oppor­ the curriculum in 19.‘52-.'13, 40 will be A Cappella choir program whs sung, chosen for R. U. R., which will be pre­ incorporated in the new tutorial sys­ which received considerable applause sented in the Lawrence chapel, Friday, tunities offered by Lawrence. tem adopted by the college this spring. from the audience, in which there were May 13. This drama, consisting of Thus far S6 high school students have The remaining eight will be dropped many Lawrence college alumnae. three acts and all epilogue, is the first accepted invitations for the occasion, completely from the college program. Following the concert Pres. Henry M. all college production of the year. of which 5t> will be here over night. It These changes, perhaps the most Wriston, Gordon Clapp., Rexford Mit­ Although the sup|K>rting cast includes is expected that a group of students drastic in years, come as the result of will also attend without making it chell, Prof. A. L. Franzke, Roliert Beggs, many actors and actresses new to the the reorganization of the departments known to the committee. and members of the choir remained for a Lawrence college stage, all members have necessitated bv the adoption of the reception given for the purpose of dis­ hail a background of participation in Preparations for the day have been tutorial plan this spring. cussing Lawrence with prospective stu­ high school or college productions of the completed and arranged in such a man­ Of the eight courses completely John Strange dents from that city. past. The complete cast follows: Roy McNeil ner that every form of activity on the dropped from the curriculum four are campus will be represented on the Wiley Sampson, ’13, of the local Harry Ikunin—general manager of Ro- from the department of economics and day’s program. sociology, one from the art department alumni association of Wausau was in su m’s Universal Robots, Inc.,—Roy The committee has arranged to pur­ and three from the English department. charge of the reception and social gath­ McXeil, ’33. STAFF CHANGE NAME ORMSBY chase 500 badges of which 200 will be The courses dropped are as follows: ering after the concert. Sulla, a roliotess—Marion Kudy, ’35. given to the prospective students to classical art, marketing, advanced ac­ Marius—a roliot—Wayne Williams, ’33. COUNSELLORS IS ANNOUNCED wear during the day. The remaining counting, cost accounting, industrial Helen Glory—Betty Meyer, ’34. number will be distributed among the management, news writing, business- Two Students in Auto Crash I)r. Gall—head of the physiology and student body. lit ter writing, and feature writing. Twelve Women Attend Training at Green Bay on Saturday experimental department of R. U. R.— White, Hoffman To Take Places Roland Beyer, ’34. In Economics, Zoology The complete program follows: Tutorial Courses Alike Course In Preparation Two Lawrence students narrowly Mr. Fabry—engineer general and tech !i:00-12:00 A.M. Registration—Girls The department of Knglish and For Work Departments escaped se\ere injury in Green Hay, Sat­ ideal controller of R. U. R.—Milton will register at Ormsby Hall parlors; speech is n»ost affected by the changes urday, when the car in which they were boys will register at Brokaw Hall. in the curriculum. Three courses in Counsellors of Ormsby hall for the Keller, ’34. Two new names have been added to riding was struck by another, turning writing have been omitted entirely year 1932-33 were chosen by members of Dr. Hallemeier—head of the institute for the faculty list for next year, and four 10:00 A.M.—Tennis Match—Law­ over. Roliert Baldwin, *35, aided by from the catalog, and seven courses in the faculty, counsellors of this year, the psychological training of robots— of the present faculty will not return, reuce versus Ripon. several firemen, lifted the car, releasing Charles Turver, ’33. literature have been absorbed by the Mortar Hoard members, and the dean of it was announced by the administration 10:00-12:00 A.M. Campus Tours— Harris Vennema, *34, who had been nine tutorial courses that will be avail­ women at a tea held in Miss Florence Mr. Ahpiist—architect ami head of the this week. Student Guides. pinned inside. Although the car was works department of R. I’. R.—Erie able next year. Nicholson *s rooms at Russell Sage Fri­ Dr. Henry 1). White, who will assume 12:30 P.M. Luncheon—Visiting stud­ badly damaged, both men escaped unhurt. Volkert, '35. These tutorial courses are alike iuas- day. an associate professorship in economies ents will be guests of the college at the The following women have been elect­ Consul Bnsimm — financial manager — much as each gives a general survey here next year, will replace both Joseph college dormitory dining rooms. John Schneider, '34. of the subject of English literature, ed to reside at Ormsby hall »luring the Temby and Wallace Evans. Dr. White 2:00 P.M. Intercollegiate Track Meet, next term: Emogene Perschbaeher, ’¡13, Mortar Board To Give Tea Xana—Dorothy «¡ates, ’34. but they differ in the periods 011 which received his Ph.D. from Harvard. He Whiting Field—Lawrence versus Rip- for Women, Parents Sunday Radius—a robot—Merlin Pitt, '33. they place their emphasis. Miss Dor­Viola Hush. *33, Christine Flower, *33, is a .s|H*cialist in the field of interna­ on. Margaret Gilt*, *34, Annabel Gagneth, Helena — a robot ess — Kleanor Watson, tional trade. It was upon that subject othy Hethurum will give four tutorial 2:00 P.M. Play Day Program for \34, Victoria Sinner, ’34, Alice Brad­ Members of Mortar Hoard will lx' ’34. that he wrote his thesis for his doctor’s courses on English literature with the Girls. This is an annual day of games ford, y33, Edith Kozelka, *34, Jean hostesses at a tea to be given Sunday, Primus —lfuliert Raascli. ’35. degree, and it was that thesis that won emphasis upon mediaeval English lit­ sponsored and directed by Miss Ruth Hrott, ’34, Jane Cossman, ’33, Winifred May 8, from 2:30 to 5:00 in Sage par­ First Roliot—Forrest Bennett, ’34. erature. the Wells Prize, the same prize won by Mdiurk, instructor in Physical Kdu- Lockard *33, and Kathleen Stewart, ’34. lors for all the Lawrence women, both in Second Robot—Sam Barton, '35. Three courses by Miss Dorothy Waples Dr. M. M. Bober’s book, “ Karl M arx’s cation for Women, and the Lawrence Counsellor training has been intro­ the dormitories and ill town, and their Betty Meyer’s experience includes and one by Prof. Warreu Heck, will spec­ Interpretation of S.»ei;ilisni.” Women's Athletic Association. Girls duced this year, and all the newly ap­ parents. (Continued on page 2) ialize in literature of the Renaissance. Dr. White will teach courses in elements attending the Lawreace Day program pointed women have I**en requested to Prof. F. W. Oippinger and Mr. Beck of economics, statistics, and international are urged to come prejiared to partici­ | attend a training course preparatory to will give a tutorial course that will trade. The course in principles of ac­ pate in tennis, field hockey, baseball, their duties as counsellors. Takes Genius To Adjust Tennis, Dates, (Continued on page ti) coutring, the only course* in accounting to and other games. All participants Six meetings will be held, and dis­ remain in the curriculum, formerly taught should report to the old Alexander cussions will concern such topics as Term Papers At College Says Reporter by Mr. Kvans, will Ik* gi\en by Prof. P. Gymnasium at two o ’clock. “ The Aims of Education,” * * College and outline a chapter of French liefore W. Trezise. 2:00-5:30 P.M. Conference Hours—- Institute Building Problems of Presliman Adjustment,*' By John Frampton nine o ’clock tomorrow morning, pre­ Carl K. Hoffman, who graduated from Administration Oflices, Library. At the “ Mental Hygiene,’* and “ The Period “ Well,” said Bill, as he shuffled the pare a brief for the debate tomorrow I »aw relic«* in I9.‘|0 and has received his registration desk you will be given ail of Adolescence. 9 9 cards in preparation for the regular afternoon, and then go to a French M.A. from the Pnivcrsity of Michigan opportunity to register appointments Well Under Way The counsellors are also asked to see after-dinner game and glanced out the cluli banquet in the evening.” will be an instructor in zoology in place for conferences with faculty members Dr.
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