Update TRENDS in Molecular Medicine Vol.12 No.10 Research Focus Cooperation to amplify gene-dosage-imbalance effects Susana de la Luna1 and Xavier Estivill2 1 ICREA and Gene Function Group, Genes and Disease Program, Center for Genomic Regulation-CRG, 08003-Barcelona, Spain 2 Genetic Causes of Disease Group, Genes and Disease Program, Center for Genomic Regulation-CRG and Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona Biomedical Research Park, 08003-Barcelona, Spain Trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome (DS), is a From gene-dosage imbalance to pathology complex developmental disorder that affects many ThepresenceofanextracopyofHSA21 genes predicts an organs, including the brain, heart, skeleton and increased expression of 1.5-fold at the RNA level for immune system. A working hypothesis for understand- those genes in trisomy. Experiments in which this effect ing the consequences of trisomy 21 is that the over- has been evaluated indicate that this is indeed the case expression of certain genes on chromosome 21, alone for most HSA21 genes in DS samples and for their or in cooperation, is responsible for the clinical features orthologs in mouse trisomic models [3].Inthesimplest of DS. There is now compelling evidence that the scenario, the overexpression of one specific gene would protein products of two genes on chromosome 21, lead to the disturbance of a biological process and, as a Down syndrome candidate region 1 (DSCR1)and result, a single gene would be responsible for each patho- dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated logical feature of DS. However, it is more probable that kinase 1A (DYRK1A), interact functionally, and that the overexpression of several of the 250 HSA21 genes their increased dosage cooperatively leads to dysregu- would contribute to alter a functional pathway in a lation of the signaling pathways that are controlled by specific cell at a specific time. In some cases, functional the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) family of interactions would result in additive or even synergistic transcription factors, with potential consequences for effects, leading to signal amplification. In others, the several organs and systems that are affected in DS positive effect of one gene might counteract the detri- individuals. mental effects of other dosage-sensitive genes that act on the same pathway and, hence, result in no net change. Whatever the case might be, the final phenotypic out- Trisomy 21 and Down syndrome: genotype and come cannot be foreseen on the basis of analyzing the phenotype overexpression of single genes. Humans have two copies of each of the 23 autosomic chromosomes in all their somatic cells. In some genetic A novel altered pathway in Down syndrome abnormalities that are known as trisomies, an extra A clear example of a cooperative interaction between chromosome is present due to defective chromosome two HSA21 genes on a signaling pathway has recently segregation during germ-cell meiosis. Trisomy of been presented for the nuclear factor of activated human chromosome 21 (HSA21)isthemostcommon T cells (NFAT) pathway (see Glossary), as the result of trisomy at birth, the only one for which individuals the collaborative effort of several groups at Stanford survive beyond childhood and the cause of a develop- University and the Genetic Engineering Unit at Kyoto mental and dysmorphic disorder known as Down syndrome University [4]. (DS). NFAT transcription factors are well-known regulators The clinical presentation of DS is complex because the of development and normal physiology in mammals [5]. normal physiology of many organs and systems is Their activity is controlled by cycles of dephosphorylation affected. Apart from the distinctive facial features, all and phosphorylation that determine the amount of the DS individuals present intellectual disabilities, hypoto- transcription factor in the nucleus and, therefore, the nia and early development of the pathological changes final transcriptional response [6]. The phosphatase that are typical of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Other clin- calcineurin is responsible, following increases in intra- ical features not observed in all DS individuals include cellular Ca2+, for the NFAT dephosphorylation step heart defects, abnormalities of the gut and the immune and subsequent nuclear entry. Several kinases, including system, and increased risk of leukaemia, among many glycogen synthase 3 and casein kinase 1, participate in others [1,2]. The severity of each feature, including the phosphorylation step that acts as a switch-off mental retardation, is highly variable among indivi- mechanism [6]. duals, suggesting that there is an important contribution One HSA21 gene, Down syndrome candidate region 1 of other influences such as stochastic, environmental or (DSCR1), acts as a negative regulator of this pathway genetic factors. by virtue of its inhibitory activity on calcineurin [7]. Given the significant connection of calcineurin with Corresponding author: de la Luna, S. ([email protected]) disease, the DSCR1 gene has received a lot of attention, Available online 17 August 2006. and many names have been given to its protein www.sciencedirect.com 452 Update TRENDS in Molecular Medicine Vol.12 No.10 that were engineered not to express one or several NFAT Glossary family members or to lack calcineurin activity. The pre- Calcineurin (also known as protein phosphatase 2B): it is an enzyme that sence of DS-like phenotypes in these mice led the authors catalyzes the dephosphorylation of phosphorylated serine–threonine residues in proteins, and the only phosphatase that is regulated by Ca2+. Calcineurin is to conclude that reduced NFAT activity might be impli- involved in the regulation of many cellular processes, including cardiac cated in the appearance of cardiovascular, neurological, hypertrophy, skeletal-muscle development, synaptic plasticity and T-cell skeletal and gastrointestinal defects in DS individuals. activation. In this regard, calcineurin is the main target of the immunosup- pressive drugs cyclosporine A and FK506. The dysregulation of the NFAT pathway in DS had DSCR1: it belongs to a family of small and evolutionary conserved proteins that already been hinted at by the lower-than-normal calci- share the ability of binding to and inhibit calcineurin. In humans, the family neurin activity that has been detected in DS fetal brains consists of three members, DSCR1, DSCR1L1 and DSCR1L2, the expression of which is induced by different stimuli, including calcineurin activation in [9] and by the decreased activity of an NFAT-dependent the case of DSCR1. It has been proposed that the members of this family alter reporter in the heart and brain of the DS mouse the threshold for calcineurin signaling. For DSCR1, a cardioprotective role in model Ts16 [14]. In agreement with this, Arron et al. the heart has been reported. DYRK1A: it is a kinase that phosphorylates serine–threonine residues in [4] reported an increase in NFAT hyperphosphorylated proteins. DYRK1A belongs to the DYRK family, an evolutionarily conserved species in DS-tissue samples. Mechanistically, this is family of protein kinases, with members identified from yeast to humans, that explained by a cooperative effect of DSCR1 and DYRK1A participate in various cellular processes. The DYRK family is characterized by its activation mechanism that involves the autophosphorylation on a tyrosine on NFAT activity that, by negatively operating on residue in the activation loop. DYRK1A phosphorylates several cytosolic different steps of the signaling cascade, would amplify proteins and some splicing and transcription factors, including members of the NFAT family. the modest interference provoked by each protein alone Nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT): it is a family of transcription factors (Figure 1). with five members in humans. Their activity is mainly regulated by their However, some notes of caution need to be borne in subcellular localization, which depends on the phosphorylation status. They are well-known substrates of calcineurin, and one of the best examples to mind. show how Ca2+ signaling can control gene expression. NFATs, through the In the study by Arron et al. [4] DSCR1 and DYRK1A induction of the expression of specific genes, are key regulators of the cooperation in vivo is supported by the defects detected differentiation of various cell types (e.g. T cells, neurons, myoblasts, endothelial cells and adipocytes), and they thus participate in the appropriate in double transgenic embryos in which expression is development of several organs and systems. driven by the b-actin promoter. Overexpression from a heterologous promoter might not recapitulate the endogenous gene-expression pattern and, therefore, products:ADAPT78,MCIP1,RCN1,CBP1andcalcipres- coincidence in cell type and/or time period cannot be sin1.AHumanGenomeOrganization(HUGO)initiative assumed with certainty. to rename DSCR1 as RCAN1 (regulator of calcineurin 1) One of the isoforms of DSCR1 is itself under NFAT is underway. Dscr1 knockout mice are viable and present control. Thus, a negative effect of DYRK1A overexpres- phenotypes that link the gene to the regulation of sion on NFAT signaling might give rise to lowered calcineurin–NFAT-dependent transcription programs DSCR1 expression in a Ca2+-stimulated situation and [8]. However, no specific phenotypes associated to result in attenuation. DSCR1 overexpression and relevant for DS have been It has been reported that, when DSCR1 trisomy is reported, except for the Drosophila
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