^ r Pittsburgh Catholic 10 cents a copy In Two Sections Thursday, May 2, 1957 I>i«K!C8cuf Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Price: $4 a Year New Mon Catholic Colleges Pope Pius, It's D-Day J/ jay High Dag Talk Blessed On Peace For Diocese Charities Expanding for 1960 VATICAN CITY (NC)— 145 to Spend Development United Nations General Sec¬ OFFICIAL Fund Aids 227'/$ Millions retary Dag Hammarskjojd Needy was received here by His Next Sunday, May 5, is MILWAUKEE (NC)-On* DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH Holiness Pope Pius XII in a 45 115 NORTH CRAIG STREET "D-Day," Diocesan Develop¬ hundred and forty-ftve Cath¬ miauta audience. PITTSBURGH IS, PENNSYLVANIA' ment Fund Day; in the Dio¬ olic college* and universities While details were not offi¬ cese of Pittsburgh. which have Ta the Clergy, Religious sad Faithful development cially announced, It waa wide¬ af the Dloceae ef Pittsburgh. programs now underway will ly, reported that the main topic More than an workers will spend estimated $217,500,000 waa warM peace, especially the Five years ago the Dtoeesaa Development Fai b< by 1M0. • In the Middle house-to-house Ufoai of augurated IU purpose Uien. aa now. has been to East and atomic disarmament. diocese to undertake a systematic expansion of lla lng through May 18. in the Dio¬ This was diwloeed by Father InaUtatlonv Lane atoading needs that are the particular cese, calling ea every Catholic Edward J. Rammer, C.M., who The audience came little more nihility <>f the diocese arc nut through the home for contributions to the conducted a survey under the than a week after the Holy Fa¬ fund. college and university depart¬ ther issued his Easter message The record of these years la one of substantial i ment of the National Catholic to the world in which he stressed menU Several Institutions now serving the falthfal of or Needy Educational Association, which At thei peaceful uses of atomic en- owe their existence to the Diocesan Developmei The Appeal Is had ita 54th annual convention rattoi •tg time work is progressing favorably on the aew a# behalf ef the peer I here. sad claaaroom building that Is under construction at Saint Antho¬ Walks Toward Unity the chronically ill, til ny's School for Exceptional Children. Oakmoat. As a aew nnder- handicapped, helpless The Vincentian execu¬ lier the Pope told Pax Ro- priest, taklng an addition to the Vincentian Home for the Chroatoally International movement dependent boys and tive vice president of De Paul III la la the planning stage. It Is proposed In the near future ibars to work with unbeliev¬ University, Chicago, said his to undertake the construction of a unit which for the Srst time study covered 235 institutions ers peacefi.l efforts to achieve will make available to men patients the facilities of this admir¬ Of these. 145 reported definite a kgiited world. able Institution of diocesan charity. development programs. These he Pontiff said that the la- included Duquesne University, Many areaa of need »till remain to be met. A large grow¬ tenutloaal community ran only Mt. Mercy College. Seton Hill ing dloceae must continue to give evidence of Its vigor ho bound closer toeether If It College and St. Vincent College the multiplication of Its institutions or charity and of Is led "Ho the anion of spirits in Western Pennsylvania. education. What has been accomplished is noteworthy, bat la and of hearts In a aame faith relation to existing needs Is meager. 145 schools expert to and a same love." The achievements made possible by the Dtoeesaa Develop- This year, the Fund aa additional 55.044 •Die Christian not only can but fall undergraduate stu- meat Fund have come about because of the sacrifices af priests lighted by e huge must work toward the advent aad people. come upon program, by IMS—If they can get They have to look the Disc sua a Develop¬ including a of this community which is still ment Fund as the channel through which they can apply their at St. Anthony School aa additional 1.7SI /acuity in formation, the Pope said. own resources to these good causes. ceptional Children, Mil men are his brothers, The very merit of the work must command it to year funds expended in de¬ generosi¬ not oaly by virtue of the unity ty. In this Instance your gifta should be of a natare that east velopment programs will con¬ Soon to go of origin and participation In personal sacrifice. Endeavoring as we are to meet major tinue to increase, he stated, Is a new wing ft lature, but also In ar reaoarces must he asost sabstaatial. It i* ta thla spirit reaching sbout 1408,000,000 by ton Home for the m. pressing manner that this eaase has been addressed to you over these past 15 and sbout $444,400,000 by Perrysville. The will their common calling la the axne vein It Is commended to year goodness aai echarity liTf. ta a supernatural life," he this year. available fa At present, said Father Kam- la addition to the eontribations that yea are able to at the 145 institutions enroll *?!!!!* »»«• .. OrunStcr Photo some, said tho this ttoa, I eaggeat thai Iheeewfce at e*t fM- aboot 111,800 students. He ssld A new Good Home -i Pope, who are afrsid of the ac¬ have oeeastoa to make greats to charitable tmwm M BROKEN Tuesday, AprH SO, for the mitttort 184 colleges and universities re¬ is also In the celerated development of inter¬ this particalar work. It Is truly Catholic to le N ported that they could take an ley High School which will serve 14 parishes in the Charleroi, Donora and Mononga- national structures because they whea yea are disposing of your property Kolo additional 51,593 students now, areas. Participating in the ceremony are (left to right) Msgr. Joseph A. Kushner, are afraid it will bring with it but to do this they would need Oar Divine Savior Identified Himself In a very aaieae an undesirable dominance of pastor of St Dominic, Donora, who is serving as moderator of the campaign fund; 1,854 faculty members and they ill those la need. Tear sacrifices to aid thsga are certain powers. Msgr. Jacob Shinar, secretary to Bishop John F. Dearden; Msgr. John B. McDowell, can't get these needed teachers. of year love for Him. superintendent of Catholic schools in the Diocese, and Father James McKeever, pas¬ Weapons Threat Duquesne University's $20,000,- Slncerelr years la Christ. tor of St. Jerome, Charleroi. "This disquiet is all the great¬ 000 expansion is tops in South¬ ♦ ♦ ♦ er because modern weapons + JOHN F. rhis is the sixth annual Fund western Pennsylvania Catholic DEARDEN, would turn a world conflict into Bishop of Pittsburgh. drive and marks the first time college projects. Two buildings, a frightful disaster," the Pope that the collection period has a priests' residence and a wom¬ April tt. 185? Mon-Valley declared. been extended ever a two week Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, en's dormitory, have been com¬ time period. All collections made pleted and the $1,500,000 Hsll of The international events of the High Started Business and Law is now under past months have shown clearly ICwtM m Nit S) construction on the edge of the that truth reveals Itself at the Ground was broken for Mon- Author-Rector, Dies Bluff. expense of great suffering for ongahela Valley Catholic High Monaco's Prince, Bishop Michael J. Ready of Columbus, Ohio, offered men, His Holiness had empha¬ Achool Tuesday, April 30, almost The University's Pope Receives a solemn requiem Mass on Wednesday, May 1, at St. sized previously to the 11th con-j two months to the day after the (Ceetiaaed ea Peqe 2) Joseph Cathedral, Columbus for Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, 83 gress of the Nouvelles project received Anal" approval Loretta eminent author and lecturer and rector of St. Internationales (New Interna¬Srr Princess Visit Pontiff Young from Bishop John F. Dearden of Charles Bor- romeo tional Organizations), the inter¬ corted to the Hall of the VATICAN CITY (NC) — His Pittsburgh. Seminary, Columbus. VATICAN CITY (NC) —The Red Pressure national associstlon of Christian Pslatine Guard band played the "Troaelto" - the Utile Holiness Pope Plus XII received Msgr. Glenn was well known Democratic parties. Msgr. Joseph A. Kaahaer, national anthem of Monaco and Throne— aad lata the pres¬ to the faithful of the Pttts- In Jordan ence of the Poatiff. actress Loretto Young in a priv¬ pastor af St. Dominic. Doaora; "There now appear. In a a detachment of Vatican troops bargh Diocese by his freaaeat (See Jordan Series, Page 2) saluted as Prince ate audience. Msgr. John B. McDowell, ee- Ught which leaves no room for Rainier of lectures to diocesan parish The Prince wore the insignia Monaco, and Princess Gra<e ar¬ perlateadent of schools aad VATICAN CITY (NC)—The doubt, the aberrations of a sys- Young groups. He also spoke on the of the Order of the Golden Spur, Visibly moved, rived for a state Msgr. Jacob C. Shinar. secre¬ oe visit st the Catholic Hoa Vatican City weekly, L'Osservs- (Ceetiaaed Poqe 2) the oldest and second said the audience tary to Bishop Deardea. par¬ Apostolic Palace during which tore della Domenica, has accus¬ papal decoration, which he of the most "marvelous events ticipated ta the groaad break¬ Ills Holiness Pope Pius XII ex¬ A native of Scottdale and for¬ ed Soviet diplomacy of creating received the previous day. of her life. ing ceremonies which were at- mer assistant pastor of Pitts¬ divisions in Jordan and the Mid¬ 'Peace Priests' pressed the hope that they would b, mti than 444 always "After burgh district churches, Msgr dle East to enlarge its own be examplars of "the After welcoming the seeing him." she said, bees of the 14 of Christisn Faith." Glenn died suddenly on April 27.
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