--~-.._--- -- ---- _. .p................'i.. i I i DP/UN/BUR.72.002/9 BURMA . GEOLOGI[;i\L SURVEY AND EXPLORflTION 1 , Pmieel findings and recqDllluldalioDs _, ! j' I _ ., ,_', ,.-,:, . ;t.... .".- -:;"-,,,:,;' .,.... " ":.'. ;-: :,'-,"'; , .,!,~,._:.:<::'~~-' " ,'.. :,._.,'.::'.;':.,' ,.1 : ';::,~ ;:':-"~~,:I,~:::,:.:.:,,,,:: i;'~;,~. i ".: .'::;',;_,'. /..\;;;.. '. .. ,<-. "; -:.,.~,';"~;"",:"'~~"<' : ~ .,'. -; .-.- " "-".1'-'-' , - UNITED NATIONS .. '.,I j ~I 'I r..t ,~.( J 1 II i ,I :1 DP/UN/BUR-72-002/9 I I United Nations Development Programme I GEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND EXPLORATION I I I BURMA I Project findings and recommendations I I Prepared for the Government of The Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma by the United Nations acting as executing agency for I the United Nations Development Programme I I I I UNITED NATIONS I New York, 1978 I I , tom vr-- --~_~ i,', r~'''':'::'''' IJ I .1 II II Notes ~ II Abbreviations used: II DGSE Department of Geological Survey and Exploration E.M. Electromagnetic II LP. Induced polarization I I I ppm parts per million II II As of 1 February 1978, the rate of exchange was 7.11 Kyats to the US dollar. II II The designations employed and the presentation of material in this report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city II or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. II II II DP/UN/BUR-72-002/9 II I I I ~I It I - ii - 11; I ")j I l"'-'- -·~···~··"'-·r,,-·>I4-, i ~I 11 I. "! i II II PREFACE II This report 0.1 the findings and recommendations of the project "Geological Survey and Exploration" in Burma covers the work of a team of Burmese and international experts under the direction of J.V. Huhta, United Nations Project Manager, and U Kyi Soe, Government II Project Co-Director. II I! I II ABSTRACT From January 1974 to June 1978 the Government of Burma, in co~operation with the II United Nations and assisted by the UNDP, undertook a programme of regional geochemical exploration geologic mapping, follow-up investigation of anomalies, training and laboratory support fo the Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration, II More than 45,000 sq km were surveyed, 17 targets identified and investigated in detail and three prospects drilled to determine type and extent of copper mineralization, Geologic mapping led to major changes in an understanding of the structural geology II of Burma. Two programmes of follow-up mineral exploration are recommended, II II II II II I R I, tl Il I i 111 1 - iU - B)j I .o. WWISI'''' IIJ[" .1,. l ...... - .. t i I ~'~.'~.' 11 fl.•..... ' ; 11 \ . 'i , \ I I) 11 '1 t I 11 Contents I!i Paragraphs Pages II PREFACE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t Hi ABSTRACT • 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t •••••••••••••• Hi II 1 - 8 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................"., .... 1 I I Project background . - 4 1 Financial contributions ...................•....••...... 5 1 Objectives , I) •••• 6 - 7 1 II Project documentation ........................•......... 8 2 I. PROJECT ACTIVITIES ••.•••••••••••.••••••••••.••.•••••••• 9 - 27 3 I I A. Regional geochemica1 exploration ••••••••••••••••••• 9 -11 3 B. Regional geologic mapping .••••••••••••••••••••••.•• 12 - 14 3 II C. Follow-up investigations •••••••••••• ' ••••••••.••••• 15 - 16 3 (a) Topographic mapping .••••.•••••••••••.••••••.•• " 3 II (b) Geologic mapping .••.•••••.••••••••••••••••.••• " 4 (c) Geochemica1 investigations •••••••••••.•••••.•• " 4 (d) Geophysical investigations ..•••••••.•••••••••• " 4 II (e) Diamond drilling .••.•••••••••••••••••••.•••••• " 4 D. Laboratory support, data handling and drafting ••••• 17 - 21 5 II E. Training " " ..........•.. ,, .. 22 - 24 5 F. Assistance to the project"Pre-investment Drilling and Training Project" (BUR-72-001) •••••••.••••.•••• 25 - 27 5 II n. MAIN RESULTS . , . 28 - 122 7 II A. Regional geologic mapping •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 28 48 7 1. Eastern llighlands . 29 - 33 7 II 2. Central Lowlands ••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.•• 34 - 37 7 3. Indoburman Ranges . 38 - 39 9 4. Upper Irrawaddy Province .••••••••••••••.••••.•• 40 9 1I 5. Major faults e- •••••••••••••••••• 41 - 44 9 6. Regional implications •••••••••••• , ••.•.•••••••• 45 - 48 9 1I II - iv - II [I 11 II fj Contents (continued) Paragraph9 Pages , 1 B. Regional geochemical exploration ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 49 - 51 10 1. Pinlebu-Banmauk area . " 10 2. Shan Scarps area . " 10 III 3. Salingyi-Shinmataung area ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••• 11 10 4. Chin Hills area " t •• " 11 II 5. Southern Chin Hills •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " 11 6. Arakan Yoma ........•.....•.........•..........•.....• " 11 Follow-u~ C. investigations • •••• g •••••••••••• " •••• , ••••••• , 52 - 122 11 II 1. Pinlebu-Banmauk area (G-area) •••••••••••••••••••••••• 54 - 80 11 2. G-area extension , t , ••••••••••• 81 - 98 13 I I 3. Shan Scarps (I-area) t •••••••••••• 99 - 109 14 4. Chin Hills (F-area) ••••••••••••••.•••••••.•••.••••..• 110 - 111 15 II 5. Arakan Yama (E-area) ,. 112- 113 15 6. Letpadaung Taung, Monywa ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 114 - 122 15 II Ill. ASSESSMENT ••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 123 - 139 17 A. Regional surveys "., " .. 125 - 128 17 B. Follow-up tnvest Igatf.ons .••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. 129 - 131 17 I I C. Fellowship study and training •••••••••••••••••••••••• 132 - 136 18 D. Administrative matters •••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 137 - 139 18 I I IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS •••••••••••••.•••.•••••••••••. 140 .. 148 19 II Annexes 1. List of project reports .............. , . 20 I I 2. Project personnel ................................... 21 3. United Nations fellowship awards ••••••.•••••••••.••.• 23 I I 4. Major items of equipment provided by UNDP •••••••••.•. 24 Tables II 1. Summary of project activities 2 2. Diamond drilling in Letpadaung Taung, April 1977 to II ~la.rch 1978 . 4 II Figures 1. Location of project field areas •••••••••••••••••••••. vi 2. Geology and metal provinces of Burma ••••••••••••••••• 8 II 3. Letpadaung Taung r» ••••••••••••• ,,, 16 II II - v - [I .- '5.·· I· I'';"W-& .~:., .'.,.J llW o 94° 100 II II 26 NDIA II II • FOLLOW-UP AREA CHINA 1 - Kame 83 0/8 II 2 - Khedwin 83 PI11 <, 3 - Mainghton -East 83 P/12 II :::J: . ~ "\ ' 4 - Sogyin 83 P/12 00YoI .l ~'" 22 'r' II 5 Kyoukpazot 83 P/16 ~ I C) , !r.J ~ 6 - Sadwin 83 P/I6 I I 7 .• Budaung Forest 84 M/13 8 - Shongalon 84 M/IO I I 9 - Monsl 84 PI 10 10 - Tagaung Toung 93 A/2 II 11 - Pyattawye 93 C/6 18° 12 - Lebyln 93 0/6 II 13 - Tomogyi Choung 93 0/6 Z II 14 - Megon 93 0/8 "..... 'V 15 - Webula 84 E/16 16° '/I' II 16 - Loemyethna 85 K/14 N 0 r' C' 17 - Letpodoung Toung 84 N/4 ~4 \ ' II If! \ ~ 0 \ Z 14 Tovoy , o \ o II I c:::JArea of regional investigation~ ( ( Total 46,740 se- Km ) oMergu~ I I \ 12° , II I / 0 80 160mUel / LOCATION OF PROJECT ! , ! , , ( II 100 200 kilometres I FIELD AREAS 0 10 II 0 0 Fill -1 92° 94 96 II - vi - I, I 1. c•• D·w II II t, I INTRODUCTION II Project background $US 1,410,400 to $US 1,948,880; the Government contribution in cash was Kyats 1,729,000 and 1. The Government of th~ Socialist Republic services in kind were estimated at Kyats II of the Union of Burma requested in June 1972 the 5,613,250. Owing to the financial crisis in 1976 assistance of the United Nations Development the UNDP contribution was cut to $US 1,888,752 Programme (UNDP) to support the recently formed (as of April 1977). The United Nations acted as Directorate of Geological Survey and Exploration executing agency for the UNDP. II (DGSE), now the Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration of the Ministry of Mines. Objectives Responsibility for geologic mapping and miueral II exploration was transferred to the DGSE from the Development objective former Mineral Development Corporation. The UNDP assistance was needed owing to the shortage of 6. The development objective of the project experienced personnel, of expertise in various was to increase the matallic mineral production II specialized fields, and almost complete lack of of Burma, which had greatly declined; minerals modern equipment and spare parts. were required not only for export to generate foreign exchange earnings, but also for domestic II 2. The request was approved by the Governing use to create new employment and provide raw Council of the United Nations Development Pro­ material for existing or new industries. This gramme in August 1973, the project document objective was to be reached by assisting the signed on 2 November 1973 and the project, co-operating agency DGSE in basic geologic mapping II entitled "Geological Survey and Exploration" and modern exploration techniques, and training (BUR-72-002) became operational in January 1974. the Burmese staff in these aspects. Owing to delays in expert appointment and arrival II of equipment the systematic field work started Immediate objective only in Oct ober :.974. A revised project document was approved in June 1975 to include additional 7. The main objective, strengthening the activities for strengthening the laboratory and Department's overall capability as a national II library facilities of the DGSE. The Project was geologic sULvey institute, was achieved through originally planned for three and half years, but the following project activities: it was later extended to June 1978. II (a) Introducing extensive regional 3. Before the field work started it became
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