.I . REFLECT . 1920 - Mirroring Life ot lndiona Central College - 1965 Volume 46, Number 4 Indianapolis, Indiana . Wednesday, October 27;=1965 Poet John Knoepfle Students To View OCTOBER, 30 ICC Advertising . ’. To Appear On Campus . Advertising and its concern on Halloween Ball Promises the college c a m p u s will be ex- Indiana Central College is delighted to bring the distinguished poet plored under the direction Of AIr. AIr. John Knoepfle to the campus Thursday and Friday. Nov. 4 and 5, Don Eisinger in the Student Lead- Treat - No Ghostly Tricks for the Sutpbin Lectures. ership Training Program Session Have you ever been served refreshments by a live “monster?” Or’ 1IIr. Knoepfle was born in Cin- Thursday, Oct. 28. have you recently found yourself placed in a “pleasant” atmosphere cinnati, 0.; in 1923. He obtained Mr. Eisinger will be the main of goblins, witches, and ghosts. Better still, have you on occasion en-’ his Master’s demee from Xavier speaker for this session in the Fine tered our cafeteria scarcely realizing that it is a plaee where food is University. In thi Navy he served Arts Auditorium at 9:35 a.m. IIe served? at Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Iie has wil relate the field of advertising For an evening of real enjoyment and for a chance to experience worked as a producer-director for directly with the recognized need for improvement in Indiana Cen- the things mentioned above, the Senior Class invites you to attend the an educational television station. IIallo\reen Ball - Saturday, Oct. 30 from 9 to 12 p.m. True, the dance AIr. Knoepfle has taught English tral promotion and publicity. Nr. will be held in the college eafeteria. However. IIarman, presi. Eisinger, presently in F e d e r a 1 Lee as for eight years at Ohio State Uni- dent of the Senior Class, says, “We hope to render the cafeteria non- versity, Southern Illinois Univer- Home Loan Dank administration, recognizahle.“ sity, and Maryville College, near is an Indiana University graduate And true, the “monsters” will be costumed, but “you” will have St. Louis, AIo. with two degrees in advertising, a chance to wear that new party dress or that new sport-coat. The at- the arra in which he~~~ formeriv One of ilk. Knoepfle’s numerous ___ _.._.- tire is designated as semi-formal. contributions to the literary world worked for Eli LUy. hlel Chance and the Nitehlers will be on band to provide entertain. is the compilation of the recollec- The Student Leadership Train- ment. Those ot you uho attended the Sweetheart Dance last year wU tions of seventy aged rivermen in- ing Program, new on campus this remember that this group specializes in both instrumental and vocal to fifty one-hour tapes. year, is sponsored by the Central Council. “Our chief purpose in arrangements. ’bey stirred such response then that we decided to ask IIe has had poetry published in Leadership Development is to them back. at least 30 maeazines and hooks demonstrate the necessary tech- The Iialloween BaU, equivalent to the annual IIomecoming dance niques to become a leader for the (which was not held this year due to the performance of the New‘ present campus problems and for Cristy I\linstrels), promises to be one of the biggest events of the pres- and “Poetry Northwest.” Ire has each participant’s future,” ex- ent school year. We extend a special invitation to the freshmen1 soph- written articles for “The Shakes- plained senior Steve hIaple,’Cen- omoresl and juniors1 tral Council president. Tickets will go on sale today, Oct. 27, in the student lounge, only Distinguished and talented ped $3 per couple. Get your ticket today1 and . “AIidcontinent A m e r i c a n Mr. John Knoepfle will lecture Studies Journal.” Mr. Gnoeufle and read to students and others has presented his works in &ad- on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 4 Signs Of Life Enrollments Reach New Hiahs ings .at several colleges and uni. and 5, as part of the Sutphln I- versities. has contributions in four Lectures. In Both Day, Evening Schools antholoeies. is eo-author of two On IC Horseshoe books, &d.author of “Rivers into at 7:30 p.m. in Recital Hall of the Enrollment this year soared beyond all previous highs in both day Islands: Poems by John Knoep- Fine Arts Center. (EDITOR’S NOTE: This is o re- and evening school. There are 954 day students compared to 918 last ne.” IIe will again meet in eonvoca- port of the Oa. 21 Central year; there are 1,375 evening students, compared to 1,333 last year. hIr. Knoepfle will appear at 9:s tio? at Friday morning. Cwncil meeting.) 9:35 Two There is at least one sign of life The breakdown-. - nf__ dlav__, -cl~trlcnk a.m. in the convocation session in Friday afternoon sessions are by classes and sexes are as fol- Ransburg Auditorium scheduled Recital At on Indiana Central‘s campus. That on Thurs- for Iiall. is the sign soon to be erected on Ohio College lows: seniors. 71 men and 79 wo- day, Nov. 4. Also on Thursday AIr. 1215 AIr. Knoepfle will meet Eith the north horseshoe stating that men; juniors; 82 men and 71 wo- Knoepfle will be reading to college Air. .!Varden’s creatrve wnmg this is Indiana Central College. Host Si?rninar men; sophomores, 111 men and and high school English teachers class, and at 2:05 with an Ameri- TO - can literature class. This sign will hopefully be finished 120 women; freshmen, 206 men and for high school day. On Middle E& 181 women; and unclassified. 14 Dotos To Rcmembcr Another new addition is to be a men and 19 women. Total statistics flagpole to be used for baseball An inter-collegiate conference on report t h a t in the entire school Wednesdav. October 21 - XC McBride Speaks and fwtball games. It will he fin- the Middle East will be conducted there are 484 men and 480 women. Iioosier c OYi e g e ConIerence-it ished for the Nov. 6 game and will Friday and Saturday, Nov 5 and In the day school this year the South Grove Golf Course. To Honor ‘Society be placed behind the visitor’s 6. at Wooster college, Wooster, largest religious affiliation again Thursday, Oct. 28 - 9:s am., Dr. Robert McBride recently baseball dugout on the athletic Ohio. It is hoped that the seminar is the Evangelical United Brthren Leadership Development session field. - Crescent in Crisis - will attract Church with a. representation cf spoke to the members of the fresh- students and professors from many in Recital Hall of Fine Arts Cen. man honor society, Phi Alpha Ep- Uecause of a desire for student 287 members. There~ ~~ .. are -.. .__1.21 ...mPm. - ... ter..... silon, at a dinner given in their use of the gymnasium a commil- campuses. bers of Indiana South coderenee, I Friday, Oct. 29 - Central Coun- honor. The following are excerpts tee has been formed to cooperate The at. the Confyrence 95 from Indiana North, 34 from n. cil Hayride. from his address: with AIr. Angus Nicoson in this ef- include the following: Edmm ?I. limois conference, and 25 from oth. Saturday, Oct. 30 - 2 pm., FU s fort. The recreational activities Wright - U. S. Foreign Service er conferences. “The essential m a r k of ‘he Institute; John S. Badeau-Direc- at Anderson; XC Little State at scholarly mind I will state simply committee includes Mike Bertram, Other On campus are south Grove G 0 1f Course; 9-12 chairman; Don Tiano, Tom IIull, tor of Middle East Institute of Co. as follows: the ability to think crit- lumbia University, Former pres. JIethdiSt, Christians, p.m., -HALLOWEEN BALL in ically, the possession of an insat- Dennis Stone and John Ranshurg. 200; lB; school dining room. The committee will plan for stu- ident of American University of Baptist, 102; Presbyterian. 62; iable curiosity for truth, a capad. Cairo, and Former Ambassador to Monday, Nov. 1-4 p.m., PENhI ty for sustained study issuing from dent use of the gym for weekends Catholic, 37; Lutheran, 34; United Club; 73p.m., Pbilalethea meet- e 1 particularly. U. A. R.: Ii. E. Talat - Ambas- Church of Christ, Friends, s fhposed discipline, and a sador U. S. from the State of 32; 10.; I... to ing: ... .., . sense of intellectual integrity. Bob Berry, president of Inter- Nazarene and Pentecostal, each ’I; Tuesday, Nov. 2 9:s Kuwait Al-Ghoussein; Rodger Da- - a.m.. “Now it is widely known that club; announced that a committee Episcopal. 6: Assembly of God German Cluh meeting. has been set up to study the cam- vies - Director of Near East Af. man is, as AristotIe defined him, fairs, U. S. State Department; and and Church of God, each 4; Church Wednesday, Nov. 3-8 pm., Stu- the rational animal. Thus upon pus parking and lighting situa- of the Brethren, Jewish and Pil- dent Education Association meet- tions. 1Ie also submitted a recom- T. Cuyler Young - Chairman of every hand we are admonished ‘to the Department of Oriental Stud- grim Holiness, each 3; Congrega- ing. think’ to think positively, to think mendation to the Central Council tional and Seventh Day Adventist, Thursday and Friday, Nov. 4 from Interclub. The recommenda- ies, Princeton University. Ameriean, think religiously, but Aimed at a more responsible un- each 2; and A f r I c an Gospel and 5 - Poet John Knoepfle on above all, think. tion is as follows: 1) that the tug Church, Christian and Missionary campus for Sutpbin Lectures.
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