TRANSFER CREDIT EQUIVALENTS FOR ENGINEERING School Course Number Description Uva Course # ALABAMA COLLEGES Auburn ENGR 2050 (3) Statics (3) MAE 2300 (3) ARIZONA COLLEGES Northern Arizona University CSE 110 (3) Principles of Programming w/ Java CS 1110 (3) ARKANSAS COLLEGES University of Arkansas-Little Rock SOCI 2300 (3) Introduction to Sociology SOC 1010 (3) University of Central Arkansas MATH 1592 (5) Calculus II APMA 1110 (4) MATH 2371 (3) Calculus III APMA 2120 (4) MATH 3320 (3) Linear Algebra APMA 3080 (3) MATH 3331 (3) Ordinary Differential Equa. APMA 2130 (4) MATH 4372 (3) Statistics APMA 3120 (3) CALIFORNIA COLLEGES Fullerton College MATH 250 AF Multivariable Calculus APMA 2120 (4) Orange Coast College ECON A170 (3) Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) Palomer Community College CHEM 110 (3) General Chemistry CHEM 1610 (3) CHEM 110L (2) General Chemistry Lab CHEM 1611 (1) Stanford University CME 108-01 (3) Intro to Scientific Computing CHE 2216 (3) MSE 249-01 (3) Economic Growth & Development ECON 2000T (3) UC Berkeley MATH 53 Multivariable Calculus APMA 2120 (4) COLORADO COLLEGES Front Range Community College 1PHYS 212 (5) Physics: Calculus Based II PHYS 2415 (3) 1Per the Physics Dept. students cannot receive Physics lab PHYS 2419 (3) credit if the course is taken online. University of Colorado /Boulder CS 1150 (3) Principles of CS CS 1110 (3) EBIO 2070 (3) Principles of Genetics BIOL 3010 (3) & Developmental Biology CONNECTICUT COLLEGES Eastern Connecticut State University CHE 210 Gen. Chemistry I CHEM 1425 (3) CHE 211 Gen. Chemistry II CHEM 1610 (3) CHE 212 Gen. Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1429 (1) CHE 213 Gen. Chemistry II Lab CHEM 1620 (1) ECO 200 (3) Prin of Macroeconomics ECON 3020 (3) ECO 201 (3) Prin of Microeconomics ECON 3010 (3) ECO 315 (3) Govt. and Business ECON 3000T (3) ECO 329 (3) Political Economy Labor ECON 2000T (3) ECO 510 (3) Managerial Economics ECON 3000T (3) MAT 244 (4) Calculus II APMA 1110 (4) MAT 310 (3) Applied Linear Algebra APMA 3080 (3) MAT 315 (3) Probability & Statistics APMA 3110 (3) MAT 340 (4) Calculus III (Vector) APMA 2120 (4) MAT 341 (3) Differential Equations APMA 2130 (4) Fairfield University 1PHYS 1502Q (4) Physics for Engineers II PHYS 2415 (3) 1Per the Physics Dept. students cannot receive Physics lab PHYS 2419 (1) credit if the course is taken online. Newark Community College SOC 101 (3) Principles of Sociology SOC 1010 (3) Purchase College ECO 1510 (4) Intro to Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) Sacred Heart University EC 202 (3) Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) University of Connecticut MATH 1132Q (4) Calculus II APMA 1110 (4) MATH 2110Q(4) Multivariable Calculus APMA 2120 (4) MATH 3160 (4) Probability APMA 3100 (3) MATH 3435 (4) Differential Equations APMA 2130 (4) University of Hartford CS 114 (4) Intro to Computer Prog. CS 1110 (3) EC 110 (3) Macroeconomics ECON 3020 (3) EC 211 (3) Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) M 145 (4) Calculus II APMA 1110 (4) M 220 (3) Linear Algebra APMA 3080 (3) M 242 (3) Differential Equations APMA 2130 (4) DELAWARE COLLEGES Delaware State University MAT 283 (4) Multivariate Calculus APMA 2120 (4) PHYS 202 (4) General Physics II (4) PHYS 2415 (3) PHYS 2419 (1) Stanton Community College ECO 111 (3) Macroeconomics ECON 2020 (3) ECO 122 (3) Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) MAT 253 (3) Discrete Math CS 2102 (3) MAT 282 (4) Calculus II APMA 1110 (4) MAT 283 (4) Multivariable (Cal. III) APMA 2120 (4) MAT 288 (4) Linear Algebra APMA 3080 (3) MAT 291 (4) Ordinary Diff. Equations APMA 2130 (3) SPA 133 (3) Spanish 101 SPAN 1010 (3) University of Delaware MATH 210 (3) Discrete Math APMA 2102 (3) MATH 302 (3) Ordinary Diff. Equations APMA 2130 (3) FLORIDA COLLEGES Edison State College PHY 2049 (4) General Physics II PHYS 2415 (3) 1Per the Physics Dept. students cannot receive Physics lab 1PHY 2049L (1) General Physics II Lab PHYS 2419 (1) credit if the course is taken online. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University CS 223 (3) Scientific Programming CS 1110 (3) MA 242 (4) Calc & Analytical Geo APMA 1110 (4) PS 150 (3) Physics I for Engineers PHYS 1425 (3) SS 120 (3) American History HIUS 2010 (3) Florida State University ACG 2021 (3) Intro to Financial Accounting COMM 2010 (3) ECO 2023 (3) Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) 1Per the Physics Dept. students cannot receive Physics lab credit if the course is taken online. 1PHY 2049c (5) General Physics PHYS 2415 (3) Jacksonville University ARH 476 (3) Art & Architecture of Paris ARTH 1000T (3) ART 476 (1-4) var. Spec. Topics in Art Studio ARTS 2000T (4) Manatee Community College-Bradenton PHY 2048C (3) Gen. Physics w/Calc I PHYS 1425 (3) 1PHY 2048L (1) Gen. Physics w/Calc I Lab PHYS 1429 (1) 1Per the Physics Dept. students cannot receive Physics lab credit if the course is taken online. PHY 2049C (3) Gen. Physics w/Calc II PHYS 2419 (1) 1PHY 2049L (1) Gen. Physics w/Calc I Lab PHYS 2419 (1) Palm Beach State College ACG 2022 (4) Financial Accounting COMM 2010 (3) ECO 2013 (3) Macroeconomics ECON 2020 (3) University of Florida - Gainesville ACG 2021 (4) Intro to Financial Accounting COMM 2010 (3) GEORGIA COLLEGES Georgia Institute of Technology AE 2120 (3) Intro to Mechanics (Statics) CE 2300 (3) CHBE 2120 (3) CHE Numerical Methods CHE 2216 (3) ISYE 3770 (3) Statistics & Applications APMA 3110 (3) MATH 2401 (4) Calculus III APMA 2120 (4) ME 3322 (3) Thermodynamics CHE 2202 (3) PHYS 2212 (3) Physics II PHYS 2415 (3) Georgia Perimeter College - Decatur/Dunwoody ACCT 2101 (3) Principles of Accounting I: Financial COMM 2010 (3) ECON 2105 (3) Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2020 (3) 1Per the Physics Dept. students cannot receive Physics lab credit if the course is taken online. MATH 2633 (3) Calculus III APMA 2120 (4) PHYS 2212 (3) Principles of Physics II PHYS 2415 (3) 1PHYS 2212L (1) Physics II Lab PHYS 2419 (1) Georgia State University MATH 2215 (4) Multivariable Calculus APMA 2120 (4) 1Per the Physics Dept. students cannot receive Physics lab 1PHYS 2212K (4) Principles of Physics II PHYS 2415 (3) credit if the course is taken online. Principles of Physics II Lab PHYS 2419 (1) Shorter University MAT 4180 (4) Probability Theory APMA 3100 (3) Southern Polytechnic State University ENGR 2214 (3) Statics MAE 2300 (3) ME 3410 (3) Thermodynamics MAE 2100 (3) IDAHO COLLEGES University of Idaho SPAN 101 (4) Elementary Spanish I SPAN 1010 (4) ILLINOIS COLLEGES College of DuPage CIS 2571 (4) Intro to Programming CS 1110 (3) College of Lake County MTH 146 (4) Calculus and Analytical Geometry II APMA 1110 (4) Loyola University of Chicago CHEM 223 (3) Organic Chemistry CHEM 2410 (3) CHEM 225 (1) Organic Chem. Lab CHEM 2421 (1) Oakton Community College - Des Plaines MAT 252 (4) Calculus III APMA 2120 (4) MAT 260 (3) Linear Algebra APMA 3080 (4) Parkland College 1PHY 142 (4) University Physics II PHYS 2415 (3) 1Per the Physics Dept. students cannot receive Physics lab PHYS 2419 (1) credit if the course is taken online. University of Chicago HIST 31900 (3) History of Strategy STS 2000T (3) University of Illinois - Urbana MATH 231 (4) Calculus II APMA 1110 (4) MATH 241 (4) Calculus III APMA 2120 (4) MATH 461 (3) Probability Theory APMA 3100 (3) INDIANA COLLEGES College of Lake County, Grays Lake IL Chemistry 123 (5) Chemistry II CHEM 1620 (3) CHEM 1621 (3) Purdue University CINS 221 Software Development CS 2110 (3) E 201 (3) Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) E 202 (3) Macroeconomics ECON 2020 (3) KANSAS COLLEGES Johnson County Community College MATH 254 (4) Differential Equations APMA 2130 (4) MATH 246 (3) Linear Algebra APMA 3080 (3) LOUISIANA COLLEGES Louisiana State University CHEM 2261 (3) Organic Chemistry CHEM 2410 (3) MATH 2057 (3) Calculus III APMA 2120 (4) Hist 2057 (3) US: 1865 to Present HIUS 2020 (4) Ital 1001 (4) Elementary Italian ITAL 1010 (3) Louisiana Tech ECON 1203 (3) Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) MATH 2134 (4) Calculus III APMA 2120 (4) MATH 245 (3) Differential Equations APMA 2130 (4) Loyola University of New Orleans ECON B100 (3) Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) University of New Orleans ECON 1203 (3) Microeconomics ECON 2010 (3) MATH 2134 (4) Calculus II APMA 2120 (4) MARYLAND COLLEGES Anne Arundel Community College BPA 211 (3) Principles of Accounting I COMM 2010 (3) ECO 212 (3) Principles of Economics II ECON 2020 (3) MAT 201 (4) Multivariable Calculus APMA 2120 (4) College of Southern Maryland MTH 1210 (4) Calculus II APMA 1110 (4) Howard Community College MATH 182 (4) Calculus II APMA 1110 (4) MATH 220 (3) Discrete Structures CS 2102 (3) MATH 240 (4) Calculus III APMA 2120 (4) MATH 250 (4) Linear Algebra APMA 3080 (4) MATH 260 (3) Differential Equations APMA 2130 (4) SPAN 101 (4) Elementary Spanish SPAN 1020 (3) Johns Hopkins University MATH 302 (4) Diff Equations with Applications APMA 2130 (4) Montgomery College, Rockville MD CH 101 (4) Principles of Chemistry CHEM 1610 (3) Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1611 (1) CH 102 (4) Principles of Chem II CHEM 1620 (3) Chemistry II Lab CHEM 1621 (1) MA 280 (3) Multivariable Calculus APMA 2120 (4) MA 282 (3) Differential Equations APMA 2130 (4) MA 284 (3) Linear Algebra APMA 3080 (3) Townson University COSC 236 (4) Intro to Cosc I CS 1110 (3) MATH 274 (4) Calculus II APMA 1110 (4) MATH 275 (4) Calculus III APMA 2120 (4) MATH 330 (4) Intro to Statistical Methods APMA 3120 (3) MATH 374 (4) Ordinary Differential Equations APMA 2130 (4) 1Per the Physics Dept.
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