94 CH.lPEL-EN-LE-FRITH. DERBYSHIRF... '(KELLY'S Wainwright Col. Charles Richard1 Brabyns hollse, Th& Workhon.s&, eraeted m 184o, is a stone 9uildiug:,..at; Marple, Stockport th& west &nd of th& town & will hold 'loo inmak&t;. Wainwright Joel esq. Finchwood, Ludworth-, Stockport Joseph Daviel!,- mastel\; Francis Grey Bennett B.A.~ W oodh6use Percy esq. Long Mead, Marp~ Bridge, L.M.S.Lond. medical .officer; Mrs. Elizabeth Davies~, Stockport matron The Chairmen, for the time being, of the Chapel-en-le­ In 1898 new Boar(! room & offices were added Frith & Hayfield Rural & New Mills Urban District CHAP.EL-EN-LE-FB.ITH Rl!lGISTRA.TION DISTRICT. Councils are ex -officio magistrates Superintendent Registrar, Johlf Burton Boycott, Chapel~. Clerk to the Justices, John Burton Boycott, Chapel· en-le-Frith; deputy, Lemuel Jagger, Chapel-en-le­ en-le-Frith Frith Special & petty sessions of th.e peace for the Chapel-en­ Registrar of Marriages, G-eorg& Mayle, Chapel-en-le. le-Frith division are holden at the Town Hall, Chapel­ Frith; deputy, George W. Hobson1 High street; en-le-Frith~ at I0.30 a.m. & at New Mills at I0.30 Chapel-en-le-Frith a. m. at each place monthly; & special sessions, if Registrars of Births &; Deaths, Chapel-en-le-Frith sub­ necessary, for hearing eases of petty larceny, every district, George :Mayle, Chapel-en-le-Frith; Bmtoll thursday at Chapel-en-le-Frith & every wednesday at sub-district, Thomas Edward Lomas, The Quadrant, :New Mills. The places in the petty sessional division Buxton are :-Aston, Bamford, Bradwell, Brough, Castleton, Cha'Pel-en-le-Frith, Chinley, Brownside & Bugsworth, HIGH PEAK HOSPITAL COMMITTEE. Derwent-, Edale, Fernilee, Hayfield, Hope, Hope Wood­ The -committee was formed in 1896 and consists of ~~ lands, Newtown, Melior, New Mills, Peak Forest, members. Shatton & Thornhill Meetings are held at the Hospital, Chinley, every 4th wednesd6y. THE PEAK LOCAL PENSION SUB-COMMITTEE OF The authorities included in the districi are :-Ch&pel­ DERBYSHIRE. en-le-Frith & Hayfield Rural District; Councils & Ne,. The places included in the area of the Sub-District are : Mills & Frairfi.eld Urban District Councils -Chapel-en-le-Frith, Aston, Bamford, Bradwell, Chairman, B. J. Fuzzard Brough & Shotton, Bugsworth, Castleton, Chinley, Olerk, John BUI"ton Boycott, solicitor Derwent, Edale, Hope, Hope Woodlands k Thornhill Treasurer, Waiter Hall, Manchester &; County Bank The Sub-Committee meets at Chinley & Hope on the thursday ufter the last friday in each month PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Chairman• R. H . .Ashton J.P. Loosehill ball, Castleton County Court, His Honor Thomas Bateman Napier, Clerk, William Louis Shipton, 21 Spring gardens,Buxton judge; Abraham Brown, 20 Hardwick street, Buxton, registrar & high bailiff. For other particulars aee CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRI'l'H RURAL DISTlliOT COUNCIL. Buxton The parishes in the District are the same as in the For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in the Union, with the exception of Buxton &;. Fairfield. The jurisdiction of the Derby court; E. Wynne Hnmphreys, area is 78,723 acres;. the population in I9II was 5 Victoria buildings, London road, Derhy, official r6,SS7· receiver Qpuncil meets at the Workhouse monthly on a monday, Chapel-en-le-Frith Institute, Thomas William TownSORJ after Guardians' meeting. hon. sec Chairman, J. W. Broadhurst, The Haugh, llugsworth County Police Sto.tion, John Durkan, supt.; I inspector) Officials. 4 sergeants & 20 constables Clerk, John Burton Boycott, solicitor, Chapel·en-le-Frith Customs & Excise Office, C. J. Fretton, res. officer Treasurer, Waiter ·Hall, Manchester & County- Bank, TERRI'l'ORIAL FORCE. Chapel-en-le-Frith h l' Sh d (N t' h h' o. Offi f H lth Oh J h B t M R C S 6t Batta 10n erwoo Foresters ot mg ams tre cr. M e d1ca 1 teer o ea , ar1 es o n enne . D b h · R · ) (B C ) M k t c t H Eng. 24 Hardwick street, Buxton f er ys Ire egiment o. ' ar e st.; ap . Highway Surveyor, Edward John Hunter, Chapel-en- Welch; Color-Sergt. William L. Jackson, drill instrctr le-Frith PUBLIC OFFICERS. Sanitary Surv'eyor &i Inspector, Joseph Goddard, Ohinley Assistant Overseer, Collector of Poor's Rates & Clerk to CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH UNION. the Parish Council, Joseph J. Ford Collector of the King's Taxes, J. Goddard Board day, monday fortnightly. Road 'Surveyor to the County Council for Chapel Dis~ The places in the union are :-Aston, Bamford, Brough trict, Hugh Thomas Hughes, Hayfield road & Shatton, :Burbage, Buxton, Castleton, Chapel-en-le­ Town Crier, James Green, Manchester road Frith, Chinley, 'Bugsworth &; Brownside, Derwent, Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animal~ Edale, Fairfield, Fernilee, IHartington Upper Quarter, .Acts" for Chapel-en-le-Fritli District, William Pool& Hope, Hope Woodlands, King !Sterndale, Peak Forest, Ruthven M.R.C.V.S. Lea house, New Mills Thornhill & W ormhill. The area is 83,490 acres ; PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Tateable value, Lady Day, 191~, £233,575; the popu­ Boys', erected in 1839, for 180 boys, at a cost of more· lation in I9II was 30,696 Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Col. Edward Hall than £I,Ioo, chiefly defrayed by the late William J.P. Horwich house, Whaley Bridge, Stockport Bagshawe, of Banner Cross, Sheffield, for some- time vicar of Chapel-en-le-Frith; the school has an endow­ Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, John Burton :Boycott, solicitor, Chapel-en-le-Frith ment Qf about £2o a year from Dr. Slack's Town Hall rents charity; average attendance, go; Alexander Treasurer, Waiter Hall, Manchester &; County Bank, Chapel-en-le-Frith Young, master; (girls), erected in 1887, for 170 girls; Relieving Officer for the whole Union, George Mayle, average attendance, 75; Mrs. Susanna Nicholson, Chapel-en-le-Frith mistress; (infants), for I05 children; average attend­ ance, 6o; Mrs. Jane Smith, mistress V accinabion Officers: -Chapel-en-le-Frith eub-district, Adolphus C. Wetters, Bugsworth hall, Whaley Bridge; Wesleyan (mixed & infants), erected in 1853 & enlarged Bnxton sub-district, Charles Slater, Fairfield in 11887, for roo boys & girls & so infants; average Collector to the Guardians, Lemuel Jagger, Chapel-en­ attendance, boys & girls 84, infants 40; Thomas W. le-Frith Gray, master Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators :-.Buxton district, Bowden Head (endowed), erected in 1867, for 47 children; Frank Reginald Sawdon M.B., Ch.B. 3 Hardwick st. average attendance, 15; with an endowment of about Buxton; Chapel-en-le-Frith district, Francis Grey £Io yearly from Dr. Slack's charity; Mrs. Jane Water· Bennett B . .A., L.M.S.Lond. (medical officer only), house, mistress Chapel-en-le-Frith; Castleton district, Henry Bowman Combs (mixed), erected in 1864, for 37 children; aver­ Shepherd M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Peveril house, age attendance, 24; Mrs. Gertrude Shilton, mistress Castleton Railway Stations. Public Vaccinator, Chapel-en-le-Frith district, Neil Midland, David Daw, station master Kennedy M.A., M.B., Ch.B.Aberd. Burbage house, London & North Western, Ernest Mason, station master Chapel-en-le-Frith Carrier to Stockport.-Richard Barrett, wed. & fri CHAP:EL-EN-LE-FRITH. Bacon Harold, Rye flat Benn.ett Misses, The Old Parsonage (Marked thus t receive their letters Bagshawe William Henry Greaves- Berry Judson S. Cloverley through Whaley Bridge, Stockport.) D.L., J.P. Ford ball Bibbington Misses, Windy haugh (Marked thus * reeeive their letteTS Becker Wilfred, Bowden hall Bloomfield Miss, Burnside through Chinley, Stockport.) Bellhouse Ernest, Combs Bowen Charles B. Hollin knowl l'RIVATB RESIDENTS, Bennett Fras. Grey B.A. Cromwell ho tBowen Mrs. Ollerenshaw hall .Aspell John, Uplands 1 Bennett John, Stodhart Boycott John Burton, W elby Croft .
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