
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 2004 No. 88—Part II Senate (Legislative day of Tuesday, June 22, 2004) NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- port was not included as part of the stantive support to these personnel and TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR President’s budget request and was not their families. 2005—Continued authorized within the bill now before Mrs. DOLE. I thank the distinguished Mrs. DOLE. Mr. President, I wonder the Senate. It is my understanding Chairman. Given this concurrence on if I might engage the distinguished that the decision to not include the Na- the importance of ensuring necessary Chairman in a brief colloquy. tional Demonstration Program for Cit- and effective support for our National Mr. WARNER. Certainly. izen-Soldier Support in the FY05 De- Guard and Reserve families, I ask the Mrs. DOLE. I thank my colleagues. fense Authorization bill was not made Chairman if he would be willing to sup- Mr. President, as a member of the Per- with prejudice to the program but, port my effort to bring this proposed sonnel Subcommittee, I am acutely rather, was based on the emerging na- Demonstration Program for Citizen- sensitive to the enormous challenges ture of the structure and deliverables Soldier Support to the attention of the confronting our National Guard and associated with this program—a pro- appropriate Department of Defense of- Reserve forces, and their families, as gram that is focusing on how to best fices. This effort will require modifying they are called upon to defend our Na- assist our Reservists and their families elements of the proposed program, tion in the war on terrorism. North in their newly emerging roles in the where appropriate, to maximize Carolina is at the forefront of National war on terror. synergies with ongoing Department of Guard and Reserve mobilizations, with Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, the Defense initiatives and exploring op- 31 percent of our State’s 23,300 National Senator from North Carolina is cor- tions within the defense budget for Guard and Reserve members currently rect. At the time that the Armed Serv- funding implementation of the pro- mobilized. ices Committee was preparing its gram. The University of North Carolina, in mark, there was not sufficient data Mr. WARNER. I commend the distin- partnership with a wide range of uni- available concerning the specific ele- guished Senator from North Carolina versities and community organiza- ments of the proposed program, and its for her steadfast advocacy for our men tions, is developing a National Dem- interrelationship with other existing and women in uniform, and their fami- onstration Program for Citizen-Soldier and emerging programs within the De- lies, and I would be pleased to work Support to augment, strengthen, and partment, to fully assess the merits of with her on this important issue. refine the existing framework of sup- the National Demonstration Program Mrs. DOLE. I thank the distinguished port for National Guard and Reserve for Citizen-Soldier Support. The ab- Chairman for his courtesy. personnel, and their families. The ob- sence of this proposed program in the Mr. ALLEN. Mr. President, I wonder jectives of the demonstration program bill should not be interpreted as a neg- if I might take just a minute to ask the are to strengthen communication and ative assessment. Chairman whether I am correct that information dissemination; strengthen Mrs. DOLE. I thank the Chairman. I developing a reliable, automated three- community support systems; strength- might also ask the Chairman if he dimensional facial recognition capa- en support systems for children and would agree with me that our Nation’s bility has significant implications for adolescents; strengthen health and security depends on the mission-readi- our fight against terrorism and would mental health care systems; strength- ness and retention of our citizen-sol- be of great interest to the defense, in- en employment support networks; and diers, and that for the total force to telligence and transportation security address proactively emerging issues of function effectively, we must make agencies. importance to our personnel and their certain that these men and women, Mr. WARNER. Yes, that is certainly families. This National Demonstration their families, and employers have my understanding. Program of Citizen-Soldier Support has needed support while they prepare for, Mr. ALLEN. I also understand that been presented to a wide variety of ci- carry out, and eventually return from one very promising approach would be vilian and military leaders, and has active military service. to use laser radar to acquire such a been uniformly supported as timely, Mr. WARNER. I would agree whole- three-dimensional image. This tech- substantive, and highly promising as heartedly with the Senator from North nology is highly accurate, and is al- an adjunct to existing Department of Carolina’s statement. At at time when ready used in industrial applications to Defense programs and services. we are relying more and more on our measure such things as minute imper- Unfortunately, as a relatively new National Guard and Reserve forces to fections in airplane wings. Unlike more initiative, this National Demonstra- defend our national security, we must traditional photography, it also would tion Program for Citizen-Soldier Sup- continue to provide direct and sub- work in a greater variety of lighting ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7277 . VerDate May 21 2004 02:24 Jun 25, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JN6.047 S23PT2 S7278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 23, 2004 conditions and at a much greater dis- AFRTS, including a statement of the tional Air Guard personnel that we had tance. It also has the advantage of mission to be accomplished and the hoped would be used to stand up a new avoiding allegations of racial profiling key principles that should be followed unit in Delaware to do this mission. because it makes no use of skin color, in order to provide a free flow of polit- This year, Senator CARPER and I had instead measuring facial features. ical programming from U.S. commer- hoped to finish that work by providing Mr. WARNER. I understand that ac- cial and public networks. The amend- a total of 60 personnel for that unit. curacy has been a problem with some ment specifically states that the mis- Unfortunately, we are not able to do systems developed to date so new ap- sion statement is appropriate. Recog- that because the Department of De- proaches would be welcomed. nizing that there are several hundred fense has not evaluated this proposal Mr. ALLEN. Does the Chairman satellite stations or ‘‘outlets’’ around to determine whether it is a mission agree it would be worthwhile to explore the globe at which programming deci- that should be assigned to the Air Na- taking existing industrial technology sions are made on a daily basis, the tional Guard. and applying it to the problem of amendment goes on to recommend that We understand that the Department quickly and reliably identifying at a the Secretary of Defense ensure that of Defense has an established process distance moving individuals at such lo- these important principles, which can for assigning missions and determining cations as airports and border cross- be summarized as fairness and balance the manning necessary to support ings? in presenting shows on various topics, those missions. Expanding the informa- Mr. WARNER. Yes, I think that if including political commentary, are tion operations capability of a unit or there were funding for such a develop- being accomplished. units within the Air National Guard ment project it offers the prospect of Mr. INHOFE. Is it correct to say that has not been considered through this significant security benefits. those who make the programming deci- process. AFRTS sion for AFRTS have an obligation to Mr. LEVIN. My colleague from Dela- Mr. WARNER. In discussions with consider the popularity and desir- ware is correct. The Department of De- my good friend and colleague, Senator ability of radio and television program- fense has a rigorous process for deter- INHOFE, I have been made aware of the ming? In other words, should the mining whether a new mission should fact that questions have arisen about AFRTS take note of national commer- be assumed as a military mission and the intent of amendment 3316 regarding cial ratings as well as local and world- that expansion of the information oper- the American Forces Radio and Tele- wide formal audience surveys as to ations capability of the Air National vision Service, or AFRTS, submitted what their audience desires to see and Guard has not been considered by this by Senator HARKIN. That amendment hear on their AFRTS programming? process. Additionally, the Department to the pending legislation was accepted Mr. WARNER. Yes. That would clear- of Defense is conducting a complete re- on June 14, 2004. ly be one factor among several that view of the Guard’s roles and missions Mr. INHOFE. That is correct. Numer- should be considered, consistent with right now. ous concerns have been expressed from the goal of providing the same type and Mr. BIDEN. I hope that we can agree my home State, and, I believe, many quality of American radio and tele- that the Department’s review should other States, about this amendment. vision news, information, and enter- include an examination of using the There is a belief that this amendment tainment that would be available to Air National Guard for emerging mis- is intended to be critical of the AFRTS military personnel and their families if sions like information operations.
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