PQTVJGCUV"HNQTKFC‚U"QNFGUV."NCTIGUV."OQUV"TGCF"CHTKECP"COGTKECP"QYPGF"PGYURCRGT URQTVU"/"D/6 Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct Rtguqtvgf"Uvcpfctf Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct. R0"Q0"Dqz"6284; W0U0"Rquvcig"Rckf Lcemuqpxknng."HN Vjg"Igqtikc"Uvct# Lcemuqpxknng."HN"54425 Rgtokv""Pq0"5839 Vcnm"qh"vjg"Vqyp Korcev"Tcfkq C/6 CO3582 Can’t Get to the Store Vjcpmuikxkpi"hqt"Ugpkqtu *;26+"988/::56 Have The Star Delivered Ugg"Etkog"("Lwuvkeg RtgrTcr"/"Qwt"[qwvj Ugg""D/3 UKPEG"3;73 Cp"Cyctf Tgcf"Vjg"Hnqtkfc cpf"Igqtikc"Uvct Ykppkpi Pgyurcrgtu0 Rwdnkecvkqp. Nkuvgp vq"KORCEV ugtxkpi"{qw Tcfkq"Vcnm"Ujqy0 ukpeg"3;730" YYY0vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Tcvgf"›Cfi"d{ Still the people’s vjg"Dgvvgt choice, striving to Dwukpguu"Dwtgcw yyy0vjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo make a difference. 7FGEGODGT"39."4233"/"FGEGODGT"45."4233""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""XQN0"83"PQ0"57""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""72"EGPVU Ycpvgf Okuukpi" Lciwctu"ygpv"vq"Cvncpvc"dwv"vgco"fkfp‚v"ujqy Hktuv"icog"chvgt"xqvg"qh"pgy"qypgtujkr"/"63/36 Atlanta was pleased with their win but not jumping for joy when feeling the sad- ness for their neighboring state team that had just received the title of the first minority owned NFL team and being led by the team’s first Black coach, though interim.. Name: Brittnee One cannot say the team did not show, they say they feel the team was extra excit- Fleming, Age: 16 ed. Whatever the case, the game ended with the same score that the Jaguars had See Crime & Justice Monday over their own state team, the Tampa Buccaneers - 41-14. What a coinci- Section each week for dent! missing children. Shahid Khan said on Wednesday during a news conference at the NFL owners meeting that he was very humble in his acquisition of the Jacksonville Jaguars. He Tcrkuv"Uqwijv committed to do ‘whatever it takes’ for the Jaguars to become a winning team. The official ownership of the team from Wayne Weaver to Shahid Khan will not occur until January 4, 2012. Above are two composite sketches from two victims After the game Thursday night, the Atlanta Falcons said they will continue their in two different parts of the city of Jacksonville. The effort to focus on the game and give their city their best game. They are now 9-5. situations point to the same man even though two com- Jacksonville players said they wish they could have executed their game plan bet- posites are shown. ter. Their desire to make their new owner proud that he made the choice to pur- Officers said that last Friday, the rapist forced a chase the team and are anxious to meet him and work with him. Right now, their woman into his car off Arlington Express where he standing is 4-10 but the leading rusher in the NFL, Maurice Jones-Drew, is still a drove her to a parking lot nearby and raped her. The Jaguar. other victim was also forced into his car and sexually assaulted. They were both forced into the man’s car at Jqyctf"Gpfu gunpoint. The incidents happened several days apart Pcx{‚u Dqwpeg"VX" and on different sides of town. Ykppkpi Both described the rapist as a black man between 25 and 35 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches tall, weigh- Uvtgcm Cogtkec‚u"Hktuv"cpf"Hcuv/itqykpi"Chtkecp ing about 160 pounds. They also said that the man was Howard University is driving a green Ford Taurus - appearing to be from known for its academics, Cogtkecp"Qxgt/vjg/ckt"Vgngxkukqp"Pgvyqtm 1999 to 2002. They also described the vehicle as hav- not sports. However, the ing a musty odor inside. women’s basketball team Bounce TV - TV Our Way, is already in This person has not been located so it is urgent that closed the first half and Jacksonville over the air, and through Comcast 225 women in the area are careful and alert. opened the second half of and 17-5 TV. If you have been fortunate enough to If you have any information that could lead to the its game Sunday against turn your channels to ‘real’ African American tele- identity of this man, please call Crime Stoppers at 866- the Navy women’s bas- vision, you have enjoyed movies you had not seen 845-TIPS. ketball team on signifi- before while also enjoying Soul Train and gospel Vtq{"Fcxku‚"Ukuvgt"Fkgu cant runs that resulted in viewing, church services, legal matters, sports and the Lady Bison posting a our folks in Hollywood. You can watch it in the 60-50 victory over the Jacksonville area and the Brunswick, Georgia area Midshipmen at Burr Now, Bounce TV has accelerated its tremendous Gymnasium in growth and expansion with one of the most iconic Washington, D.C. television series ever to the network, while adding This is a first. two more markets to its growing list of affiliated Vjg"Yct"ku stations. Martin Luther King III, member of Bounce TV's Qxgt Founding Group and Board of Directors announced today that the network has acquired the television rights to all 113 episodes of Fat President Barack Obama Albert and the Cosby Kids (TM) series in a licensing agreement with Classic Media. on Wednesday saluted Bounce TV will launch the series with a special "Hey! Hey! Hey! It's New Year's troops returning from Day" Marathon on Sunday, Jan. 1, 2012 starting at 12:00 Noon ET. Bounce TV will Iraq, asserting that the rebrand its Tuesday night line-up as "Fat Tuesdays" to feature four primetime nearly nine-year conflict episodes of the series back-to-back every week at 8:00 p.m. ET starting Tuesday, Jan. was ending honorably, 3. "not with a final battle, Bounce TV is already in 71% of African American television homes. Martina Davis-Correia, sister of the late Troy Davis, but with a final march Bounce TV targets African Americans primarily between the ages of 25-54 with a has died. Davis-Correia passed after a long battle with toward home." programming mix of theatrical motion pictures, live sports, documentaries, specials, cancer and was the firestorm that took her brother’s inspirational faith-based programs, off-net series, original programming and more. case to international heights. Although few people ini- Marking the conclusion Bounce TV airs twenty four hours a day, seven days a week on the digital signals of tially paid attention to the faulty murder conviction of of the war at a military local television stations. Martin Luther King III and Ambassador Andrew Young are this young black male in Georgia, Davis’ sister dedicat- base that's seen more than among the Founding Group and Board of Directors of Bounce TV. Toyota USA is ed her life to fighting for her brother’s freedom. 200 deaths from fighting the signature sponsor of the network. Davis was killed by lethal injection on September 21 in Iraq, Obama never of this year. The execution was covered by internation- tried to declare victory. It Ft0"Lqugrj"Lqjpuqp"Jqpqtgf al media, and there are millions around the world who was a war that he consider the execution of Davis to be one of the most opposed from the start, The Jacksonville Transit Authority presented a star symbolic indicators of injustice in American history. inherited as president and shaped plaque to Dr. Joseph Johnson, Chairman for Davis was executed after several witnesses recanted is now bringing to a the Concerned Citizens Seeking Improved Passenger their stories, and even NAACP President Ben Jealous close, leaving behind an Decorum, an advocate group that was formed in 1999 has repeatedly stated that the real killer is on the loose. Iraq still struggling. in an effort to enhance the quality of bus transporta- Even as she fought her cancer, Ms. Davis-Correia tion and customer safety and respect on city buses. fought diligently for her brother’s freedom. She fought But he sought to pro- Dr. Johnson’s efforts caused the city to equip audion to very end, as did her brother Troy. Right before his nounce a noble end to a messages such as ‘Don’t cuss on the bus.’ execution, Davis maintained that he didn’t kill Police fight that has cost nearly Mr. Michael Blaylock said during the presentation Officer Mark MacPhail, continuing to maintain his 4,500 American lives and that one should never doubt that a small group of innocence. more than 100,000 Iraqi Otu0"Ejctnqvvg"qh"LVC"cpf thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: lives. Ft0"Lqugrj"Lqjpuqp Indeed its the only thing that has. Opinion/Editorial............A-2 Ykuj"vq"ikxg"wu"c"Pgyu"Uvqt{A K Church...........................A-3 Nqqmkpi" hqt" ewuvqogtu" vq" rcvtqpk|g" {qwt P Talk of the Town...............A-4 dwukpguu" qt" wvknk|g" {qwt" ugtxkeguA" Kh" {qw Ecnn"*;26+"988/::56"qt"Ugpf"kv"vq< Around the Area............A-6 U Caribbean News.............A-7 cpuygtgf"[GU."vjgp"{qw"pggf"vq"rnceg"cp"cf kphqBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Local...................B-1 K Columns........................B-2 kp"Vjg"Hnqtkfc"Uvct"qt"Igqtikc"Uvct# cfBvjghnqtkfcuvct0eqo Sports...........................B-4 F Crime & Justice..(A).C&J-1-4 ECNN";261988/::56"vq"rnceg"{qwt"cf"VQFC[## Prep Rap...........(B).PR-1-4 G Classified & Business...B-7 Check, Money Order, or Credit Cards Accepted PAGE A-2 THE STAR DECEMBER 17, 2011 OPINIONS THE FLORIDA STAR Tony Richardson National Center THE GEORGIA STAR OWNER/PUBLISHER DESIGN AND WEB SITE PARTNER- for Missing and Exploited Children CLARA JACKSON McLAUGHLIN ALLEN PROCTOR MANAGEMENT “AROUND THE TOWN” LONZIE LEATH, RINETTA M. FEFIE FRANCES BRADLEY, VOLUME BURKES SALES & MARKETING G. ABRAMS, DENNIS WADE, SPECIAL SECTIONS DAN EVANS TIA AYELE OFFICE/ACCOUNTS MANAGER SPORTS EDITOR SHIQUITA WILSON MIKE BONTS LAYOUT EDITOR COLUMNS MAY E.
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