-if • '"I r»cc sis CKANFOW (NX) CITIZEN AN© CHKOX1 . PECEMBEB Babies Gain First Place daughter of Mr.-and Mrs. William chairman of the Citizens for Ken- Rotary Working to Ease fioyd. nedy, announced that a victory Iii Auxiliary Pin League Methodists cocktail dance will be held at 4:30 I International Tendons The Dabics, moved into first p.m. Sunday at Shackamaxon 11 TirObserve Musk Program Country Chip, Scotch Plains, by (] SHOP AT "Rotary clubs in I If? countries are united at these difficult lames plaei_^ by one-half game over the the Union County Citizens for 1 Dop's by .taking a pair of * r of international tensions in an endeavor to promote understanding, ( To Be Featured Kennedy- Do Your 1" n p d from,, the latter team this Communion Tickets may be obtained -from good will and peace throughout the .world/lKaFc& D» Giovanni 'KENILWORTH — The Sacra- —i w,Jm week in the VFW Auxiliary Mr. Campanelli or at the door. I—I >' "1 By Woman's Club = a— 'Union, governor of district 751 of Rntnrv TntVJtrkii T^ ^jg 3ncnl"oI~HbljrCbmmunion wilTBe worth Rotary Club" yesterday at the Hitchin* Post, Uruon. ^Bowling Leagi^e The Boo Boo's GARWOOD — The two musical In addition to "the activities of —. urA King Pins are tied for third celebrated at both the 9:30 and II To admire on principle is the ' Shopping Early <% groups of the Gap-wood Woman's o'clock services Sunday morning only way to imitate without loss the more than 10,600 Rotary clubs ' tively supported Linle >' League place, two games out. at Community Methodist Church. Club, the Off Keys and the Choral it>"- Grpup, will present nqvelty num- of originality.' — Samuel Taylor within th(&p*)wn communities to | Baseb.ill. Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts High series were rolled by; Mrs.The Rev. James S. Tiller, pastor, Coleridge. promote this objective. Rotary In- I and similar activities, Jack -Ewing, Boo Boo's, 466; Mrs. bers and then the entire member- For The Most Beautiful has announced that his com- [vol. LXVII. No: 46. 4 Sections, 28 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1960 Entered u second class mall matter at temauonal has awarded grants of Mr. Di Giovanni urged all local IX Scheller, Clowns, 419; Mrs munion meditation w}ll be "Theship will join in singing Christmas The Prat Office at Cranford, N, J, TEN CENTS more than $3,300,000 in the past Rotanarb. to make plans for ihe Buck Russel, Clowns, 415, 'Mis', Christian Is Free." The Methodistcarols at the club's'meeting in Bay Touch you the sourest point, Varied Assortment Of 13 years through its program of club to be represented al (be.52nd Roy Bnnkerhoff, Dabics, 413; an Choir will offer the anthem, at Leaf Memorial Home, 221 South with sweetest terms. — William student fellowships, Mr. DiGio- annual convention of Rtolaoy In-'MrSi Ben-Brixner, King Pirts,/400. both, services. avenue, at 8:15 pan. Monday. Shakespeare. vanni said » | ternationaL uhich tsroll Mb held in Te<tra standings are: -. The Junior Methodist Youth Mrs. Bernard Murphy of Scotch ita Arriving in Town Saturday; Actual Count of Noses The grants enable college grad-| Tokyo, Japan, next May- Fellowship will meet Sunday eve- Plains will present a demonstra- CHRISTMAS Joint GivicJ}roup Endorses - uates— to—study - for- one—year-—uv-, > — J ning at 6:30, and the Senior High tion of home decorations for the > Boo lioa * Fellowship will~begin at 7:30, On holiday season.1 Christmas countries other than their own IIMA^I^V-.'-. W AA*!** j P. lit [ayor Turns On Christmas Lights Shows Jr. High Ne&d as Rotary ambassadors of good IWUueril LXJMfiS j Saturday evening the Senior High Members of the American will: Since 1947, when this pro-1 »' J-__ V-.'*"^_ I Via Upii / group plans a gym and swim party home,, garden and conservation Bonus Santa Claus wiB arrive from The need for a neiy junior high school can be demonstrated even Four School Board Aspirants gram was established, 1,322 Ro- IKirDCr ACglCFS at the Westfield YMCA. Betsy departments will set up display e North Pole on his annual when the matter of projections is taken out of the picture and only tary Foundation fellowships have' n. »* J r> ^ Boh Gamble Named Lang, president, announced that tables of articles they are selling citation to the township un- children who are 'now here are considered. Dr. Alfred L Miller Endorsement of four can- been awarded to students in 68 members and their guests should as Christmas gifts. Chairman of r auspices of the Cranford, of 701 Willow street pointed out in a letter to the Board of Education The Modern Barber Shop re- . meet at the church Saturday, at A 3 - Year e didates for the three trustee countries for study in 45 countries. ^ hostesses for the evening will'oe jiamber of Commerce at 10 on Tuesday evening. Fnenmamedd a full gsrti^ahead of the Io All-Star Grid .leant 6:30 p.m. ' ' positions to be filled at, the •"with grants averaging $2,500. Bob Gamble, outstanding senior Mrs. Carmen Biazzo. FREE |m Saturday. He will he met "Projections and predictions, February 14 school board elec- i each ^ the three lineman for the "With fellowship and to High The Methodist Men's Club will Plans for the meeting were com- the eastbound platform of though soundly developed, can be tion was announced today by football again show movies for children pleted at an executive board SERVICE assailed because they are projec- was named as starting Saturday afternoon, Edward Dor- lie Jersey Central Railroad the Joint Civic Committee for vides a common ground for near- tiorr Bowling Leagac-. meeting Monday night at the home j atiori and from there will be list Criteria tions," Dr. Miller wrote. Encouraging Candidates for for the all Essex-Union rell, presidenti , announced. A small of Mrs." Edward Mousted of 351' ly 500,000 business and profession- High ^core* GUARANTEE ported to a fire engine which "To this end, I have taken all the Crawford Board oT Educa- al executives throughout the oy E. County grid team announced Sun- admission\fce # be chargegedd fo for Locust avenue. the enrollment numbers, actual Patter. Emits, 543; F. [ill take hifti on a tour of the tion. They are Dr. .Joseph E. Rofcerts: djy by the New "York News. Kup- the show atl:30 j>m. in.the social It was announced that in place For Quality children in our schools right now Hawkins, Jr., the only incum- world regardless of d.ffermfi na- colonial. 537; K Coctsren. Modem. rf,o was nicked for the honorable rooms, Proceeds will be used for on every > and rearranged them in order to of the usual. exchange of Christ- | Upon' completion of > his tour. bent running for reelection; Mrs. ^±^L°I ^^^^^T^T ***"» Ow*-* 323: mention 2,u.d. church projects.^ - mas gifts, members are being ask- Nationally- Advertised simplify them and to determine Robert Blosicry .Wnliam T., Knox pohticaKand religious beliefs,' he A KaestnW, Ernie's. 52O: C> Re, . The WSCS executive commit- nta will establish ^headquarters School Staff just what our situation is without emphasized. « Colonial. 519; T.' Sfcurtire* Rr.ciidly. nr tt n - w ed to__donate to a_ fund- for. the Fine Watch At Dr. Bernard H. McKenna, exec- and Dr. Henry J/Mineur. 1 ee .will meet Tuesday with Miss 107 North Union avenue, where, a single projected child. (See "In additibn to the promotj»n_of SQT, J FVetmd , Masrer. 363"' aai- Welk« Receives Letter ' Audrey Spencer presiding. The j>urchase_oi_pajamas-fqi'±*a -chil-l fwelcome-the children per- utive-secretary of the Metropoli- accompanying chart>. - * ~~The selection^'were "made' from international understanding/ Mr. g Wise. Modern. 502. "** j Ronald, Welkee, , seniorsr, ,wa swDecembea r meeting of the Official dren's ward at the John E. Run- nally and present each one tyith tan School Study Council, empha- a list prese&wd by the group's DiGiovanni continued, "special Team standing* are: • • \ nells Hospital-for Chest Diseases. ! candy cane. sized that recruiting good teach- "With Jhe acceptance of the ref- screening committee at a meeting - among 18 members of the# soccer Board will be held on the follow- erendum on January 17, construc- emphasis is being placed by Ro-' L aTTe ers and'maintaining a laj-ge num- last week/in Lincoln School. The 33 ;sqttdd at Union-College, Schenect- ing evening at 8 p.m, [Following is the route Santa tion will be completed for the faU tary dubs in this district, which 33 ady N. Y., to receive a varsity lef- Last Sunday^the sacrament of aus will use on his trip through ber were two of the most critical term of 1963 for a senior high, 10, Joint Cjxhc Committee interviewed includes 42 Rotary clubs in Cen- . Mikt'i Barbef shop. 33 Citizens for Kennedy seven/people ^ind from this group 11 iet irecently. holy baptism was celebrated for b Saturday morning: problems faced today by Boards .11 and 12 grades and a junior high trat New Jersey, on community j ^.''^^ ^ 85 The Union team finished their William Joseph Broderick, III, son Slate Victpry Dance 27 North Union Avenue [start at station plaza on South of Education. system, 7, 8 and 9 grades. In the they^bove four w<?re chosen. The" service — especially youth actlv- 1 E»ni«- _ U m venue, down High street ta Hick- meeting was conducted by Nelson - , Its 20 I season with no wins, «^ven losses, of Mr. arid Mrs.
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