m att acht DC 50c MAY 1959 REVOLT HOMOSEXUAL mattaclilne PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THE MATT ACHINE SOCIETY PublUhed Monthly. Copyright 1959 by Mottochlno Soeloty, Ine. Available now from the National Headquarters of the Mattachine Soci­ V olum e V MAY 1959 N um ber 5 ety are the following publications at the prices indicated. Please send remittance with order. AH orders sent postpaid. CONTENTS MATTACHINE SOCIETY TODAY (Yellow Booklet of General Informa­ REVOLT OF THE HOMOSEXUAL tion) 1958 Edition. 24 pages. Gives general outline of Society, aims and by Seymour Krim ..................... .... 3 principles, how to form an Area Council, lists discussion group topics McREYNOLDS REPLIES TO KRIM and ideas, tells brief history of Society and what Mattaciiine does. 25 I by David McReynolds..........................8 cents. GREETINGS by C. V. Howard............................... 13 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS (Blue Book of Official Information) WHOM SHOULD WE NOT TELL? 1959 Edition. 16 pages. Contains revised constitution, by-laws add by Stanley Norman ..............................15 articles of incorporation. 25 cents. ^ BOOK REVIEW : The F lam in g H e a rt............... 18 INFORMATION FOLDERS: “ In Case You Didn’t Know,” and "What CALLING SHOTS..................................................... 19 Does Mattachine Do.” Designed to be used as companion mailing pieces. NEGLECTED ART OF BEING DIFFERENT First tells of existence of homosexuality and purpose of Mattachine. by Arthur Gordon................................22 Second describes in detail the projects and functions of the Sdciety, along with the services it performs. 100 for $1.50; 50 for $1.00; smaller READERS WRITE................ 23 quantities, 3 cents each. Unless specified, orders will be fiUed with PROBLEM OF YOUTH WHOSE SEX IS MIXED UP an equal quantity of each. by Walter C. Alverez, M. D. .. 25 YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS (adapted for Illinois law), 8 pages. Discusses CATEGORIES........................................................................26 rights of citizens, andoutlinesofienses as covered by statute in Illinois. ON RE-READING GAY BOOKS by Dick Tyner.. 27 25 cents. M ATTACHINE D IRECTO RY ..........................................31 EDUCATION HANDBOOK. Individual and Group Projects and Organiza­ tional Techniques. 1959 Edition. 64 pages, with semi-permanent soft cover. Compiled by Carl B. Harding, Director of Education, contains 10 chapters and 7 appendices. Essential assistance for discussion leaders, Mattachine officers, and others concerned with scope and problems of FOR MEMBERS ONLY-MATTACHINE LAPEL P//VS-S1.50 ea. presenting a public education program on homosexual subjects. Lasts hundreds of possible discussion topics, many sources of materials; Attractive small gold-filled lapel pin with locking clasp. $1.00 per copy. In Mattachine colors. Blue and Grey. Sold to Active, Sub­ scribing, Honorary and Advisor members only. Federal In addition to Mattachinu REVIEW (MonthlyX die Society and its tax included; add 4% state sales tax in California. branch offices issue the following periodicals and newsletters: WEAR YOUR SOCIETY'S EMBLEM-ORDER A PIN NOW! IN TERIM - Quarterly. National newsletter of the Society, subscription included^th each full payment of national dues. Published and mailed (Continued on Huge }1) Primed in U. S. A. mdittweá/me f K K V I E l f V XT attacblne PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE BY THE MATTACHINE SOCIETY Publiihed Monthly, Copyright 1959 by Mottochino Sodoty, Inc. Available now from the National Headquarters of the Mattachine Soci­ Volume V MAY 1959 N um ber 5 ety are the following publications at the prices indicated, Please send remittance with order. All orders sent postpaid. CONTENTS MATTACHINE SOCIETY TODAY (Yellow Booklet of General Informa­ REVQLT OF THE HOMOSEXUAL tion) 195S Edition. 24 pages. Gives general outline of Society, aims and by Seymour Krim ..................................3 principles, how to form an Area Council, lists discussion group topics McREYNOLDS REPLIES TO KRIM and ideas, tells brief his^nÿ of Society and what Mattachine does. 25 by David McReynolds..........................8 cents. GREETINGS by C. V. H ow ard.......................- ...1 3 CONSTITUTION ANf/f'^Y-LAWS (Blue Book of Official Information) WHOM SHOULD WE NOT TELL? 1959 Edition. 16 pages. Contains revised constitution, by-laws and by Stanley Norman .........................15 articles of incorporation. 25 cents. BOOK REVIEW: The Flaming Heart.....................18 INFORMATION FOLDERS; “ In Case You Didn’t Know,’’ and “ What CALLING SHOTS.................. 19 Does Mattachine Do.’’ Designed to be used as companion mailing pieces. NEGLECTED ART OF BEING DIFFERENT First tells of existence of homosexuality and purpose of Mattachine. Second describes in detail the projects and functions of the Society, by Arthur Gordon...............................22 along with the services it performs. 100 for $1.50; 50 for $1.00; smaller READERS W RITE.......................................................... 23 quantities, 3 cents each. Unless specified, orders will be filled with PROBLEM OF YOUTH WHOSE SEX'IS MIXEP UP an equal quantity of each. by Walter C. Alverez^ M. D. 2 5 I YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS (adapted for Illinois law), 8 pages. Discusses CATEGORIES........................................ .. • ............’. .. 26 rights of citizens, and outlines offenses as covered by statute in Illinois. ON RE-READING GAY BOOKS by Dick Tyner, . 27 25 cents. ’ MATTACHINE DIRECTORY ......... ................................31 EDUCATION HANDBOOK. Individual and Group Projects and Organiza­ tional Techniques. 1959 Edition. 64 pages, with semi-permanent soft cover. Compiled by Carl B. Harding, Director of Education, contains 10 chapters and 7 appendices. Essential assistance for discussion leaders, Mattachine officers, and others concerned with scope and problems of FOR MEMBERS ONLY-r.MATTACH/NP/LAPBL P/N$-$1.50 ea. presenting a public education program on homosexual subjects. Lists hundreds of possible discussion topics, many sources of materials. Attractive small gold-filled lapel pin with locking clasp. $1.00 per copy. In Mattachine colors. Blue and Grey. Sold to Active, Sub­ scribing, Honorary and Advisor members only. Federal In addition to Manaehine REVIEW (MonOily^ the Society and its tax included; add 4% state sales tax in California, ^ branch offices issue the following periodicals aqd newsletters: WEAR YOUR SOCIETY'S EMBLEM-ORDER A PIN NOW! INTERIM - Quarterly. National newsletter of tie Society, subscription included with each full payment of national du^s. Published and mailed (Continued on page 31) ' Primed in U. S. A. J REVOLT OF THE HOMOSEXUAL bv^Seymour Krim and David McReynobb SG: Not necessarily, though my uality is ptfiy one tiny cause i egp would like it better if they among hundreds for tiie tension Th» following Inlorvlow fc*fwMn a homoMOMual and a ttralght were more dewey. But they still people have in living with each guy, togothor with a roply to tho Intorvlow, worn puhlinhod In go for men, not thar own kind. other today. 1 have little sympa­ VILLAGE VOICE, wookly nowtpapor of Croonwieh Vlllago, H: That’s, not completely true. thy for your so-called moral prin­ Naw York. Soymour KrIm wr^t* tho Intorrlow; David McR«y> Many womoi h a v ^ d e ^ hatred ciples. Morals change as we view nold* wroto tho roply. Tho artlelo* aro roprodueod horn with for the presumptioin of superiority li;fe differently, and it’s r i ^ t that we abandon them whet} we can pormloolon of tho nowtpapor, which Is locatod at 22 Groonwioh that the modem straight man puts on. no longer see their truth. Avo,, Now York II, N. Y. SG: I won’t argue with you. SG: Maybe you can’t see their The iniportant thing is that truth. But millions of people still by Seymour Krim i the essential sexual need for each have.hopes for leading some kind of traditional life—^with families, STRAIGHT GUY: You say I can talk frankly to you. other is- still there and will re­ main. It may sound obvious, but children, and the rest of the b it O. K. Why have so many fairies come out in the open re­ H: 1 have nothing but good will cently? Wherever I go I run into them—the Village, i East Go^ or nature obviously intended Side, Harlem, even the Bronx. men and women to make it with toward such people. But nothing gives them the right to impose HOMOSEXUAL: We no longer have the energy to hide. each other. I You can’t know the strain on a — ~ H: That seems • logical on the their desires on human beings who can’t or don’t want to fellow person in always pretending. As gwisbinir along 8th Street scream- surface. But when you look at his­ the same goals. It’s hypocrisy to Donald Webster Cory says in “The tag at the top of their voices? Are tory you’ll see that there’s never pretend that we live in a Victor­ Homosexual in America,” we have you naive enough to believe the been a culture without homosex­ uality. It’s always existed: among ian world or even one with been the great unrecognized ml- otf us see anything sympa- agreed-upon values. aonty. That tíme is ending. We theyp this’ the Greeks. Romans, even the American Indians. I believe it is a SG: Is it Victorian to wish for want recognition for our simple H: You’re ’ the naive one be- a complete life? People like your­ toman rights, just like Negroes, y^ur experience is limited. fundamental part of human life. SG: Then why do you think it’s self are amputated and therefore Jews, an wnnen. Such homosexuals are in the mi- always been outlawed? I’m fairly make bitter fun of it. But the ma­ 8 0 : You actually think you’ll nority, as much as a camping pros- sophisticated, but I believe so­ jority of us still have the possi­ be accepted on your own terms? titute compared with most women. bility of getting normal satisfac­ lb Certainly, Tor years homo- ciety had no choice in condemning SO: But you’ll admit that most tions out of living. sexuals in this country have homosexuals are much more ef- sodoniy.
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