CollegeofAgriculture Balaghat -AProfile JawaharlalNehruKrishiVishwaVidyalaya,Jabalpur JawaharlalNehruKrishiVishwaVidyalaya,Jabalpur CollegeofAgriculture,Balaghat MurjhadFarm,Waraseoni,District-Balaghat(M.P.)481331 2012 CollegeofAgriculture,Balaghat PREAMBLE Looking to the specific need of the Chhattisgarh Agro-climatic Zone of Madhya Pradesh, the College of Agriculture, Balaghat was started by the Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya, Jabalpur on 12th September, 2012 in the Regional Agriculture Research Station (RARS), Waraseoni. The College is about 4 Kilometres away from Waraseoni on Waraseoni-Lalburra Road. As the location of RARS is very near to the village Murjhad, the farm is popularly known as "Murjhad Farm". Geographically, its altitude, Longitude and Latitude is 301.5M, 80°50'E and 21°45'N, respectively. The Murjhad Farm where the College is located was established during the British rule (1917-18) and after independence, in 1965, it came under the aegis of JNKVV, Jabalpur and was subsequently rechristened as Regional Agriculture Research Station, Murjhad Farm. The primary objective of the farm was to supply high quality pure seeds of recommended paddy varieties to the farmers of the Balaghat region. Later, because of inclusion of Balaghat district in the Chhattisgarh plain agro-climatic zone, the RARS was attached to the then newly established Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwa Vidyalya, Raipur in 1987-88. However, with the formation of Chhattisgarh as a new state in year 2000, RARS, Waraseoni was again transferred back to JNKVV, Jabalpur on 6th November 2000. Since, then the RARS Murjhad Farm is an inherent part of JNKVV, Jabalpur. In the year 2019, College of Agriculture, Balaghat was accreditated by the ICAR peer review committee with a prestigious score of 3.01. NameoftheFarmsunder CollegeofAgriculture,Balaghat Area MurjhadFarm 18.01ha NevargaonFarm 14.160ha LoharaFarm 11.624ha CLIMATE The area comes under the Chhattisgarh-Plains agro-climatic zone with an average rainfall of about 1400 mm. Maximum rainfall is received in the month of August. During rabi season, rains are received during the 1st week of February and April. Maximum temperature of around 45°C is observed in the month of May whereas, minimum temp of around 12°C is observed in the month of December. MISSION l To meet the needs of its students by providing educational experiences in the field of agriculture necessary to develop their potential leadership, personal growth and career success. l Tofocus on offering a broad undergraduate curriculum consisting of tracks and concentrations JNKVV,Jabalpur(M.P.) 02 CollegeofAgriculture,Balaghat in agricultural science, agronomy, agribusiness economics, agricultural education, horticulture and agricultural systems technology. l Torecognize and enhance the agricultural, educational, economical, and cultural opportunities for the people of its service region. MANDATE l Toemphasize a primary commitment to students through quality teaching from well prepared, technologically proficient, professionally competent faculty. l To provide "hands on" agricultural experience through classroom, experiential and farm laboratory instruction. l To develop, maintain and improve diverse, technologically sound farm and programmatic laboratories that support the educational objectives of the study. l To provide public and university service to support the educational and technical needs of agriculture students. l To perform practical research and to grow technologically proficient through involvement in research-oriented activities. l Toenhance farmer-scientist interface and enriched knowledge. THRUST AREAS l To develop and enhance the professional skills of the students with respect to the diversification of Indian agriculture, including supplementary, complimentary and competitive enterprises in the agricultural scenario. l Time to time framing of new courses and revision of existing course curricula of UG programmes with the aim to make the students job creators rather than job seekers. l Development of the facilities to improve the teaching and learning processes in the College through use of modern technologies l Execution of programmes for student advisement, counselling and extra-curricular activities for all-round personality development of students, and provision of placement services. ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Bachelor of Agriculture (Hons.) - B.Sc. (Hons.) Ag. CURRICULUM Duration of course - Four Year(8 Semesters) duration as per the 5th Dean Committee l 1st to 6 th Semester - Course Work l 7th Semester - RAWE (Rural Agriculture Work Experience) l 8th Semester - ELP (Experiential Learning Programme) ENROLLMENT l Through State Level Entrance Examination PAT (Pre Agriculture Test)conducted by VYAPAM & 15% seats intake through ICAR-All India Undergraduate Examination. l Students intake capacity: 50 students/year- 200 students in total JNKVV,Jabalpur(M.P.) 03 CollegeofAgriculture,Balaghat l Average of 50 students per academic class l Student/faculty ratio: ~5:1 STAFFPOSITION (Teaching) Designation Numberof StaffMember Dean 1 Professor 2 Assoc.Professor 4 AssistantProfessor 25 TechnicalAssistant/ 1 TrainingAssistant SupportingStaff 8 STAFFPOSITION (Non-Teaching) Designation College RARS Steno 1 0 AssistantGradeIII 2 1 FEO 3 3 LabTechnician 0 1 SubEngineer 1 0 Electrician 1 0 AEO 0 1 SALIENT ACHEIVEMENTS 1. Teaching A total of 150 B.Sc. (Agriculture) students have completed their degree courses since the inception of the College in the year 2012. Every admitted student of the College is insured through Accidental Insurance Scheme programme run by the Government. Teaching is being imparted through audio- visual aids & smart classrooms in addition to practicals and field visits. Students of College of JNKVV,Jabalpur(M.P.) 04 CollegeofAgriculture,Balaghat Agriculture, Balaghat have received many University Awards including the Prestigious University Gold Medal Award. One of the passed out students Mr. Manoj Patel has got admission in the Ph.D. Plant Breeding & Genetics programme at premier institute of Agriculture of our Country the "Indian Agriculture Research Institute" (IARI) New Delhi in the Academic Session 2019-2020.Apart from the teaching activities, students of the College have also excelled in Sports and Cultural events organized by the University and not only have earned many medals for the College but also represented University in the national level competitions. One hundred and forty students of different categories SC, ST and OBC have been benefited from the various State Govt. Scholarship programmes. Career Counselling and Personality Development Programme The College has developed different areas to improve all round development of the Students I. ICAR-JRF/JNU-CEEB/BHU National Level Entrance ExaminationCoaching Apart from teaching Undergraduate courses as prescribed by the 5th Deans Committee, the college JNKVV,Jabalpur(M.P.) 05 CollegeofAgriculture,Balaghat PREAMBLE Looking to the specific need of the Chhattisgarh Agro-climatic Zone of Madhya Pradesh, the College of Agriculture, Balaghat was started by the Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya, Jabalpur on 12th September, 2012 in the Regional Agriculture Research Station (RARS), Waraseoni. The College is about 4 Kilometres away from Waraseoni on Waraseoni-Lalburra Road. As the location of RARS is very near to the village Murjhad, the farm is popularly known as "Murjhad Farm". Geographically, its altitude, Longitude and Latitude is 301.5M, 80°50'E and 21°45'N, respectively. The Murjhad Farm where the College is located was established during the British rule (1917-18) and after independence, in 1965, it came under the aegis of JNKVV, Jabalpur and was subsequently rechristened as Regional Agriculture Research Station, Murjhad Farm. The primary objective of the farm was to supply high quality pure seeds of recommended paddy varieties to the farmers of the Balaghat region. Later, because of inclusion of Balaghat district in the Chhattisgarh plain agro-climatic zone, the RARS was attached to the then newly established Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwa Vidyalya, Raipur in 1987-88. However,with the formation of Chhattisgarh as a new state in year 2000, RARS, Waraseoni was again tr ansf err ed back t o JNKVV , Jabalpur on 6th November 2000. Since, then the RARS Murjhad Farm is an inherent part of JNKVV,Jabalpur.In the year 2019, College of Agriculture, Balaghat was accreditated by the ICAR peer review committee with a prestigious score o f 3 . 0 1. CLI JNKVV,Jabalpur(M.P.) 06 CollegeofAgriculture,Balaghat c. Agriculture as Business and Personality Development, 8th - 9 th ,September, 2020 d. Bamboo:TheAmazingGrass-CultivationtoCommercialization,18th -20 th September,2020 2. Research projects undertaken by the College A. All India Coordinated Research Project (ICAR) l All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project (VoluntaryCentre) l All India Coordinated Linseed Improvement Project (VoluntaryCentre) B.Ad hoc Research Projects I.Farmer FIRST project with a total outlay of 1.00 crore running in the College of Agriculture, Balaghat. II. ICAR funded project underTribal Sub-Plan entitled "Introduction and expansion of Chenopodium quinoa in the Rainfed Rice Fallow Region of Climatically Vulnerable Tribal District of Madhya Pradesh ensuring Food, Nutrition and Sustainable rural livelihood security" with total outlay of Rs. 1.24 Crores. III.MPCST project entitled "Project: Validation of integrated pest management schedules for insect pests of rice at Waraseoni, Balaghat with total
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