The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation

The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation

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Additional sites for Phyllodrepa Clinetoria spilota Hope. of Brinjal in Kumaon Hills of (Hypopycna) rufula (Erichson) (Col.: A new pest India. M. Arif&M.C. Joshi, 21 Staphylinidae) in Surrey, with a review of otitae Zell. (Lep.: other records. 7.A. Owen, 187 Coleophora Coleophoridae); a second site in Great Ampedus tristis (Linnaeus) (Col.: Elateridae) Britain. M.S. Parsons, 286 in Britain. 7.A. Owen & H. Mendel, 119 Coleophora vestianella L. (Lep.: Aplocera plagiata L. (Lep.: Geometridae) Coleophoridae) in Bedfordshire. D. larvae on cultivated Hypericum. G.M. Manning, 181 Haggett, 85 Colonisation of Blackheath, south-east Association beween the spider Theridion London by Chorthippus albomarginatus pollens and egg clutches of the two-spot (De Geer) (Orth.: Acrididae). J.F. Burton, ladybird, Adalia bipunctata. M.O. 190 Bansford, M.E.N. Majerus, G.D.D. Hurst Colostygia olivata D. & S. (Lep.: &B. Cockburn, 115 Geometridae) - new to north Hampshire. Atheta (Microdota) excelsa Bernh. (Col.: A. Aston, 290 Staphylinidae) from Nethy Bridge, East Comiboena bajularia (D. & S.) (Lep.: Inverness, A.A. A/Ze/i, 198 Geometridae) ab. rosea Cockayne. B.K. Atomaria scutellaris Motsch. (Col.: West, 158 Cryptophagidae) at Fishbourne, West Conistra erythrocephala D. & S. (Lep.: Sussex. J.A. Owen, 136 Noctuidae) Red-headed Chestnut from Bedstraw hawks (Lep.: Sphingidae) in north-east Kent and subsequent rearings. Haggett, Norfolk. G.M. 20 J. Platts, 11 Been here and gone? a new Angle-shades Cydia compositella (Fab.) (Lep.: Tortricidae) moth, Phlogophora lamii Schadewald, in v.c. 69 (Westmorland). N.L. Birkett. 1992. (Lep.: Noctuidae) and other species-. 44 Paul Sokoloff, 153 Denisia albimaculea Haw. (Lep.: Bibloplectus delhermi Guill. (Col.: Oecophoridae) in Wiltshire. D. Pselaphidae) new to Kent. A.A. Allen, 192 Brotheridge, 285 Book reviews, 44-47, 94-95, 146-150, 200, Deraeocoris olivaceus (F.) (Hem.: Miridae) 243-248, 291-296 in Kent. A.A. Allen, 30 Breeding Gnorimus spp. (Col.: Scarabidae); Diaphora mendica Clerck (Lep.: Arctiidae): a postscript. J.A. Owen, 235 egg laying procedure. B.K. West, 227 Butterfly farm. D. Young, 228 Dicallomera fascilina L. (Lep.: Caloptilia rufipennella Hiibn. (Lep.: Lymantriidae) with two-year life cycle. B. Gracillariidae) in north-west Kent. D. Leverton, 219 O'Keejfe, 290 Dictyonota fuliginosa Costa (Hem.: Cambridgeshire capture of Strangalia Tingidae) rediscovered in S.E. London. revestita (Col.: Cerambycidae) Aj4. Allen, AA. Allen, 279 197 Differential habitat selection in polymorphic Lepidoptera in the Forest of Dean. D. Changes in the moth population in the Aldridge, C. Jones, E. Mayer & M. Cambridge area. J. Beid, 239 Majerus. 203 Chestnut-coloured Carpet, Thera cognata Duration of the egg stage of Aporophyla nigra (Lep.: Geometridae) in Yorkshire. S.M. Haw. (Lep.: Noctuidae). G.M. Haggett, 52 Jackson, 176 Earliest occurrence of Coleophora Further notes on the occurrence of clypeiferella in Britain. A.M. Emmet, 140 Platyptilia ochrodactyla D. & S. (Lep.: Elodes tricuspis Nyholm (Col.: Scirtidae) a Pterophoridae) in Wiltshire. M.H. Smith, notable addition to the beetles of Windsor 91 VoTQSi. A.A. Allen, 90 Further observations on the voltinism of the Enigmatic rearing of Dolopsidea indagator Oak Nycteoline, Nycteola revayana (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Scop. (Lep.: Noctuidae). G. Collins, 111 M.R. Shaw, 31 Further record of Dolchocephala ocellata Epibleme grandaevana (L. & Z.) (Lep.: (Costa) (Dipt.: Empidae). R. Crossley, Tortricidae) established in Northamp- 157 tonshire. C. Gardiner, 239 Further record of Gyrohypniis scoticus Joy Epiphyas postvittana Walk. (Lep.: (Col.: Staphylinidae) P.£). Orton, 270 Tortricidae) in Denbigshire, North Wales. Gelechia senticetella Staud. (Lep.: B. Formstone, 91 Gelechiidae) - a second British record. Epischnia bankesiella Rich. (Lep.: D. OKeeJfe, 176 Pyralidae) in North Wales. K.N. A. Gyrohypnus angustatus Stephens and Alexander, 254 scoticus Joy (Col.: Staphylinidae), with a Eremobia ochroleuca (D. & S.) Dusky record of the latter form Kingussie, Sallow (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Somerset. Eastemess. J.A. Owen, 19 J.F. Burton, 158 Gyrophaena angustata Steph. (Col.: Etiella zinckenella (Treitschke, 1932) (Lep.: Staphylinidae) in the London district. Pyralidae) the second British record and A.A. Allen, 256 notes on its Biology. P.M. Potts, 67 Halimione portulicoides L., an unrecorded Eupithecia icterata Vill. (Lep.: foodplant of Chrysoesthia sexguttella Geometridae) - larval foodplants. B.K. Thunb. (Lep.: Gelechiidae). H.E. West, 290 Beaumont, 226 Extraordinary numbers of hawkmoths at Harpalus (Ophonus) melleti Heer and street lights. B.K. West, 196 H.(0.) parallelus Dej. (Col.: Carabidae) Farther afield: the Andes, Venezuela. B.K. taken together in W. Kent. A.A. Allen, 39 West, 261 Hawk moths (Lep.: Sphingidae) of Hong Father and son: the Newmans and their Kong and South-east Asia - corrigenda. Kent butterfly farm. B.O.C. Gardiner, W.J. Tennent, 26 105 Hazards of butterfly collecting - Botswana, First Scottish record of Notiophilus rufipes April, 1990. T.B. Larsen, 119 Curt. (Col.: Carabidae) from Hoy, Hazards of butterfly collecting - cross- Orkney. i?.C. Welch, 142 cultural differences on the Baiyer River, France - 1991 and 1992. the Jura, The Papua New Guinea, 1983. T.B. Larsen, Hautes Alps and Vosages mountains. 234 P.W.Cribb,Si Hazards of butterfly collecting - field Further county record for Trigonotylus research in Ghana, June 1993. T.B. caelestialium (Kirk.) (Hem.: Miridae). R. Larsen, 289 Crossley, 176 Hazards of butterfly collecting - good news Further county records Aphodius for Queen Victoria, Sri Lanka, 1984. T.B. subterraneus L. (Col.: Scarabaeidae). Larsen, 25 AA. Allen, 90 Hazards of butterfly collecting - Monastic Further experience of Mintho rufiventris life in Lebanon, summer 1973. T.B. (Fall.) (Dipt.: Tachinidae). A.A. Allen, Larsen, 186 195 Hazards of butterfly collecting - The station Further foodplants of Diachrysia chrysitis master and the butterflies. India 1986. L. G.M. Haggett, 86 T.B. Larsen, 134 Hazards of butterfly collecting - time for tea. Little-known entomological literature 1. Afghanistan, 1977. T.B. Larsen, 83 B.O.C. Gardiner, 178 Himarerus mirmicoides Costa (Het.: Little-known entomological literature 2. Nabidae) in West Cumbria R. W.J. Read, B.O.C. Gardiner, 1S7 284 Longitarsus longiseta Weise (Col.: Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus L.) and Chrysomelidae) a British species, and a Rasberry {Ruhus idaeus L.) - an earlier new synonomy.yl.>4. i4//e«, 175 record. J. Bowdrey, 68 M.W.F. Tweedie, 1908-1993, 151 Holly Blue, Celastrina argiolus L. M.W.F. Tweedie, obituary and bibliography, ovipositing on Ling, Calluna vulgaris and 296-304 the subsequent rearing of the larvae to Machin's Coleophora unipunctella Z. (Lep.: maturity. D. Mussel I, 89 Coleophoridae). M.F.V. Corley, 286 Hydroporus longicornis Sharp. (Col.: Macrolepidoptera of Banffshire. R. Leverton, Dytiscidae) in East Kent. L. demons, 221 97 Idaea seriata Schrank and /. vulpinaria H.-S. Madrid area - May 1992. An account of the (Lep.: Geometridae) out of season records. Lepidopterous fauna seen. G. King, 71 B.K. West, 36 Magdalis memnonia Gyll. (Col.: Identification of Amphipyra pyramidea L. Curculionidae) in north-west Surrey. J.A. and A. Berbera Fletcher (Lepidoptera; Owen, 283 Noctuidae). D.F. Owen, 133 Marbled White-spot, Lithacodia pygarga In search of the Purple Emperor and Hufn. and White-marked, Cerastis Lulworth Skipper. A^. McMillan, 193 leucographa D. & S. (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Incidence of Codling Moth {Cydia Yorkshire.

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