Number 10 - Year VI / December 2017 The Hidden King and the Imaginary Editors: Pier Luca Marzo / Antonio Tramontana Editor In Chief Pier Luca Marzo Milena Meo Coordinator Antonio Tramontana Editorial Board Fabio D’Andrea Mariavita Cambria Valentina Grassi Giovanni La Fauci Ivana Parisi Neil Turnbull “Escape Plan” by Pasquale de Sensi Cover design: Giovanni La Fauci Scientific Committee Sabah Abouessalam (Institut National d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme), Alfonso Amendola (Università degli Studi di Salerno), Luisa Bonesio (Università di Pavia), Sergio Brancato (Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II”), Fulvio Carmagnola (Università di Milano - Bicocca), Antonella Cammarota (Università di Messina), Vanni Codeluppi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Stefano Cristante (Università del Salento), Ubaldo Fadini (Università di Firenze), Kenneth Frampton (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University), Bruno Gullì (Long Island University of New York), Paolo Jedlowski (Università della Calabria), Serge Latouche (Université Paris-Sud), Michel Maffesoli (Université Paris V), Carlo Mongardini (Università di Roma "La Sapienza”), Edgar Morin (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Maria Giovanna Musso (Università di Roma "La Sapienza”), Tonino Perna (Università di Messina), Mario Perniola ✝ (Università di Roma Tor Vergata), Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi (Università di Roma La Sapienza), Caterina Resta (Università di Messina), Ambrogio Santambrogio (Università di Perugia), Antonio Scurati (Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione), Domenico Secondulfo (Università di Verona), Dario Tomasello (Università di Messina), Gabriella Turnaturi (Università di Bologna), Jean Jacques Wunenburger (Università Jean Moulin Lyon). Mimesis Edizioni Registrazione presso il Tribunale di Messina n. 8 via Risorgimento, 33 - 20099 Sesto S.G. (MI) - del 16/04/2012 Italy phone/fax +39 02 89403935 ISSN 2281-8138 Email [email protected] www.imagojournal.it - [email protected] Index 5 Editorial Board 6 Introduction Topic John A. Y. Andrews 7 Simmel’s Hidden King - and Ours The Two Kings of Modernity: Science and Religion in Simmel’s Neil Turnbull 21 Metaphysics of Value Heike Delitz 333 The “Hidden Kings”, or Hegemonic Imaginaries: Analytical Stefan Maneval Perspectives of Post-foundational Sociological Thought Valentina Grassi 50 L’irresistibile fascino dell’in-coscienza. Lo spirito del tempo tra indeterminazione, sincronicità e complessità Luca Mori 62 I numeri dell’Io. Immaginario neoliberale e quantificazione del sé Il re nascosto digitale. I media tra costruzione mediata del reale e Mario Tirino 85 mediazione radicale Michela Luzi 99 La prospettiva della decrescita nell’immaginario della postmodernità. Number 10 - Year VI / December 2017 Volume # 1I Index Off Topic Rita Fulco 114 Simone Weil e l’immaginario bio-pneumo-politico de L’Enracinement L’immaginazione nel sentimento religioso. Il sacro arcaico all’origine Margherita Geniale 136 dell’antropocenesi Reviews Antonio Tramontana 150 Georg Simmel, Il conflitto della civiltà moderna Mario Tirino 153 Richard Grusin, Radical mediation. Cinema, estetica e tecnologie digitali Vincenzo Del Gaudio 159 Tito Vagni, Abitare la TV. Teorie, immaginari, reality show Elvira M. Ghirlanda 162 Roland Barthes, Nota sulla fotografia Simona Castellano 165 Angelo Romeo, Posto, taggo, dunque sono? Nuovi rituali e apparenze digitali Eleonora Sparano 168 Marcello Veneziani, Alla luce del mito. Guardare il mondo con altri occhi Number 10 - Year VI / December 2017 Volume # 1I Editorial Board I n early February 2017, a group of scholars the pleasure of research, mend the fabric of researching the Imaginary met in Naples and, in frayed human relationships, experiment a few months, proposed to the Italian alchemy among disciplines that would be Association of Sociology to create a new strictly separated today, which, using a little working section. The purpose was to compose wisdom, could interact with each other until an the researchers’ different views on the topic of unexpected discovery. the Imaginary in a dynamic unity, which Many good ideas, indeed, but how do we put everyone could acknowledge, after a long them into practice? How can we underline the period during which the interest in this topic essential diversity we want to pursue, beyond had contributed to neither to prestige nor to the words that have now become worn-out and career advancement. AIS welcomed and abused tools? What you have in your hands, or approved of this proposal, and, as a result, the on your screens, is our first answer: a common Section on the Imaginary is already operational editorial initiative of three journals that should with a first programmatic meeting planned in be competitors or, at least, not interested in Verona, on 1-2 March 2018. collaborating; a common call for papers, From many paths a common way was born, underlining the same common interest to be enlivened by an ambitious and, at the same interpreted according to one's own perspective, time, modest purpose: working on proposals through a work of shared reflection and aiming at a new paradigm on the imaginary, drafting, and a critical review of the modalities knowing that this is a huge task. A richer and of research and publication; this very editorial more varied set of tools is needed to tackle the article - which you are reading - and a shared thorny issues that have been under discussion cover featuring the logos of the three journals. for a long time, allowing first to create a Concrete and symbolic references to a renewed widespread shared culture, beyond the redeemed spirit of universitas, capable of looking enclosure of the Academia. It is necessary to at the future with a focus on the understanding recompose the over specialised fragmentation of and desire for improvement, one of the most the different disciplines, which implies a fascinating traits of a declining modernity. For difficulty in recognising oneself as part of a this reason, we have chosen to follow the scientific community, and build a dialogue to Simmelian suggestion of the “Hidden King”, a empower everyone’s work. concealed principle that influences and reveals Secondly, it is crucial to fix the growing itself in the zeitgeist, and could mark new routes. separation between reality and its In our opinion, the result seems to be flattering, representation, blocked in a derangement that stimulating, inspiring, proving what can be has been losing sight of the quality and flavour done by a motivated community bound also by of life. Finally, smoothing the rationalistic non instrumental ties, crossing the institutional partiality of the dominant world vision, which boundaries towards broader collaboration. rejects the complexity of reality in order to Im@go and H-ermes are published by members attempt its adaptation to a one-dimensional and of this new Section, Mediascapes is a travel brutally simplified perspective. These obstacles companion sharing the desire for a new way of have been known for some time already, but building knowledge together. they suddenly appear more surmountable We trust that this first step will be followed today. by many others and our readers will accompany During the meeting held Naples, a new us with pleasure and mutual satisfaction. course seemed to be sensed beyond the inert weary paradigm, and its conservation claims: no by Fabio D'Andrea calculation or tactical convenience, but curiosity (Università di Perugia), and sense of adventure, which should connote with Giovanni Boccia Artieri knowledge at its best, and the desire to (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo, direttore di Mediascapes), Stefano Cristante cooperate that creates a community. In addition (Università del Salento, direttore di H-ermes), to the heuristic potentials rejected so far, the Pier Luca Marzo and Milena Meo perspective of investigating the imaginary offers (Università di Messina, direttori di Im@go). the chance to do (again) what was made almost impossible by academic individualism: enjoy Number 10 - Year VI / December 2017 Volume # 1I Introduction I n 2017, three scientific journals investigating social sciences from a cultural communicative angle, H-ermes, Im@ago and Mediascapes, decided to open a common call focusing on the “Hidden King”, a concept developed by Georg Simmel precisely one century ago, in 1918. Therefore, the three journals have set up a dedicated editorial office gathering all contributors of these journals and arranging for the selection of the many papers submitted. The result is an issue presenting more than twenty contributions on the relation between the “Hidden King” and the production of the imaginary, allocated to the journals according to their respective vocation and editorial line. During the same year, a group of researchers affiliated to the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS) had proposed to create a new thematic section, entirely dedicated to the imaginary. The proposal followed its course and was approved. This triple issue on the “Hidden King”, involving many of the members of the new AIS section on the imaginary, is the first common initiative of our this research group. Number 10 - Year VI / December 2017 Volume # 1I 3 Off Topic 3 Simmel’s Hidden King - and Ours John A. Y. Andrews Abstract Georg Simmel’s “hidden king” metaphor for the leading idea of an historic age evokes narrative associations that reach deep to depict the intrinsic dynamics and tensions in human activity that arise for Simmel from the basic contradiction
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