.I L. : . ... 1.L I!.?. I--' 1 \? c Y! tY '08 BEFORF, THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION --. ' 1' q! ,.-,-J IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION 1 OF SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER 1 COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF 1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY AND 1 PUBLIC NEED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, ) OWNERSHIP, OPERATION AND ) DOCKET NO: 08-098-U MAINTENANCE OF A 345 kV TRANSMISSION ) LINE ORIGINATING AT THE NWTEXARKANA) STATION LOCATED NEAR LEARY, BOWIE ) COUNTY, TEXAS AND TERMINATING AT A ) PROPOSED STATION TO BE 1 CONSTRUCTED AT THE JOHN W.TURK, JR. ) GENERATION FACILITY LOCATED 1 IN HEMPSTEAD COUNTY, ARKANSAS 1 AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ) ss. COUNTY OF BENTON ) The undersigned, David R. Matthews, upon his oat11 deposes and says: 1. That I am of legal age and ani competent to testify regarding the matters stated herein. 2. That on June 27,2008, I mailed the Notice of Filing of Application for Certificate of EnvironmentaI Compatibility and Public Need with attached map to all persons listed on the attached mailing lists by certified mail, return receipt requested, with sufficient postage thereon. A copy of said notice mailed to the landowners, librarians and government officials with a copy of the transmittd letters to the landowners, librarians and governmental officials are attached hereto. 3. Notice was also published in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, Texarkana Gazette, a and the Hope Star on June 30 and July 2,2008. 1 FURTHER AFFIANT SAYS NOT. fY/ -.AT- - Daw.Matzews SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 1, day o 2006. Seal CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that I have served a copy of the foregoing document on all parties of record by electronic mail. 2 BEFORE TKF, ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVIa COMMKSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION 1 OF SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER 1 COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF 1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILIIYAM) ) PUBLlC NIEED FOR THJ3 CONS"ZJCTION, ) OWNERSHIP, OPERATION AND ) D0-T NO: 08-098-U MAINTENANCE OF A 345 kV T"SMXSSX0N ) LlNl3 ORIGINATING ATTHENWTEXARKANA) STATION LOCATF,D MAR LEARY,BOW ) COUNTY,TEXASAND~RMINA~GATA ) PROPOSED STATION TO BE 1 CONSTRUCTED AT JOEN W.TURK, JR ) GENERATION FACILITY LOCATED 1 INmMPsmAD couNTY,ARKANsAs 1 NOTICE OF mINGOF APPLICATION FOR CERT'DICATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILJTY AND PUBLIC NEED Notice is hereby provided that on or about July 1, 2008, Southwestern EIectric Power Company (SWEPCO or the Company) will file an application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need (CECPN) with the Arkansas Public Service Commission. The application will seek authority to construct a new 345 kV transmission line originating at the Northwest Texarkana substation located Iess than one mile northeast of the City of Levin Bowie County, Texas and traverse approximateIy 30 miles through Bowie County in Texas and Hempstead, Little River, and/or Miller Counties in Arkansas and terminate at the planned Turk station located on the premises of the John W. Turk Jr. Generation Facility in Hempstead County, Arkansas,. The overall length of the transmission line to be built under this CECPN will be approximatdy 29.1 miles if built on the Company's proposed route and approxirnateIy 3 1.2 miIes if built on the longest of the fourteen (14) alternative routes. The proposed transmission line Will Page 1 of3 be constructed on new easements to be procured by SWEPCO in the area depicted on the attached map. There are a total of 14 alternative routes under consideration for this project. The Company is proposing to construct the transmission line on Route 2. A map is attached to this Notice which depicts the 14 possible routes for the proposed transmission line. Each route is comprised of various links which are depicted on the map. The table shown on the map informs you which links are involved for each of the possible routes. As indicated above, the Company’s proposed route is Route 2 comprised of links A-A’-A”-F’-F”-S-NN-N”-OO-PP.However, the Commission may consider and prefer any of the 14 alternate routes. The map attached to this notice may be viewed online at www.swepco.comlgo/345~srnission. By viewing online, the viewer will be able to magnify areas of the map for a more precise viewing of the location of each link. Authority to build this transmission line is being sought in order for SWEPCO to connect its John W. Turk Jr. Generation Facility to the electric grid system within the area governed by the Southwest Power POOL You are notified that intervention or limited appearances must be filed with the Commission within 30 days &er July I, 2008 unless good cause is shown pursuant to Arkansas Code Annotated $23-18-577, You are firher notified that at the hearing to be scheduled by the Commission on this application, the following rules shdl apply: (a) The Commission will hear evidence of the general economic and environmental impact of the proposed facility, as opposed to individual objections to the presence of the facility; (b) That compensation for damages is not awarded by the Commission. Compensation is awarded by Circuit Court in an eminent domain proceeding if the applicant and the landowner cannot settle privately; and (c) That the purpose of the hearing is to choose the location with the least generally adverse economic and environmental consequences, and that in the course of selecting a Iocation, tlie Commission may modify one of the proposed locations if it is in the public interest. You are further notified that the application indudes an Environmental Impact Statement which is on file at the Office of the Secretary of the Arkansas Public Service Commission located at 1000 Center Street, Little Rock, Arkansas and is available for pubIic inspection. Further, the Environmental Impact Statement is available for inspection between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.rn., Monday through Friday, at the local office of SWEPCO Iocated at 3708 W. 7Ih Street, Texarkana, Texas. In addition, the application, including the Environmental Impact Statement, is available for public inspection at the public Iibraries in Texarkana (Texas), Hope, Fulton, Ashdown, Winthrop and Foreman, Arkansas. The application is also availabIe online at the Arkansas Public Service Commission website, ~Y.apscservices.infol,by folIowing the links to Docket No. 08-098-U. Those portions of the proposed transmission line located in Bowie County, Texas will be the subject of a subsequent application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to be filed with the Public UtiIity Commission of Texas at a later date, Page 3 of 3 - - - Study Area Boundary ----ll-..c- Alternative Route 0 Unk 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 fl t2 13 14 PRIMARY ALTERNAfM ROUTES NLY TEXARKANA 345-KV fRANSMESION LINE PROJECT July 1,2008 Re: APSC Docket No. 08-0984 Northwest Texarkana Transmission Line ATTORNEYS Dear ((greeting )> : Enclosed with this letter you will find a copy of n application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, 119 South Second Sfreet ownership, operation and maintenance of a 345 kV transmission line that will Rogers, AR 72756-4525 begin at the existing Northwest Texarkana station, less than one mile northeast of the city of Leaty in Bowie County, Texas and end at the planned PH 479/636-0875 Turk station located approximately one mile east of the town of McNabb, FX 4 79/636-8 7 50 Arkansas. The proposed transmission line traverses parts of Bowie County in Texas and Little River and Hempstead counties in Arkansas. There are alternative routes which would traverse parts of Miller County in Arkansas. David R. Matthews Cm/gA. Campbell I am providing you a copy of the Notice of the Application and a compact disk George R. Rhoads that contains the Application and the Environmental Impact Statement Edwin N*McCIure required by Arkansas law. These documents will be filed with the Arkansas Larry J. Thompson Public Service Commission by Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) on or about July ?, 2008 in APSC Docket No. 08-098-U. You are Fryauf 1 a Mark 7. being provided a copy of said application and EIS pursuant to the Mauricio A. Herrera requirements of law found in Arkansas Code Annotated 523-18-51 3. Sarah L. Waddoups C. Eric Vesfer Promptly after this application is filed, you will receive an invitation from the Vicki S. Vasser Staff of the Arkansas Public Service Commission to comment as to the Jesse J. Reyes adequacy of SWEPCO's statements. The invitation to comment will advise you that comments must be received within 60 days of the date of mailing or Kimberly R. Weber a delivery of the invitation unless an agency requests, for cause, a longer period Mary B. Matthews for consideration. of counsel I will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the application, this notice or any other matter. olso admitted in Oklahoma -also admitted in Missouri Sincerely, also admiftod in mas David R. Matthews Emait [email protected] DRM:sah Enclosure Website www.mcrmt.com GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS June 27,2008 * Re: SWEPCO Application for CECPN APSC Docket No. 08-098-U ATT 0 R N E Y S Dear Sir or Madam: I am one of the attorneys representing Sou hwestern Elec ic Power I79 South Second Street Company. On or about July ISWEPCO will file an Application with the Rogers, AR 72756-4525 Arkansas Public Service Commission for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, ownership, PH 4 79/636-O875 operation and maintenance of a 345 kV transmission line that will begin FX 479/636-0150 at the existing Northwest Texarkana station, less than one mile northeast of the city of Leary in Bowie County, Texas and end at the planned Turk station located approximately one mile east of the town of David R.
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