Published Semi-Weekly by Students of the Georgia Institute of Technology Vol. XXXVII ■••••••• GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1953 Charter Granted To C No. 32 Local Sigma• Xi Club o ncert Committee The petition of the Georgia Institute of Technology for the estab- lishment of a chapter of Sigma Xi, high ranking natio nal scient ific organization, has been granted, it wa 8 announced recently and research by Colonel Blake R. Van Leer, Will Present Pageant President of Georgia Tech. The an- nouncement came at the annual meeting of the Executive Com- Basques Will Perform mittee of the Society whigh was held in St. Louis, Mo., on Decem- ber 29. In addition to President In Gymnasium Tonight Van Leer, Georgia Tech officials The colorful pageantry of the Basques will be brought to Atlanta presenting the petition in St. Louis on Friday, January 9, by the Student Concert Committee of the Geo r- included Herschel H. Cudd, Acting gia Institute of Technology. The entertainment will be Director of the Engineering Ex- held in the auditorium-gymnasium on the Tech campus at 8:30 p.m The public is periment Station, and W. T. Zieg- invited to attend, as well as stu- ler, Research Professor. dents and faculty, and no admis- a musician both in Europe and in A Sigma Xi Club at Georgia sion will be charged. the Western Hemisphere, and is no Tech was founded in 1946. Each The unusual production, includ- stranger to the United States. year it has actively promoted a ing native dancing and singing, is The content of the program program of research lectures in called Euzkadi, which is the collec- ranges from ceremonial dances to which faculty members or visiting tive name the Basques use to de- the lively steps of the Basque sail- scientists discussed research in scribe their land ,the land of the ors, from the virtuousity of its progress. It has annually partici- "most exciting people in the soloists to the stirring massed ef- pated in the National Sigma Xi world." Their provinces lie both in fects of the entire ensemble. The Lecture Program and awarded France and in Spain, but the tradi- program also includes traditional prizes for outstanding research tional cry of Euzadi! reveals a Basque Patriotic songs and Christ- carried out by faculty members, sturdy love of independence that mas carols. graduate students and undergrad- has never been quenched. Unique Identity uate students. The petition for the Euzkadi follows no orthodox pro- The Basques are a people of uni- establishment of a chapter was gram format, for it is as unusual que identity, livitfg in France and drawn up in October of this year. as the Basque peoples themselves. Spain, whose antiquity dates so Euzkadi!, the unique Basque festival, will bring to Georgia In his endorsement of the peti- All of its music and dance are far back that little is known about tion, President Van Leer stated: Tech the colorful folk pageantry of one of the world's oldest and it. Their national language, Euz- most unusual cultures. combined into a dramatic whole, an "Although the Georgia Institute unforgettable pageant that reveals kere, is also unique and is per- of Technology was founded in the life of the Basques and its haps the oldest in the world; it is excellent evidence that it could ginering Experiment Station, with 1885, it was many years btiore varied aspects. said to date, practically unchanged, take and hold a worthy position a present annual budget in the the institution had sufficient re- Practically in every respect back to prehistoric Stone Age days. of leadership in the new field." excess of $1,300,000, now conducts sources to make a worthy contri- Colonel Van Leer then went on an extensive program of funda- Euzkadi carries a refreshing note (Continued on page 8) bution to research. This was not of novelty to its American audi- to say that since 1925 over 725 mental and applied research which only due to poverty of its financial master's degrees have been award- involves a considerable number of ences. The Basque dances are dif- resources, Army ROTC Unit but also to a traditional ed by Georgia Tech. The doctorate graduate students. ferent from all others and pre policy of the Institute that it would ( Ph.D.) is now offered in the fields The Graduate Division of the often characterized by truly aston- not undertake additional education- of chemical engineering, chemistry Institute is closely allied with the ishing energy and virility. The Is Rated Superior al responsibilities unless there was and electrical engineering. The En- (Continued on page 2) singing of the Basques is also uni- que. The distillation of a long and By Military Officials 100% Increase isolated tradition, it is marked by The Georgia Tech R.O.T.C. Unit a haunting quality of almost un- received a rating of "Superior" in earthly beauty. Even the costumes the 1952-53 informal inspection and the musical instruments are in conducted by representatives of the Two New Co-Eds Register Here a class of their own, conveying the Georgia Military District. The an- charm over which tourists wax nouncement was made this week According to W. L. Carmichael, Registrar of Georgia Tech, the ,ing but later decided to study, Ar- rhapsodic when they return from by Colonel Blake R. Van Leer, female enrollment has doubled since last quarter. There are now four chitecture. Fran attributes the the Basque provinces of France President of the institution. co-eds regularly attending classes. The recent additions to the student switch to an uncle whose interests and Spain. This rating, which is the highest body are Sara Frances Lillard and Patricia B. Sargent. In accordance lie in that field. Upon being asked Juan Onatibia score that can be obtained, was with the provision set up for whether she had many offers for In large measure the success of based on the administrative func- co-eds, both are taking courses that the Chemical Engineering school. dates since entering Tech, she re- Euzkadi can be attributed its di- tions of the Tech Army Unit, and are not being offered at any other Fran is a native of Atlanta and plied that she had a few. Fran was rector, Juan Onatibia. He enjoys on the caliber of instructors and school of the Georgia University graduated from Northside High also asked how she feels about an international reputation as an the training given to the R.O.T.C. System. Fran is planning to study School last year. Originally she wandering in the midst of so many authority on the folklore of the cadets. architecture and Pat is enrolled in planned to take Textile Engineer- male students. She replied that Basques, and there is no part of The Army R.O.T.C. Unit was or- she didn't mind at all. the performance that he cannot ganized at Georgia Tech in 1916 Pat Sargent proudly claims Fort duplicate to perfection. He has a and since that time has been in Worth, Texas as her home. She is long record of accomplishments as (Continued on page 8) married to an Air Force Second Lieutenant who is stationed at Dobbins Air Force Base in Mariet- Winter Quarter Enrollment ta. She transferred from North Texas State College, where she was majoring in home economics. Shows Contemplated Decline Her reasons for coming to Tech The Registrar's Office recently released the first statement per- are that she is interested in chem- taining to the winter quarter registration, which showed a total enroll- ical engineering and also Tech is ment of three thousand three hundred and thirty-four students who the closest school for that course. registered and paid their fees. The total did not include approximately Her major outside activity is one hundred and five students who housekeeping for her and her hus- have registered but have not paid Some of the reasons for the de- band, Bill. Since Bill graduated as their fees. There is an expected crease in enrollment are the a petroleum engineer, Pat thinks drop in enrollment of about three seniors who graduated last quarter she will get some much-needed hundred and twenty-five from last and the number of students who help from him when the time quarter's three thousand seven have been drafted, dropped from comes. hundred and seventy-five students. the rolls, or have left school of Bill Sargent was also asked his This quarter there are three their own accord. Another reason opinion about his wife attending hundred and four veterans who is that the number of co-ops who Tech and he simply answered, "It have enrolled thus far. The num- attend school during the fall and doesn't bother' me!" He's quite ber of students who are residents spring quarters is greater than proud of his wife since she is both I of Georgia is one thousand six those who attend during the win- a good housewife and a good stu- hundred and seventy-one. There ter and summer quarters. dent. Both girls said that they an- are one hundred and sixty-eight Since these figures are not the ticipated enjoying going to Tech, co-ops who are not residents of and are anxiously awaiting the the state and one thousand one final totals, another article will be Pat Sargent (left) and Fran, Lillard, Tech's two new ito-eds, find time when they will get their de- hundred and ninety-one non-resi- published later with the official ,thin. gs easier when studying together.
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