' •- * v V * w ^ • -*-«#* 4 r •d V 1 Page Eight CRANFORD (N. J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE—THURSDAY. MAY 21, UC Inaugural Speaker Cites VFW Urges 5 Support of Nixon Importance of 'Institutions Cambodian Policy "Men canpot live without insti- Support for President Nixon's tutions, whether they be i'rontic Cambodian policy as a- means of societies or street academies," D Miss Von Bulow saving the lives of American fight- Jeremiah S. Finch, president of th ing men was urged today by Com- Degree Candidate mander Frederick Hayes of Capt. Middle States Association of Co; N. R Fiske Post 335, VFW. leges and Secondary Schogls an At Wilson College ^peaking on behalf of Post 335, .secretary of "Princeton Universit . Miss Carolyn Anne Von Bulow Commander Hayes said that "any- told an audience of more than l.OOi of Cranford, is a candidate for thething we do in Cambfldia thafre- persons attending the installatio bachelor of arts degree at Wilson sults in saving American lives College. Commencement exercises of Dr. Kenneth W. Ivcrsen as pres should have tho full backing of the will be held on the campus of theAmerican people." dent of Union ..College last Wed four-year college for women , at Second Class Postage Paid nesday. Chambersburg, Pa., on Sunday. He declared that amendments in Vol. LXXVII. No. 19. 3 Sections, 24 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 Cranford, Now Jersey 07S1G 15 CENTS Congress such as • the Cooper- ;J "Institutions," he said, "are nov Miss Von Bulow, whose major under fire." Reaction to the threat field of concentration is German, Church Amendment which would of pollution, nuclear weapons, over is the daughter of Mr. and Mrsbloc. k funds to support American population and the war in Southeas William V.. Von Bulow of 6 Hern- troops in Southeast Asia "amount Asia has resulted in assaults on in-ing Ave. During her college career, to the abandonment of our forces stitutions, "which," Dr' Finch she was active in both the Fresh- —our sons and daughters—who~are Brochures on New Pool Plans Adopt Ordinance to Provide Memorial Day Parade, noted, "stand *eady at hand man Chorus and the Wilson Col- fighting a cruel and inhuman ene- objects of. attack." lege Choir and performed in a my who might otherwise be at our But, he reminded his audience variety1 of choral concerts and very doorsteps. Congress put our "most of the civil liberties vv choir tours. men there in full support of the Are to Be Mailed Next Week A Conservation Commission take for granted reside in instil u Her name also appeared on theGulf of Tonkin Resolution." YVETTE DANCER'S ENTERTAIN AT HEALTH, CENTER — Pictured above are 16 of «O students Services Here Saturday tions^ however imperfect they ma> dean's list lor academic achieve- "In the past Congress has debated from the Yvette Dance Studio, 118 Walnut Ave., who entertained patients and their families at the Brochures will be mailed next week by The controversial ordinance creating a be." ment. She spent her junior year declarations of war," Commander Cranford Health and Extended Care Center recently. They are, left to right: Front row, Jean Olsen, conservation commission her$ was adopted "The idea of our Civil Libertibs,' tlie Cranford Recreation Department to CranfOrdT will observe. Memorial Day on abroad in .Germany and served Hayes said,' "but this is the first Lynn Capobianco, Kathleen Ro'onev and T.inHa Rnonpy gppnn/JLm^Jttnyanno "Ttonrumni-R^no^v-R?^^-- TODAY AND EVERY DAY! he said, "has hppn h.-immorrrl nut ~by a 3 t<r~l Saturday with a five-division parade starting this y'uai <is president of German •time-tho 'Senate has^-debated a 'dec-' Patricia Hurley, Pamela Schaner and Betty Gavin; back row, Laura Siegel, Ellen DuF>sse, Gail Strick- tested by experience and constant pr laration of surrender.' " $1,58 Value as well as to the 1,200 families on the Tuesday night following another lengthy at 9 a.m. from Walnut Avenue School, fol- House, one of the language resi- land, Robyn Douglas, Louise Dalton, Paula Rooney and Alexa Romano.0ther dancers, singers, ^94. ly reexamined by our educationa He said the "destruction of tons Pp6l waiting list outlining plans and fees hearing. • Cost lowed at 10 a.m. by services in honor of the • institutfons, particularly our coldence halls on the Wilson campus. of equipment and other supplies gymnasts taking part in the performance were: Felicja Batista, Lori Cohn, .Sally Crane, Claudia Republican Mayor Malcolm S. Pringle Greenspan, Lynn Loveland, Kathy McCarthy, Holly Schedin, Debbie Strauss, Leslie Strauss, Donna for the 1971 season if'the new $1.3 million township's war dead at Memorial Park, leges and universities, which stored by the Communists in Cam- joined with Democratic Commissioners Bur- provide the atmosphere where ra Berez, Jill Cook, Nancy Gross, Nona Ostrove, Sarah Speer, Terry Weisb.urger,'Mary Ellen Stickles, indoor and. outdoor pools and health club Figures Released Springfield Ave. and Riverside Dr. bodia for use against our men in ton's; Goodman and Warren Pra6ter in voting tional .rnMrnI.,,seiu:ching.,.Uiought LYff Holding Vietnam proves that President Nix- Barbara Cohn, Tracey Strauss, Karen Chin, Kim \DJTulIio and Susan Speidel. The group Will return are constructed at Memorial. Field. In the event of rain, the parade will be for the measure, while Republican Com- can be nourished, and can flour on made the right decision in or- shortly to, offer the program for other patients. ',/. ..••••"'. ; A town-wide mailing of the brochure ...called off and the exercises will be held in ish. ... • • . • • •<. Orientation Tea missioners Jack McVey and. William H. dering the Cambodian incursion.". BABY PANTS will follow a few days later and present mem- On School Plans the community room of the Municipal Build- "It is not our colleges that need bers and interested residents will have until Meyer cast dissenting votes. •'.*.-•„ to be destroyed," Dr. Finch stated For New Members U. S. at its National Council the Cedar Gardj?n Restaurant in gram^ committee. • . ., •' TotaJ cost for the proposed addition and ing at 10 o'clock.* (The parade route and . rehabilitation project at Cranfbrd" High "rather the wrong judgment^, theThe League of Women Voters will Represent Local LWV Awards Dinner at Royal Hawaiian Trenton last week. Mrs. Chamber- After ^the supper a program con- $7.95 June 30 to r^ply with a $20 "earnest money" While most of the speakers and cpjflmis- listing of marchers in the various divisions misguided efforts, the selfish- in- hold an orientation tea for new Hotel, Honolulu. Mr. Katz was lain is serving as secrecy for deposit. A.decision will be made early in sioners spoke in favor^ of conservation, they School will be $6,263,000, according to ten- At State Council Meeting cited .as, .the. top. rigent nationally 1970-71. • . / • sisting' of films oi) Japan were tative cost estimates released today by the were reported in last week's issue of this fluence, the hypocritical -attitudes, nd prospective members this eve- July as to whether to undertake all, part differed on whether it should, be regulated a MrS. Robert Summerville, presi- among those who joined, the Equit- shown by Mr. and Mrs, Albert Board of Education. .', . - .-•.-. newspaper.) ",/ ° • ' and the self-righteous assumptions ting. Rosalie Gross, membership DECORATOR or none of the proposal madefy the Mayor's by a "commission" or a "committee." °by both.the'right and the left that dent of the League of Women Vot- able in 1986. He is a member; of Baird, .also mettibers of tKe cluj). Board President Richard, J- Anderson »•- • Grand marshal for ihe parade will be hairman, will serve as hostess, be- Swim Pool Committee, headed by former Those opposing a commissy>n were fear- need to be exposed and defeated.' ginning at .8:30 at her home a^l.13. ers of Cranford, and Mrs. Samuel the company's Howard P^tithF -The pjeVf. officers, who presided noted that the figures have not yet been fin- Walter E. j26oper, who served.in the Mexican Mprheweck, vice-president, " were Agency, which has its headquarters Oriental fr Mayor Wesley N. Philo: ful of its powers, while those'opposed to a And it is on the campuses Q£ Jenwood^Rd. '. <>' ' aver, this meeting,.are as follows; CLOCK committee contended, it could be appointed alized by_ the board. Border Campaign in 1916 as a member of this country, Dr. Finch asserted, delegates to the * sixth, .biennial in Short Hills. Representatives of the special commit- The basic ^irns, ideals and mem- For Couples'Club Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krugh, presi- annually or permitted to expijre in accord- Plans'call for construction of an annex the Fourth New Jersey Infantry, with the that this can best be dpne. council meeting of the LWV of 1 . tee and Recreation Committee met last night ance with the political whims bf the mayor to the West End PI. building, which would ier obligations will be presented New Jersey last Thursday at the An oriehWl buffet supper was dent; Mr. arid Mrs . Melvin J. Mao 2()tn Division in the European Theatre dui- "I believe that our institutions >y President DonnjKSummerville. $5.50 at the Multi-Amp Corp., offices on Myrtle and committee in power at the- time! include a new library, new gymnasium, new of higher education are the best Robert Treat Hotel in Newark Association Secretary served tdythe Couples' Club of theMillan, vice-president; Mr. and ^ing World War I and as a member of the Chairmen will attencKto' explain Evelyn M. Chamberlain of Cran- St. with residents living adjacent to Memorial The commission will be composed of' industrial arts wing containing six rooms and source for safeguarding of the In addition to a review of the First Presbyterian Church last Mrs.
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