\ \ t THE EVENING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1910 9 Admiral P.F.Harrington Lauds Delaware's Naval Heroes upon his tomb, 'His private character nada with such precipitation as to was no less beautiful than his public T- t "i /ÿÉ suggest the term Might, leaving be­ 2Z % * e v services were distinguished ’ The hind many valuable provisions of Student of naval warfare will find In WRC. ! I A the deliberate preparations of the ’ I he British were already in pos­ captain of the Wasp to meet the session of a pact of what is now the Frolic and her armed convoy, the ap­ ; State of Maine, and the invasion con­ A, ' proach towards an enemy of superior templated the occupation of the north­ r ^ force, and the conduct of that sanguin­ ern part of New York, with a view . /■ j j ary combat the highest proofs of pro­ is m to a re-allgnment of the frontier upon fessional competence and personal de­ the conclusion of terras of peace. r* mmm votion. The conflict was brilliant, a One year and a day before tbe battle. [-/■ m • w ./<• shining example of skill and valor, Perry’s victory on Lake Erie had se­ l ; W cured control of the upper lakes and • / but Its value is traced by Its bene­ •fj \n ’ f. ficent results, its Influence upon the ..t” freedom from hostile expeditions in jsx-. : -ip J people and effect upon the national that quarter It was Macdonough’s » *  2 iv.MWr i’rV '»I I Interests. fortune, one month after the British t had occupied Washington and burned Sp K ■ "During a quarter of a century fol­ Si ' ■ u-. lowing the close of the War of the our ca’.itol, to render a greater ser­ a mm h jk / i Revolution, the Navy had been aband­ vice to the nation, putting an end to the enemy’s northern invasion and in­ oned and at times re-established, re­ m n. luctantly and partially, under the de­ tended enlargement of territory. In i * 1. some degree the battle of Lake Cham­ Eÿ ! <4 /Jr mands and insults of the Barbary V, States and the, aggressions of the plain may well be classed as decisive. I French government. A few gallant "The war of 1812 was declared in deeds, like the capture of the In­ behalf of freedom from restrictions by < surgent by the Constellation and the England upon our sea trade and com­ it recapture and burning of the Phila­ plete relief from the assertion and V delphia. had marked the high spirit tyrantcal practice of an alleged right 1 of impressment of seamen of American of our seamen. But the policy of ADMIRAL PUHTEL F.HARRIYOTOY the administration of Jefferson and of vessels, ’fbe seamen of our navy had Madison did not include the mainten­ a personal interest in the conflict. a i ance of an efficient naval force and but few ships were kept in condition j.,, aça- «stLSt ; 40 BHSÂàX,aP,.hrmvror‘,b.'l!,' Ä“ lT. •A for active service. The British had v ships-of-the-line, frigates, sloops and British organized an army for too in- » »• j ,i <(.uink .u,. » ... va-if . tatlon and prestige which the Amer- n smaller vessels, a thousand of them. %asion of New York and in August. N t . acaulrpd within two t Sir George Prévost marched south- .. Upon the approach of war, our gov­ ° i eh« years put an end to any later at- m •s’ ernment looked upon a contest with wardChamplain, along th*in 1 westerncommand shore of of aboutLake "" spaman haB bee , impressed fo^ the Masters of the Sea as impractic­ •V ' A ' J* able and contemplated laying up the sV tw.i&SkÂJt naval force or usipg it only to assist Crown V ôt . T,h Tirol.rteroe i P The "Congress voted to Macdonough a t in the defense of our ports It, was laf? fl nS w.» nto(Lf«rfdhv tghe a, commemorutive gold medal, and he r n S- # *> ' » upon the protest and entreaty of naval t l; was promated to the rank of captain, '£i - i lllf l tÉiii ^1 dtti * ADMIRAL SAMUEL FRAXCIS dnPOM. ish naval force on the Ldkp, under h•>fino »r„tv.. j # ,l i,n»»io 1». officers and. particularly, of Captains ____ . uAAn4n<r ♦ #-..1 /sk dating from the day of the battle \er- Coramodore Dow nie, keeping touch .. y. 1 . j...a • Bainbridge and Stewart, that our few „ .kr j__ mont gave him a Hundred acres of c r, i ._____ 1, frigates and sloops were allowed to with the advance of the army. F* latts- 1...j pt,i,ar|n„j u _j ...._ 1 COMMODORE JACOB JONES. s /retiré i whJ' f 6°?16 l0ubt about tbp fate ot that try their fortune on the sea. burgy was defendedj u.by potioroiGeneral Ma-\fo land. .on LuniuGrlandc f hl Head,victory- o\erlooK**t New S. N. (retired), who made the speech vessel. Cooper’s History says that a laree oart of the oeoole were comb, with about two thousand regu- „ ' “ thL.in/.or«yAf when the portraits of Commodore John she grounded in action in the Delà- opposed to the war or indifferent to j _ J f kminorirl n,lll lOTH LTdllttfl ft MlOUSdllQ &CFP8 0Î 1(111(1 MaCcdonoughS’and0Tdm?ral S SΓ' was’captured by the TtsTrosecution. The Admlnistmion Ua uf piatttburg Bay half wav bi- and 8 8Word; and Uelaware present- lighthouse establishment, and he ! duPont was given the thanks of Con­ tween thStowJ and Cumberland Head ft/oSÄtoS Cid^unaB WM*- °" ** lmp0rt,,,1, b°ard °f gress, the highest honor to which a Macdonough and Admiral Samuel British. The records of the Navy De- mpt the crisis feeblv and failed to Francis duPont were presented to the partment Library state that she took Trfate and send to the front forces „ . eon»,«/! Drder of the Cincinnati made him loao. naval officer can attain, and. on the and about a mile from each. Corarao- an honorary member. To-day a ves- “In 1845 Commander duPont w’na 16th of July following, when the grade battleship Delaware to-day. is a na- an active part, as one of Commodore necessare to a successful camna /n thnRterrommin'rt«r,fh»ri 8el of ,he nav>’ t,Pars hls na“p His appointed to command the Congress, five Delawarean, with a long and hon- John Hazelwood's fleet, in engage- “;ce88ai7 a aucpessral ca™palgp; was established by law, he was com­ • Vi was that of a master commandant, had services are honored and hls memory flagship of Commodore Stockton. missioned as Rear Admiral In the orable record in the naval service. The ments In the Delaware river, was in \e dpclared war *e did cherished by all Americans; byname bound to the Pacific station Arrlv- portraits were painted by Clawson S action at the destruction of the British st,roJ)g . ..war So,.tb® *u,Ten j Navy. and ten galleys or gunboats. Hls small ,)as8t.s OI1 through all the future of I'1* on ,he C(,a8t of California at the “A brief consideration of the attack Hammitt of this city, and the repro- ships Augusta, of sfxty-four guns, and ?l Forts Mackinaw and Detroit and fleet was materially Inferior to that ^ur , K u u e 01 bpglnn,nR of the Mex)can War, he took ductions used herewith are from pho- Merlin, eighteen guns, October. 1777 tbe lmPofenPe and disaster of Queens- upon the Charleston forta by the under Commodore Downie; Indeed. In ■■DplawaJe ha8 )ven t th . command of the sloop-of-war Cyano, Ironclads under Admiral duPont’a tograpbs made by the Royal Studio. and, being unable to pass the British a*ld minor engagements brought free waters and under sail, the Brit- wh “ flnP 8Prvice In wai “nd ln tbat 8b,P r0»d«r0d Important command will furnish a further ex­ Admiral Harrington lb the second fortifications below Philadelphia, she fbe land campaign of 1812 to an end Ish frigate Confiance would have “y ™ b f ”ecord ln ,hP Nnvv aprvlces throughout the war Partlc- position of hls ability and character. v ; son of Samuel Maxwell Harrington, was set on fire, to prevent capture by °* humiliation and gloom, velsVsT Ur AmeriCa,‘ Gepnrtnienl. There were Com^odore t^e at“ “Sullivan’s Island stretches north­ late chancellor of this State, and was 1116 enemy, November 19, 1777. ‘ Some beams of radiance and cheer ward and eastward from the entrance born at Dover, June 6. 1844. At the age ‘ The second Delaware was a sloop- Illumined the sea horizon. The capture ’’The necessity attending Prevosfs B°hN0nesG1^sjf^geoi^vnmim'johnaon ‘ftck upon 8nd capture of Mttla,lan ,n to Charleston harbor, On the other of 17 years he entered the United of'war of twenty guns, commanded by °f the Guerrlere by the Constituting, advance was British control of the . .o 1847. and to bis work at San Jose in side Morris Island reaches southward, States Naval Academy and was gradu- Stephen Decatur, father of the famous *be Macedonian by the 1 nlted Lake. The American naval force must „emhered hv n,fP .bfi”e8 ,!.* be r,®‘ 1848, where he landed with a hundred and the main ship channel In 1863 ated September, 1863, third in a class commodore of that name. In June, States and the Java by the Constitu- be captured or destroyed Macdon- J? , ‘ y 08r ow, c,,l*ena I'1 men and marching against a Mexican ran parallel with that shore until of 30 members, having accomplished near the Delaware capes, she tlon, under a new captain, proved the ough ohose the battleground and ““e.
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