E1432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 13, 2019 RECOGNIZING JAMES GEIGER FOR ently hiring qualified and strong candidates in RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF THE 2019 MONTANA CONGRES- order to continue providing the best for its cli- WILLIAM J. ‘‘BILLY’’ MCCOY SIONAL VETERAN COMMENDA- ents. TION In 2013, McCownGordon Construction was HON. TRENT KELLY named Business Philanthropist of the Year by OF MISSISSIPPI HON. GREG GIANFORTE Nonprofit Connect because of its consistent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MONTANA commitment to giving back to Kansas City. Wednesday, November 13, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The company devotes at least 10 percent of Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, Wednesday, November 13, 2019 net profits to worthy causes in the commu- I rise today to celebrate the life of William J. Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I rise nities it serves. The company’s craftsmanship ‘‘Billy’’ McCoy, who passed away on Tuesday, today to recognize James Geiger of Conrad, a and involvement in the Ronald McDonald November 12, at the age of 77. recipient of the 2019 Montana Congressional Longfellow House aided in providing tem- Billy was an honorable public servant, serv- Veteran Commendation for his service to his porary housing for families with sick children ing as Speaker of the House for the Mis- country and leadership in his community. receiving medical treatment. Along with the sissippi House of Representatives for many Mr. Geiger was a member of the United R.A. Bloch Foundation, McCownGordon col- years. As Speaker, Billy contributed to signifi- States Army Air Corps during World War II. laborated in renovating a portion of the Cancer cant legislation that revolutionized the econ- He served from 1942 to 1948 in the 303rd Survivor’s Park as well. Multiple projects for omy of our State. He was the champion of the Bomb Group and 360th Squadron and earned one of Kansas City’s treasures, the 1987 infrastructure plan that established a the Air Medal with six oak leaf clusters along NelsonAtkins Museum of Art, have also been four-lane highway system across Mississippi, with Service Medals in the European, Asiatic completed by McCownGordon Construction. which brought more businesses into the State and American theaters. Mr. Geiger attained that created thousands of jobs for Mississip- Thousands of visitors and Kansas City natives the rank of First Lieutenant. pians. Billy is directly responsible for bettering can view priceless and rare works of art in the Mr. Geiger was a B–17 pilot during World the lives of thousands of people. War II. During one of his crew’s missions, the newly renovated exhibits. Beautiful places like Billy was respected by all lawmakers across navigator and turret gunner were wounded. these are preserved and enjoyed by many be- the aisle as he lived his life true to Jesus’ During the chaos, Geiger turned the controls cause of the unwavering support of companies words: ‘‘love thy neighbor as thyself.’’ Left to over to his co-pilot and went to give first aid like McCownGordon Construction. These con- cherish his memory is his wife, Edith, his two to his crew. Mr. Geiger kept them from bleed- tributions and collaborations demonstrate how children, Sam and Kim, as well as all of the ing out and saved their lives. He is a true hero McCownGordon Construction has proven to people who had the pleasure of working with who went above and beyond the call of duty be an invaluable part of Missouri’s Fifth Con- him. Billy’s life was one of service, grace, and to serve his fellow man and country. gressional District. love for his community. He will be greatly Mr. Geiger has served on the Church Coun- Today, McCownGordon Construction em- missed by all whom he encountered. cil for the United Methodist Church, the ploys around 400 staff, all of whom contribute f Pondera Medical Center Hospital Board and is to the company in various ways. Construction a member of the American Legion. He is a HONORING MICHAEL MERY workers, architects, management, and admin- well-respected and adored member of his community. istrative staff all work together in order to cre- HON. JARED HUFFMAN I ask my colleagues to join me today in ate meaningful projects and buildings. OF CALIFORNIA commending James Geiger for his dedication McCownGordon is entirely employee-owned, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES so all employees have a stake through the and service. Wednesday, November 13, 2019 f Employee Stock Ownership Plan. The com- pany’s innovative and ambitious vision for the Mr. HUFFMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise IN RECOGNITION OF THE TWEN- future and for the community drives today in memory of West Marin community TIETH ANNIVERSARY OF McCownGordon Construction’s success. leader Michael Mery, who passed away on MCCOWNGORDON CONSTRUCTION McCownGordon sets itself apart by focusing September 28, 2019, at the age of 80, after a on growing positive relationships between em- lifetime of service. HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER ployees and clients, while adhering to its core Mr. Mery was raised in Inverness, where his family ran the post office, and he attended OF MISSOURI values. The company’s positive and commu- local schools through his graduation from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nicative workplace environment prompted it to Drake High School. As a youth, he spent be named one of the best places to work by Wednesday, November 13, 2019 many days exploring Tomales Bay and the Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, today I Fortune, the Kansas City Business Journal, area that would become the Point Reyes Na- proudly rise to celebrate the twentieth anniver- and others. tional Seashore. The experiences left him with sary of McCownGordon Construction and its Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring a lifelong love for the region’s natural beauty numerous contributions to the Kansas City McCownGordon Construction and its employ- and rural character. community. As a significant cornerstone of the ees for their hard work, perseverance, and Mr. Mery was a deeply rooted advocate for community, I am truly honored to have this es- commitment to their community. Together, his beloved West Marin community and lived tablishment in the Fifth Congressional District they have made it possible to achieve this in Point Reyes Station at the time of his pass- of Missouri. monumental twentieth anniversary. ing. He was instrumental in the creation of the McCownGordon Construction began as an West Marin Fund and a key figure in the cre- idea between two friends and eventual co- f ation of the fund’s community grants and Giv- founders, Pat McCown and Brett Gordon, who ing Through Youth programs. The community dreamed of starting their own construction PERSONAL EXPLANATION grants program has disbursed nearly $3 mil- company. Their main priority was to create a lion to local nonprofits thanks in large part to workplace that would prioritize their employ- Michael’s vision and leadership. The Giving ees, better serve their clients, and give back HON. WILL HURD Through Youth program was a particular pas- to the community. They made this dream a re- sion of his; the program teaches local students ality through dedication, perseverance, and OF TEXAS how to research organizations for grant oppor- hard work in July of 1999. During the labor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tunities. shortage of recent years when many construc- Michael’s activism served to sustain and tion companies struggled to find employees, Wednesday, November 13, 2019 nurture the agricultural community he called McCownGordon Construction managed to en- home for most of his life. He worked variously Mr. HURD of Texas. Madam Speaker, I was dure by investing in the development of its as a carpenter and as an organizer with the absent from votes due to travel. team. The business tripled its training budget International Development Exchange, and ably in order to be prepared for business growth Had I been present, I would have voted yea brought his life experiences to bear as a de- when the economy bounced back. Due to this on Roll Call No. 610, and yea on Roll Call No. voted advocate for economic and social jus- training initiative, McCownGordon is consist- 611. tice. He helped launch the West Marin Clinic VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:51 Nov 14, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K13NO8.002 E13NOPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS November 13, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1433 and the Tomales Bay Watershed Council, was awarded the highest honor a civilian can RECOGNIZING DALE LONGFELLOW among other organizations dedicated to the receive, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. FOR THE 2019 MONTANA CON- health and well-being of West Marin’s resi- This award is not given lightly. According to GRESSIONAL VETERAN COM- dents and natural wonders. the White House, to receive such an honor MENDATION Mr. Mery’s passing leaves some very big one must either contribute ‘‘to the security or shoes to fill, but thanks to his commitment to national interests of the United States, world HON. GREG GIANFORTE youth empowerment, a new generation of peace, cultural or significant public or private OF MONTANA endeavors.’’ It is fair to say, that Mr. Penske West Marin youth have come to the fore to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bring his community message into the 21st has done much in his life to grow his commu- Century. Michael is survived by Connie, his nity into a better place and his business into Wednesday, November 13, 2019 wife of 35 years, his sister Megan, and numer- the global industry leader it is today. Mr. GIANFORTE. Madam Speaker, I rise ous stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces and Mr.
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