Gibshill Children’s Centre Handbook 2019-20 Welcome to Gibshill Children’s Centre Gibshill Children’s Centre has been on this site in Gibshill since the 1970’s. It was initially an Urban Aid Funded Project and was then taken over by Education Services. In 2000, the Centre was substantially upgraded and we now have a beautiful, bright, airy building. The Centre provides a high standard of care and education which we hope that you will become aware of when you visit. We believe that close links between Home and Centre are essential and that working in partnership with you will provide the best service for you and your child. We believe in nurturing an environment where children and adults will feel safe, secure and happy. We will value their individuality, abilities and skills and ensure that their achievements are celebrated. This handbook gives you information about the Centre, however if there is any further information you require please do not hesitate to approach myself or any member of staff. We look forward to working alongside you in providing a happy, exciting and challenging experience for your child when attending our Centre. Janine Burns Head of Centre CONTENTS Page Aims and values Staff Session times, Age range of children, Centre Security, Car Park, Fund Money Admissions, Transition, Settling in period, Wrapround Service Term time holidays Our Curriculum & Transitions The four Capacities Literacy & English Mathematics Science Expressive Arts Health & Wellbeing Religions & Moral Studies Social Studies Technologies Special Events How We Promote Learning within the Centre Eco Schools & Green Charter Additional Support Needs, GIRFEC Equal Opportunities Data Protection, Care Inspectorate, Child Protection Information in emergencies, Fire evacuation, Emergency contacts, Accidents Attendance, Medicine, Medical & Health care, Smoking Suitable clothing Promoting positive behaviour, Meals & snacks Parents & Home School Link Parent’s Council & Complaints Important Addresses Inverclyde Council Education Service’s Direction Statement and Core Values Education Service’s direction statement: ‘Building Inverclyde through excellence, ambition and regeneration’ OUR VISION ‘Our vision is to ……. G get it right for every child I involve our local community in all we do B build on prior knowledge and experience S support and nurture individual children and their families H holistically develop children and families I include partner agencies when appropriate L learn and develop new skills independently and from each other L learn in a fun and creative way Our vision is linked to ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ (see pg 20). Parents are encouraged to share their vision for their child’s learning and this is displayed on the vision wall and is used by staff as a basis for planning learning. The vision is regularly updated by parents throughout the year and is at the core of everything we do in the Centre. 1 The Centre Staff The staff who work with your children in the Centre are all trained professionals. The staff attend in-service training in or- der that they keep up to date with the current educational initiatives. Head of Centre Janine Burns Clerical Assistant Gaynor Fanci Depute Head of Centre Craig Burns Catering Assistant Jeanette Ellis Nursery Teacher Irene Scott Janitor/ Cleaner Teresa Murray Early Years Education and Childcare Officers Early Years Support Workers Claire Frances McGuigan Gillian Hart Suzanne McAuslan Shannon Carruthers Michelle Ross Rona Keogh Susan Martin Margaret Lang Angela Fowler Heather Smith Vacancy 2 GIBSHILL CHILDREN’S CENTRE 2 SMILLIE STREET GREENOCK PA15 2NH Telephone:- 01475 715707 Email: [email protected] Website: http://gibshillfamily.inverclyde.sch.uk/ SESSION AGE RANGE OF CHILDREN We can accommodate 40 children per session in our 3-5 room and 15 children in our 2-3 room. We have places in the Centre for 2-3 year olds and 3-5 year olds. Morning Session: 8.45am – 11.55 a.m. Afternoon Session: 12.30pm—3.40pm There are a small number of 2.5 day placements and wraparound Placements which can be considered if you meet the criteria. CENTRE SECURITY FUND MONEY A security system operates at all times. Please press the RECEP- Parents are requested to make a contribution to the TION button, or follow the instruction at the door and someone will Centre of £2.00 per week, this supports bak- open it for you. ing activities, outings, transport, Christmas present etc. These costs are not met by the CAR PARK Local Authority, so we rely on the generosity of parents. The car park is for staff cars only. This is also our emergency exit if the building needs to be evacuated. 3 SETTLING IN PERIOD For many children this will be their first experience of separation from you and it can be difficult for both you and them. To minimise this, we ask parents to spend time in the Centre with their child on their first day, which will be a short stay for both of you. The settling in procedure can vary from ADMISSIONS child to child depending on their individual needs. For children born in March to August, their entitlement commences in the August following their third birthday. Children are entitled to 600 hours of ENROLMENT nursery education ( pro rata depending on their birth date ) We hold enrolment sessions before your child is due to start The following table is the intake for nursery for the 2019/20: nursery. All children who are due to start in the Centre will be asked to come and visit for a informal information session and ADMISSION TO NURSERY tour of the building. You will also find out who your child’s key- worker is on this day. Children who are born between Admission Date (During the month of: ) 1st March – 31st August August 1st September – 31st December January 1st January – last day in February April If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact the Centre. WRAPROUND SERVICE Gibshill Children’s Centre has limited places which are available to parents who are in employment, training or education. The charge for this Service is £4.00 per hour which is payable directly to Inverclyde Council. Further information about this service can be obtained at the Centre. The Centre does not deal with the charges for this service. Parents and carers are invoiced directly by Education Services. 4 TERM TIME HOLIDAYS First Term Return Date for Pupils—Monday 19 August 2019 Second Term September Weekend— Monday 9 September 2019 Mid-term Holiday—Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 Febru- October Holidays ary 2020 Monday 14 October 2019 to Friday 18 October 2019 (inclusive) Return Date for Children—Thursday 13 February Schools Close– Friday 20 December 2019 2020 Children Return –Monday 6 January 2020 Schools Close—Thursday 2 March 2020 Return date for children—Monday 20 April 2020 Third Term: May Day—Monday 4 May 2020 Schools Close– Thursday 21 May 2020 Children Return—Wednesday 27 May 2020 Schools Close—Friday 26 June 2020 IN-SERVICE DAYS: Thursday 15th August 2019 Wednesday 12th February 2020 Friday 16th August 2019 Tuesday 26th May 2020 Monday 21st October 2019 5 Our curriculum TRANSITION We follow Curriculum for Excellence which is a new curriculum which spans ages 3-18. This document gives The key to effective transition is effective communication be- continuity as the Curricular Areas are the same throughout tween the early years establishment, school and parents. The the child’s education. transition process will begin early in the pre school year and continue into early primary 1. There are 8 Curricular Areas which are: Transfer from Pre-Five Establishment to Primary School. 1. Health & Wellbeing Children are normally transferred between the ages of 4 ½ and 2. Mathematics 5 ½ years , although this may be negotiated 3. Literacy & English in exceptional circumstances 4. Technologies 5. Science At Gibshill Children’s Centre we have good links with 6. Social Studies local Primary Schools. We transfer information to the school 7. Religious & Moral Education when children leave at summertime in the form of a transition report. We also meet with teachers to discuss 8. Expressive Arts children’s progress. Within these curricular areas there are lists of learning Buddies visit the nursery before the outcomes which we have broken down into children start to strengthen the link statements which tell staff and parents what children between nursery and school and give the children confidence in should be achieving. their new learning environment. Please see Inverclyde Council Website for your designated schools contact infor- mation 6 Smillie Room 2 - 3 years This well-planned and sensitively thought-out environment encourages children to explore and investigate at their own individual pace. Staff observe and thereaf- ter plan according to the individual child’s stage of development. The national guidance, Pre-Birth to Three: Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children and Families and the Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach supports and informs our staff in the delivery of the curriculum. The experiences the children will be involved in are wide and varied and include:- water play books and puzzles playdough / tactile sand play physical imaginative play discovery play creative construction The Rainbow Room 3 – 5 years In this playroom the values, principles and purposes of ‘Curriculum for Excellence’ influence our planning for children’s learning. Children’s learning is planned across eight areas: Expressive Arts Religious and Moral Education Health and Wellbeing Science Literacy and English Social Studies Numeracy and Mathematics Technologies Listed below are two useful websites that you may wish to visit: http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/parentzone/ http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/learningandteaching/earlylearningandchildcare/prebirthtothree/ Smillie Room Curriculum Planning There is a strong relationship between early life experiences and how babies and young children develop cognitively, socially, emotional- ly and physically throughout their lives.
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