
LIST OF DENTISTS in U.S. and Canadar Apply to R. L. POLK & CO., Detroit. RJ:;(; STJ:R A :"0 OlRr.;C':l'ORY. G rnnct ~nllau.·. \ nn 'l.nnclt. H ll \\'o • ~ ' harl•' S C (II). ~s· ~ . (;rice. t Jl.,httr. JOO. ~ .<~. ~l• •· m. • ,J II <RJ ~ D~rnc1l D c.• Hoyd Ella~ S. • (;ro~~hecJ -. l . lm~•ton~. 1,- Ku\' Kendall J " . • Cantrell CharlP!' E. 102, 1 93 4t;2 :\l i~RCH)f \.K 0 )1, :'\1 D (R), <•a.ntrell \\'m \Y <R), 162, 'Yi. Brown W'm "\'\' (R). l•-;1). 1~ 7. • )tlssouri )1Nl ('oil. St L<>u- C'handl<•r ~la.rshall :\f (R). 2!f.t Bug~ S~mu~t D <R). 19-4 1~1. ts. :Mo. tsro: Post-Gra.d 187·i . ·ox Jo~f'n.h w (R\, 16:!. 1$93. Course ;\('W' Orl()n.n!l: Poly- , Cochr an Edward G. ~. 15&2. ftcnnts Thom~:- H.• cllnl<'. 1901; LoC':tl Sur~ T Cnrl~y n K • Rankin Jo'lll D • and P R R: Sur~ T.;OnP ~tar G..a.lllnrd Dn.vicl L (R) 100. '77. \\'t-l('h Thom::t'~' A. 162. 1897 Snlt "·orks; <'It\' Phys: Jlarc Thomns D (R).' 2S2 "i1. G ro, e ton . TrinH,·. 1 .~07. Sec Van 7.anrlt Co )fed H:t\\ kin~ E R.• Retired: Chn.J)m:m .rohn \\" CR"\. 30l:ES A~sn ; )1:ed Bxamr P~nn IT.-\ '''Lgy I·n!GI-J:-.'"IF) A .\( ))' H ill Jam'·~ A CR). 162. 1900. :\Iutua.l. Prud~ntlal. r 13 (R), H.•;sh :\h'<i Coil' ~t- Garv John ~~ (R). 159. 18S6. A's. Endo\\•tn()nt 'Rank K ot cag-o, Ttl, l~; '.\~.st Instrue- ~rcl\ow Jl John S (R). 169. 'f!l. P n.nd )todcrn Tontles. tor T:;yc ,lncl J•;ar "t\·r·st Si<le Stc''<'Jl~(>n Wm J (R), 162. · ~. Ma.r tln T A.• rUnic ~~~hool , ('hlc:\go, Towns J~n <" H (R). 159 '90. Meekq John S CR). 3<H. lSS~ Ophthalmic Sun~ )1, K & GutHlnlu ru•. Y icto rl~. lS. Jla.ther Houston (R)• 15~. 93. T and S S & Southern Ry. Dt.' Tarr "" T • Sa n th~T orth .John A. t~racUc ~o.' Limite <.\ to 1-~yo, Gun~h:l • t. ~t er•ltemc. 2:JtS . Simmons S A.• Ea.r. ~OH· aml 'l'hron.t: R h otlf.q 'R F • Grn.ncl "\"j~" ••Jo h u.,.<, "· :\1cm Hunt Co and ~orth Gunte r. Grn ~"'on. 22. 713. Tcxa~ :\h.~ Assns. HOOD \\" ~ v n (R). )lcm- Cooper Samu~ l )I_ CR). 1G2. '}· Kennedy Charles T (R). 111. 1•hb Ho~J) )red 0..ol1 )tern- H ayden G<>or~ c "\'\ <R). 121'. :iS 1'\9!'!. 1 phi!". T· rm. 1 . 'cw Or- Love \\" R (R). • Kcv l..or(>n7.o n (R). ill?,, 1878. INl.'lS P Qh·c Jf'l c 1001 )fed N e\\'tOn A K (R). 122, 1SS3 Lhinl(>v \Vm R (f!.), 172, 1<:9~ . E'xamt· T\. 0 ""· X 1 Lite O'fl3ra. Jamc-~ H (R). 1G2. '74. ~JJLIJi•;n S \)1\JEL A. ){ D. and ~f;.\uhanntt I.tfc I ns Smlth Robert J nn. 102. l~l . P h G, )ft·d Dept Unlv QC Cos. Yater Chnrll'~ '\t (H). 299A. , !42 Tenn Xa2hYitl(·. T..-·nn. 1'9l. <:n ., tJ n ~ . \omnn (• be 212. Gt·nn~ •r. \\ itlin.m,on. ~ ~ C::'ont:illtln~ Specb.Ust Th\. Brown .l P • And()rson Jamt. s C (R). 1'3. )JHkr )lc<l Jnst; )f\)m Paul Dnnlf·J J <: .• :L.~. • ., F y.;,. ~ )h•d Snl" O( the Unlv Smlth D:lJ if'1 )( 1R'\. 1~. 1 Si. Gidner C'h!trl(·S C (R). lW. !t-. () ( T~nn. :\kd F:xamr The (; n,.,. ~ cor,·. l .("on z .• )(c('arty Mtlburn.• ::-() curilv )I ut, ot X '\' an•! L a<''-'Y R( \J rt C Ill.). 1~3. l~JO. ).f<'Daniel Ralph • Pacific ·)!ut T..-ffe Ins Co ofl H n~nn~ J •ort. Frnnl: lto. 9S " "Inn \\" A (R), 171. lS!'l. ~·ant. ft :n~ i$ .Jetl'•·r~on • Gt-ntle lnlHl. l-l()nHton. :100 )tlln~r 'fhom:ls J CR). 11)), '7) Dick~>r '" T. "·· Mcrl"-'Cthlr Lcwls (R). 1G2. \f<.od·· \fil•a I., {R). 3(lt5A •. Grt"<:llC! Cullte J t~) . 1~'1 lSOO. 1871. ~~oo th• \"\'rn C cR). lti2, 1<\70 )J ' I~l"k G F (R) 1~ 1<\~. Rob('rtson Harr~· S (R). 3tW. l't"!\k 'Pr <> ~t<'n \ 0'0. 1!13. ~C\qo; 11:111. Fnnnln. !t6 1584. 1 P··nnin:::-ton Wm E (R), H·~.'St H ., ,,, ,.., ~ tl> 'nt I D (I1). Woodward F C' (IH. 100. 18~7 . Hn 1 ~~ .ln .T:lmr·s '" (R).3•)1.'9~ 1-. : ~~~ Grtt.ll~' tnc . 'l'nrrn u t ;'()2 ~ •oonO\'t"' r .T~rfc t ·s on (R). 2'".?3. Hn.ilf"y, Uarrhon !10. Dorris Thomas n (RJ. 1!'3, '!tt 1~r.\1. Hl·tlrNl. A lkln~ \Y P (R). 162. Jc:t'l'i Ltps('omb Rnb<>rt S (R). Hi2 RP \l·T ..,. DJ~G 1"'H0)L\ ~ B. Hnhte.-"·111<'. ,,-oo(l ~t lS!.'. I \I D (R), )£t~ d 'Of·nt l"nn- Pnck<'tt J ~rars n •R) 1m '95 ~ Llp-.<'omb ''"m D (R). 1~3 . nt T('~ns. Gah·t· ~ton. Tex. Hnle Ccnt ct", Unl tH; .. lSi'i. 162, 1 l ~V!\1: Prf:'o:: Pcn~lon Examn~ Brid~~s r )l.• )fcRl.'c )I )1.• Rc'l'l.rd nt Gr~et Yllt • Tex: liaro B )t <R• 21·5. 1876. Green' illc. Uunt. 6. 60. ( ·m Xorth T exas . f·••l )lrrr::t JOS( Ardis Isaac (R). 15 . 1874. .A!osn and Hunt Co )1 •d IJnl~~horo . lt<-cl Rh·f"r. 70 - Arnold Benjamin F.• \~~n; :\fc\1 F.xnmr Ha.rt!or,l \mddock \ l>. Arvin Hu~h T OU. l5S. 1$!11. t,lft' Ins Co o! Hartford. ~hi Th<'ma,... P <R•. 3l'()B. lSYl. Atk ln~on X~pol<>on T (H) 3<12. Con:' Ro,·al Trib<- Josc.-ph. Rn llt"tt ~ '\ tll<•. I :n·n c u . 1.- 1~~~- .\ o e ~-. ·tc. Offict north •a.. "Ralrd John P CEcl). 26:?. 1 11. side Square. H.\.RRI o~ JOHX \\" (R). BECTO~ .TOSEPH D CR). SPN\.kcs T·~ T (ln. lro. 1S'i7. Tu1an~ ent,·, )f cl ncnt, rnlv o! ::-\asln-Hlt: and Ynn- ~n;ith Edw~ rd * Xe ~· Orl~::m..:, L~ 1~. <lc-rbH t t:nh. )lvd 0('pts. S' indell .John \Y lR) )l4. '91 l{nox T RO<!z.~ r (.R), 256. 1SS6. X a~lwillc. 'f('lnu. lSOO: At- ~~olte Joseph )[ (R). ~t 1~. T~ ob i a. A.• tf'lHled r...( ctur<.-s I...outs- Greeuwc•ocl . '\\' iH"'. 3lf'J. l.~i. .. James E (R). 162. 1 . viJlc :\fed f'olt 1 - ~; Pro( .\J,~T,RX .TO~EPH H . \ n. f Lcdl:-.ettc-r .\'b~lom A {R), Op<>ratfv" Sm~,· Unh· o! D (ll), )INl DN)t Ft \\'or ~ 16'1 1111 Dalla~ :\f('ti nc:-pt: Local t:nfv, Ft \\'orth. T<'X:l~. ' {1\. ~-·\\~b... rry Arthur J.' <R > 16!, Surg St L ~ \\. and T• x - \f<'m Xor h\\l'!.'t Tr.:xa~ \Ie<' 1·~1. a~ ~fl<H,\ncl R R's; )(t•m A~'m IHnll :n~ Uh•. Jtnrrlaon. z:;o. atHl cx-Prt>~ Hunt Co ~hod ..:\ r r,r. .. :" TJ 10:\L\S R. \[ D ~lorrl.son Philo P (R). 1~ S9. Assn; :\fcm Texns Stntc:- (R St I <'u1<: oll <'f Phvs lTUl J C (k), 3{11, lSi~ . nn<l ::'\orlh Tcxa~ )ll..'d :-•n·l ~ur~~. St l..Otll~. )lo. Homllton. nnn,llton ~11 . Assns ancl Collin ('o ~1<'<1 1 ~1: ~11<'"' :lnd F.x-Prl's BoJdiug \\ 'r (R), 169,1901. Soc: )(ed J·;xamr :;\hnu.'l.l l ~ort.hwc t Tc:-x~s )fed Jenkins S )f (R). ~. 1892 <:-.: Y) and oth~r Life Ins \.$$11 : ~["~t 1·~~\.mr Fi<h·llty Kooken R .-\ (R). 30-l, 15 • 1 _ · Ccs. )lut. :ln<l other~. P~n- y Georg~ F ( 1<.). 1~. l<r.o. Birdson~ )lll+>s J (R), 2:$2. '64 1 ('adc\r>ll )fnrun • Pre-sley 'r 1·; (R). ~. 1~ Retired h IWX rharl('S H (R). 144. ·~~~ Smfth H 0 (R'. ~A. loor 2. - ABBRE\~ IATIONS-R., Regular, )J., Homwopathlc: _Rei., Eclectic: P •• M •• Ph: lo: 1\I•dfcal ; •, No report rocehcd· §. Bolds eorl.Jiicato or Ex~mloint: Board~ t , Lc~:a ll) nuthorlzed und ~ r t h e ••yeD.l'8 or prae tlco" section o! tho net; ., D r uggis t. •t • Of OMAHA, NEB. C RAS. u. DREl1~1t rna h a Sant artum, M. D., 1\ted. Director' 0 A modern institution for treatment of Chronic Diseases. ~~~~~v~~$ t888 T~\·a-1 7'o:as Jlamllton-Lon.'J. :\ktl l<;xamr •:\l utual Life, N TennY Leighton P (R), 30· A 'V!nn J B. Y Llfc, .F-:qul t able, Home t:S'J:• " • llnn\l)tO l\, 'J' ~ ter 300 I.itc, and Provident S.rvlngs Thwt .llt 0 r,.• S t~ wat't R P (H) . .»t. .1.!.~. Life .\sscc Soc. IJ('.J'<·rc;r•l. U c•nr S mHb ltn n c o c l' , l, i uH•-. Lono ; ~ . " -ilk ns W ~!. • 532. Dti\' •r J<-s~ ~ n,, 30oi. l~l. Il ~u.r n • U o l,c r t. t~u 2 ,- Hounds R \V 3%B, 1897.
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